|| Beauty and The Beast || (...

By Mamree

962K 52.8K 9.1K

1st Runner up in Choice Award 2019 Winner of 3rd position in Limelight Award 2020 #Standalone A ruthless... More

Story Synopsis
1 ~ Beauty~
2 ~Beginning~
3 ~ Blooming Bond ~
4 ~ Broken ~
5 ~ Bitter Past
6 ~ Being Close ~
7 ~ Being Yours ...Legally ~
Glimpse of Next Part
8 ~ Beside You... Always ~
9 ~ Beautiful Moments ~
Important Announcement
10 ~ Breathless Moments Of Togetherness ~
11 ~ Being Yours... Ritually ~
12 ~ Being Reborn ~
13 ~ Because You Are My Wife ~
Glimpse of Next Part
14 ~Best Friend... Such A Pain....~
15 ~ Behind The Veil ~
16 ~ Burning Desire ~
17 ~ Burning Together ~
18 ~ Beast's Broken Dream
Glimpse Of Next Part
19 ~ Brother After all
20 ~ Brutal Ugly Truth ~
Hello Lovely
21 ~ Broken Pieces Of Past ~
My Lovely Readers, Followers and Friends...
22 ~ Be My Solace ~
23 ~ Beloved Son ~
24 ~ Beast's Return ~
Glimpse Of The Next part
25 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -1 ~
26 ~ Broken Illusion : Part-2 ~
~ Choice Award~
Question To The Character
27 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -3 ~
28 ~ Breaking Down ~
~Answers By The Character ~
29 ~ Being Confused ~
30 ~ Because I am a Fool ~
31 ~ Because I Love You Dammit ~
~Limelight Award 2020~
33 ~ Beyond Everything ~
34~ Being Your Soulmate~
35 ~ Bacio Alla Francese ( French Kiss) ~
36 ~ Blissfully Together : 1
37 ~Blissfully Together 2~
~Cherish Fan Award 2020~
38 ~ Becoming Mine...Forever ~
39~ Becoming Mine.. Forever 2~
40~ Burning Passion ~
~Glimpse Of Next Part~
41 ~ Behind The Shadow :1~
42 ~ Because You Are My Life :1 ~
43 ~ Because You Are My Life : 2~
44 ~ Blurred ~
45 ~ Behind The Shadow 2 ~
46 ~Broken Heaven : 1~
47 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil :1 ~
48 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil: 2 ~
49~ Because You Are My Life : 3 ~
50 ~Broken Heaven 2 ~
51 ~ Be Safe .... My Love ~
52 ~ Beginning Of A New Life ~
53 ~ Beauty and The Beast ( Last Chapter ) ~
~Thank You ~
~ Curtain Raiser : Final Banner ~

32 ~ Blooming In Your Love

14.4K 982 132
By Mamree


Thanks For Your Patience with the update..


32 ~ Blooming In Your Love ~

Arnav's Mother's Garden..



Khushi's heart stops the next moment Arnav yelled in equal rage of her, "Because, I love you dammit.. I love you Khushi Arnav Ray.. I had loved you, I love you and I will always love you, till my last breath..."

Time stopped for a moment...

There was a pin drop silence engulf the surroundings..


Along with the cool breeze, chirping birds and sound of wind chime, the sound of two rapid hearts were audible which were beating in synchronize, They depict the insight of two yearning souls, who finally took their first steps together towards their destiny...

Khushi was looking at Arnav without blinking her eyes.. "did Arnav just confessed his love for her? Did he just said that he loves her? Arnav Ray loves Khushi Basu?" As if sensing Khushi's inner turmoil Arnav spoke aloud,

" Yes, Arnav Ray is in love with Khushi Arnav Ray, since forever.." Arnav's soft, husky voice was sending a jolt of new found happiness in Khushi's dejected heart..

They stood silently,, until Arnav spoke again, " Khushi.. Say something.. Please.. I love you.. Do.. Do you have any feelings for me?"

