Single Dad | Jeon Jungkook βœ”οΈ

By jjkimajins

342K 12.4K 3.8K

When Jungkook struggles to be a single dad, he meets y/n, a simple girl who wants to help him out. But when t... More

Epilogue [1/2]
Epilogue [2/2]
Christmas 100K Special

21 (End)

10.1K 338 129
By jjkimajins

"Hey brother."
"Misun!? What are you doing here?" He asks, looking at her in disgust.
"Jungkook how hard did that car hit you!? Did you not just hear what the doctor said? I'm going to donate my blood to you," she shrugs.
"You were hit by a car!?" You exclaim, looking at Jungkook with wide eyes.
"How do you know that!? And I don't want anything from you after all you've done," he shouts at her and you caress his cheek and try to get him to calm down.

"Baby shhhh," you coo, knowing how weak he is and how careful he has to be.
"Now is not the time Kook, if I don't do this, you'll die. I'm the only one who can save you," she says, tears welling in her eyes. "I know I was wrong in the past but we're family and I don't want to lose you and I don't think y/n, Jae or the baby in her stomach do either."

"Please Kookie," you look at him as tears begin flowing down your cheeks.
"Okay fine, but there better not be a catch," he agrees but he says it slightly out of breath meaning he's getting weaker and needs the blood as soon as possible.

"No catch I promise," she shakes her head.
"Right then, may I ask you to leave so we can get this blood transplanted?" The doctors asks you.
"Yes, of course," you smile at him but quickly turn your head back to Jungkook and place your lips on his.

"Everything is going to be okay, I'll be outside waiting for you," you smile at him, your face millimetres away from his.

"No y/n go home, rest, eat, don't wait here for me, I'll get someone to call you once it's done," he whispers before connecting your lips once again.
"I love you," he smiles weakly at you and you caress his cheek.

"I love you too," you smile and place a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room.
You were about to leave the hospital but we're stopped by someone calling your name. 
"Oh Hyunjin, I thought you would've gone home," you shrug.

"No I waited for you since I found out some information about Jungkook's accident.....that was actually not an accident," he says.
"What do you mean?" You ask.

"It was all Areum, she paid some random guy to dress up and look professional and get Jungkook to somehow go outside in the car park. Areum was sitting ready in her car waiting for him and as soon as she saw him she didn't hesitate to step on the gas pedal and hit him, leaving him out in the cold, bleeding to death."

Tears were falling down like a waterfall and Hyunjin gave you a tissue to wipe them before embracing you, knowing how broken you are feeling.
"But you don't have to worry about her anymore as the person that called the ambulance also called the police and she's now going in jail for attempted murder."

"H-how do you know all this?" You ask him.
"Misun told me before she went in to see him, it was her that phoned for help."

You couldn't believe it. Misun helped Jungkook and is now saving his life. What is going on!? How does Misun know about Areums plan? But will Jungkook let her back into his life after all this? Is there actually a catch or was she telling the truth? You need answers. You were about to leave but then you felt a sharp pain in your stomach and gasped.

"Y/n are you okay?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine, lets just go home, I need to get Jae," you say.

; 10:48 pm 🧸

Hyunjin dropped you home and you collected Jae. He'd fallen asleep on the sofa but awoke at your soft coos. He quickly hugged you and you hugged him back. Thanking your neighbour, you both leave and head back to yours.

You both got into your pyjamas and you wanted Jae to be in your room tonight since Jungkook wouldn't be there. It felt weird....lonely.....cold and all you wanted was him. You smuggled up to Jae and you noticed his tear stained cheeks.

"Mummy where's daddy gone? Why did they take him away?" He asks, his voice sounding like he was going to break down into tears.
"Daddy just hit his head and is in hospital to get better," you explain, not wanting to reveal the whole truth because it was traumatise him.

"I miss him," he pouts.
"Me too Baby, but he just needs to get plenty of rest," you say as you caress his cheek.
"And so do you, it's been a long night," you kiss his head before letting sleep take over.

