ONE: Vanilla on My Hands

By tragician_child

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18+ only Frank is just an inquisitive young adult, with a penchant for politics, and a boyfriend in the loop... More

1: Defenseless and Needy like a Pup in Heat
2: When a Date is as Painful as Pulling Teeth
3: Shot Down By Oral Hygiene
4: A Little Less Vanilla, A Little More Aerated Cream
5: That Just Sounds Messy
6: Oh... Go Hug a Landmine
7: It All Started with Pink Pineapple Socks
8: Showing an Interest in Your Internal Organs
9: Just Wish He Liked My Tongue
10: I'm Blaming it on You and Your Tongue
11: Muscle Memory is a Wonderful Thing
12: When Special Occasions Call
13: Why Did You 'George' Me?
14: It's Not Always About Coming Early
15: The Sensitive Tissue of Its Organs and Its Sturdy Bones
16: Aunt Mabel's Sofa Wrapped Around His Legs
17: You Can Kiss My Ass Instead, George
18: Far Too Cutesy and So Sugary Sweet
19: I Can Safely Say That One of Us Grew Up
20: But it Really Does Look Like 'Anal'
21: I Don't Think That's in My Paygrade
22: I Am How You See Me, Nothing More, Nothing Less
23: I Have Far Better Things to Do with You Right Now
24: I'm Vastly Aware of the Situation, Thanks
25: Turning Up to Work Looking like You Buttered the Biscuit
26: Who Owns That Many Scarves, Anyway?
28: The Last Thing I Want is to Let You Go
29: Carpet Burns on a Wednesday Night Smell like Regret
30: A Dog Should Never Forget Who His Master Is
31: The Crystal Lake Killer isn't Going to Ease that Situation
32: That Sounds a Bone Disease
33: Accidentally Unearthed in the Depths of the Internet
34: Also Called 'WIITWD', an Acronym for 'What It Is We Do'
35: It's Not So Bad When You Get Used to It
36: A Crown was the One Thing I Didn't Get
37: I've Never Known That One's Blush Could Match Their Knees
38: Ah, the Prize Quality in a Dominant, Humor
39: You're So Mushy When You Wanna Be
40: Manners Become Fruitless When Not Used Properly
41: Don't Make it a Habit, Boy
42: So, You're Deciding on These Things Now, Are You?
43: You Also Seem to Do Somewhat of a One-Eighty
44: You Think You Could Get Away with Trying to Take Control?
45: The Only Problem was Sorting Out the Problem
46: Have Fun Thinking About Your Bladder, Frank
47: A Day for Him to Prove Himself to His Master
48: Your Sarcasm is Intensely Unappreciated, Sir
49: A Lot Less Business-like and a Lot More Douchebag
50: Frank Told Himself that He Wasn't Going to Cry Anymore
Book Two

27: And All He Needed was Seven Inches

1.3K 85 100
By tragician_child

Frank walked into the store the very next afternoon, the Wednesday lunch break had been set out for a very specific purpose. He had done a mental calculation in his head from his sordid flashback, stacking fingers on top of each other or measuring the side of his face and the little bit left over to figure it out. And all he needed was seven inches. Frank had realized that after he and Gerard had been together, that their one-night entanglement was most likely a sordid once-off, and that his sex-life was left in the dust yet again. Yet, Frank couldn't shake the feeling inside of him that Gerard had awoken; the yearning ache to be filled one more time, and the time after that. And here he was now with his mental math somewhat in order, the image of Gerard burned into his mind, as he strolled through aisles upon aisles of toys that just weren't right. He'd never done this before in his life and he felt so completely judged by the girl behind the counter eyeing him. Which is why he drove to the sex shop on the other side of town that he knew he would never ever go to again.

Seven inches, Frank repeated to himself, seeing them all go by in their boxes, all sorts of shapes and functions that didn't interest him. He wanted real, he wanted heavy and obscene and far too realistic, and if it meant not eating for a week to buy it, he'd survive.

The shop he was in now was at least a semblance cleaner, and less sleazy than he had expected. It wasn't dark and lit-in-red as he had thought. The floor was a simple black tile to match the black shelves and rails that aisled the place, the walls a dark burgundy with gold trim that added to the sexual energy charging up the place. Frank was surprised to see the quality of the products being sold, premium-looking boxes with minimal to no damage, and everything else wrapped in plastic. The outfits and bodywear in the corner all in their packages beneath the black vinyl show models. He didn't even feel the need to put on the gloves he had sitting in his pocket for emergencies. Frank didn't know what he had been expecting from the toy he wanted, but it wasn't this level. Sure, it wasn't going to be cellophane-wrapped cardboard and lotion like a bad DIY, but he'd seen what the local shop looked like down the road from his old job and he wouldn't have gone in there in a protective bubble. He stopped suddenly, a word on one of the boxes catching his attention, making him swivel back to make sure he hadn't been having a stroke.

