You, since forever

By sadgopibahu

568K 25.5K 5.5K

She looked at all of them with hopeful eyes. No one belived her. Except Him ! She didn't expect him to believ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

24.6K 1.2K 211
By sadgopibahu

Assalamu Alaikum fam!!!I am overwhelmed by your response. I just cant. I rubbed my eyes twice when I saw my notification. I am smiling like a goof while typing this thankyou note. You guys are love. I just cant. Thank you all those who added my story to their reading lists (rimmy13579 aduuzainuu QueenLiza001 and Tasfia1504 ) Thank you all !!! It means alot to me.  You guys are best. I dedicate this lengthy chapter to you all who just made me cross 100 reads.SPECIAL MENTION MehnazKhan0!!!! You voted on each and every chapterr!!! Girl you made my day !!! Omg I am blushing , my cheeks you  loadsss !!! Praying that your day is full of happy vibes and sunshine and good news ! The song above is "Dekha Hazaroon Dafa" by Arijit Singh . God I love this song. And next is the black dress Haya is going to wear. (THANKS TO HUMSAFAR I AM OBSESSED WITH BLACK DRESSES)

It's been nearly a week since that night. Taimoor had gone to Karachi and that too without informing her. She was hurt. It stung but she did miss him. She felt alone. LOST !Even though there was Bua. Sometimes she'd wake up to a scary dream with no one to comfort her or joke about it to divert her attention. Bua was here but she was in her quarters. Sometimes Haya' would just want to talk about something. Anything ! And she'd have no one. Mariyam, her best friend was busy with her wedding preparations which was happening this week. Strange, both of them were just rushed to the altar. 

Haya hadn't talked to her family since that dreadful night, so they too were off the list. Aiman appi and Saman would just text Taimoor ,"hey bro check up on your wife" if she called  them to chit chat. 

Taimoor was a jerk to her, 24/7 .Not 24/7 ,her heart protested. But at-least when he was here, she didn't feel this alone. All her energies were invested in him. He'd piss her off and she'd then try to even the score. It was a continuous cycle. And she had grown to enjoy it rather than getting pissed and annoyed like old times.

The whole week was a trial. Though , the orphanage and the freelancing kept her busy. It wasn't enough. Sometimes, she would have this overpowering urge to call him. Ask him to come back. But then she didn't want to force herself on him.

I mean, he had actually left me when I had closed my eyes in a silent approval .What did he expect me to say. Hey buddy, kiss me please because I have never being kissed before? Because ,I want to kiss you? Or something like "Take me". This was Pakistan for heaven's say. WE DON'T DO IT HERE [NOTE :READ IT IN WAKANDA STYLE],She thought.

 Did she just buddy zoned her husband? Haya actually laughed at the question her alter ego had come up with. He had left her feeling like a horny teenager, he deserved to be called buddy. She loved to think that it was her self-respect which was stopping her from calling him. Actually, it was her fear. 

Fear that what would he think? Fear of what will he do. What if he rejects her? They have been enemies, all their lives. If there was any crush it was from her side. Someday's she used to wondered if there was a possibility that she was still not over that childish crush. Maybe Mariyam was right all along. AHHHHH ,the maybes!!!

Taimoor's best friend Shahmeer, was getting married to her best friend Mariyam. What a cliche? Turns out Mariyam and Shahmeer were childhood beaus, which Mariyam had no clue about. Shahmeer came to know about that on Haya's wedding while Mariyam was shocked and even appalled at the idea of her parents throwing that "you are engaged since forever" card at her.

 Haya and Mariyam  hadn't expected the "BE MY FOREVER" kind of proposals. They knew they were going to have an arrange marriage. But atleast a little less dramatic one would have been nice.

The golden invitation card of Mariyam's and Shahmeer's wedding was resting on the coffee table. She had received it last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Taimoor Hassan' was written in bold italics on the card. Mrs. Taimoor Hassan still made her cringe sometimes. 

Should she attend the wedding ? What would Shahmeer think when he'll see her alone? Did he know about the circumstances of their wedding? He was there at Saman's nikkah. Maybe he did. Mariyam at-least didn't know. What was Haya supposed to tell her best friend? That she had a lousy family .That her family had abandoned her when she needed them the most. Mariyam had assumed that Taimoor was so in love that he wanted to get married to her as soon as possible. That he had been in love with her since forever. Haya didn't correct her. It was better that way, with Mariyam not knowing the real circumstances of her marriage. Haya didn't want her best friend to pity her. Taimoor and his pity had covered all the lifetime quota she had reserved for pity. She did not want more.

