One More Year

By sanelovee

45.2K 1.4K 287

In her final year of high school, Olivia Romano is a master at evading attention, preferring to blend into th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

1.5K 51 15
By sanelovee

Walking into the Halloween party, my eyes widen at the lack of clothes some girls are wearing. Even with the lights being dimmed, you can't miss how provocative most of the girls are dressing.

"I feel like I'm overdressed." I look up and meet Cam's blue eyes.

Smiling, he cups my face and wraps his arm around my waist, "I already told you earlier, you look so fucking sexy."

Blushing again as I did earlier, I smile. But I still can't believe him. We're dressed as Morticia and Gomez from the Addams Family and now being around all the sexy playboy bunnies, angels, and devils I feel way overdressed and out of place. 

"Oh! You guys look so good!" Natalie comes running towards us.

She's a sexy version of a pirate with thigh-high black boots. Vince walks up to us too and he's also dressed as a pirate.

"I love how Gomez is infatuated by Morticia. This is perfect!" She claps her hands excitedly and she does a little bounce that makes her boobs bounce with her and I don't miss Vince's eyes moving down to see them. I almost laugh at how obvious he is.

"Can you believe Natalie made me change into this shit?" He looks away, looking at me and Cam, lifting his arms.

Laughing, Cam shrugs, "Didn't think you'd even show up. Halloween parties aren't your thing."

Vince rolls his eyes, but Natalie smiles big and she's looking at Vince like he has all the answers to the world before looking at me and Cam, "I felt left out that all of you were coming as couples. Whining--"

"Bitching." Vince interrupts.

She rolls her eyes and laughs softly, "I was whining to Vince to go to the Halloween store with me. I convinced him we wouldn't come as some iconic couple, but we could still be something together."

Cam chuckles and pats Vince's shoulder, "Sounds like you're letting her call all the shots. Have fun with that."

Natalie laughs linking her arm with mine, "Let's get drunk! I was totally hoping for Giovanna and Carla to be able to make it." She fake pouts.

Chuckling, I tell her, "They're only gone for the weekend. They need to help-"

"Pack. I know, I know." She rolls her eyes, "Well they're going to miss out," She giggles.

Getting drinks, we dance for a bit before Penelope and Austin show up as Bonnie and Clyde. We all go outside and instead of Austin pulling out a cigarette, he pulls out something that looks like a pen. He puts it between his lips before inhaling and a big puff of smoke leaves his lips. Handing it to Penelope, she surprises me when she doesn't hesitate to inhale some of the smoke herself. 

She leans over and points the pen to me, "Try it, Liv. It's weed. I wouldn't offer a cigarette to you. Weed isn't as bad as you think."

Looking up at Cam for reassurance since I've never had any interest in weed to look it up before, Cam smiles softly before saying, "She's right, but you don't have to if you don't want to, Cookie."

Meeting Penelope's eyes again, I can see she's being as genuine as I know her to be, even if this is something I'd never pegged her to try. Taking the pen, I take a puff and blow out the smoke, but Austin tells me to inhale it. I take another big puff and inhale before releasing it and it burns my throat causing me to start coughing. I hand it over to Cam who smokes with as much ease as Austin and Penelope did.

He hands it over to Vince and Natalie takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. After handing me some water to calm my cough we hear loud laughter by the doorway. Turning to see Zoey and her friends. When she notices me, she says something to her friends before they start walking towards us. She chose the wrong time because I start to feel my eyelids a little heavy.

She smiles widely and her heavy dark makeup looks even better when she's dressed as a sexy black angel. As she nears us, I can see her eyes are glassy, which only indicates she's drunk. She's shorter than me and she stands straight and seems confident, but with the alcohol and weed running in my veins, in no way is she intimidating me.

"So, Olivia..." She bites down on her lip and I feel Natalie tug on my arm, but I stay rooted to the ground. I feel as confident as ever for this confrontation, more for the reason of being high and drunk, "Did you know the reason why Cam can't get enough of me?"

I want to tell her that I don't, but Natalie beats me to it, "We don't care because he's done with you."

She glares at Natalie before meeting my eyes again and her smile slowly comes back, "He lost his virginity to me..." She chuckles softly before she continues, "You know, whatever he's doing with you in bed... He's done it with me. Everything you like, I taught him that." She smiles bigger now and takes a step closer, "Enjoy it, Livy. I know I do and I'll enjoy it again when he's done with you."

This time I take a step closer and crouch down to meet her eyes. I really don't need to crouch down, but I feel like being a bitch and show her that she doesn't intimidate me. 

"I can't guarantee you he won't go back, but let me tell you something..." Her smile has flatlined and she's now glaring at me, making me smile this time. "If he does. You might need to practice your skills somewhere else while he's with me because if he lands in your hands again..." I shake my head as if shaking something sad in my head, "You're going to have to work extra hard to keep him with you. I've been making him feel real good so if we're done fighting over a guy, I'd like to get back to him."

I think I've stunned her because her eyes are wide and I straighten my back to look down at her and remind her I'm taller than her. I meet Natalies eyes and she's grinning, I turn back to Zoey and her friends who all seemed stunned.

"Are we?" I try to break her out of her stunned faze.

She blinks rapidly before glaring at me again, "Are we what?"

"Done here?" I almost want to laugh at how comical this is. 

This whole time Zoey seemed so confident in her own skin and looked intimidating and now being in front of her when she doesn't know what to do is a whole different side of her I've never seen before.