And that was the moment Khushi jolted out from the magical web.. She looks at her surrounding and remember Arnav's words, then she pushed Arnav with all her strength and almost shouted, " Don't play with me anymore Mr Ray... You love me? You love me? Then where was your love when you mercilessly pushed me away from you? Where was your love when you went to London abandoning me for two days and never for once called or message me? Where was your love when you repeatedly forced me to stay away from Advay? Where was your love when you remind me again and again that I am nothing but your contracted wife? Where was your love all this time? Why? Why now Mr Ray, when I am finally making myself understand that I don't deserve happiness, that I am fated to live alone? Why now?" Khushi broke down at last after venting all her frustration on Arnav.. Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes..

The last few days Arnav's behaviour had taken a toll on her, his coming close to Khushi and then suddenly pushing her away, had hurt her immensely.. and now, Arnav's sudden confession making her mind clouded. She wants to believe on Arnav's words but the hurt of her heart, is not allowing her to just forget everything and engulf the man infront of her in a tight hug..

Arnav could not help but had tears in his eyes too seeing his lady love so devastated.. He had just confessed his love to her, but Khushi is unable to trust him enough to open her heart or accept her proposal.. and Arnav could not blame others but him for all the damage had done in their relationship..

Taking a deep breath, gulping the unshed tears, Arnav slowly took few steps towards Khushi to engulf her in a bear hug but Khushi steps back..

" Khushi listen to me please.." Arnav almost pleaded to listen him but Khushi was no way to bend down so easily..

" Not before you explain why you did all this? Why you broke my heart Mr Ray?" Khushi whispered finally looking at Arnav with her misty eyes..

" Because I never wanted you to compromise.. Because I never wanted to see any pity in your eyes for me.." Arnav said unable to hold more..

" What are you talking about? What compromise? What pity? Why I would feel pity on you? Why on earth living with you would be a compromise for me? I am not getting anything Arnav. What complicated theory you are making in your complex brain?" Khushi asked this time being genuinely confused but irritated too..

Arnav Ray always lacks patience..So, unable to hold himself anymore or explain his reason patiently, Arnav blurted out in hurry watching Khushi's irritation, "Because due to that accident my whole body burnt and had left scars which will never leave me.. My face is the place where the scars are least present.. People can look at my face at least by not judging me but about my whole body... It will be a terror for the opposite person to watch me or come close to me.." Arnav could not complete his words due to Khushi's interruption..

" You thought I will pity you because of those burn marks on your body?" Khushi asked calmly while her inside was burning with immense anger for the man infront of her..

Arnav nodded his head without looking at Khushi's eyes but snapped out immediately hearing Khushi's next question," Now can you enlighten me why you felt It will be a COMPROMISE for me to live my life as your wife?"

" After the accident according to medical report I will not be able to father a child.. I am...unable to... " Arnav passed a little gulping down the cry which was threatening to come out..then continue again, "I know Khushi how much you love children, it was clearly evident the way you take care of Advay, besides I had listen your talk with Payal about babies, how you want a twin.. That day I decided that I will let you go, though it will kill me internally, but I will at least be happy watching you have a happy life with someone who can give you all the happiness you deserve.. I just wanted your happiness; believe me, nothing else..." Arnav whispered the last few lines lowly..

" So what change? Don't you want my happiness any more? What changed now that the great Arnav Ray is confessing his love to me? Ohh.. If I could name the feeling of your's as love, I think it's just attraction, nothing else.. You never..." Khushi could not able to complete her sentence because a raging Arnav yank her close to him and caged her within his strong arms...

" Don't.. Don't you dare.. Don't you dare Khushi, to term my feeling as mere attraction.. You don't know anything about my feelings for you, so, don't... Since the existence of the feeling "love" harbour in me, I realised the meaning of love, I had "loved" only you.. Don't you dare insult my feelings naming that a mere attraction..." Arnav breaths fire on Khushi's face.. Their nose were touching one another, while both of them were giving angry glare to each other..