The dilemma she was in,  was that Haya couldn't ditch the functions because of Mariyam. She had to be there for her big day. She had already withheld the truth of her marriage from her. Ditching Mariyam's wedding celebration would make her a shitty excuse of a friend. But the fact that people would ask her about Taimoor and his whereabouts and what was she going to say, were driving her nuts.

Saying, she didn't knew when her husband was returning. That he  probably and actually had left to avoid her, was way too down on her list .Although it was true. 

After an hour of debating and reasoning, Haya decided to go to the Mehndi. She had to . She couldn't abandon it because her husband wasn't here, and she felt incomplete. 

Haya decided to wear a black full length a-line frock with golden embroidery. Coincidentally , it was Taimoor who had gotten her this dress. 

Not so much of a coincidence if you ask me. You literally hand-picked it Haya, her alter ego stated. Haya's alter-ego was a b***.
OKAY . He loves black. And so do I. Not a big deal, she told herself . 
Who are you trying to fool? Her alter ego asked.

Ignoring her alter ego, Haya busied herself with getting ready .She tied her hair in a messy bun and secured them with a jhora stick. After applying light makeup and wearing the golden jumka's she was good to go.

Haya had asked Bua to accompany her to the Mehndi, because she didn't want to go alone. Ali drove them to the farmhouse Mariyam's family had rented. Bua on the ride, told her that she looked elegant and the dress suited her so much. She had  kissed Haya's forehead,  gave sadqah to the beggar who had approached them on a closed signal. All that to protect Haya from evil eye, little did Bua know that evil eye's of Tai and Salman had already ruined her.

"Salam aunty ", Haya said hugging Mariyam's mother who gave her a lung squashing hug. After meeting and greeting everyone, she went to Mariyam's room.

 Mariyam who was so in love and actually happy , looked radiant. It was confusing since Haya knew that Mariyam too was forced into the marriage. Maybe forced wasn't the right word. Pushed! Yes, she was definitely pushed into this commitment.

Mariyam had always been the mature one out to the two , so maybe she had decided and accepted her pre-decree(Qadar) . If Mariyam was acting then she was hell of an actress as she had fooled Haya. 

 Haya helped her with jewelry as her makeup was already done. Mariyam was wearing a magenta lehnga which had green and orange embroidery. She looked exquisite. "Here goes the jumka. Now you are done M. You are the prettiest bride I know. I am so happy for you", Haya said and she smiled. Her eyed glittery with the tears.

"Do you want me to cry?" Mariyam asked her.
Haya was about to reply when Mariyam's little cousin barged into the room chanting that the groom and his family were here.

Soon it was time for the bride's entry. Thankfully no one had yet asked Haya about Taimoor. Haya helped Mariyam with her lehnga as she guided her to stage. Shahmeer, stood up as he saw Mariyam making her way from the crowd and offered her his hand which Mariyam gladly took after a moment of hesitation. Everyone hooted and cheered for the couple.

Why did her heart ache so much? Why did she suddenly feel like crying? The emotions clogged her throat .She was feeling lonely in the sea of people . She excused herself as she went to get a glass of water from the table which was far from the stage and less crowded, to calm her nerve.

Haya was drinking water as she looked at the happy couple from afar and smiled.
"Miss me? " A whisper in her ear sent a wave of shiver through her body. She didn't have to turn to know who it was .She could feel him .He was here! Only he had this sort of power over her.  HE IS HERE. Her mind screamed. "Yes! I missed you. A little too often, a little too much and a little more with every passing second. You never left my mind .At night I'd wake up scared and I wanted to call you ,tell you that, 'I don't care how you get here, just get here if you can.'  . You grew on me like a malignant(a tumor which spreads) tumor. And you have spread through me . You are in my heart. Tumor, because I didn't want it .You annoy me. But I got too used to that and YOU. Guess what they were right when they said it takes 21 days to develop a habit. Adadat ho gae hai,mujhe ( It had become a habit. ) "

 This and  so much more that she wanted to say. But the thought of him brushing her off held her. She was a burden; he had accepted gracefully. She kept forgetting that he hated her guts. That he pitied her. So, she guarded herself and lied as the tears formed in her eyes.

