Eyes Of Conscience

By WickedlyAce

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After The Master sacrifices himself for Dorothy, she resigns herself to a life of loneliness. Nancy has also... More


Eyes Of Conscience

313 7 7
By WickedlyAce



The Master’s eyes opened.  Mouth gaped wide as he inhaled and sucked in some wisps of the RANI’s regeneration source.  The TARDIS shuddered beneath him.  So, they left him to die then, had they?  Faintly, he heard a whisper of a woman’s voice, pushing at the back of his mind begging not to leave him behind.  The woman seemed passionate about him.  Clearly they shared something, why could he not remember?

The TARDIS floor broke apart from beneath The RANI’s body and head, they promptly fell into its depths then the floor closed again.  Amazing, he thought, TARDIS never rejected a former owner before.  Indeed there seemed to be something happening inside his body.  Raising his hand he had realised that the glass shards had dropped out and the wounds were healing rapidly. as was the rest of his body.  This was unprecedented.  Surely he had died? The Master sat up rubbing the back of his head.  What had he done?  

Amnesia! Yes, selective amnesia, a normal symptom as the result of severe trauma.  Now, what had he done to cause severe trauma?  The Master blinked.  The TARDIS was groaning with agony as it changed and shifted to suit its new owner.  Normally this had happened silently.  The Master cautiously lifted himself up and staggered as he made his way out of what was a room filled with glass splinters.

Hazy images floated in the back of The Master’s mind.  That woman sounded tough, kind, loyal.  Definitely someone that he would have chosen for a life mate, so how come he could not remember her name?  She was very distraught at his passing.  The Master tried to reassemble the thoughts plaguing his disordered mind.

What had happened? Yes, he knew who he was.  He was The Master.  The female body the TARDIS had swallowed up was The RANI, the worst Timelady Gallifrey had produced.  Timelady... Gallifrey... He knew that too.  

Who was the blasted woman? It was starting to irritate him now.  How could he not recognise the voice of a woman who cared for him so deeply she wept over his fallen body?  This woman was special, he knew she must be.  The TARDIS rocked and rolled.  The Master held onto the doorframe of the shifting, changing Control Room swaying from side-to-side.  

Seemed to suit his blurred, misted mind.  The Master felt something inside his soul.  Glancing down at his feet he saw a black key laying on a silver chrome floor.  The Master picked it only to drop it again as it was red hot.  The key glowed a scorching shade of red.  Gazing up, he noticed the TARDIS had dark green walls with silver chrome bookshelves, interspersed at various spaces.  The Control Desk had now become triangular.  Three different coloured Triangles, stacked up at angles with various levers and buttons  on the second triangle.  Embedded into the top one were VDU units and coordinate pads.   From bottom to top the triangles were red. silver and black.

The Master opened the door of the Control Room, curiosity driving him to know what the halls looked like.  They were silver floored and green walled too.  Black and red triangles adorned the walls at irregular angles.  Very nice.  Much better than The RANI had it.  Again, how come he could remember The RANI and not the woman that mourned his death?  How could he find out when he did not even know?

Turning round he saw something shoot up out of the highest point of the second triangle.  The Master stepped up to the object.  Black and red stripes ran down it’s circular frame.  Shining out from the sharpest point was a green glow.  The Master pressed it close to his palm. Silver lights flashed from the tip.  Oh yes, he sighed, my own sonic screwdriver.  Thank you, TARDIS.  I shall look after you, I promise.  

The TARDIS quivered in delight as The Master stroked her Console Desk.  “Yes, my wondrous, beautiful thing!”

The TARDIS was happy with her new owner.  At least this man had a mission.  Something different for her to do.  She had felt sorely misused by The RANI.

“I know exactly how you feel,” The Master smiled.  He passed a reflection of himself in the chrome surface.  “Oh well, I look the same,” he sighed.  “Could not expect otherwise as I cannot really regenerate... But I am constantly revenant!”

Dorothy’s Home

Dorothy sat on Nancy’s empty, cold bed.  Since their last adventure her daughter had cut off all ties with Luke, refusing to even speak to him over the phone.  Dorothy had tried in vain to get Nancy to see reason and make her understand that Luke loves her, even if she does turn into a cat every once in awhile.  That was true love.  Nancy was unconvinced and had decided to stay in Australia with Tegan and Turlough.

