An IDV story (dumb)

By nutstate

34.3K 996 5.2K


Just some background
Gay boi hours
Naib, help!
Accept or reject?
Joseph, get out!
They won't stop crying...
Roadman Robbie and Chavvy Follower?
Bald boi time
A wedding?
Finally husband and wife
A small problem...
Soft boi dates!
A second wedding
Even more weddings...
New character: John Cena!
Adopting a roadman...
A moment of peace, please?!
Joseph done goofed
Sacrifice the child
Fully snapped
No way... Another wedding?!
Movie night!
The mini hunters
Adopted Andrew
McDonalds madness
Beach time!
Wait, you're a boy and I'm a rat?!
Helena causing trouble again?!
Uncovering the truth
The rise of Rah Queen
Rah Queen films a video
Thank you so much!
How's Norton doing?
A manly sleepover
Girls' night!
Naib's sad boi hours...
Unexpected pregnancy
Two-person skewer
Just brotherly love~
Not the holy woman!
The softest content you'll get
Luca's virginities
Mike's kebabs
A boat date!
Magnet man's turn
A night out
The park
Poor health
Over the bridge and far away
Finding out
Too much soup
Don't drop your ice lolly
A not-so-private chat
Inviting some friends
Last minute plans
Always interrupted
Joseph's going crazy...
Car wash
Duo hunters
Cleaning survivors' rooms
Cleaning hunters' rooms
Relationship problems
All in one day
Is this how it ends?
A peek into the future

Kevin gets a man

287 8 79
By nutstate

Just going to quickly post like another two chapters. All these chapters were written last night, when I couldn't sleep, due to insane hot temperature.

The next morning, Aesop's room...

Eli: *wakes up, but keeps his eyes closed*

Eli: Where's my mask...?

Eli: *feels around, but feels nothing, so drowsily opens one eye, seeing a knife hovering above him*

Eli: ?!

Joseph: *quickly hides the knife behind him*

Eli: What was that...? Joseph, was you about to kill me?!

Joseph: Maybe. Maybe not.

Eli: It's a simple question with a simple answer. Just say whether you were about to or not!

Joseph: Okay! Yes! I was! Sheesh...

Eli: And just why-

Joseph: You're sleeping with my husband!

Eli: Yeah! Sleep-!

Joseph: You admit it?! You were doing bad things to my darling Aesop?!

Eli: No! I'm trying to say that we were just sleeping! Nothing dirty happened!

Joseph: I don't believe that for a second.

Eli: Whatever. I can't change what you think... Believe it or not, it's the truth.

Joseph: No, it's not. You lying.

Eli: You're...

Joseph: What?

Eli: It's 'you're' lying, not 'you' lying...

Joseph: This is not the time for correcting my grammatical mistakes!

Eli: I thought you would be educated better, since you was a Count and all, but guess not...

Joseph: My social standing has nothing to do with my education!

Eli: Actually, research has shown that those from the higher classes end up with greater education, compared to the lower class.

Joseph: I don't speak sociology.

Eli: Eh, whatever. I'm tired, so I'll just go back to sleep...

Joseph: Wait! I think not, sir! You're in the same bed as my husband!

Aesop: Stop screaming...

Joseph: Ah, Aesop~ You're awake~

Aesop: Yeah? Thanks to someone's incredibly loud voice...

Eli: Pfft-

Joseph: Oh, sorry, my love... It's just, this bird guy was sleeping with you!

Aesop: Ugh, we didn't do anything...

Joseph: You both could be lying. I heard things last night. Mind explaining those noises? Hm?

Aesop: Did you check where the noises came from?

Joseph: Ah- Well- No... But! Why would anybody-

Aesop: It was probs Wu Chang...

Joseph: I mean, they are quite close to my room...

Aesop: Yeah, they just do that sometimes when they get too stressed...

Joseph: Oh... Ew.

Eli: Can you guys be quiet? I wanna sleeeeep.

Aesop: Sorry... I want to fall back asleep too... Joseph, do you mind?

Joseph: Um, yes! I do mind! You two should not be in the same bed! Especially after Naib confessed to you, Aesop!

Aesop: Don't say that name ever again.

Joseph: Oh- I didn't mean- Wait-

Aesop: *turns over*

Aesop: Just stop talking already...

Eli: Aesop...

Aesop: Yeah? What is it?

Eli: You can't just pretend Naib doesn't-

Aesop: I'm sleeping.

Eli: Then how are you talk-

Aesop: I'm asleep. I can't hear you.

