Riding With the Wind

By California6

14.1K 318 79

Have you ever run away from someone because they caused you too much pain? In Jessica May's situation, that w... More

Who's There?
Check the Premisis
On the Run From My BFF
Dirty Little Secret
Officially Mine
Whatever. -You Too.
Drama Happens
Fighting the Instinct
Run Away Home
Taking Chances
Truth Be Told...
This is Me- Plain and Simple (Maybe)
Letting Go
Say What?!
Watch Out
Unknowingly There
He Did What?!
Waking Up
Because of You

Poor Kid

352 14 7
By California6

*Jess's P.O.V.*

   I looked into Cody's eye straight on for the first real time, and it felt as if I was coming home. Hypathetically of course. The weird thing is that I don't know if I want to come home. Is that weird? After watching his actions through the past like twenty-four hours, I don't know if I want to come home to this person.

   I gasp, not out of amazement, but shock. Shock that this man is my mate, the one who I am to love for the rest of my life. No. Matter. What. This understands the crazy pull that I have had towards him ever since we met, and I am glad that is now cleared up. But it seems as if I have so many more questions just starting to make themselves known in my head. Ugh.

   I look deep into his beautiful eyes and sigh with happiness, knowing that I could be happy here. Nothing could change this feeling but me because I ultimately have the deciding vote, and I'm not sure which way to go. I know in my heart and the very back of my brain that I will most definitely accept him as my mate, but there is a little part of my that is taking a step back and assessing what is going on.

   I'm not sure if I should trust this part, seeing as it is so small and almost feels wrong. It is telling me that he is a bad person, and that in the end, I am the one that is going to get hurt in this relationship. But how? He is my mate. What hurts me will eventually hurt him, that's just the way it goes.

   My heart is telling me to go, go and never look back. I really want to, but I feel as if he is hiding something from me. I will have to check that out before I give him my final answer. I definitely want to get to know him better before we start hooking up and mating with each other.

   I take a deep breath, getting my thoughts together. "How long have you known?" I ask, keeping my voice level.

   "Since the day I smelled your intoxicating scent in the woods near that cave we were in earlier. I knew i had to find and meet you, even in if I was a sort-of rogue. I couldn't be without my mate; my other half."

   That was probably the sweetest thing anyone has said to me, and I know that he means it. Being mates makes you unconditionally love each other, unless if you reject them, of course. I couldn't imagine the pain that one goes through if and when they are ever rejected, but I have heard it is more painful than dying slowly.

   "Why didn't you tell me?" It occurs to me that there is a reason for the males to know about their mate before the females. It is all about being sexist. Males are 'more supperior' to women, so they are sapposed to know about their mates first so they can make the first move, or get to know their mate.

   The only downside to this, is that the male is able to reject the female before she even knows that they are mates. That was what always scared me about males knowing first. They had the power to ruin a person's life, and didn't seem to fully grasp that. I have been afraid of meeting my mate because I always knew there was a chance they would want to reject me, especially after what has happened over the past year.

   "I really wanted to get to know you better. I thought I would tell you after we had started hanging out more so we could have seen how a relationship would have worked out." What was he trying to say without saying?

   "Were you- were you gonna re-reject m-me?" I ask, feeling the tears already coming to my eyes at just the thought of that. I always knew no one would want me, I'm glad my mate could make sure I would know forever.

   "What? No! That thought never even crossed my mind! I just wanted to make sure that this was what you wanted. I would never reject you." He looks straight into my eyes and I know that he is telling me the whole truth.

   I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in, and take his hands in mine. "Well this explains a lot as to why you have been acting so over-protective and stuff." I smile, thinking about how he nearly killed the young rogue just because he called my pretty.

   "Yeah... Sorry about that. I just couldn't stop my wolf anymore. I know it got out of hand, but I had your best interest in mind. Why are you smiling?" He asks, after looking at my face.

   "Your behavior, truthfully, was starting to annoy me. I thought you were just being an arrogant jack ass that somehow thought he owned me when I barely knew you. Now that I know it was because we are mates, I find it quite sexy."

   "Of all the trouble I have seemed to cause you, you think that I am sexy?" He asks in disbelief.

   "Is there a problem with that?" I ask, daring him to say yes.

   "No, not at all." He grins evilly at me before quickly sweeping me off of my feet, literally, and carrying me back to the pack house.

   We/he run back to the pack house, but we don't get far inside until I hear a very threatening and dangerous growl. Cody slowly turns around, setting me down and stepping in front of my protectively. I let it go for now, knowing that his wolf will want to know that I am safe, but if htings get to crazy I am going to have to step in.

   Chance walks forward, ready to strike. I can tell that he had pretty much reached the end of his rope, and I don't think that is a good thing.

   Cody takes a step back after he notices how angry Chance is, and that it won't take much for him to lose it. Just this small action makes my wolf happier because she knows that the further away he is from Chance, the less likely he is to get hurt. It even makes me happy, but I'm not about to admit that to Cody.