That was six months ago and Dorothy still felt heartbroken.  Not just because of her daughter’s stubborn attitude but because she kept thinking of how The Master had saved her from The RANI.  Allowing glass shards to deeply embed themselves into his blood.  Why? she mused, “I would have married you!” she sighed.  “Like you always wanted.”

Dorothy sighed.  Sitting here was not going to cheer her.  Best find something to do.  She began to realise why her mother was the way she was towards her, her mother had only tried to reason with her love.  Because of the way she acted at sixteen she could not even turn to her own mother.  The house was eerily silent.  No music, no voices.  Nothing.  

The Doctor stayed with her overnight this time, making sure she was well but as soon as dawn broke he was gone with the currents of the wind.

Time and tide wait for no man.  Seemingly, they were tapping their feet impatiently and checking their watches for The Doctor.  Dorothy put the kettle on.  She had not gone into work for months now.  Depression had set in and she just lived in her pyjama’s.  In one fell swoop she had lost the man she loved and the daughter she never thought she would even have.  The only light in her life was Luke Smith but even he moped and hardly spoke,.

Luke barely ate anything now.  Pushing food around his plate sighing.  Such a dense gloom.  Dorothy wished something would happen.  Why couldn’t something happen?  Luke was slouching in the living room staring at a blank TV screen.

“Why don’t you switch it on?” she asked Luke gently.

“Can’t be bothered!” Luke sighed.  “Nothing on anyway.”

Dorothy flicked through the Radio Times.  “Horrible Histories is on!” she exclaimed.

Luke glared at her.  His dark eyes glittered hatefully at her.  “I SAID I DO NOT WANT TO WATCH TELEVISION!” he yelled as he got up off the couch and stormed out of the house.

Dorothy gulped.  “How do you think I feel, Luke?” she murmured., “I had the prospect of marriage and a daughter now I have neither.  I may as well give up!”

Dorothy did not think she could carry on her life.  What was it worth?  Nothing! THAT was it was worth.  Sighing, she took a sip of her tea.  Curling up in her comfiest chair she had picked up the latest Le Carre novel when the doorbell rang.

“Who could that be at this time of year?” she asked herself as she extricated herself from the chair.  Sluggishly she walked to the door and opened it.  “Yes?” she snapped.

“Sthcuse me,” a sibilant voice started, “Are you Dorothy MsSthane?”

“Yes,” Dorothy sighed.  “Look if it’s selling something I ain’t interested!”

“Oh no,” a young woman stepped forward lifting a robe from her head.  All Dorothy saw were rose red apple like cheeks, “Take her my dear Mambites!”

“WHAT?” Dorothy yelled.

Two giant snake like things slithered up to her wrapping their warm, dry scaly bodies round Dorothy, like she was a parcel about to be delivered.

“Good,” the woman clapped girlishly.  “Dear Mambites, please take her to my little travelling apparatus!”  

The snake like things slithered down the steps towards the pavement down an alley.  “Thank you, dear Mambites.”

Dorothy did not see anything else as a Mambite hissed in her ear, dripping a tiny spit of poison on her mouth.  Dorothy had no choice but to lick her lip.  It was enough to knock her unconscious..

The apple cheeked woman clapped her hands delightfully as she entered what seemed to be a discarded wardrobe.


Tegan had just read Alana’s first school report.  Heart burst with pride at the interest her daughter had in science.  Turlough smiled and kissed the top of her head.  

“That’s my girl!” he exclaimed.

Nancy strode into the kitchen grabbing some bread from the bread bin and harshly spread it with butter.  Tegan glanced at Turlough and indicated subtly with a nod of her head to say something to her.

“Nancy!” Turlough approached cautiously.   Walking on egg shells was how it seemed, Nancy had grown very emotional of late and nothing could bring her out of her funk. “How is your mother?”

“Fine,” Nancy said as she bit into her wholemeal.  “Why?”

“We think,” Tegan said slowly, “we think you should talk to her.  Last time I spoke to her she was talking of...”

“.... Of what?” Alana asked.

“Come on,” Turlough said as he lifted his daughter, “lets play cricket out in the garden shall we?” Turlough swung her around and Alana laughed as her father carried her out.  

Once they were in the garden, Tegan gazed at Nancy.  “You have got to talk to her, Nancy!” Tegan snapped.  Softly softly, catchy monkey was not working very well, “last time I spoke to her she casually mentioned suicide!”

Nancy’s eyes widened. as she dropped a quarter of a slice of bread.  “WHY?”