Eli: *sighs in defeat*

Joseph: I'll just go then... I swear! If you hurt my honey, you will pay!

Joseph: *flashes the knife for Eli to see*

Eli: I've already done it once, and I don't intend to do it again...

Aesop: *slides his hand over Eli's*

Joseph: I still can't trust you...

Eli: You don't have to. Aesop, you okay?

Aesop: I'm fast asleep.

Eli: Bruh... Let go.

Aesop: I need to make sure you're there.

Joseph: *pulls off the blanket*

Joseph: What are you guys doing?!

Eli: *facepalms*

Aesop: Don't worry about it. You're getting worked up over nothing...


Aesop: Oh Lord...

Joseph: This is EVIL! A great SIN! You can end up in HELL for this!

Aesop: You're being over dramatic... Now give us back the blanket, I'm cold...

Eli: Could you also let go of my hand?

Aesop: Like I said before, I need to make sure you're next to me. At all times. I can also feel your body temperature, so I know if anything's wrong.

Eli: The hell? Okay... I really think you should get checked by Emily.

Joseph: YOU should take a visit to the cremation centre.

Eli: And just why would I do that?

Joseph: You need to book an appointment.

Eli: Let me guess. You want to cremate me.

Joseph: Oh, how did you know?

Eli: Ugh. Aesop, I'm going back to Hastur's room. Entertain this pedo.

Eli: *leaves*

Aesop: Noooo!

Joseph: *crawls in Aesop's bed, taking Eli's space*

Aesop: Ew, get- Out-

Aesop: *pushes Joseph out, causing him to fall on the floor*

Joseph: My darling...

Aesop: I don't want to see you. I need to stay with Eli.

Joseph: Don't tell me you are in love with him...

Aesop: I'm not. He's just my friend. But a lot of my friends have been... I just-! I need to keep an eye on Eli!

Joseph: I'm sure he'll be okay. Naib only died because he couldn't control his emotions and he let them take over-

Aesop: *strikes Joseph across the face*

Joseph: *gasps and holds his cheek*

Aesop: It wasn't his fault! Not everyone is a stone faced god, who's able to hide all their feelings! He just got overwhelmed... Which was his downfall...

Joseph: That's literally what I said, just put nicer...

Aesop: Whatever. I don't care. I'm going to Hastur's room.

Joseph: You can't be serious...

Aesop: I'm dead serious. I can't lose him too...

Joseph: Fine... Don't let him die...

Aesop: I don't intend to.

Aesop: *gets off his bed and goes to Hastur's room*

Joseph: Do I smell bad or something? Why he no like me?

Joseph: *sniffs his clothes*

Joseph: I smell amazing... Like, who doesn't love the smell of freshly baked baguettes? I sure do.

Kevin: Why you talkin' to yourself?

Joseph: Ah! When did you get in here?!

Kevin: Just now. And why you on the floor?

Joseph: *gets up and brushes the dust away*

Joseph: Don't tell anybody you saw that state I was in...

Joseph: *reveals his knife*

Joseph: I'm not afraid to stab.

Kevin: 😯

Joseph: Yes, yes. Be afraid!

Kevin: Anyway, ya seen Aesop anywhere?

Joseph: Yes, he went to Hastur's room. Why do you ask? Are you in love with him as well?!

Kevin: Hell no. I wanted him to help me set up the grand hall. It might have took his mind off of everything going on, ya know?

Joseph: I guess... What are you setting up?

Kevin: Well... I'm a bit single and I wanted to get with someone. It's been one of my life goals. I can't just die alone!

Joseph: Yeah, must be tough being single...

Kevin: It is. Nobody to share baths with. Or food. Or beds...

Joseph: Hearing all that makes me appreciate Aesop even more...

Kevin: Lucky you. Anywho, I'll go get that rowdy boy to help me.

Joseph: No, wait! Aesop doesn't seem like he really wants to do anything at the moment. Let me help instead.

Kevin: But, Aesop can forget eveything...

Joseph: I don't think he wants to forget... We should just leave him be...

Kevin: If ya say so, ya gay sir.

Joseph: I have a name, you know?

Kevin: Ye, I know. I just don't wanna use it. Gay sir sounds better. Anyway, if ya gonna help, ya best hurry. They'll be coming soon.

Joseph: Who's coming?

Kevin: All the single people I invited. I'm speed dating all the hot singles in my area to find my match.

Joseph: Ah, now it makes sense...

Kevin: What we standin' 'round for? Let's hop to it!