"Ejaculating dildo?" Frank whispered softly, frowning in confusion, "How is that a thing?" He picked up the box and had a look at it, out of sheer curiosity, seeing the realistic-looking dildo and a disturbing syringe that was attached to it via a pipe.

"This can't be real," Frank turned, reading the description with vast amounts of intrigue, "For a dynamic and erotic sex toy, this dildo is for you. Me, really? Realistic squirting cock providing the uniquely stimulating sensation of ejaculation, eight inches. Realistic features including testicles, velvet-soft skin and the option to come. Wh-... Suction bottom for hands-free fun, you say?"Frank paused when a woman wandered behind him with one or two items in a black basket, his instinct had him look down as she passed before he continued reading under his breath,

"Simply inject with body-safe lubricant into included pump. Best used with Pop Lubricant, realistic semen-like lube. Oh, so you don't even get the lube with it? What a jip. For seventy dollars? Fuck that." Frank pulled a face similar to that of a grimace and set the box down carefully, making sure it was steady where it had been before he continued browsing, eyes scanning for a normal and ejaculate-free dildo. And then one caught his attention right at the bottom. It was simple, just what he wanted and not too expensive. He smiled sheepishly as he grabbed the box in his hands and straightened up, reading on the box.

"Flexible, super realistic seven-point-four-inch shaft with incredible life-like detail," Frank scratched at his chin, noting the stubble that he needed to shave later on, as he read in a whisper, "Phthalate-free PVC, strong suction cup base for hands-free play and compatible with any 'o' ring strap-on harness. Twenty-six dollars is more where I'm at." Frank tucked the box under his arm as he sucked in a breath and continued wandering, stopping only one shelf over when he looked at the vast and astounding array of lube.

"There's so many... What?" Frank scanned over the different types, surprised to find them assorted by function than by brand, "Water-based, oil-based, silicone-based, mixed-base, organic and vegan, arousing lube, flavored lube, sensitive lube, anal lube, warming lube, two in one massage lube, specialty lubes, fertility lubes, male masturbation lube... What the shit, I thought 'lube' was lube?" Frank looked down at the box under his arm, completely perplexed as to what he should now buy to go with it. He simply needed lube and his predicament could fall under many of the different types. He frowned, scanning through the names beneath the bottles yet again.

"Can I help you?" Someone asked, making Frank jump in surprise and launch back a step, yelping as the box dropped on the ground. He stared at the girl who had been behind the counter, obviously having seen his dismay etched and painted onto his face, "Do you need some help?"

"Well, I, uh- No." Frank cleared his throat as he bent down, picking up his box before he sighed, "Yeah, I do. I lied."

"Well, what are you looking for?" She looked at the lubes in front of them both as Frank inspected the box of his toy, ignoring the red tint to his face. He was an adult, dammit, he could ask for help with lube if he needed it.

"I- I mean, I'm getting this for myself so..." Frank chuckled awkwardly, holding up the dildo before dropping it down weakly, "I guess, you're the expert."

"If you're going to use it for suction in the shower then I'd suggest something that isn't water-based so it doesn't run off, perhaps silicone-based."

"I don't have a shower where I live." Frank offered, "So, uh, something for when I'm dry."

"Well then, how about this dual mix," She picked up a bottle, tucking a piece of her long lime-colored hair behind her ear when Frank decided to get a look at her. Her pale skin in a gorgeous contrast with her highlighter hair, her lips a dark purple and pierced many, many times, her one eye solid black and the other a rimmed-white. She held it up for him, "It's anal-specific, water-based and peach-scented. It's also on sale, only six dollars."

"Yeah?" Frank frowned, taking it from her, "If- If that's best."

"Well, there's a whole bunch but the peach smells the best, doesn't smell like plain old lube, y'know?"

"Yeah." Frank scrunched up his nose, knowing exactly the smell in question considering Ryan would allow nothing else but plain old lube inside of him, no smells, no tastes, no fun. He saw the pink peach at the top of the bottle, "Well, then I guess this is it."