"Miss you ? I was actually enjoying myself." She said turning to face him. Taimoor was wearing a plain black sherwani which though was coincidental but still they were twining. It bought a smile to her face. He was looking handsome as always . Actually, he looked more attractive now that his stubble had grown an inch longer. It suited him. His hair were longer than they were the last time ,she had seen him. Seeing him standing there so close to her, made her heart pound faster. She looked everywhere except at him. The consequences of last time were enough to teach her a lesson.

"Next time when you plan to lie , please don't bite your lips. They give you away", he said as he smirked. Jerk . Okay! Maybe, she did bite her lips whenever she lied. She was always nervous of getting caught red handed with the lie that she had to bite her lips to avoid the smile. And well now, she did get caught.

 He knew she missed him. The best she could do was escape. So, she turned away from him. Planning to flee when a hand got hold of her arm , and pulled her back. Haya's back collided with his well-built chest. With her back , touching his chest Haya was pressed against him, she could smell his cologne. God .She had missed him so much.

"If I were stupid enough , I would think you wore this dress because you missed me. You look prefect there is this just one thing I would love to change." He whispered in her ear. His voice was so husky, it was making her body quiver with this sensation that was so foreign, yet so pleasant.

Pulling the joora pin out of her hair, he said "Now you look perfect." Her naturally wavy hair fell around her shoulders and then released her.  And then she ran trying to put as much distance between them as she could.

Haya was overwhelmed. Taimoor was here. He is here. Her mind kept screaming. It was like someone had added colors to the black and white life. Fragrance to the flowers. She suddenly felt complete. With her hair down and a bright smile, she made her way to Mariyam. Maybe she had went easy on him. She had forgiven him already. She didn't care where he was before. All that mattered was that he was here now. With her !

"You look different. You look happy." Mariyam commented. "Oh, it's the hair. And of course, I am happy. My best friend is getting married." Haya told Mariyam as she gave her a bright smile. Mariyam wanted to argue that it wasn't the hair. But she let it go.

"Hey man. I have been waiting for you since an hour. What were you doing? These bridesmaids are giving me hell of a time " Shahmeer asked . Haya turned to find Taimoor behind her.
"Nothing, just got back from Karachi an hour ago. Drove home changed and her I am . And if you are talking about my wife , she's from our side." Taimoor said giving Shahmeer an high five.

Mariyam opened her mouth to argue again but then she closed it again. While Haya was rooted to the spot. His wife . Whom he had totally and completely forgotten about. Haya wasn't angry just annoyed  still she just couldn't ignore how  "my wife" had pulled the strings of her heart.

After the dinner was served , the yard was arranged into a play area of couples. It was a game to check their compatibility and understanding. Every one was participating . Thanks to Shahmeer and Mariyam , Haya and Taimoor were forced to take part too.

First it was the staring contest. Haya, thought she could do it all day. It wasn't a big deal they did that all the time. The couple who looked away or broke the eye contact lost. Last 10 couples left would make it to the next round.

The game began ,Haya looked into Taimoor's black orbs .And she was lost. His eyes were so black and deep.  There were tons of black eyes. Black was a common eye color  but only his made her completely unaware of the surrounding. She could feel him looking inside her soul. She was planning to look away because it was getting way too sensual and awakening her . When she heard his voice, " I know what you are planning to do. Just please don't look away. I am very competitive. And I don't want to lose . I'll agree to whatever ask me to do in exchange of this ,"  He pleaded. His eyes never leaving her's. Now that was an offer she couldn't refuse. "Anything?" Haya asked . Her eyes not leaving his. "Anything". He replied.  God, even his voice was stirring her up. 

After what felt like eternity of him looking at her ,they finally made it to the next round. Did she want to win? She never really cared about winning. Maybe she'd be interested if she was winning against Taimoor. Like an argument or coming up with some smart-ass comeback, for which she had a mental score card and brownie points. Now that they were working together , like really together as a team , she wasn't feeling competitive . At-least not until one of Mariyam's cousin said "Babe, They'll be eliminated in the next round. I know them. They are opposite. Like fire and water. Taimoor doesnt care much about his wife. They didn't even arrive together. " and snickered like it was some kind of sick joke. Okay dude . You don't get to pass comment on my partner. And even though she knew Taimoor and her were a crap couple,  who the hell was plastic barbie , to point that out.
Asshole or not ,only she got to call her trash "trash".
Haya thought. And what does it matter if Taimoor didn't care. Haya did care. And it was enough for now.