Kevin: *yeehaws and uses his lasso to get out of there*

Joseph: I will never understand cowboys...

Joseph: *follows behind Kevin, into the grand hall, where they set up many tables and chairs, then the guests arrive*

Kevin: Awrighty. This speed date's gonna be a little different. Ya followin'?

Joseph: You haven't said anything about how it's different, so I'm obviously following...

Kevin: 'Kay. So. Instead of everyone speed dating eachother, they'll only come to me.

Joseph: So why did we set up so many tables?

Kevin: Ya see, that's the trick. We fool 'em and make 'em think that they get to meet with everyone, but they don't. Only me. Ya got that?

Joseph: I suppose...

Kevin: Good. Whenever ya ready, send 'em over, and give us a minute or two.

Kevin: *sits at a table and stares at Joseph, indicating he's prepared*

Joseph: Oookaaay? Umm, let's see...

Joseph: *looks at all the people*

Joseph: Oh, Freddy! You can go first!

Freddy: As expected. I'm first in everything.

Freddy: *walks over to Kevin's table and takes a seat opposite*

Freddy: Oh, it's you. I thought a pretty lady invited me to this event, but it's just the dastardly cowboy...

Kevin: I don't like you either, but I have to deal with ya for, like, two minutes... So. Why yo two front teeth so big?

Freddy: It's a sign of my intelligence. Big teeth equals big brains.

Kevin: 'Kay. Doubt that, but fine. And why ya wear glasses?

Freddy: Because I need to SEE?

Kevin: Wha? Ya blind or somethin'?

Freddy: No, of course not. But my eyesight is poor... Now, let me ask you something. Why are you asking such stupid questions? My appearance shouldn't matter.

Kevin: I already know about yo trashy personality, so I gotta ask about the trashy looks, ya get me?

Freddy: No, I don't 'get' you at all... You're too difficult to comprehend...

Kevin: I don't understand your fancy language, but 'kay. Now, the big question! You gay, sir?

Freddy: No.

Kevin: Then why are ya here?

Freddy: I told you. I thought a lovely woman invited me, but it was just you... Maybe you should sign your letters next time.

Kevin: I did.

Freddy: I saw no signature.

Kevin: My signature is a lasso.

Freddy: *pulls out his invitation*

Freddy: Where on this damn small piece of paper is a lasso?!

Kevin: *points to a random squiggle near the bottom of the paper*

Kevin: There.

Freddy: *takes a closer look*

Freddy: How was I meant to know that that was a lasso?! It's just a scribble! It could have been a snake or a noodle!

Kevin: Meh. Looks like a lasso to me.

Freddy: Ugh, if you say so. I'm out. This was a waste of time.

Kevin: Good riddance. I hate ya anyway, ugly lookin' rat.

Freddy: *gets up and leaves, giving Kevin the middle finger*

Kevin: *looks over at Joseph, waiting for the next person*

Joseph: Oh- Freddy was a fail then, huh? Umm... Kreacher, would you like to go next?

Kreacher: Oh... Sure!

Kreacher: *all jolly and excited, goes to sit in front of Kevin*

Kevin: Ah, good man. No luck with Emma?

Kreacher: I basically raised her...

Kevin: Oh yikes, so like father and daughter-

Kreacher: I should know everything about her... Yet I didn't know that she was a lesbian...

Kevin: Sheesh, partner... Ya got it rough, don't ya?

Kreacher: Anyway, enough about the past. Tell me a bit about yourself.

Kevin: Awright. Erm... I like... My hat...

Kreacher: I like my hat too! We have something in common!

Kevin: Ye, we really hittin' it off, ain't we? Buuut, you're a secondary character, while I feel like a character in the third section.

Kreacher: Huh?

Kevin: Ya know....

Kreacher: I don't know, actually...

Kevin: Nevermind then. What about you, Kreach?

Kreacher: Not much is special, I guess. But I do have a nice booty~ Wanna feel~?

Kreacher: *winks and gets up from the chair*

Kevin: No, no, it's cool. Ya can sit back down... I don't need no private strip show...

Kreacher: *sits back down*

Kreacher: I wasn't about to strip... But if that's what you're into, then~

Kreacher: *takes off his ugly brown jacket, ew*

Kevin: No! I said I DIDN'T need one. It's good.

Kreacher: Fine...

Joseph: Two minutes is up!

Kreacher: How the time flies... Well, if you ever do need a private show, hit me up~

Kreacher: *takes his jacket and leaves*

Kevin: Why this so tiring? Hey, frenchy! Next one!