So, not completely cold then, Tegan mused,  “Because her heart has broken.  The man she had fallen in love with, died.  The daughter she loves seemingly has abandoned her.  And she is left on her own in London with, perhaps, the prospect of never seeing The Doctor again.  How do you think she feels?  All her charity work has been a front for the despair she felt before.  Even THAT philanthropic warmth is leaving her heart,” Nancy left her mouth wide open, she was about to say well you’re all right but Tegan anticipated that, “of course I am well.  I have Turlough and Alana.  In a way my life is now complete.  I do not feel the need to see The Doctor again, though it would be nice,” Tegan sighed.  “Please, Nancy.  Call your mother please!”  

Nancy sighed heavily and stared down at her feet.  “I do not know what to say to her!”

“You don’t have to say you’re sorry,” Tegan said clasping the girls hands.  “You just have to say how YOU feel.  Maybe you can sort it together.”

“Maybe,” Nancy said.  “I will think about it!”

Tegan wished she could push on with Luke but this was a breakthrough.  Better not carry on otherwise Nancy could become hostile again.  The barriers had lowered slightly but not enough to broach upon his suffering.  Tegan wondered if she had ever been this stubborn at Nancy’s age.  

Nancy finished masticating the yeast product and walked out of the kitchen.  Turlough peered his head through the door checking if it was safe..  “Is she going to do it?” he asked when he stepped back inside.

“I do not know.  She may do,” Tegan rolled her eyes.  “Turlough, was I that stubborn at her age?”

Turlough giggled and his blue eyes twinkled mischievously.  “Is my life dependant on the answer?”

“I’ll take that as a yes, well,” she said getting up, “dinner won’t cook itself!”

Dorothy’s House

Luke had returned hours ago and Dorothy was still missing.  It was midnight.  Pitch black.  Freezing cold.  For six months Dorothy had not stepped outside the house.  Pyjama’s seemed to be stuck on her.  Dorothy had even allowed her hair to go dirty and lank.  Luke had never seen anything like it.  When he first met her she seemed such a bright, vivacious positive woman.  An inspiration to many of those that worked in A.C.E.  At least, Luke sighed, I make the effort to go to work and go to the pub.  My heart is breaking too.  Nancy won’t talk to me either.  How did we sink to this?  Dorothy was like a cousin to him.  

Silence filled the house. Depressing, thick gloom.  Luke wondered if he should call the police when the telephone rang.  Luke felt like his shoulders were weighted down as he lifted the phone, such an effort.  

“Hello,” Nancy said over the phone.  

“Hi,” Luke replied coldly.  

“Luke?” Nancy asked.

“That’s right it has been so long you have forgotten what I sound like!” Luke snapped.

“Can you get my mother on the phone please!” her haughtiness was enough to tear at him.  

“I cannot get your mother,” Luke said, “your mother is not here!”

“Typical!” Nancy snorted.

“No it is not, actually,” Luke spat harshly, “your mother has not left the house since you so casually walked out of our lives!”

“I have explained things clearly, Luke.  Due to what happens it is not safe for mother and I to be in the same place.  And it certainly is not safe for you to marry me!”

Luke gritted his teeth.  “Fine.  I shall be the only one to worry about her then, shall I?” before he hit the button to stop the conversation flinging the phone across the room after he did so.


The Master felt the heavy thump of the TARDIS landing.  Wincing as he fell to the floor at the force of the impact.  Another bump to add to the collection.  Still the voice of that woman haunted his mind.  Somehow not knowing gave him more of a headache than the lump he already had formed at the back of his cranium.  

Pulling a black handled lever some shelves moved to reveal a big open VDU screen.  Pressing in some buttons he zoomed in on where the TARDIS had landed.  Jungle.  Palm fronds hung down the sides.  Huge ferns.  Ruddy coloured mud.  Snakes slithering up huge trees.  Giant purple beetle like creatures scuttled across.  The Master frowned.  Then another screen flashed where he was.

“Ah, in the Xentang 6 dynasty of the Xentang Planets, in Sector Ypsilon of The Galaxy System Kandra!” The Master called up more information.  “Interesting,” he smiled.  “A Morph planet that runs on what people wish to see,” he stroked his beard, “though why should I want to see a...”

“GET OFF ME!” a woman exclaimed.  

The same voice that had been haunting him since this TARDIS saved his life and dispatched of The RANI.

