Chapter 15

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Brienne's laboring began late in the morning of a day that promised a blizzard. She had been standing at the sideboard in the tiny hut she shared with Tormund, preparing bread for the family's midday meal when her swollen belly began to twist with a painful cramp. Dropping the knife she was holding, Brienne gasped loudly. She brought one hand up to cradle her large rounded abdomen through her thick woolen gown. She had months ago begun to wear a loose roomy frock instead of her britches. With her other hand she grabbed the table top, squeezing the wooden slab as hard as she could to brace against the pain.

Munda and Anya had come to stay with them during Brienne's last moon of pregnancy. The girls' mothers thought they might be of help to Brienne during that time. Tormund was glad that there were extra eyes to watch over his wife as her time grew near, and Brienne was thrilled they would be close when the baby was born. The girls were a welcome addition to their little home. Life was peaceful and happy as everyone awaited the arrival of their new addition.

It was Munda who noticed Brienne's pain first. She ran to her, alarmed. "Brienne." The girl yelled. "Is it the baby?" She questioned nervously.

Brienne could only nod and reach to grasp Munda's outstretched hand, as Anya came running up beside them. "Get Papa!" Munda urgently ordered her little sister, as she squeezed Brienne's curled fingers. The younger girl's eyes grew wide. She turned quickly and was running before she reached the doorway.

Outside, Tormund was splitting firewood in the falling snow to ensure that their hut was kept warm for Brienne and the baby. Anya screamed for him as she came bounding out of the little skin house. "Papa!" Her voice echoed over the snow.

The full force of the contraction was hitting Brienne as Tormund reached her. The pain of it bent her over, and she groaned against it. She clutched at her belly trying desperately to make it stop. Tormund grabbed her hand, and could only rub her back as she winced in pain. With fearful eyes she finally looked at him as the wave of pain began to subside.

Gasping for her breath, she straightened a bit, and tried to smile. "I think it might be time." Brienne said, trembling.
The past months had been the happiest Brienne had ever known. She never dreamed she could be so content. Her heart swelled as her belly did the same. She was certain their had never been a more loving, concerned, or doting father in all of the Seven Kingdoms than Tormund. He would barely allow her to lift a finger. She swore he had not removed his hands from her expanding abdomen for longer than a moment over the past seven moons. She loved him, and she loved the babe she was about to bring into the world.

They had settled back into life in their home in The North as if they had never left. The little hut for which Brienne had yearned so desperately while she on Tarth, was soon teeming with activity. Friends, and fellow villagers visited to welcome them home, and congratulate them on the approaching arrival of their child. Jon was a constant and cherished fixture, one of the family. Munda and Anya were as helpful to her as their father, and a source of immeasurable joy. Brienne could not have loved them more if they were her own flesh and blood. This life of domestic bliss was everything she never knew, she always wanted.

As the days glided by Brienne soon found that her favorite times were the nights. When the darkness settled over the land, and the world grew quiet, she and Tormund would lay together in their warm bed and delight in each other. As the baby grew and Brienne's body began to feel the effects of carrying another human within, she relished taking the pressure from her bones and nestling into the warm furs beside him, her heavy belly resting against the support of his body. Tormund would wrap himself around her and trace circles on her abdomen until his hands came to rest atop her, where they would wait until he felt their child kick his palms through Brienne's skin. The happy couple would laugh, and sigh together until, Brienne drifted off to sleep. Tormund would lay awake long into the night enjoying feeling the strong movements of his child in Brienne's belly. Often she would awaken to either see him smiling over her, or to find her neck wet from the joyful tears he had shed. During the earlier days of Brienne's
pregnancy, those nights would usually drift into passionate love making that would end with them both exhausted. Brienne would then turn on her side, and Tormund would wrap her protectively in his arms, his hands returning to rest over their baby. They were both excited and eager for their child to join their happy life.
As the first pain of her labor subsided, Tormund eased Brienne down onto one of the chairs beside the little table where the family took their meals. Finally able to catch her breath, Brienne tried to make her face exhibit the bravery she did not feel. Her shaking hand still held tight to his. It had not been the most terrible pain she had ever felt, but she knew it would grow much worse. She tried to keep her mind in the present and not think about the ordeal that lay ahead of her.

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