"Anything else you need? A toy cleaning spray? Wipes?" She asked with a bright smile and Frank then realized how stark-little he actually knew when it came to toys in general.

"Whichever is cheapest," Frank admitted as he followed her to another aisle.

"This is the best cleaning spray for its price," She handed Frank a small nozzled bottle, "I use the Nexus Wash spray and the wipes, and I've had no complaints or issues with it. It's antibacterial and fragrance-free."

"And they're how much?" Frank raised an eyebrow when he caught notice of her tight leather pants and her leather bralette, her midriff hidden by a thick black and white striped-something underneath her clothes. He also noted that she was most-likely his height but so much taller thanks to the intensely high platforms she had on; intimidating shoes that seemed so impressive to him.

"The spray itself is only eight dollars, the wipes are four dollars. If you buy both then it's only ten dollars."

"Wow. A whole two dollars?" Frank gasped sarcastically, "Where do I sign?" She giggled slightly and gestured to the counter as Frank grabbed a different bottle of spray than the tester he'd been handed and walked off, muttering under his breath about inane wipes for four dollars.

"So, that'll be an even forty." She smiled as she rang everything up and packed it all into a black nondescript plastic bag for him. Frank pulled out his wallet and handed her the cash before taking his things and walking out. He felt at least nine inches of relief fall off of his shoulders as he exited the store and walked out into the street.


"Frank, I trust your lunch break was good?" Gerard asked simply as he appeared in the office doorway just as Frank stuffed his black packet under his desk. He yelped, turning to Gerard with a casual smile, noting his boss looking at the packet for a second and then up at him. Gerard smiled and crossed one foot over the other, leaning against the doorframe

"Yeah- Yeah, no, it was good."

"Did you eat?" Gerard queried as he sipped on a coffee that he had obviously gotten from someone else, his other hand casually in the pocket of-

"That's a new suit?" Frank asked instead of answering his boss' question, taking in the teal-colored material, and the slight sheen to it, against the contrast of his crisp white shirt and black tie.

"It is. It was the one Stephen had wanted to show me when I took you, I finally decided on something new for myself." Gerard looked down, nodding before he looked back at his assistant, "I hope, for your sake, that that wasn't a pitiful attempt to distract me from my question because I think you know better than that, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, sir." Frank breathed out, "And no, sir, it wasn't. I just noticed the suit now. It- You look good, sir."

"Thank you, boy." Gerard took another idle sip, "Now, did you eat?"

"I did." Frank smiled, "I had a wrap that I bought when I was out."

"Good boy." Gerard nodded, "I also hope you don't have any prior plans tonight. I need you..."

"I-" Frank's throat closed up at Gerard's words and the gaze that was being thrown his way, "You do?"

"Quite a bit." Gerard sighed, "Are you able to lend a hand or not, boy?"

"Oh, I'm there." Frank smiled slightly, "Whenever you need me, sir."

"Good." Gerard gave Frank a once-over before disappearing into his office and closing the door. Frank let out a sigh, his stomach churned with anticipation at Gerard's words and the sudden realization that Gerard hadn't just once-offed him, that maybe he just needed time. Tonight would be the night that they'd finally be together again. Frank was superfluously grateful that Derek hadn't been in the office at all then, grateful that his office-mate had most likely also gone out on lunch or on some errand. That Gerard had seized the chance to make his intentions crystal clear to his assistant. Frank shuddered out a breath as he got up, making sure that he looked somewhat presentable before knocking on Gerard's door and opening it slowly when he had been given the green light.

"Yes, Frank? What can I do for you?"

"Well, sir," Frank withheld the urge to whimper at the way Gerard was eyeing him over his laptop, "It's more of, is there anything I can do for you, sir? Right now, anyway."

"For now, I'm all set. You carry on with your quota for the day but- Oh, tomorrow morning at eight, pencil in my telephonic meeting with Mrs. Adalind, if you would. We're going to discuss the influx between her sector and mine. It should be about an hour."

"Eight. Gotcha." Frank nodded, "Nothing else?"

"Not for now, boy. You're dismissed." Gerard gave Frank a short smile before looking back down at his work. Frank closed the door and sighed out shakily, Gerard's words resonating in his head, the glances he was given were so obvious. The only question was if Frank could hold out for that long? The answer was abundantly clear to himself, resonating in all of the worst places. He couldn't even begin to hold out for six hours like this. Not even close, not when he was trying his best to hide the semi in his slacks.