; 9:47 am 🏨

The next morning you woke up to a phone call explaining that the transplant was a success, Jungkook is getting stronger but Misun is going to take longer to recover due to the mass lot of blood but she's doing fine. Jungkook's body accepted the blood and is sleeping but you can go visit him.

Unfortunately Misun is not allowed anyone in due to her needing to rest. You wanted to thank her and bought her a bunch of flowers. Jae had been spending the morning making his dad a get well card, like the ones he made for me when I was sick.

You then called Hyunjin and asked him to drive you both to the hospital since your car was still at the location of the meal last night and plus you can't drive since you're pregnant. He obviously agreed and came over straight away.

You arrived at the hospital and went straight into Jungkook's room, seeing him asleep on the bed. You held Jae's hand and walked him over to the bed, before you entered you told him to not disturb him because he needs to rest. 

Taking Jungkook's hand in yours, you kiss it as you stare at his face that had a lot more colour than yesterday. Jae places the card on the table beside him and sits down on the chair next to yours.

After about ten minutes, his hand squeezes yours several times and his eyes slowly start to flutter open, immediately connecting with yours. He smiles at you as your other hand reaches up to caress his cheek. "Hi Baby," he whispers.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" You ask him.
"Better thank you," he smiles at you. Jae had been sleeping on the chair, waiting for him to wake up but now it was the other way around.
"Jae?" Jungkook calls him and he quickly shots his eyes open and smiles widely.

"DADDY!!!" He screams and hugs him gently.
"Hey Buddy, are you okay?"
"No, I was sad that you hit your head but I made you a card," he smiles, pointing at the card on the table. Jungkook picks it up and reads it. "Thank you Jae," he smiles at his son. You help Jungkook to sit up in the bed when suddenly you get a sharp pain in your stomach. "Y/n are you okay?!" Jungkook panics. You try to reply but it just comes out as screams and groans when suddenly you feel a gush of water leave your body and you look up at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, I think my water just broke."

; 11:28 am 🙏🏻

"Please, I need to see her!" Jungkook begs. "She's about to give birth to my child, I have to be there!"
"I'm afraid you're not strong enough Jungkook, you need at least another day of resting," the doctor tells him.

"Please, you don't understand, she needs me," Jungkook says, tears about to form in his eyes.
"She and the baby are going to be fine, now just stay here and we'll let you know when the baby comes. It won't be for a few hours anyway at least," the doctor says before he heads to the door.

"I don't think you understand what she's been through, she's had a miscarriage before having this child and my sons real mother died giving birth to him. She's scared.....I'm scared. But I need her and she needs me," Jungkook shouts at him.

"Rest well Jungkook," the doctor says and leaves the room, locking it behind him. Tears start leaving Jungkook's eyes as he thinks of you having the contractions without him. He needed to be there and he knew that you wanted him there.....but now there was no way of him getting to see the birth of his new baby.

; 8:37 pm 👨🏻‍⚕️

It was a lot later now and you'd been having major contractions, all whilst crying for Jungkook and begging for them to get him for you. Jae had to stay outside the room with Hyunjin, who you were extremely thankful for. Jae could hear you screaming in pain, and started crying and hugged Hyunjin for comfort.

"Right y/n you're ten centimetres, get ready to start pushing," the midwife tells you.
"No," you tell them firmly. "I'm not having this baby unless my fiancé is in this room."
"Maybe we should just get him to come here," one of the midwives says.
"No, we've been told that he has to stay in his room and rest."
"Then I guess I'm not giving birth until he's better."

Meanwhile....for the last god knows how many hours, Jungkook had been trying to pick at the lock on the door using anything he could find in the room. But he had to be careful as soon as he saw the doctor coming, he quickly hid the tools and hopped back into bed. He wasn't feel one hundred percent but he was determined to see you and his newborn be brought into the earth.