Joseph: Oh-! Uhh... Demi? Would you like to go next?

Demi: Sure.

Demi: *a little drunk, sits in front of Kevin*

Kevin: Ohoho~ Howdy there~

Demi: Mm, hey...

Kevin: So... We have two minutes to ourselves... Tell me something your momma doesn't know~

Demi: She died pretty early in my life, so she doesn't know tons of things. Uhh, but I'm Irish... I was an orphan... Maybe I still am an orphan? I dunno. I have a brother... Umm, what else? Oh, I've known Kurt, Emma and Robbie for a long time.

Kevin: Oh? And why is that?

Demi: We were all in the same orphanage and we just kinda became friends. Then the Church took over and now it's an asylum...

Kevin: Must be rough...

Demi: Yeah, it was... I'm just lucky that my brother came of age and got me out of there...

Kevin: Awright. Let's not say anythin' else depressin'. Tell me, pretty lady, why you came here, today~

Demi: This was meant to be a joke... But the topic got a bit serious... Thanks for listening, I suppose.

Kevin: No worries. Well, if ya ever feelin' down, I'm always here to listen. Whenever ya feel like it.

Demi: Thanks. That's... Uhh, reassuring, heh...

Kevin: Again, no problem. So, I think you're REALLY my type~ Wanna maybe... Be my girlfriend~?

Demi: Like I said before, this was only for fun. I'm not looking for a serious relationship. No matter how I look at it, being in a relationship has too many disadvantages. I prefer to be free and I don't need no man!

Kevin: Strong, independent and fiesty! You really are my type of gal! Well, I'm always down for a bit of fun, so I'll call you~

Kevin: *gives a small slip of paper to Demi and winks*

Demi: *takes it, smiling*

Demi: Sure. Anytime.

Joseph: Uhh, should I send someone else?

Kevin: Time's up already! Ye, frenchy, send 'em over! Sorry, pretty gal, we have to finish up.

Demi: That's fine. Good luck, haha.

Kevin: My best wishes to ya too, lass~

Demi: *blows a kiss to Kevin and leaves, all giggly*

Kevin: *fans himself with his ePiC cowboi hat*

Joseph: Ooookaaay... Fiona? Why don't you go?

Fiona: Yes, please.

Fiona: *walks over to Kevin*

Fiona: Hello... Kevin...

Kevin: Howdy. Why don't ya take a seat?

Fiona: *sits*

Fiona: Are you the one who invited me? What's all this about?

Kevin: I am, indeed, the one who asked ya to come here. I am in search of a good partner. I was going to stick only to females, but I'm getting desperate, so a man will do fine too. Anywho. What's interesting 'bout ya?

Fiona: Oh- Uh- I love geography? And I'm OBSESSED with Cthulu mythology! Oh, I also need everyone to know that my religion is the truth and all other religions are spreading false information.

Kevin: Sheesh, lady! Don't get so riled up! Anyway, ya like geography, huh? Ever heard of America?

Fiona: Of course I have! Hasn't everyone?!

Kevin: Maybe! But I wouldn't know! Whatevs, ya like America, pretty lady?

Fiona: It's alright... It doesn't seem like the best place, but it doesn't sound like the worst place either... It's mediocre...

Kevin: Well, I'm from North America. Maybe we could visit together, someday? Wouldn't that be lovely?

Fiona: Uhh... Yeah... But I hardly know you. Why don't you tell me some things you're interested in?

Kevin: Nothin' much interests me, but I'll tell you what I hate. The army. I detest the army with a passion.

Fiona: I mean, they can get pretty frightening...

Kevin: And that ain't all there is to it! They hidin' so many secrets! The government could turn against us anyday now! They may be planning to wipe us all out, right this second! We gotta prepare!

Fiona: Woah, okay. Calm down. The government wouldn't just do that. They think about the public and what's best for everyone.

Kevin: So ya think.

Fiona: It's the absolute truth. I only speak honestly.

Kevin: What are ya? Ponyo or something?

Fiona: Who?

Kevin: Ponyo. Ya know, the toy boy that grows his nose when he lies or somethin'...

Fiona: You mean pistachio?

Kevin: Bish. That a type of nut. We both dumb.

Fiona: Hm.

Kevin: Well, this was a blast, but the previous lass was hotter than you and she made me set my standards high. You did not reach my standards, so...

Fiona: Didn't you say you was desperate? Being picky, yet desperate, is not a good combination. Choose one.