She looks back to her friends before meeting my eyes again, "Not even close." She turns and her friends follow her out of the kitchen. 

Some people are looking at me, most likely thinking they were going to see a fight. 

Natalie laughs, grabbing my arm, "That was so fucking awesome!" She suddenly frowns, "You really need to talk to Cam. If not, then at least let him know Zoey is harassing you."

Biting my lip, I lower my voice a little, "His mom comes back in two days and Nash hasn't got in trouble since the graffiti he did on that warehouse. I might talk to him tonight. I think his feelings for me are real."

Nodding her head, she smiles excitedly, "I think so too."

Telling her I need to go to the restroom, she says she's going to go see if Vince wants to dance so she can get some other guys jealous. Going in the bathroom, I see my sclera is red and my green iris's practically glowing and I was right about my eyelids being heavy. 

Going back out, I go to the kitchen and find Natalie pouting up at Vince, pulling on his arm. I walk over to the living room and see Penelope and Austin making out in the middle of the people dancing. Walking further in, I stop when I see Cam and Zoey sitting on the steps of the stairwell. She leans into him, biting down her lip before she puts her hand on his arm and whispers something to him which causes him to smile and she says something else which now causes him to laugh. 

Why did I think I could do this? This hurts way more than I could ever imagine. My heart literally feels like it's been ripped out. I feel a tear slip out of my eye and I quickly wipe it away. I didn't even realize I was welling up by seeing him so content and happy with her. 

I need a shot. 

I walk back to the kitchen and I'm grateful Vince and Natalie aren't in here anymore. Taking a bottle of whatever is in the kitchen, I pour myself a shot of the brown liquid.

"Partying all by yourself?" A deep voice says near my ear, and I turn to meet Thomas's brown eyes.

He steps to my side, but he's still really close to me. 

I shrug and hand him the bottle, "Want to have a pity party with me?"

He smiles softly before taking the bottle and taking a drink right from the bottle, "I saw what you saw in the living room. Can't say I didn't warn you, pretty girl."

I take his words in for a second. I notice how him calling me pretty girl does nothing for me and I wish it did so it can help me get over Cam. Then I remember how he did warn me, that I'd always be second best to Cam. My heart hurts at the thought. I take the bottle from him and take a swing straight from the bottle as he did.

"You're very observant, Thomas." I notice my words slur a tiny bit so I clear my throat to try and seem collected.

He smiles, meeting my eyes, "It's hard not to notice you, Olivia. I was already in there and saw Cam and Zoey. I almost thought you didn't make it... then I saw you come in."

I sigh heavily before fully turning to him. I look up to meet his eyes and notice how close he really is. He reaches his hand out to hold my arm. I'm drunker than I've realized if he's trying to steady me, "You think I'm pathetic don't you?"

He frowns and I'm not sure if it's because I'm drunk that he seems genuine when he gives me a tender look. 

Brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear, he gives me a soft smile, "Not even close, Olivia. I just wish I had the chance to get to know the special side of you that Cam is failing to see in you."

Would that have made my heart flutter if I wasn't drunk? 

Suddenly I'm pulled back and stumble to a hard chest, "What the fuck is going on?" Cam's voice vibrates through my back.

I turn around and glare at him, suddenly feeling angry for the nerve he has, demanding why I'm making conversation with Thomas when he just seemed so happy with Zoey.

"Talking." I notice my slur again and notice how Cam's eyes widen a little, "Didn't think you'd care since you were clearly busy." I'm not sure if he even understood a word I said, but Thomas definitely clarified.

"She's just venting dude." Thomas speaks from behind me, "She's upset about you and Zoey. Not surprising to me that you can't seem to let go of Zoey, but apparently, Olivia does and it upset her."

Cam wraps his arm around my waist to steady me when I sway on my feet, but I notice his body is stiff. He probably regrets being here with me.

"I don't regret being here with you, Cookie." He leans down to kiss my forehead.

Did I say that out loud?

He looks over my head to meet Thomas's eyes, "She doesn't even like you. Why are you around her?"

That was a bit harsh, but Thomas laughs, "Is that why we've kissed before?"

My body stiffens and Cam's glare at Thomas switches to me when he meets my eyes, "What the fuck is he talking about, Olivia?"

I shrug but keep my mouth closed because I'm Olivia again.

"Dude." I hear Thomas's warning voice, but I'm not sure why. Why would he care what tone Cam uses on me?

"What's going on?" Penelope and Austin are suddenly behind Cam.

Gulping I shake my head, I should just tell him, "I didn't want to, but--"

Suddenly I feel pushed to the side and I'm being held by Austin and Penelope and Cam gets in Thomas's face.

"She's drunk and so help me god if she's right about her not wanting to and you knowing she didn't want to." Cam presses his index finger on Thomas's chest, which just causes him to smirk.

He steps closer to Cam, "Trust me, Cam. She wanted to."

Cam punches Thomas right on his mouth causing him to stumble back, but he quickly recovers and launches towards Cam and Austin lets me go. Penelope walks me out of the kitchen where they're still fighting.

I meet Penelope's eyes, "Wait. We have to wait for Cam."

Shaking her head, she walks me out of the house as fast as she can keep me from stumbling, "No. You guys can talk later or when you sober up. Thank god you already asked your parents about staying with Natalie. I'll get you in the car and text her to meet us there."

My heart hurts and just the thought of talking to him has me in tears. Just when I thought I was going to tell him my true feelings. I can't. 

Not after I saw how happy he and Zoey seemed by themselves. Next time we talk, I have to end things. I know I do.

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