Despite the hard hit to his head, he quickly thought of a plan and hid behind the door, waiting for the doctor to walk in. He soon heard the key from the other side and the doctor walked in, Jungkook didn't hesitate to whack a metal tray he found on the doctors head, knocking him out so he fell on the floor.
"'Not strong enough' my ass. How dare you not let me witness the most beautiful, special moment of my life," he spits before running to the maternity ward. He searched every room until he final heard your voice.

"How many more times do I have to tell you that unless Jungkook is here, I'm not pushing."
"Then I guess you can start pushing because Jungkook is now here," he pants as he quickly rushes to you and kisses you, taking your hand in his. "H-how?"
"That's a story for another day, but now let's have this baby," he smiles.

You began pushing, squeezing Jungkook's hand tightly due to the pain. Every so often he would encourage you and tell you how proud he is of you. And soon after, you heard crying, the crying from your child. Jungkook let you catch your breath before kissing you.

"I'm so proud of you Baby," he coos whilst the doctors sort you and the newborn out. The nurse gives the baby to Jungkook and he rocks them in his arms, smiling at them in awe.
"She's perfect y/n," he says as he hands the baby to you.

"She?" You ask as you caress your daughters tiny face as she cries.
"Congratulations, your daughter is healthy and born at 9:01pm," one of the midwives says before they all leave, giving the two of you some space. Jungkook sits next to you on the bed and you look at him, noticing that he had a few tears on his cheeks.
"Baby what's wrong?" You ask him as you start breastfeeding your daughter.
"Nothing, I just don't think I've ever been this happy. I have the most amazing, gorgeous fiancé, an incredible son and now I've been blessed with a beautiful daughter."

Tears of happiness escaped your eyes and you leaned your head on his shoulder as you watched you little girl be fed. It was a weird feeling yet felt natural. You just couldn't believe you'd just given birth and you now had a tiny baby in your arms.

"How's your head?" you suddenly ask him.
"A lot better now I'm here with you," he smiles before kissing your head. Just then Jae and Hyunjin come in and Jae immediately hugs Jungkook and then he notices the baby sleeping in your arms.

"Wow my sister is cute," he smiles.
"I'm surprised he managed to keep it a secret all this time," Jungkook laughs.
"Congratulations Mr. Jeon, your family is beautiful," Hyunjin smiles as he shakes Jungkook's hand who thanks him.

"Have you thought of name for her yet?" He asks. 
"No, we're still undecided," he says.
"Ah okay but where have you been all day?"

"The doctor locked me in my room so I couldn't be there at the birth so I may or may not of bashed a tray against his head....."
"You what!?" You exclaim.
"Nothing Baby, don't worry," he says.

You thought Jungkook's parenting skills with Jae was attractive, it's one of the first things you liked about him, how good he is with children, but seeing him care of a newborn was just the best thing.

You visited Misun, thanking her for saving Jungkook and surprisingly once she was better after a few days she moved countries. Areum went into rehab so she could better and you hoped to never see her again.

Your daughter was now about two weeks old and in that time you'd developed a routine that works best for you both. If the baby would cry during the night, despite being tired, he didn't hesitate to see to her and attend to her needs, letting you sleep. And if she was hungry, he brought her over to you and let you feed her. Jae has also been amazing with her, he holds her with such care and is gentle, as if she were glass. She was the most gorgeous baby, with eyes like Jungkook and a cute little nose.

You felt complete and so did Jungkook. He'd gone from being a single dad to a father of two beautiful children and having the perfect fiancé. And neither of you would want it any other way because it is a beautiful life.


So single dad is complete :'(
I really hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it.
I WILL be posting an Epilogue/ bonus part soon so stay tuned for that.
I also have another Jungkook ff on the way. This time it's a Robot au, something different but i hope you'll enjoy that when i post it.

In the meantime if you still want to support my work or imagines go follow my instagram @jjkimajins :)

Thank you for all your support on this story and nearly 5K views. I love you all so much

Here's the cover for my new ff coming soon:

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