As the preparations were made for the next round Haya faced Taimoor ,"Now it's about honor. We fight till our last breath. Istg Taimoor, if we lose you'll pay." Haya told Taimoor with a determined face. She really wanted to win now. Taimoor laughed in her face which was music to her ears. Like a real laugh which made his iris sparkle and those happy lines appearing around his eyes . It confused Haya . Few minutes ago, he was asking her that he wanted to win. And now he was laughing in her face when she demanded the same. "Easy there, Tiger you sound like you are going on war . Did you watch 300 while I wasn't around." ,he said in between his laughs.

"No , how could I? I missed you so much that I settled for Mr. Bean. ", Haya said as she rolled her eyes.
"Awww " he said as he pouted . Placing his hand on her check . "Did you? " He asked his face was so close to her's. She could feel his breath on her face. Finding it hard to function, Haya blinked. "Did I what ? " She asked as she took her lower lip between her teeth .Her heart was galloping like a wild Mustang in the fields of Montana. She perfectly knew what he was asking. But if she did admit that she missed him , he'd forever throw that "missed you" in her face. Something Haya couldn't afford. So she decided to play dumb. Even if she hadn't decided to act dim witted right now to avoid confrontation, she still would have come out as an idiot, due to the close proximity. Him being close, always made her lose her wits.

Taimoor inched closer. He was in her face right now. She'd just move her neck upwards and their lips would touch. Finding it hard to breath and hard to operate , she just stared. Until he dipped.  With his lips near her ear , he whispered " Did you really ... watch Mr bean . I thought you grew up..." He said and gave her a smirk. Devil was toying with her. "YOU... " Haya began only to be interrupted by someone.

The second round was going to be a double charade. They were some movie names written on the paper for couples. They had to make their spouse get it without saying out the name of the movie. By quoting a dialogue or acting it out. They weren't allowed to reveal the whole plot or the names of the actors in the movie. Whosoever guessed all movies first, wins. The first 5 couples made it to the next round. Each of them were given a bowl of full of movies, they had to act out.

"Are you going ? Or should I go act ?",Haya asked him. "I'll guess.... You go for it, Tiger ." Taimoor said giving her a thumbs up he settled on the stool.

Haya felt like she was in race aiming for some Olympic gold medal. She took a deep breath and withdrew a chit. It said "The Godfather."

Haya had watched this movie with her brother, Hassan. Hassan, who didn't even call her. Hassan who never checked up on her. She knew some of the dialogues by heart. Hoping and praying he knew them too, she said:

                                              "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."

Taimoor saw this flicker of emotion in her eyes. They turned gloomy for a second, he thought. Observing her was his second favorite thing. First, still was pissing her off. It made her nose and cheeks turn red , and that was the only time, she'd look at him with a passion. Passion of strangling him. He had been away for nearly weeks. It was a business trip but only he knew he had taken this as a get-away-from-HAYA-trip  .To get his mind out of gutter. He needed to figure things out. Figure out his feelings for her. And then strategize how to act on them. He just couldn't force himself on her. She was his wife but forcing her didn't feel right . He wanted her, but he wanted to win her. She was already traumatized. So, he had left for Karachi the next morning. He didn't even say goodbye before leaving. It made him feel guilty and sick.  That week away from her , he realized how much he adored her. He missed her rambling about stuff like 'why Rose didn't let Jack on the plank' or 'how Kalpana died without knowing Sachin was Sanjay Singhania'. He had came to be in terms with the fact that no matter how much he tried to fight his heart , it would always beat for her. This was something which wasn't in his control. And it wasn't sitting right with his control-freak self.

That night when they went for dinner , it wasn't that he didn't want Haya there. He just hadn't expected her to look like that. Enticing, dazzling and most of all ravishing. He loved the shades of red on her. They were just her color , though she thought different. The moment he found her sitting in the lounge wearing that maroon dress with some of her wavy hair having escaped her bun. He had lost his heart right there. At that moment, she was looking so MashAllah that he had to whisper Shukar Alhumdulilah. 

