GrayWolf Falls- Calum Hood

By MelliLove96

413 33 1

Hailey's life is uprooted, so she returns home to her WereWolf hunting family where she runs into a boy in th... More

Chapter 1-Coming Home
Chapter 2-GrayWolf Falls
Chapter 3-Echo Lake
Chapter 4-WereWolves
Chapter 5-Meet you there
Chapter 6-Training
Chapter 7-Calum
Chapter 8-The Hunt
Chapter 9- Attacked
Chapter 10-The Truth
Chapter 11-Who You Are
Chapter 12-The Scepter
Chapter 13-Growing Power
Chapter 14-Figuring Shit Out
Chapter 15-Mini road trip
Chapter 16-WarLock Coven
Chapter 17-Connection
Chapter 18-On The Road
Chapter 19-Meeting A Former Coven Member
Chapter 20- On The Search For The Scepter.
Chapter 21-Busted ?
Chapter 22- Ambushed
Chapter 23-Running 'Again'
Chapter 24- setback
Chapter 25-Dreams
Chapter 26-Kidnapped
Chapter 27- Rescue(Calum pov)
Chapter 28- Rescue me
Chapter 29-Aftermath
Chapter 31 - The truth
Chapter 32- dealing
Chapter 33- Going into the lions den
Great power

Chapter 30-On The hunt for the scepter

8 1 0
By MelliLove96

"Ok, so I've figured out how to get the Scepter without running into Michael." Ashton said between bites of pancakes.

Me,Luke and Calum just stared at him.

"What ?" Ashton asked. "It's known that the Coven won't step foot in the woods at night, plus tonight is a full moon."

My stomach dropped, reminding me of the night I was almost dog food.

"And what happens after we get it ?" I asked. "What then ?"

"We figure out where it's meant to be and get it back there." Ashton stated.

I sighed, the thought of stepping foot in the woods again after everything. It terrified me but I wanted to stop the coven once and for all.

"And what if the pack shows up ?" Calum added. "They have just as much to lose as the Coven."

"I have a spell to protect us when we get there."
Ashton said. "Just follow orders and we should get the Scepter no problem."

"Should ? You don't sound too confident bud." Luke said with sarcasm.

"It's not full proof but It will work if we work together." Ashton said looking at all of us. "Calum you will obviously stay by Hailey to ensure no one gets in her way. Me and Luke will make sure any potential problems are dealt with."

Luke glared at him but didn't say anything. We fell silent as we focused on eating. Once we were done, we headed back on the road.

The car ride was mostly silent, minus Ashton's voice directing Luke on where to drive. We were taking a different route to get to the scepter because if we took the original one we may run into my spellbound parents and brother.

Me and Calum sat in the back, my head leaned against his shoulder. I was nervous about the event coming up and how it would go. I felt Calum slowly grab my hand and squeeze softly. It wasn't a huge gesture but it was all i needed.

As it got dark, we neared the woods and Echo Lake. This had to work, no more Coven or Werewolf drama. I wouldn't allow it, I was going to save my Family and stop them.

Luke parked the car and we all get out and stare at the woods entrance. Animals and bugs could be heard playing in the dark shrubbery. Ashton pulled out a map and we gathered around him.

"Ok. So we start here and we're going to quietly make our way towards the lake without rousing suspicion." Ashton said pointing from point a to point b.

"Let's make it quick." Calum said, nudging us forward. "The moon is almost at the top of the sky and the wolves will be out in herds soon."

We followed the path towards Echo Lake without much of a problem. As we neared it, howls can be heard which made me shrink back but Calum nudged me forward.

We reached the lake and the moon was gleaming off the quiet water of the lake. And just like many times before, I found myself drawn to the lake.

"You know what to do Hailey ?" Ashton asked, I looked back at him and nodded my head.

I walked forward and made my way to the dock. I could feel my hand tingling at the anticipation of what I was about to do.

I turned back and was relieved to see Calum not too far from me. Luke and Ashton stood further back just waiting.

"Please work.." I pleaded and held my hand out the same way I did in the dream.

At first nothing happened but soon a invisible force was coming out of my hand, forcing the lake to open. I was a bit overwhelmed by the power but I steadied myself and focused on getting the scepter.

Slowly I could see the scepter coming from the bottom of the lake, it looked exactly how it did in my dream. I continue to focus and soon it was in arms length of me.

"STOP !"

I could hear someone curse from behind me and turned to see Dad with a wild look in his eyes. He was still under Michael's control.

"Don't do it, Hales." My Dad said but it didn't sound like him. "It will have serious repercussions to us all."

Ashton and Luke were struggling to hold him back as I turned back to the scepter. I slowly clasped my hands around the hilt and it felt like a huge energy was flowing through me from it.

My Dad collapsed as the glowing subsided, the lake quickly turned back to normal and the sound of howls became closer. Calum rushed up to me, his eyes warily on the scepter.

"Hailey you ok ?" He asked. "Did it hurt you ?"

I shook my head and rushed towards Ashton and Luke who were currently trying to wake my Dad.

"What happened ?" I asked.

"Whatever hold Michael had on him is gone." Ashton said, his hand hover over my Dad.

My Dad made a groaning noise and started to come to. He sat up and held his head, groaning as he opened his eyes.

"Hailey ?" My Dad said confused. "What happened ? And why the hell are we at Echo Lake this late ?"

I handed the scepter to Calum and embraced my Dad in a gentle hug.

"Thank god you're back !" I cried into his shoulder as he hugged me back.

"Hales what's going on ?" My Dad asked. "Who are these two men ?"

"I'll explain later, where's Mom and Kaden ?" I asked.

My Dad groaned trying to think.

"I think their coming." He replied. "They were with me but got held up by Werewolves.."

I could feel Calum tense up behind me, Ashton didn't look too comfortable either.

"We need to find them then." Luke said, easing the silent tension that had formed.

I helped my Dad up but he stopped when he saw the Scepter.

"We need to cloak that thing first." Dad stated. "The Werewolves and others will be looking for it."

I took it from Calum and my Dad rattles some ancient words and just like that, it disappears like it was never here.

"Where'd it go ?" Ashton asked looking utterly confused.

"It's safe for now, let's find the rest of my family and we can figure out how to get it back to where it belongs." He said and we headed to find my Mom and brother.

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