Kevin: Hmm... I choose for you to get outta my sight, now. I had enough of ya... Frenchy, next!

Fiona: Ugh, rude. I hope these are all fails. You don't deserve a lover if you treat everyone like this...

Fiona: *angrily stands, scoffs, and marches out*

Kevin: Imma just start judging everyone by the first thing they say. This is getting tiring. Plus, I'm pretty sure I found the love of my life~

Joseph: William! I choose you!

William: I'm a pokemon! Ahhh! I've always wanted to be a pokemon!

Kevin: He seems like a pain...

William: *dashes over to Kevin*

William: Dude! Wanna feel my man boobs?!

Kevin: Ew. No. Next!

William: But... I'm so strong...

Kevin: I don't care about your strength nor ya fake lady parts. Who in tarnation wants to be a pokemon? Just get out.

William: But-

Kevin: Um! I said leave. Plus, yo muscle fake. I know ya actually real skinny under all that padding. Okay, bye.

William: *dejected, walks away, head hanging low*

Joseph: Oof.

Kevin: Frenchy!

Joseph: I have a name! Please use it!

Kevin: Oh yeah, I forgot for a while there... Gay sir! Hurry it along, will ya?!

Joseph: *sighs, then gestures to Margaretha to go next*

Margaretha: *takes off her headphones, hangs them around her neck, and goes to Kevin*

Kevin: Well, well, well. If it isn't... Uhh... Hoe number two...

Margaretha: Are you serious? Let me guess, you forgot my name AND you actually think I'm a hoe...

Kevin: Correct and... Correct! Both are correct. You are rewarded with STDs.

Margaretha: Ugh, you're so damn annoying. Why invite me if you don't even like me?

Kevin: I just asked every single person in the manor.

Margaretha: Even the couples?!

Kevin: Naw. I said 'single'! All the single people! Jeez, I ain,t that daft...

Margaretha: No, you clearly are. You're the dumbest person I've ever met!

Margaretha: *slams her hands on the table, then huffs and walks away, kinda snooty*

Kevin: Glad she's gone. I ain't into gold diggers...

Kevin: *sees Patricia walking over, then points to the door*

Patricia: *turns on her heel and heads towards the door*

Patricia: THANK YOU!


Patricia: *slams the door as she exits the hall*

Kevin: Sheesh kebab... That coulda gone worse...

Jose: *drowsily waddles over*

Kevin: Ah, Jose! What brings ya here, lad?

Jose: *yawns*

Jose: Where am I? Where's Margaretha?

Kevin: You're on a speed date with me! And who cares about that hoe number two?! She was long gone, sir.

Jose: I don't like you though, so why am I dating you?

Kevin: Hold on a second there, partner. We ain't a couple yet.

Jose: And who's the first hoe?

Kevin: Fiona, of course.

Jose: And why's that?

Kevin: Okay, no more questions. It's clear I can't date ya, since you're a friend. And it seems you're interested in another lass...

Jose: Oh no. No, no, no. Margaretha is just my friend. She helps wake me up when I accidentally hypnotise myself. I'm actually hella gay for a matey.

Kevin: Oh, wanna be the yee to my haw then?

Jose: My boat sails for another, sorry...

Kevin: Oh, naw. It's mighty fine. Now, tell ya mate who this guy is, why don't ya?

Kevin: *wiggles eyebrows*

Jose: You'd never believe it, but the Wu Chang brothers... I know. I found it weird when I first found out too.

Kevin: *gasps*

Kevin: Naw, sir, naw way.

Jose: I'm telling the truth.

Kevin: Well, ya go, lad. Go grab yo man!

Jose: It's not that easy...

Jose: *yawns*

Jose: I need to sleep...

Jose: *falls asleep on the spot*

Kevin: How he be standing while sleeping? What a mad lad... Frenchy! Come pick up Jose for me, will ya?!

Joseph: What...? Fine...

Joseph: *takes a sleeping Jose back to Jose's room, then returns, calling Bane over*

Kevin: Hmm... I'd say we're a match made in heaven.

Bane: What? Boy, I don't even know you...

Kevin: Although, I ain't fond of that ugly deer mask ya got on... If we end up together, ya best take that thing off.

Bane: No! Never! This deer was precious to me... I can't just part with him... Also! I haven't agreed to this awful relationship! Where's my say in this?!

Kevin: Shh, shh~ Don't worry about it. We ain't together yet. Plus, you're at the bottom of the list. You have a low chance of being picked. But then again, the possibility's still there, ain't it?

