My soul to take

By NamasteKitten

216 20 0

A good girl gone bad. Sounds cliche but this good girl didn't just turn bad, she turned into a demon. Hanging... More

Life's a bitch, then you die, then you sell your soul PART ONE
Life's a bitch, then you die, then you sell your soul PART TWO
Life's a bitch, then you die, then you sell your soul PART THREE
Life's a bitch, then you die, then you sell your soul PART FOUR
Happy devil, happy demon PART ONE
Happy devil, happy demon PART THREE
Bloody homecoming PART ONE

Happy devil, happy demon PART TWO

19 2 0
By NamasteKitten

I woke up to the smell of bacon and stretched without thinking something was wrong. I checked my phone first thing to check the time. It was seven o'clock, I got up and looked out my window and let the sun shine in. I stretched once again and I heard something fall downstairs. I jumped and opened my eyes wide. Wait a minute. Why am I smelling bacon. Why am I smelling food being cooked. It can't be my father he would never in a million years get up and make breakfast. I tip toed to the table next to my door and unplugged the lamp sitting on it. I grabbed the lamp and slowly unlocked my door creaking it open. I could definitely hear someone moving around down there. I started walking very slow towards the stairs and took one step at a time down even slower. Once I was fully down I held up the lamp, I was ready to swing. I kept walking slowly to the entrance of the kitchen. I saw a man facing the stove with a black outfit and what looked to be my mothers apron on. Who the hell is in the house. I was about to shout 'who are you'.