And then at the party , he ignored her. Not liking what she was doing to him. How she was messing with his control? How she had brought him on edge?  He felt like a horny teenager. He was hating the power she had over him. The irony was that she was oblivious of it. And then she was talking to that Jehanzaib, who was doing all this to piss him off. When she laughed with Jehanzaib, Taimoor felt like ripping Jehanzaib's head off. She was looking at ease with him , smiling and all, when she had only know him for what? An hour, maximum. He was jealous. And it got the worst out of him. 

He man handled her and he felt so ashamed. On the top of that  he had nearly kissed her in the hallway. Only Taimoor knew how he had to steel himself back to his room . It had taken every ounce of self-control.

Right now, Haya was standing infront of him, looking alluring in that black dress he had selected . Bewitching him with her charms. She had closed her eyes in some sort of a silent pray. She really wanted to win this competition and Taimoor could just move heavens and earth for that smile of her. She was looking nervous as if it was some kind of VIVA. Damn she is  cute. He thought as he waited for her to enfold the chit and act the movie out.

Please get it. Haya was mentally praying. "It is an ......" Haya was about to say old movie when he cut her off and said" The Godfather". He was smiling like a child in pre-school who's so proud of himself for knowing that an Apple start with an A. Smiling back, she took out the next chit. This one said " Terminator 2" now that was another easy one. It seemed that luck was in their favor.

"Hasta la vista, baby" . She said and Taimoor shouted "Terminator 2." She got so excited she went to high five him which he gladly returned. We make hell of a team, Haya thought.
The next one said " Avengers : Infinity War."

Now this one was easy too. Haya thought .She had memorized the movie. Marvel and DC comics were her thing. She even had the avenger's fridge magnets and action figures and pajamas. Taimoor had a hoodie which had the whole Infinity War  cast on it. She had actually begged him to tell her from where he got that. And he hadn't . Jerk!!!

" I noticed you copied my beard." "Your maths is blowing my mind." "Its like a pirate had a baby with an angel." Haya said, one after another quote hoping he'd get it. But he just sat there lost. Staring into space! Was he kidding her?

" My pyjamas ? The hoodie that I'd kill for?" , she said hoping he'd get it and he did. It was like his "Eureka " movement. And he shouted "Avengers ". "Not the first one". " Civil war ? " He said hoping he got it this time only to be disappointed by her "No !"
"Avengers Infinity War." He said finally and Haya felt like she'd have to roll her eyes. What was wrong with him? As far as she knew, he was obsessed with Marvel. The only common ground they shared.

Two chits to go and they would win. Quickly unfolding the chit , she stared at the words.
"Die hard."
She knew this one. Being a daddy's little princess, she used to watch the action movies especially 'The Die Hard' series with her Baba jani. Damn she was getting carried away with the happy memories. It was funny how happy memories were making her sad. "Yippie-ki-yay..........I am not going to say the next word. We are in public with children around" Haya said.

"You don't have to say it! Die hard." , Taimoor said as he winked, and she blushed a hundred shades of scarlet .

It was the last chit. So far, they have been doing great. Mainly because all were action movies. And unlike usual girls , she loved action movies. The last one said, " Dirty Dancing" .And Haya sighed. She knew he wouldn't be able to get this one. He always had made fun of her when he had found her watching romantic movies. It was her favorite movie but he didn't know her enough to know her favorites. 

"Okay so this one's like hard for you. So concentrate. " ,She told him as she folded the chit and put it back.
"It's my favorite movie. Nobody puts baby in corner." Haya said .She knew he wouldn't get it. But still she felt like trying.

Clock was ticking, time was essence! "The Enrique song which you used to love back in high school but your girlfriend thought it sucked. And you broke up with her because you were obsessed with Enrique " . She said with hopeful eyes. Okay please get it now. She thought. Dirty Dancer was his favorite song and Ayesha had a chick to tell him that it was shit. That too because she loved one Direction. Taimoor broke up with her. And he called her childish and immature .FUNNY! It was the highlight of gossips for weeks.

"You knew about that, "he asked confused with that sheepish smile while he rubbed his neck. Haya shrugged in response and she replied with a "Duhhh" . Was he you kidding her? Everyone knew about that one.
"Dirty dancing " he said finally, and she gave him her million-dollar smile. And ran towards him probably all excited.
"We won . " She said as she smiled. As she raised her hand for a 'highfive' which he returned gladly.