Bane: What an idiot. I'm out. I thought this was important....

Kevin: Ya always attend things ya think are important but they ain't! Well, see ya, lad!

Bane: *rushes out as fast as possible*

Kevin: How many more we got out there, frenchy?

Joseph: Quite a few...

Kevin: Aw, fine. Imma just filter them out a bit.

Kevin: *goes over to the group of people*

Kevin: Joker, out.

Joker: What? Why? You didn't even give me a chance-

Kevin: You have a child, so ya should have a lady.

Joker: Oh... I forgot about that... But! She's no longer in my life! And I'm getting too old! I need another to help mend my soul, my heart and to help me look after my son!

Kevin: If ya need help with ya heart, ask Emily. And your son is your responsibility. Nobody can fix your soul if you don't have one.

Joker: But everyone has a soul!

Kevin: Listen, partner. Ya even said it yaself that you ain't got no soul. Don't contradict yourself now...

Joker: *out of excuses, sadly leaves*

Kevin: Awright. Violetta, you leave too.

Violetta: Aww, whyyy?

Kevin: 'Cause I hate spiders. Hurry.

Violetta: Fine fine...

Violetta: *also leaves*

Kevin: Eh, Luchino, you can stay. So can you, BonBon. Umm, Antonio is fine too. Awright. Imma get y'all to tell me something and I'll decide whether ya get to stay or not. Okay, Luchino first. Say the first thing that comes to your mind when you see me.

Luchino: Bitch.

Kevin: Hmm, nice answer... Buuut, ya gotta go.

Luchino: Thank goodness. I was forced here against my will.

Luchino: *jumps away, slightly breaking the roof*

Kevin: 'Kay. Now BonBon. What do cowboys say?

BonBon: *silent*

Kevin: Wrong. Soz, bud, ya gotta go.

Joseph: I don't think he can speak... Maybe give him a second chance?

Kevin: Nope. That ain't how it works 'round here. Ya gotta leave, penguin machine.

BonBon: *waddles away, unaffected*

Kevin: Lastly, Antonio. If ya cut ya hair, I'll let ya stay.

Antonio: No.

Antonio: *leaves*






Antonio: FUCK YOU!


Joseph: He's in love with Andrew?

Kevin: Ye. Ya didn't know? Ain't it obvious? He even has a bunk bed for when Andrew sleeps over at his place.

Joseph: Huh. That's nice to know... Maybe I should visit sometime...

Kevin: If ya like men getting it on, then be ma guest.

Joseph: Oh yikes... Anyway, what about Yidhra? She's been very patient and she seems deserving of a loving partner...

Kevin: Wait who? Yidhra? The snake lady?

Joseph: Umm, yes?

Kevin: She was here the whole time?!

Joseph: Uh, yes... Seems so...

Kevin: I can't even see her! How am I meant to be a good boyfriend when I don't even know where she is?! And! I hate snakes! Tell her to leave!

Joseph: That was harsh... Yidhra, don't listen to-

Yidhra: *takes off her eyes mask, to wipe her tears, revealing her red eyes*

Joseph: Oh honey...

Yidhra: It's... It's fine...

Yidhra: *slithers away*

Kevin: She gone yet?

Joseph: Yes, but you upset her! You should apologise!

Kevin: Apologise to what? The air? How am I meant to believe in something I ain't ever seen before in ma life?

Joseph: She exists! Trust me! Argh... Nevermind. I'm sick of this. Clean up yourself. I'm going to check up on her.

Joseph: *takes long strides and exits*

Kevin: Awrighty. Now... I only got two people on the list. Demi~ And Bane... Yuck.

Murro: *rides his pig in*

Murro: Am I too late?

Kevin: For what?

Murro: The speed date.

Kevin: I mean it's over, but the host is right in front of ya. So if ya wanna impress me, go ahead.

Murro: Okay, thanks!

Murro: *gets off of his pig and stares deep into Kevin's eyes*

Murro: Yeehaw~

Kevin: Oh, damn. Ya got my heart racin'. Ya wanna be mine, hot stuff~?

Murro: I sure do.

Murro: *smiles, then starts dancing*

Kevin: Damn, boi, he's thicc. Ya just impregnated me!

Kevin: *grabs Murro's face and kisses him, then breaks away to get some air*

Kevin: I think I found the one~

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2 tom dylogii ,,Agony"
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"𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒏𝒐 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒇 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒅𝒖𝒎𝒃 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆."