Error's book of angst and flu...

By Leffee

169K 5.1K 3.3K

Please for goodness heavens, don't comment if you're really young, I had to delete enough of cringy comments... More

Rest [Error and Nightmare]
Cold [Error and Nightmare's gang]
Helpless love [Error and Ink]
His day [Error and Nightmare]
Sleep deprivation [Error and Dust]
Like the usual [Error and Ink]
In their free time [Error and Shattered!Dream]
A horror movie [Error and Horror]
A nice, warm bath [Error and Nightmare]
Happy for you [Error and Nightmare]
Waiting for you [Error and Reaper]
Just your cliche sick day [Error and Nightmare's gang]
Obsession [Error and Dream]
Growth [Error and Ink]
The big cleaning [Bad Sans Poly]
A new discovery [Bad Sans Poly]
Overcoming fear [Error and Fresh]
Online classes [Error and Nightmare]
Loving Outer...tale? [Error and Outer]
White panic [Error and Cross]
Glass of milk [Error and Nightmare]
"You've never been in Ikea before?" [Error and Killer]
Valentine's day [Bad Sans Poly]
The truth [Edit]
Stupid but lovable [Error and Fresh]
Cuddles [Error, Cross and Nightmare]
Depressive [Error and Cross]
Of the blankets and the pillows [Error and Dream]
One and only
A new method [Error, Dream and Blue]
Actually Important
Small moments [Error and Nightmare's gang]
Other type of confession [Error and Horror]
The system [Error and Nightmare]
The odd one out [Bad Sans Poly]
The end

An accident [Error and Cross]

8.6K 254 125
By Leffee

Error was walking through the forest in some AU. Which one he did not know and didn't really care at the moment. He was just grateful, that for once he could peacefully wander with nobody attacking him. The area near the Snowdin was a good idea, since nobody ever came into the woods.

Don't misunderstand the situation though. He wasn't stressed or anything like that. He was actually pretty relaxed.

And why was that?

Because he has finally found his home. A real one, which was in Nightmare's place.

Nearly a year ago so called "Bad sanses" invited him to their group. At first Error was hesitant, but decided to give it a try. During that time he saw a lot of things. The most important one being the fact that this group was actually a makeshift family. They cared about each other like any other family, or possibly even more.

After some time it became clear that Nightmare was kind of a father figure to Cross, Horror, Dust and Killer. During the more family-bonding moments Error was rather awkward around them. He felt as if he was disrupting their relationship. However as time passed and he warmed up to the others, he naturally became part of it. And that was the best decision ever. He has never felt more cared for and...loved than now.

As much as he enjoyed living with them he needed his alone time once in a while.

But everything that's good must eventually come to an end right?

Error took few steps and saw Ink himself. He was standing quite far away with his back facing the black skeleton, but he didn't want to risk being found, and so he started walking into the opposite direction.

Did Ink really have to patrol this AU right now?

Error didn't want to come back just yet, so he started running looking behind himself to see whether the creator had spotted him. After a while he was practically not looking in front of him making sure that Ink wasn't following him.

That however was his mistake and before he could react he fell over and into the ice-cold lake. In his state of panic he quickly opened the portal to the mansion and landed on the floor of the living room.

Only now had he realised how absolutely frigid he was. He started shivering immediately and tried to wrap his clothes tighter around himself, but that only made matter worse. Of course, they were all wet.

The second he did that Cross came into the room he was in, startled by the thump.

"Is anyone her-! Error?! What happened? Why are you all wet?!" He jumped to the skeleton on the floor.

Error slowly looked up at him trying to gather his thoughts, which in his state was a bit hard. Not to say that he was still trembling. "I-I-I w-was w-walkng around t-t-the AU as I-I had told y-you g-guys. B-but then I-I saw Ink, a-a-and st-started running, t-then I feel i-into this r-really cold l-lake."

Cross looked like he wanted to know more about the accident, but now wasn't the time for it. Error was almost freezing in front of him! Normally they would let Nightmare take care of it, since he was more knowledgeable about this sorts of situations, but he had left a while ago to absorb some negativity.

Without second thought he picked Error up and speeded to his room when he felt him clung desperately to his jacket.

Once they were in there Cross sat him on his bed and said in a hurry, "Okay Error, first things first, you need to take off these clothes. Do it now and wear something warm, while you do this I will go make you some tea, okay?"

Error nodded, and already started taking his clothes off, he really needed to get changed.

Meanwhile Cross ran to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As soon as he was ready with the drink he came back to Error's room. The other had just finished putting different clothes on. He was now wearing a bit oversized, warm-looking, blue sweater, long, kinda baggy trousers and fluffy, dark socks.

Ok, he definitely looked warmer now, but was still shivering.

Cross sat down on the bed next to him, but not before grabbing a blanket and wrapping it tightly around the destroyer.

Error has clinged to it looking for warmth.

"T-thanks Cross, s-sorry for c-causing s-s-such a p-problem."

Cross looked at him for a second and handed him the hot tea, "Error, it's not your fault that you ended up like this, but we need to do make sure that you come back to your normal temperature. Here, drink this."

Error didn't protest anymore and just took it from him feeling the hot cup in his hands. With small sips he soon finished and felt some heat spreading through his bones. He sighed in a pleasant feeling, but didn't really feel that much better in a long run.

Cross took the cup putting it on the bedsite cabinet and Error tried to thank him, but couldn't utter any words due to his now ,for some reason, increased shaking. "T-th-hhhkh u-ugh-h-h t-t-thnghh."

The monochrome skeleton soon realised that and thought about what else to do to help him. An idea formed inside his head and he said, "Come here Error, that way you will feel better." and brought him closer to himself hugging the monster in the blanket.

Error was a little surprised, but wrapped his arms around Cross sinking into him. He was right, he had now definitely higher temperature than Error, not to say that this fluffy jacket of his was doing a pretty good job at warming him up too.

They stayed cuddled up like that for quite a long time. Cross also started rubbing his back, both to increase his temperature and to comfort him.

During that time Error stayed as close as possible to the other. His shivers were less and less present, also he couldn't help but to love that soft, fluffy jacket and touch it repeatedly with his hands.

"Gosh Cross, I love this jacket of yours."

Cross giggled quietly, a lot of people have been telling him that recently. It also leaded to other skeletons in the mansion almost being drawn to him and giving him hugs often.

"I'm glad you like it. How are you feeling?" Asked Cross still rubbing his back.

Error arched his spine in the direction of Cross' hands. He really felt much better. He was so glad to have Cross and the others too, not only as his friends ,but also as a family. He couldn't imagine how he had been able to live in complete separation for so long. He leaned closer to the other.

"Much better."

At the same time Error started getting more and more tired. Quite a lot has happened today, he was comfortable and much warmer then before. A nice nap sounded right about now.

"Cross, can I take a nap now? I'm a little tired." He yawned.

"Sure." Cross let him go slowly.

Error went under the covers wrapping the bedsheets around himself. He was better now, but still leaned into the warmth.

Cross stood up, but before he came out he remembered how Error had complimented his jacket. Perhaps he should...

"Hey, do you want to borrow my jacket? You said you liked it and it's warm."

Error perked up on the bed. "Yes, please."

Cross took off his jacket and handed it to Error, who proceeded to wear it.

It was so warm and fluffy he just wanted to stay like this forever. He sighed loudly and almost melted in his comfort.

"Thanks...I love it."

Cross smiled, and opened the door ready to leave.

"No problem, get some rest." And with that he left. He needed to inform others about the situations and see if Nightmare had came back.

Error closed his eyes unable to keep them open any longer. He was dead asleep in a matter of seconds.

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