" Yeah you were great. I didn't know you were so into action movies." ,Taimoor said. He was amazed but he was also proud. His girl was a know it-all girl. Hell, she was pretty like a dream, had brains to match his sarcasm , was great with comebacks instead of getting offended and was into the actions movies. She was perfection. Every guy's dream woman. The fact that she knew all those action movies and had watch them enough to know the dialogues by hearts was blowing his mind.

 After Terminator he was lost. Haya was standing there , getting giddy with excitement as he guessed movie after movie. He was in awe of her, dazzled by her that he didn't get those Avenger's dialogue. And then she bought those pajamas and hoodie up. She had looked flushed at the mention of her pajamas. Those cute pajamas with Thor's hammer and Captain America's shield,she cherished and so did he.

My girl is perfection, He thought. Only to freeze when his brain emphasized on "my".
When did she become his? Shaking his head, he made his way towards her. She looked so happy. Her smile never leaving her face . She said." I know what I want in return."

"What?" He asked.
"The hoodie." She told him and winked. Did she just wink at me? Taimoor thought. Haya really was high on dopamine. She usually did this out-of-her-character-stuff when she was overly excited or really sleepy. "The hoodie ? " He had asked confused. And then it sunk. She was talking about the marvel hoodie. "No, No !!! Not THE HOODIE." "A deal's a deal " ,she told him and walked towards Mariyam ,her best friend.

'Someone is wining these couple games. ' , Mariyam remarked and Haya blushed a hundred different shades of red." We'd lost if you and Shahmeer participated. " Haya replied.
"I beg to differ. We would have been out by the end of the first round. You guys were great. WHAT CHEMISTRY. I am glad it's an outdoor function otherwise you guys would have blown up the roof with that sizzling chemistry of yours." Mariyam said only to get a smack in the shoulder.

The 3rd and the final round was 'know-me-better' round. They were definitely going to lose this one. Did he even know anything about her? Except of-course her name. Haya was given a questionnaire which she had filled. Taimoor had to answer those questions related to her and if their answer matched , they'd win. He with the other males was seated on the stools some feet apart with a white board in his hand. He sat there with so much confidence as if he knew her like he knew his tables. Overconfident , like he always is.

"The first question for you guys is , does she prefer coffee or tea ? "
Now this one was easy Taimoor .Get it please. She was silently begging. Everyone who knew even a little bit of her, knew that she loved chai. It was her packet of cocaine. Taimoor scribbled on the board while Haya bit her lips in anticipation. Taimoor had written chai. And Haya released a breath she didn't knew she was holding. At least we aren't going to get a zero, She, thought.

The next question was , "Which unconscious gesture reveals that I feel uncomfortable with the situation or conversation?" And Taimoor began writing. While Haya played with her wedding ring wondering what he was going to write. It was like she was back in university where she waited for her professor to hand back her marked assignment. She was nervous. Her palms were sweating.

When Taimoor revealed the board to everyone he said, "She's doing it right now. Haya do not bite your lips , they'll bleed. " he scolded her like she was a child.
He had written "her palms sweats ,she bites her lips , and she plays with the rings on her fingers". Was he really this observant? Haya was beyond shocked. Suddenly she was overwhelmed by the sense of self consciousness. He observed her this much. Did he? Aur koi kaam nai hai usay  kya ( Does he not have other stuff to do ?)

The next question was "What features of your's she feel is the best one." Now this was a trick question for her.Taimoor was striking. And she was so confused what to write. Hair , height, jaw structure, checkbones. She had to write one and she couldn't decide which one. So, she went for eyes. 

His eyes were deep and dark with long thick lashes which curled. His eyes were amazing , window to his soul. His eyes that made her want to confess every secret of her. They were hypnotizing . His dark eyes which were dancing right now. As if he was seeing something, no one ever has seen before in the world . He was looking at her right now as if she was the best thing that could ever happen to him. His eyes, which conversed with her when he said nothing at all. Haya felt that she was into him to deep , like really infatuated with him that she was reading everything wrong.

Taimoor showed his board and this time he had it wrong. He had written "my sharp jawline ". When the announcer told him, it was "eyes" .He blinked as if he was shocked. His black iris getting larger and darker. As he complained " But you always said black eyes are common. And that you preferred the rare eye colors. Especially the blue ones. ", He said .