The Master turned round to see what she looked like.  The hair was greasy.  Her eyes were lacklustre, heavy with sadness, it seemed.  There was a certain strength to her.  The way she struggled against those huge giant snake like creatures.

“We have been told to deliver you, Dorothy McSthane!”

A name to the voice.  Dorothy McShane?  Familiar name.  Why, he had even uttered it himself.  The Master decided to step out and follow these snake like creatures and the cowled figure that led them.  Cautiously, The Master stepped out clutching onto his new sonic screwdriver.  About time he had one of these in his hands.

Foliage, he snarled.  Always hanging twigs, slimy wet leaves that slapped one in the face.  The Master stepped over huge trunks covered with moss and lichen, with difficulty, as they were not high enough to duck under and had some sort of wet substance that caused his hands to slip.   Spider webs with the strength of steel plastered his face.  He had to cover a choking cough as a baby spider the size of a CD crawled inside his mouth.  Horrid!

The Snake Creatures stopped to a halt inside a clearing.  Standing at the opposite of the clearing was a very ornate looking chair that shone and sparkled with insect slime.  Who could sit in such a chair?  The dark gargoyle like faces carved on the arms were enough to turn any sane person off the idea.  The cowled figure lifted her hood.  All The Master could see was a crown of golden hair as she curtseyed at the chair.  

A tall, handsome saturnine woman emerged from inside the chair.   Long shining black hair with matching eyes.  Such a regal bearing.  A golden hoop adorned her thin neck.  Wrists covered in silver bracelets.  Leopard print bikini top and skirt were all she had to hold her modesty as was a snake skin cloak.

“I acknowledge thy service to me,” the woman said coldly as she lifted the blonde girls chin.  “And what is this you have brought for me?”

“My darling Mambites have carried the Girl Dorothy McShane all the way from the planetoid Earth for you, my dear mother.”

MOTHER? The Master was hardly shocked but you could not get two different looking women if you tried.  

“Good Mambites!”

The Snake like creature hissed happily as they slithered off Dorothy.  Causing Dorothy to land undignified on her rear on the muddy floor.  “I CAN MAKE SNAKE STEW WITH YOU ANYTIME!” she yelled as she struggled to get up.

“You dare hurt my Mambites!” The blonde girl snapped her warm blue eyes glittered coldly.  

“My,” the tall, elegant woman stepped up to Dorothy, “so this is the Earth girl Dorothy McShane, is it?” Holding out a long, thin finger the woman used it to tilt Dorothy’s chin.  Inspecting her as if considering her for a slave.  “Can’t say I can see anything special in her!” the woman sighed.  “So course.  Ill-bred.  Not worth a pasted diamond ring!”

Dorothy’s eyes hardened.  “Right, you asked for it!” she swung a fist at the dark woman.  

The blonde girl ran up to the pair and punched Dorothy first.  The Master gulped.  Beneath those apple cheeks and the warm eyes lay a hard nosed fighter.

“Take her!” the dark woman snapped.  “She shall be used as a good bargaining tool!”

Two giant red spiders scuttled nearby.  “Where to, my Queen?” they asked as they wrapped their middle legs around Dorothy’s upper arms.

“Into your comfortable little webs!” The Queen exclaimed.  “Let us see how feisty she is after a couple of days stuck there!” The Queen sat on her throne.  “As soon as The Doctor hears of this he shall come running... Running... Running for his dear, darling Dorothy!”

“WAIT YOU CAN’T!” Dorothy yelled as the spider guards dragged her off, “no! let me go!”

“She would make a delicious morsel,” the one on her left muttered.

“Feisty and strong,” the spider on her right seemed to lick his lips.

“The blood is always tastier when they is feisty and strong!”

The Master hid amongst the foliage as they walked past.  “Dorothy McShane,” he murmured.  “Yes, I remember now...  I love you...”

Dorothy’s threats of how she would take pleasure in stir frying these creatures echoed down the jungle mixing with the sounds of crickets and birds.  

Then he remembered someone else... A man... Several men... One of them in particular, short fellow.  Wore a white suit.  Straw hat.  Paisley tie and a ridiculous jumper emblazoned with question marks.  Memories of Biblogia and Oxford flooded his brain.  As did what had happened before he almost died...

“The Doctor?” he sneered.  “YOU left me for dead.  She would not.  She would have stayed!  I could have had her as my wife and she would most certainly have been saved from this!”

The Master vowed to kill The Doctor as he followed the Spider Guards through the jungle in pursuit of his bride!

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