Found In the Past

By -ScorpionKing-

38.4K 1.9K 1.2K

It's been a month since Albus and Scorpius got back from their ill-advised crusade through time. But things w... More

- The Finale -


683 47 32
By -ScorpionKing-

Scorpius's POV:

"W-where am I?" I ask quietly, turning around to see dark mist surrounding me from all sides. A chill runs through me as the shadows circling me stretch and twist into ominous forms, reminding me eerily of the crystal ball... the one where I saw the Dark Mark. "Hello?!?!" I call again, practically begging not to be alone here.

"What a scared little boy... so lost... soooo alone," a sing-song voice floats through the air and I whirl around, terror seizing my heart. I've heard that voice before.

"Where- where are you?" I demand, reaching for my wand. My hand brushes against the solid wood for a second, but it just disappears. When I glance down, all I see is ash floating away to join the shadows.

"That depends," Delphi cackles, the wicked laughter echoing in the mist. "Where are YOU?"

"This isn't real," I whisper shakily, trying to convince myself it's just a dream.

"Isn't it?" The shadows to my side part and a ring of blue flames start flickering around the outlines, their heat pushing me back. I back away from the figure rising out of the flames. "Hello, Scorpius, long time no see," Delphini smiles at me, blue hair now electric in the dark light.

"I-I..." I grasp for words, but it's like my mouth is hexed shut.

"You little failure," she bares her teeth and lunges at me. I yell and fall back, the shadows parting for me to fall through. "Poor little Malfoy. Can't do anything right," she laughs again and chills run up my spine as she steps towards me. The shadowy person suddenly morphs into a one I recognize even more, since I see that face every time I look in one of the many mirrors around the Manor.

"You know who I am," the mirror image of me smirks cooly. Dark tendrils of smoke from the fire start rising in the air around him. His Slytherin robes are ripped and darkened, making the evil me's appearance even more ominous.

"You're not me," I glare at him, my shaking hands clenching into fists. His eyes turn pitch black as he shoots me a chilling smile.

"Oh I know. I'm so much better," he points his twisted wand at me and raises his chin. "I'm the Malfoy who fulfilled his legacy," I watch the other me's face sneer in horror as he raises his wand to strike. And then the shadowy mist morphs into something even worse.

"Scorpius?" Albus looks down at me, eyes wide in terror. My heart wrenches as I figure out what's about to happen.

"N-no," I choke out, desperately pleading with whatever this thing is that's making my worst fears play out. "Don't do this," I try to close my eyes. I try to look away before the green light flashes out. But I'm frozen, eyes wide, as I watch the boy I think I love die again.


"Scorpius. Wake up," I feel someone shaking my shoulder and my eyes shoot open, my throat raw from screaming. I look up to see my grandmother hovering over my bed, distress lining her face. She hugs me tightly, worry lines relaxing across her pale face.

"How long?" I manage to rasp out, feeling tears pool in my eyes. I blink rapidly, trying not to let the horrific images from the nightmare take over my vision.

"Two hours since you started screaming," my grandmother whispers. Her voice breaks slightly and I wrap my arms around her gently.

"I'm awake. I'm here. I promise," I tell her quietly. She pulls back, tears streaking down her face. Something scratches my throat and I double over, coughing.

"Scorpius?" She asks and I hold up one of my hands weakly for some space, feeling my throat constrict. Something lands on my palm and I wince, turning away so she can't see the blood.

"I'm fine," I gasp out, fighting to breathe, "Just need some water," She nods and stands up, hurriedly walking off to the kitchen. I glance at the clock by my bed and see 3:47 AM flashing. No more sleep tonight for me I guess. I stand up shakily and make my way over to the sink in my bathroom. I flick the switch to the lights and meet my eyes in the mirror. My eyes skip over the heavy bags under my eyes on habit. The only thing I pay attention to about my reflection is the fact my eyes are grey and not black which is what matters.

I twist the handle to the sink and watch clear water splash into the crystal bowl underneath. I open my clenched fist to see my pale fingers, stained with ruby red. With a sigh, I place my hand under the water and watch the crystal sink turn pink with my blood. I hate lying to Albus in every letter, pretending my nightmares have gotten better, but it's the only way I can keep him from worrying. Even with that I sometimes get the feeling that he can tell that I'm lying.

"Here," my grandmother walks into the bathroom and leans on the door frame, offering me a glass of water in her shaking hands. I take it with a small smile.

"Thank you," I tell her softly, drinking the water quickly. The coolness feels nice on my apparently raw enough to be bleeding throat, but I know it doesn't fix anything.

"You still have blood on your shirt," she says sadly, motioning to where I missed a spot.

"I can't hide anything from you," I sigh and walk past her out of the bathroom, moving to find a different shirt.

"Which is certainly a good thing. Scorpius the nightmares are getting worse. You- we- we can't keep living like this," she stutters, walking after me. I open my closet and pull out a wrinkled green top. I nod in agreement, taking off the bloodied garment and slipping into the new one.

"I know," I sigh and turn back to her, smoothing the shirt down self-consciously.

"I talked to Dr. Porter and he said talking through it all could potentially help. So... honey, can you tell me what the nightmares are about?" She asks me softly, placing a soft hand on my shoulder. "I know it's painful to think about but you are a Malfoy and we need sleep." She says firmly. I take a deep breath to steady myself but I'm immediately struck by an uncontrollable coughing fit as it hits the back of my throat. It takes me a minute, but I manage to fight back to coughing to breathe normally.

"Are you sure I have to... talk about... it?" I ask her, shaking my head. "I'd rather take a bludger to the gut again."

"Sweetheart, I wouldn't ask if it weren't important," she tells me, pulling her hand off my shoulder hesitantly. A sliver of moonlight shines through the window and I notice the bags under her eyes match mine. I see I'm not the only one who's been suffering.

"O-okay," I move to sit back on my bed, pushing away the tangled sheets to make room for her. I take a small breath, careful not to accidentally start coughing again. "I'm always in this ring of shadows... it's painfully clear I can't get out. Usually..." I hesitate and my grandmother squeezes my hand in support. "My fears come to life... Delphi... my failures.... m-mother.... myself... I can normally tell it's a dream at first b-but I lose that after he dies..." I choke on my words.

"Who dies, Darling?" my grandmother asks softly.

"A-Albus. I've watched him die in every nightmare."

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