Yes, she had. He was talking about the time when she used to crush on Chris Pine and Ian Somerhalder's . The blue hues of their eyes seemed enchanting to her then. She actually hadn't expected him to remember that. Now her opinion had changed. Black and brown eyes were best. They have warmth and depth in them. And the sense of security. And empathy. It did sound strange. But that was what it was. So she shrugged in response to his question.

"How many kids does she want." The next question was way to personal. And Taimoor began writing. Hell , they hadn't even talked about their relation as a spouse. That kid question was just out of the world. And Haya felt uneasy and embarrassed all at that once.  

When he revealed it, she was astonished to find that he had gotten that right. He wrote "Either 2 or 4".
And everyone cheered while a voice shouted, "You guys aim for the 4" . It was probably Mariyam, being blunt Mariyam and the red on Haya's cheeks got a little darker .Okay so she just didn't like odd number. Even number kids were great. The stuff could be divided easily. Equal teams when they fight and pick on each other. Plus, she had this obsession with even numbers. Odd number volume on Tv made her cringe. She always had speakers and stereo volumes in even number.

 Mariyam's cousin who had taunted them in the beginning was making faces at her husband who had written '3' on his board. And she had outright told him that, it was what he wanted. That she didn't want children. Everyone was shocked and their lips turned into an 'o' while some looked horrified at the revelation of such personal information which had turned into a bedroom discussion. Her husband left in the middle after that revelation was made while she followed shouting 'Babe!'. Too much drama, Haya thought but she silently she was praying for them to resolve this issue. Everyone deserved 'happy ever afters'.

The last question was "If she were an animal what kind of animal would she be?"
And Taimoor quickly wrote cat which was again right. How did he guess all that? Haya thought when he read her mind and he explained why he wrote cat. "She is neurotic . She is anxious, and shy and always overthinking. She is impulsive like cats doing stupid stuff and getting in trouble. AND most of all she's moody and feisty like cats." He said.

Everyone laughed except her. Well she had written cat because she loved cats. And like cats, all she loved to do was eat and sleep and chill. Did he just call her feisty and stupid in-front of everyone? Was she feisty? Well she was anxious and over-thinker. But feisty ?

Out of five questions, Taimoor had gotten four right. Which was pretty great. She didn't know he was this observant. They were announced as the winner . And were given, two baskets full of chocolates and white lily bouquet. Her favorite again. She was so giddy with excitement; she went to him and hugged him. And he wrapped his arms around her waist.

And like always he felt safe and warm. She had always felt this sense of comfort and security around him. They argued growing up and disliked, even hated each other but he had always felt safe. Like he'd protect her. He bent his head down and whispered " Haya , I know you are loving it right now, but we are on stage. Let me go." And with that she entangled herself from him. As if she had touched the live wire. He was right .She was impulsive. And reckless. WHAT was wrong with her? Why was she acting like he was her long-lost beloved who was finally home? Why was she acting like this? Clinging to him like a second skin. What was with her whole "Sajjan jee ghar aye" (my beloved is back home) behavior?

"I knew it. You were whipped since high-school .You have been chasing after those boys who went after her .Remember Afnan who had this big crush on her? You scared the shit out of him." Shahmeer said as he smacked Taimoor on his back while Haya just stared at nothing, trying to process the information. Taimoor was glaring daggers at Shahmeer while Mariyam raised her eyebrows as she whispered "tu dono taraf barabar lagi hai(So there is fire on both side)" . "Do you want a slap Mariyam",she had responded trying to sound as serious as she could.

Taimoor had chased that werido Affnan away. She had to thank him for this. Like really express the gratitude she was feeling right now. Affnan was such an ultra-level creep. He'd sent her shitty texts , follow her like a shadow everywhere. It had got on her nerves and she couldn't go to Hassan bhai since he was in Islamabad getting his bachelors degree. Before she could go to the teacher or the Principal, Affnan had stopped. The texts stopped coming and she was thankful for it. She didn't know Taimoor was the one behind it. Her heart was doing the cartwheels as she thought about the past. He was her guardian Angel. She should be pissed because that was over controlling behavior and because she wasn't his business, but she wasn't. She was happy about it.