And then the realization hit him, the realization that maybe he didn't have to wait didn't have to ride out the tumultuous storm raging in his body. His eyes wandered from the ceiling to the packet he had unceremoniously chucked under his desk and he bit his lip. Dare he actually do something like that? Would he completely ignore every moral fiber in his body and obey only the lewd whisperings in his ear from the devil on his shoulder. Frank mentally ticked both boxes as he casually made his way over to his desk, bending over when he caught sight of the box peeking out from the plastic bag. Frank grabbed the packet by its handles and snagged it, holding it nonchalantly bundled up under his arm as he peered out into the hallway. Cursing, he turned back to his desk, writing in Gerard's appointment for the next morning before carrying on with his stealth mission. He spotted the bathroom on the other side and bit his lip before he sidled out of the office only to launch back in as Derek appeared, walking into the building.

"Oh, you're back." Derek smiled as Frank jumped, walking awkwardly in a small circle in the office, arms folded loosely over his chest with a pained smile on his face, "You okay? You look like you hit your toe and you're tryna walk it off. Snag a piggy on a desk corner, Iero?"

"I- Pins and needles." Frank chuckled as he continued his nervous panting and pacing, "I'm gonna walk it off outside."

Before Derek could even respond, Frank had darted out of the office in the direction of the bathroom, slipping into the toilets and into a stall. He whimpered as he closed the door and laid his forehead on it in relief. Frank dropped the bag on the floor as he sat back on the closed toilet, staring at it as he genuinely tried to reason with himself. He both really wanted to get himself off, aching for any touch, but he also knew it was a bad idea. Maybe he could just jerk off and get it over with? Frank pondered on the idea as he hooked his foot around the box and slid it closer for inspection. He realized that he hadn't even taken a look at what he had bought, too shy to want to come to the internal concession that he didn't even know if he had gotten the item for which he had paid. For science and for buyer promise, Frank needed to have a look.

He carefully pulled the box out of the packet, his cheeks going pink at the picture on the front of it. He shook his head, opening it when he caught sight of the toy in question, his instinct was to let go and he did, dropping the box on the floor. He swore under his breath at the loud clatter, another obscene epiphany of great truth hit him in a wave that he had actually gone out and bought one of these sordid items. Something he never thought he'd do and here it was, sin-reincarnate on the floor between his legs.

He bent over, picking the box up before he pulled the dildo out slowly, whimpering at the touch of it in his hand. He looked it over, blushing at how realistic it looked for something that it pretended to be. The weight of it was both heavier and lighter than he expected, the velvet of the skin had his own rise up with goosebumps. Innocent curiosity got the better of him as he lifted it up, looking around before giving it a small experimental lick. Frank let out a small giggle despite the obvious plastic taste when he realized he had no idea where it had been or who had touched it. His expression soured, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand twice over. He reached down into the bag and pulled out the spray he had bought, uncapping it and giving it a shake before spraying over every inch of the toy. He coughed lightly at the spritzing of whatever was in the bottle was now in his lungs, and chucked the spray back into the packet before wiping it down on the leg of his pants. He looked at the bottle of lube and picked it up, trying to get it open and failing with the dildo still in his hand. He sighed, looking for a place, when he stuck it to the stall wall beside him, chuckling softly as it wobbled.

Frank opened up the lube, taking the seal off before replacing the cap and giving it a small squeeze, squirting some on his finger to examine it. And it did, in fact, smell like artificial peaches, like a blow pop or a hard candy. He looked at the bottle and saw that it was both scented and flavored and he shrugged, licking his finger cautiously, tasting the lube in his tongue. The consistency was what got him, oily but not at the same time, the taste almost like a flavored chapstick, subtle but not enough to want to eat it all in one go. He looked at the dildo again, his mind still trying to formulate how he wanted to do this, realizing as he shoved his hand into his unbuttoned slacks, that fucking himself on it would probably not be the best. What if Gerard noticed him being less tight than last time? What if he noticed the lube and asked Frank what was up? And worse, what if this would just ruin tonight for Frank? The initial stretch and burn not as good, the heavy feeling not as weighted down and the sex not being as mind-blowing as last time. That would not do. Frank reigned in his hormones with a sigh, shucking his pants down with a free hand as he resigned to the fact that masturbation would be the way to go with his 'taking-the-edge-off'. But who said he couldn't at least spice that up, so to speak?