" Why not? Why cannot I decide about your feelings when you planned my entire life without even asking me once? When you had decided that living with you will be a COMPROMISE for me and I will PITY you because of your scars, huhh Arnav? I cannot even term your feelings for me as "attraction" but you had decided over my feelings and had acted upon that... How convenient... I never thought that you had so much low opinion about me, after spending almost six months together, you come to know about me, this much? This is your opinion? You think I am an opportunist? You think, to me your physical appearance is more important than your soul? You.. You..." Khushi could not able to complete her sentence due to her overwhelming emotions, she chocked on her tears making Arnav guilty and worried at a same time..

Arnav tried to wipe Khushi's tears but she pushed him away, " Don't you dare touch me Mr Ray.. You had decided my fate, right? Because Arnav  Ray can write his own destiny and along with that everyone's destiny.. So, well my lord, I will obey your rules.. I will exactly follow which you have wrote in my destiny.. I will leave the house within 7 days, and your life.. FOREVER..." Khushi harshly wipes the tears which were continuously flowing from her eyes...

Arnav stood numb for few second with the sudden turn of event.. He never thought that Khushi would be that much hurt due to his thoughtless behaviour.. Arnav cursed under his breath being so jerk.. But damage is already done and Boy, it's too grave.. Khushi is too hurt.. But he will do everything in his power to amends his mistakes and win Khushi back.. He will not let Khushi go away from his life, not today, not ever...Arnav closed his eyes and takes deep breath..

" Listen Khushi, I know I did not had the right to take decision on behalf of your's, I should have talk to you but please let me explain, listen to me..I.." Arnav was cut off by Khushi,

" No, Thank you Mr Ray.. I don't want to listen any of your stupid explanations... I have decided, I will leave after 7 days ... I will fulfil your wish... I...ahhhh" Khushi could not able to complete her words as an angry Arnav harshly again yank her towards him, his eyes was spitting fire...

" Why are you being so difficult Khushi? I know I did wrong.. But for God sake, let me at least explain... why I did what I did.. I wanted to protect myself from heartbreak, I never wanted to see pity or disgust in your eyes for me, I..." Arnav again pushed in midway by Khushi..

" Disgust, pity? You thought I will be disgusted by you or pity you? Why? Ohh.. Wait.. You thought your physical appearance is more important to me than your heart.. You have so high opinion about me Mr Ray... It proves that you never understand me, in these 6 months, everything transpired between us is just, My wild hope, nothing else..." Khushi hiccup this time making Arnav closed his palm in tight fist...

"It is not easy Khushi... every day, when I stand infront of the mirror, I, Myself felt miserable looking at my image.. It's so horrible.. Then tell me, how would have I dared to think that you will not feel scare, or disgusted seeing me? I just thought that you deserve someone better Khushi... Someone who is a human, not like me, who is a BEAST in a human form... I had a conflict going on in mind constantly.. But that day when I accidentally eavesdrop your conversation with Payal, I thought I am being selfish by snatching your right to be a mother, I... did not had the heart to be that much selfish Khushi.. That's why, irrespective of Loving you insanely, I wanted you to go.. and I wanted to make you hate me, so that you can easily move on... But the fate of Mr Arunoday Mallik, had teach me a lesson that, I am here, infront of you, to convey my actual feeling towards you... please.. try to understand..." Arnav said looking at Khushi, who is in her own world mumbling in a trance..

" You thought I will feel disgusted seeing your scars... You don't have any idea, how much respect I have for you seeing your fighting attitude.. The way, after so much, you still fought for Advay.. I.. just... and to me, Your scars are the sign of your courage.. I felt proud being your wife in these months and you thought..." Khushi said to herself not looking at Arnav but her voice was enough loud to reach Arnav's ears and hearts too..

