Love & Friends

Por ccc3097

82 16 0

Could this be? An ordinary girl, losing her one true love to an old friend who is planning evil plans. Who wi... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

8 1 0
Por ccc3097

 The picture Christy's assistant edited for Christy was magnificent. You can't see a single proof or trail that shows that it is edited. It looks like a normal picture. A picture of a guy holding hands with a girl. Ken and Christy. They were looking at each other with the 'love stare'. They looked very romantic.

" Who's this girl? " Zaria asked herself. She quickly checked Ken's social media and found a picture of Ken with another girl. Zaria didn't know it was her cousin. Zaria was furious, but she tried her best to calm down. ' Okay, Zaira, deep breaths, i'm sure Ken has a reasonable explanation, or maybe, he isn't the ONE ' Zaira told herself. She called Ken right away.

" Ken, who's the girl ur taking pictures with? " Zaira directly asked.

" Huh? Oh, the one in my social media? It's my cousin Hope, she's one of my distant relatives, I don't think you know her, no need to worry sweetie, you're still the only one in my heart " Ken replied.

" How about the other girl? " Zaira asked again, she began raising her voice. Zaira believed in Ken with all her heart. If Ken says it's his cousin in his social media, then it's true, but the Christina girl, who's she?

" What other girl? The only picture with a girl other than you is only my picture with hope earlier in the day " Ken said. Far away at Princeton, Ken looked confused.

" Oh don't pretend like you don't know, " Zaria said.

" No really sweetie, what other girl? Show me the picture " Ken replied. He always knew how to respond to Zaria's sudden madness.

" Ugh fine, but after I show you, you have to be honest, WHO IS IT! " Zaria shouted.

" Yes, right away my queen " Ken replied. Ken wasn't raising his voice, he replied to all of Zaira's madness with a calm, comforting voice.

Zaira's feelings were mixed up. She didn't know how to act. Ken replied to all her complaining with a calm voice, it's almost impossible to get mad at Ken. Zaira sent a screenshot of Christina370's post to Ken. Then they continued talking on the phone.

" Okay, so, who's this? " Zaira asked, her voice was already back to normal.

" Christy? " Ken suddenly said. It wasn't meant to come out but it did.

" Who's Christy? " Zaira asked with a suspicious tone.

" Um, uh, " Ken said. He just mumbled noises that Zaira didn't understand.

" Hello? Ken? Speak english please " Zaira said.

" Well.. that girl is Christy, she is like the most popular girl in Princeton, the richest girl in the world probably, but I don't know how this photo came along, I never took a picture with her : Ken said.

" We can see proof that there's a photo of you and hear staring romantically here, we both can see it, so... what do you have to say for yourself? " Zaira asked.

" I don't know anything about this! " Ken said. For the first time in forever he raised his voice.

" She's your new girlfriend, isn't she? Of course you would pick her over me, she has everything you ever wanted, you want a hillside mansion? She can give you, you want a racing car? She can give you, I can't give you any of those, just admit it Ken, she's your new " sweetie " right? " Zaira asked.

" No! She flirted with me, and tried to have contact with me, but I always pushed her aside and continued going my way, believe me Zaira, you're the only one in my heart! " Ken said.

" Okay, I believe you, I guess she is rich enough to hire an editor good enough to edit a photo of you and her without a mark, sorry for misjudging you Ken, bye! " Zaira said. Then she hung up.

Both Ken and Zaira were happy. Zaira is happy because Ken isn't cheating, and Ken is happy because the little misunderstanding got all sorted out.

Zaira and Ken then continued their daily life, Ken with college, and Zaira with therapist appointments. 

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