Frank grabbed the bottle of lube yet again, squirting the smallest amount in his hand before he dropped it back down beside him between the wall and the toilet on his left. He managed to shuck his slacks and his underwear down to his knees with his hand before the other hand slicked in lube was wrapped around his dick, stroking. Frank gasped softly at the feel, trying his best to keep himself quiet as his legs slid forward and out in front of him. He slouched back, one hand on the wall to keep himself up. He screwed his eyes shut as he picked up the pace, wanting so badly to get it over and done. At the same time wanting to relish in the moment, in the cheap thrill of getting off at work, so close to the object of his most salacious wet-dreams. Frank tightened his grip around the base of his dick and slid up, thumbing roughly at the tip before repeating the action. The resonance of it was felt in his stomach and his chest and almost everywhere, making his feet turn inward and his toes stretch out in his shoes, making his hand curl and his nails dig into the stall wall.

"F-Fuck." Frank groaned roughly, leaning his head on his hand on the wall, speeding up slowly. He closed his eyes, chasing his release that seemed too far away still, something so sordidly missing from the moment. And then it caught his attention, what was missing in that moment, his eye glancing at the toy so close to his face. He knew he shouldn't fuck himself with it, he knew it would be too obvious and that he'd still have to work afterward. But he just needed something, anything to make him feel all the more used and degraded.

Dare he do it? Dare he do what he thought so disgusting and so unusual? Yes. Frank let out a small whimper, his slicked fingers going down over his balls, squeezing softly, sending a heavy torrent of ecstasy through him as he slipped off of the toilet and onto his knees on the floor. Frank had to admit, even just the position he was in was a change of pace, he'd rarely- if ever- masturbated sitting up on his knees before. Frank sucked in a breath as he turned, his slacks slippery on the tiles as he wrapped his slicked hand around the toy that was right in front of him, slicking it up in the melange of lube and his own fluids, stroking it as his imagination did it's best at changing scenery.

And oh, Frank was more than grateful at his vivid subconscious, grateful that he somewhat closed his eyes as his hand returned to where it was before. Now or never, he thought to himself, taking the plunge and wrapping his mouth around the tip of his new toy. Frank let out a whimper, his hand instinctively tightening around his dick, picking up the pace of his rough strokes as he slid more into his mouth. Frank was surprised at how lifelike it felt, despite the only jarring problem being its lack of warmth. The weight of it on his tongue made his brain do a backflip. This was it, this is what was going to get him off. He slid further, taking in as much as he could before pulling back, screwing his eyes shut even tighter, his body tensing and his head bobbing back and forth. Frank's free hand rakes up the stall wall and gripped the base of the dick in his mouth, stroking slowly before he found himself tugging at his own hair. The sharp pangs of stinging ache in his skull were glorious, painful, and just damn perfect. Frank moaned around the dildo in his mouth, gagging as he sped up his head motions with those of his peach-slicked hand. Frank thumbed at the slit of his dick, his body jerking at the oversensitivity as his index finger teasingly trailed over the steel bar pierced through the underside skin. He pulled off, whimpering softly, "F-Fuck.."

Frank looked down, lips slippery and glazed with spit as he watched himself get off, whining quietly as the tight coils of his release grew to a painful point, knowing all too well that he was on the very tipping point of a most-inappropriate orgasm.

"O- Oh, God, fuck. A-Ah..." Frank babbled, gritting his teeth, his head thrown back on his shoulders, his arm aching as he rocked his hips up brokenly into his hand. Frank resumed the disgusting show of cock-sucking his dildo, way passed caring at this point. He went as far as he could, the toy hitting the back of his throat and he held himself there, whimpering at the thought of his boss who was mere yards away and unbeknownst to the entire show.

His mind flashed to the night they were together, the time when he had done exactly this to Gerard, replaying the sounds that left him, replaying every single part of it. His incessant brain adding in snippets that weren't even part of their night together, showing mere glimpses of Gerard's eyes on him in that overly-sexual manner, of his hands and how they'd curl, how his lips would purse or how he'd bite.

It was the one last glance of stern hazel eyes in Frank's mind that sent him over the edge, his body tensing before it shattered right there on the floor. Frank moaned out around the dick in his mouth as he came, pulling off as he stroked himself through his orgasm quickly. He looked down, unable to help himself, as he came over his fist and on the floor between his legs. He panted, his skin hot and sweaty under his clothes, his heart racing like it always did, his stomach taut as though he'd just done a set of push-ups. The ache in his knees was coming back then too and he winced at the pain, whimpering as he let go of himself.

"Shit." Frank whispered softly, realizing the mess he'd have to clean up- including himself, "Worth it."

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