Let us protect you

By Lilo_TS

21.4K 424 81

this story is about a human boy named Mateo who found a necklace in a cave when he's in a vacation and he tak... More

the main character
Chapter 1 - the beginning
chapter 2 - the amulet
Chapter 3 - meet the spirits
Chapter 4 - the explanation
Chapter 5 - fighting
chapter 7 - back to college
Chapter 8 - new friends?
Christmas special edition
Chapter 9 - something strange about to happened
another announcement

Chapter 6 - learning magic

1.3K 28 12
By Lilo_TS

(author note: hey guys before you reading this chapter I wanna thank you all for 600 views thank you so much for the views I really appreciate it you all the best now please enjoy the chapter and again thank you so much)

Mateo POV

I was sitting on the couch playing with my phone until Alfred sitting next to and looking at my phone "what are you doing my love?~" alferd said with flirty tone "um playing with my phone?" after I said that my phone popping out a notification my battery phone was 20% left "oh I should charge my phone then" but before I can get up alferd said "oh you don't need to" then there was some kind of electric? I don't know but it looks like one coming toward my phone I was kinda shocked "w-what did you do to my phone?" "Look again at your phone love~" when I looked back at my phone I see my battery phone was 100% already "b-but how?" "don't you remember? we are spirits we have power of course" I still confused about what just happened "so what your power?" I ask alferd "well isn't obvious? it's electric/thunder" I was so speechless "do you want to know more about magic?" alferd asking me "but isn't that dangerous?" "no, not really actually" "sorry but I'm not interested" I reject alferd suggestion then drake came out of nowhere "but when I think of it again Mateo should know about magic stuff at least know what kind of magic it is because you have to keep yourself safe" well not gonna lie he has some point I have to keep myself safe because I was the target "you right I have to keep myself safe but how? I don't have any ability to keep me safe" "actually you have Mateo" drake said, "i-i have?" "of course everyone had the ability" "Then what is my ability?" "hmmm I honestly don't know what's your ability is but we can show you some of the magic" I actually want to but I scared what if I make some mistake and end it up I blow the house? but it's for my own good too "so what is the answer?" "y-yes please teach me some magic" "good" as drake said that he pats my head I blush a little "but we will do this at my backyard" "sure, Felix eric come we have some job to do" as drake called Felix and eric "okay this way" I lead them to my backyard "here we are" "oh it's huge in here," said Drake with a smile on his face "sweet I can train in here then," said eric with excited tone "so what are all of your ability?" I asked them "well you already know mine," said alferd "yeah but other than that?" "oh did I mention it to you that can summon my weapon?" "well not just you alferd we all can," said drake, wait they all can summon a weapon too i-i don't know how I should feel right now either I excited that they can summon a weapon to protect me or scared because they have a scary weapon "c-can you show me?" "sure but..." "but?" "you have to kiss me first~" I can feel my face began to turn red "o-only at the cheek okay?" "Okay," said alferd with a happy tone I move closer to alferd face then kiss him on the cheek ugh this is embarrassing "t-there happy?" "so much" after the kiss alferd summoning his weapon, there is some electric coming from his hand making a shape like a spear then there it is his weapon is a spear

it looks scary but at the same time it looks cool "w-wow c-can I touch it?" "sure" I got closer to the spear and carefully touch the spear I kinda afraid it might be electric me but when I touch it, it didn't electric me just like a normal weapon I guess "so it's just like a normal weapon?" "normal weapon? this more than normal watch this" as he said that then the cloud turn gray and there is thunder coming and electric the spear that why make me shocked "see?" the spear now is glowing bright "w-wow" "pretty cool right?" "y-yeah" I don't know what I should say again "okay I want to see Felix now" "m-me?" "yes you, I want to see your power Felix" I smiled at him

Felix POV

oh oy god he so cute when he smiles "mine was.... water" "can you show me?" "s-sure" I try to focused but my hand is shaking because my heart beating so fast right now why he must be so cute! then I felt someone touching my hand and it was Mateo who touching my arm "are you okay Felix? your hand is shaking" Mateo said with a worry expression omg he becomes more cuter my heart beating so fast right now I can feel my face become so red right now "well looks like Felix is sick now" said eric "eh really? I don't know spirits can feel sick" "well it's is" "aw that's sad because I really want to see what Felix power can do.... go take a rest then Felix don't force yourself" dammit you eric I really want to show what I can do to Mateo and you just ruin it I can see he smirking at me right now I sit on the ground and try to relax

Mateo POV

I was disappointed because I can't see what Felix's power is I really want to see it but it looks like he sick "well what's your power eric?" "oh, it was darkness" EH?! he power is darkness?! "c-can you show me?" I actually don't want to but I still curious "sure!" oh god I'm ready for the worst

a few minutes later

nothing happened it's already a few minutes but nothing happened "um eric? nothing happened" "o-oh right my power only active when it dark I forgot I'm sorry" whew I'm glad I don't really have to see it "but I can show you my weapon tho" NO! "e-eh s-sure I guess.." argh then there was a pitch-black all over eric hand then it disappears like dust then there is he's weapon it's a claw glove

"a glove?" "Actually it's claw glove" "oh I thought your weapon was a sword" "Nah it's not" kinda disappoint but feel glad too at the same time "so what the claw glove can do?" "um, nothing only active at night" really? if the glove can't do anything why did you show me?! "i-i see then what about you drake?" "oh me? mine was fire" I kinda interesting at that "so what can you do?" "well I can do this" he raises his hand and there is a flame on his hand well that cool "wow kinda cool what about your weapon?" "oh okay but you have to stay away a little" "oh okay" I do as drake told me then there a huge fire his hand then he swings his hand and there is his weapon it's...... a scythe

it's cool but it's scary too "w-wow what it can do?" "well I can do this" he swings his scythe there is a super hot red flame energy from the scythe (sorry I can't get the picture of the illustration) "wow it's so cool but... MY BACKYARD!" there was a fire at my backyard because of the swing of the scythe "oops sorry" "what we do?!" I was panic but then there was a small water wave it's from Felix "oh my god Felix your my lifesaver" I go toward Felix and hug him "I thought you were sick?" "I'm not... just need to relax" "oh good then, now can you show me your weapon?" "sure" there was a bubble around his hand making the shape of like a sword then like a blink of an eye the bubble is gone then I see the weapon it's a blue katana

"wow, what it can do?" "it's still the same... but it's just more powerful" "oh I see at least the power getting more powerful not like the one I know," "hey I already told you my power only active when it's dark!" said eric little bit mad "well you already see the power we had now how about learn about the magic?" ask drake now after I see all of it I don't feel scared again because I have to used to it sooner or later so I must brave "yes I want to please teach me!" I said that with a cheer tone "good, let's do it"

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