Arnav felt overwhelmed as well angry to his own self...What he had done in his stupid assumption? How much he had hurt Khushi... Arnav's chain of thought was broken hearing Khushi's next set of words,

" And regarding being mother.. Yes, like other woman, I also had a dream to have a happy family, with my husband and child..and since the last 6 months I was living those dreams in reality... You, me and Advay... being Advay's angel was no less than the feeling of being his mother.. And the best part is you are his dada.. I never realise, when my dream had a real face... I started to have the desire to be the mother of your child... It's really does not matter, it's biological or not, but the child who will call me maa, you must be his/her dada.. That was my dream...And you, Mr "I know everything" Ray, dare to think a separate life for me.. How dare you to think that I will allow another man to get intimate with me? To touch me the way you had touched me? How dare you think that I will give the place to other man when, You resides in me?? How could you??" Khushi snapped at Arnav with her angry, red eyes and Arnav stood frozen in his place..

He still could not believe what he had heard from Khushi.. She wanted him in her life? She wanted him as the father of her child, biological or adopted? She wanted Him? Khushi Basu desired Arnav Ray with this intensity?

Arnav was so overwhelmed and his heart was bursting with so much joy that for few second he did not able to produce a single word.. and Khushi took his silent in a wrong way..

Khushi huffed, then glared at Arnav. "You want me to leave you? Fine then, I will leave... Besides, you are looking for reasons to leave me anyway."

" You know very well that, that's not true," Arnav frowned due to Khushi's sudden change of words after her soulful expression.

" Is not it? Is not that all you ever do? Run away from me, or push me away, no matter how hard I try. You are always looking for reasons to get away from me. I will now fulfil your wish.. I will go away. I will marry someone else.." Khushi said and Arnav took few steps towards her angrily, his steps threatening. "Enough," Arnav whispered. " You are not going to away from me, ever. And I will kill anyone and everyone who would dare to come close to you.."

Khushi sarcastically laughed, " Are not you the one who wanted to hand me over to someone else just a few days ago?"

" I did that for you, because I care about you and I wanted what's best for you." Arnav raised his voice as high as Khushi's.

" Then why are we here?" Khushi flipped out, " You can not make up your mind, you are confused about your feelings and your confusing everyone else with you. You say you love me but you don't. You never Arnav..."

" Don't question my love for you." Arnav gritted his jaw.

" Why not? You give me reasons to Mr Arnav Ray. But what's the point now, it's over between us. You and me never work out, we are just not meant to be. I don't even know why I try. You and I are toxic for each other."Khushi huffed angrily...

" Then why do you try ? Stop fucking trying !" Arnav lured. His eyes grew angrier, sharper, as they narrowed down at Khushi. They were breathing hard, feeling so much aggression that could not just be delivered through words or verbal wars. Arnav was glaring at Khushi and her at him.

" I will ! Because I am done with you Mr Ray and with everything you have put me through. In fact, I hate you."

Arnav's jaw tightened, he walked over to Khushi and pulled her into his body with a jerk. Then Arnav did something which Khushi never imagined in her wild dream...He gripped a handful of her hair in his fist, pulling her face closer to his own and whispered. "I hate you more," Arnav growled and in the next minute Khushi found herself pinned against a tree.

" Ar..." Khushi's words were left unsaid in her throat as Arnav's mouth crashed against her, with a force that took her breath away.

His kisses were not gentle like Khushi had remembered them to be in the day of Holi. Instead they were aggressive, wild, dangerous, full of possessiveness. Khushi felt herself drowning in the passion and pleasure that Arnav had inflicted upon her.

Suddenly everything seems faded away around them, except the wild passion which was consuming both of them....

To be contd.....


Author Note:

During the time of pandemic, fighting in and out, I am trying to divert my mind by penning down.. So, I have started a new Short story based on Sheetal Track named "Withered with Hurt".. Please share your opinion about the story..

Hope everything get well soon and I can come back with a steady schedule.. but until then.. Please, keep patience with the update...

Once again...

It's my earnest request please, follow the safety measures..Help yourself and help the nation..

Be safe...keep everybody safe...Stay at home..

Pray for all...Our unity can help us to overcome the situation...

Regarding the update, Expecting your response ....

Love and regards...

Your story teller



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