The mehndi function finally came to end after lots of dancing and singing. Ali and Bua left immediately after dinner. Taimoor told them to leave as Ali had his exam.
After saying goodbye to Mariyam and everyone , Haya came out in the garage to find Taimoor standing with Shahmeer chatting and laughing. " Your kitty is here. I'll pray that you don't get your pretty face scratched buddy. Calling her feisty in-front of everyone. Wahh mere Sher (wow my lion)" Shahmeer laughed as he patted Taimoor's shoulder in encouragement.

Taimoor slapped him on his back. But joined him later. Laughing as he shook hands with Shahmeer "No one calls my girl, kitty except me. Now go back to your mouse , gotta take my girl home. "He replied after hugging him. And turned to escort her to the car.What was him and his claim. 'MY GIRL' He had said it twice, now. And it had pulled all her heart strings. Everytime . What was he up-to ? His kitty? Like seriously? At least she hadn't went with a dog as her spirit animal. Then she would be his....... The thought had her cracking up. She laughed as she made her way to his Mercedes.

Few weeks back , Haya had found out that he had worked his ass of to buy the Mercedes. And her heart swelled with pride. She loved that he was more of a 'I-want-to-make-my-own-money' rather than those 'my-dad's-loaded' lazy jackasses. Staring at the Mercedes with admiration she was relived that Ali had taken the Fortuner home. It would have been difficult for her to climb into the front seat of Fortuner with her dress. 

As she sat in the car , she thought about Taimoor and Shahmeer's conversation. He called Mariyam a mouse. At first she that made her blood boil . No one calls her best friend, a 'mouse'. But then she thought about her meek , humble friend who always put others over her. Who was so submissive that when other person asked her rhetorically "your favorite color is blue right?" , she'd agree even though it was purple because she didn't want to contradict them and hurt their feelings.What were they? Tom(her) and Jerry(Mariyam)? She thought and smiled to herself. Shahmeer was a great guy. And she was happy for Mariyam.

She was lost in her thoughts , she didn't realize Taimoor had slid into the driver's seat .
The car smelled like him. His cologne invaded her senses ,clouding her mind. She looked sideways at him, his face was calm and at ease.

"Do you mind if I turn the radio on? " she asked him. The silence was killing her. She was overthinking everything. Thousands different questions .Thousands different scenarios were popping up.

"Sure", he said and turned the radio on.

She's a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer,
Never ever lonely
She's a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancer
You'll never be her only
The dirty dancer was playing.

'Dirty dancer' by Enrique was playing. JUST HER LUCK.
"How did you know about the breakup thing?" Taimoor asked.
"Well everyone in the high school knew that. " Haya said as she rolled her eyes.
"I want my hoodie though." She said changing the subject.
"You mean My hoodie?" He countered.
"It's mine now ." , Haya told him.
" Okay girlfriend, stop stealing my jackets and hoodie." ,Taimoor said.
Was he was back to his jerk self or was he being funny?
"Stealing ? I don't steal. I TAKE " , Haya replied.

The car came to a halt. They were back home. Yes home. It was home now. Her heart had accepted it as home. Getting out of the car she took the bouquet of white lilies with her while Taimoor carried the chocolate baskets inside.
As Haya made her way to her room Taimoor called from behind.
"Haya " he said .
Turning towards him she said "Hmmm". Her eyes were dancing as she looked at the bouquet . .She got excited about small petty things which people usually ignore or take for granted. She got excited when they'd spot a moon from the car, she would just stare at it or take a snap and send it to her friend with a cheesy quote. She got thrilled when he favorite movie was playing on HBO. She was so full of surprises. He never knew what was coming next with her.

"So, you like my eyes huh " ,Taimoor said flattering those lashes like a 4- year old child.
"Ass " ,she said as she laughed and went to her room content with the fact that he was back. 

It's done. I was such a long chapter. I can only hope and pray that it was worth it . What do you think? I hope you enjoy this one. And umm I know many of you may not be the commenting types. SO if you don't have energies to comment. Just vote if you like it. It gives me the fuel to write.  Once again , thank you all for the love. If you find any typos, let me know I'd correct them.(Though I have tried my best to eliminate them but still if they are there . let me know) If you have any suggestions let me know 
Lots of love , sunshine and happy vibes your way and virtual hugs too
May you all stay safe 
فی امان اﷲ

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