   "Chance. You need to settle down." I say warningly, not wanting the two boys to fight each other. Cody gives me a side glance, and I think about what I just said, or thought. Oops, I guess someone was insulted by my calling them a boy. Poor kid. Haha.

   "No, why are you still with that rogue?" He snarls at me, and I take a step back at his rudeness towards me.

   "Chance. why are you being so rude to me?" I ask, a little bit hurt.

   "Because of who you have chosen to associate yourself with." Wow.

   "Ok, I'm done with this!" I exclaim.

   "Done with what?" Chance and Cody both ask at the same time, before Chance growls at Cody and Cody steps in front of me.

   "This! All of this!" I wave my arms around me, showing them that I mean both of them, "Chance- why can't you just settle down and leave me the hell alone? I'm not your mate, or girlfriend, or anything! So why do you need to get so overprotective of me when you have no claim? Huh? Anything?!" When he doesn't reply I just sigh and turn my face into Cody's chest.

   "It's okay." Cody whispers in my ear, but I just reply with a sigh.

   "Look, Jess." Chance starts, but Cody just growls at him. I like the comfort of being in his arms. I feel safe, even though I am still technically on the run and nowhere is safe. "I'm sorry if my being protective of you bothers you, but I feel ilke since you are my friend and you are on my land, I need to protect you. Even if you think you don't need protection, you still do, and I have taken it upon myself to do just that , protect you." He smiles as if he is so proud of himself for making sure I am protected by him.

   "Well I hate to break it to you Chance, but I really don't need you to protect me. I have someone else that will be doing that for me from now on?" 

   The look of shock on Chance's face would have been hilarious if we hadn't been in such a serious situation. I know that smiling will only make him more confused, but I can't help it as Cody wraps his arms around my stomach from behind. Chance growls at the action, and that reminds me that he doesn't know yet.

   "Who do you have protecting you? Surely not this rogue." He spits the last word towards Cody and that really pisses me and both of my wolves off. How dare he talk to and about our mate like that, especially with us around.

   "As a matter of fact, I do mean this person, and I don't appreciate you calling him a rogue anymore than you appreciate being called a weak bastard. So knock it off before I make you." I ground out at the end, letting the level of my threat sink in, and I can tell he knows I will follow through if necessary.

   "What is going on between you two?" He asks, with accusation in his voice. If only he knew, oh wait, he is about to find out.

   "Well, you see, we are sort of, umm..." I try to decide how to start the sentence where I tell him that I found my mate, and it just happens to be the person who trespassed onto his land. This is not going to go over well.

   "Just spit it out J." Cody says encouragingly in my ear.

   I take a deep breath, and prepare myself for the worst. I look Chance in the eye and just say it, "Cody and I are mates."

   Next thing I know, Chance is on the ground literally laughing his ass off. What the hell? "Hahahahahaha. You said you guys are mates. Hahahaha. That's a classic joke! Omg, I can't breathe! Hahahaha." Once he settles down enough to think and talk clearly, he looks at me expectantly. "So what was the real news?"

   "God you are such an asshole! That was the news you jerkface." Cody's exclamation almost makes me jump, except for the embrace his has me in which keeps me steady.

   "Wait, you were serious?" Chance asks, looking specifically at me.

   "Yes, I was." I state, and that is when the real shit starts to happen.

   Before I can blink, Chance has tackled Cody, and with him he also got me. Since Cody is such a good mate, he right away moves away from me so he can take the beating from Chance, but my wolves and I will not take this attack on our mate sitting down. Oh no, Chance definitely has another thing coming for him.

   Chance shifts and Cody shifts right after him, since he needs to protect himself from the wild alpha boy that is currently trying to pretty much kill him. I know I have seen enough when Chance lunges for Cody's throat. I only met him, and he is my mate, so there is no way I am going to allow for him to have a chance to die at the hands of someone I have control over.

   I take a step back, and call to my alpha alter-ego. Letting her take over and protect her mate. Let's just say Chance might not be living when she is done. I shift into my all white alpha wolf, and am not surprised when neither of the boys take notice. One because he is trying to defend himself, and the other because he is trying to become a murderer.

   I growl warningly at Chance, but he is so set on kiling Cody that he doesn't hear it. I let my wolf have pretty much complete control and she doesn't think twice before she jumps into the action, ready to die trying to protect her mate. Whatever it takes, she will try her hardest.


I hope you all enjoy this chpt. Sorry it took me sooo long to update, but i think my teachers want me to die from homework over-load. Im glad that i at least have thanksgiving break to write, and without further adeu i wuld like to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone!!!! One of the things I am thankful for is all of the people who have voted for and read this book! you have no idea how much it means to me, so THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!! :) please dont forget to




i wuld luv to hear from people! and if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to pm me or chat. I will def try to listen to wt yu say! :)

~Cali <3

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