"Tamsin, sorry did I wake you." The man said turning and wiping his hands on the apron. Yep my mothers apron.
"Who are you!" I finally blurted out.
"It's me. You forgot that quick?" He walked towards the island that had a whole breakfast on it. Bacon, pancakes, eggs, hash browns, and fruits.
"I won't ask again! I'm calling the police!" I started backing up.
"They won't be able to do anything." He said taking a piece of bacon. "You really don't know me? Take a good look.." He smiled. I stared at him thinking hard about who he could be. No fucking way. It's the guy from my hallucinations. There's no way, that was an hallucination!
"It, it, it can't be." I stuttered in shock.
"It can be. It's me Victor."
"No! No! I imagined that. This can't be happening." I started to shake my head.
"It is. I know your freaking out but you have a lot to learn and understand about what you are now." He started to take of the apron.
"Yeah no." I turned to run up the stairs but somehow he appeared in front of me. "This can't be happening." I started to freak out a bit.
"Tamsin calm down. Remember back in the pool, I saved your life. You made this choice yourself." I backed up into the kitchen with my head down.
"Choice. I made this choice." I suddenly remembered again. "My mother!" I looked at to him to see he was gone again. I looked both ways to see he was behind the counter again. "Is this real? Did I really see my mother?"
"Esther, yeah you really saw her. Talked to her, hugged her."
"I don't understand, how can this be real."
"Lets just say there are things in this world that people don't know about and that people know about, they twist around. At the pool last night you would haved died but you chose to live. Don't you feel different at least a little bit?" He looked confused like he did when I first saw him.
"Different?" I didn't understand.
"Demons are obviously different from humans."
"Really, I said you would become a demon if you give me your soul, you can live."
"Wait does that mean I have no soul? I'm not human? I..."
"Nope. Your an empty shell." He smiled. "It sounds scarier than it is."
"I'm a... demon?" I was so unsure and confused.
"Yes, a demon."
"Are you a demon?"
"Mmm technically but I could be anything. I'm the devil."
"The, the devil....."
"Don't worry, I'm not like how they say, I said this before."
"What do you want then?" This was really happening. There was no turning back on thinking this was some fake hallucination.
"I told you, you can live your life but I will need you every once in a while. You have a lot to learn about your new self. I'm here to teach you."
"Teach me?"
"Yes. But first eat breakfast. I made it just for you." I moved to one of the stools in front of the island and sat down.
"Wait where's my father?" Not like I actually cared.
"Sleep on the couch. Trust me he won't be waking up anytime soon. So eat, enjoy, today's going to be a busy day." He placed a plate in front of me and like an idiot I started to eat it. I haven't had a breakfast since my mom died. It tasted pretty good. Delicious actually. He didn't speak the whole time I was eating. I reached over to the bowl of fruits and started to pick and eat.
"I'll remember that for next time." He said all of a sudden said.
"Remember what." I questioned.
"That you clearly only like cherries." He was right. I love cherries. Everything cherry I basically loved, whether it was the fruit, candy, pie, or even chapstick. I just won't eat that though. Once I was finished he took my plate from me.
"What now?" I asked.
"Now you can go clean yourself and get dressed for the day and I'll clean this up while waiting for you." I made my way out the kitchen and quickly walked up the stairs. I went straight to the bathroom and took a much needed warm shower. Once I finished washing I stepped out and brushed my teeth and wet hair. Knowing the weather would be over 80 degrees I put on some shorts and a plain grey t-shirt. I threw on some sneakers and put my hair into a ponytail as I went back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see it clean and empty. Where did he go now. I suddenly heard a honk from a car outside and looked out the window. It was him. I walked out the front door towards the car. Oh my god. This car is amazing.
"Come on." He shouted through the window. I opened the black car door and sat down.
"Nice car." I said while looking at its red interior.
"Thanks, its a Bugatti La Voiture Noire, it's expensive but what does being the devil mean if I can't just make it myself and save the money I don't actually need." He smiled at me.
"You... made this?" I looked around again.
"Yep. Well the car is based off a real car there was only one of them made... well two now." He smiled again. If he could make a car out of then air what else can he do!? What can I do!! "Alright buckle up." I put on the sit belt and he drove off.
"Where.. are we going?" I probably should have asked that before I got in the car. With a stranger.
"Shopping." He responded.
"I'm sorry but I don't like your wardrobe. I'm going to get you a few things. Of course only if you like it." Is my style really that bad. I didn't say anything else to him. Who am I to tell the devil no.
We arrived at Daler galleria the only place around here to go "shopping". I was shocked seeing as I thought he would take me somewhere.... weird. I followed him into the store which was the most expensive one in the mall, LE LUXE.
"Umm, I don't think I belong in here..." I said looking at all The luxurious items surrounding me.
"Why not?" He stopped and looked at me.
"This places is for... people with money. Which if you didn't realize I don't have a lot of." I leaned towards him and said quietly. He shook his head.
"Well now you do. Grab anything you want, anything." He walked to all the clothes. Why was he doing this? What does he get out of this? I went to the clothes and began to look through them. Nothing was my style, but then again my style was cheap hand me down sweaters and jeans. It's not like I had a choice. It's just what I could afford.
"Umm... I don't really see anything that fits me." I said.
"I see a lot that fits you. Everything. Your beautiful and you need beautiful clothes to go with you." Him saying this kind of made me want to smile, but I held it in.
Maybe I should just let loose. Grab what I like, what I want. A women stood near us to hold the clothes I grabbed. It was one of those places, no carts or bags to hold what you grab, but workers. I started to take items that I liked, shirts, dresses, skirts. The women was now holding at least ten different items.
"This should be good..." I stopped looking and looked to Victor who had sat down by the dressing rooms.
"That's going to fill your whole wardrobe?" He crosses his legs.
"My whole wardrobe?"
"Yeah, your gonna get rid of your old clothes and put in the new ones."
"Wait what. I thought.. never mind." I've given up. He's clearly the type to get what he wants. I took some more clothes and made my way over to the jewelry. I never wear jewelry but according to Victor can bring an outfit together. It was all very expensive, everything in this store was. I chose a pair of ruby stud earrings and told Victor these were enough for me. At least I got something. I definitely told him no for purses, I wouldn't be caught with one of those. He brought me to the shoes and I got a few pairs. I told him heels were not my thing and I didn't even think I could walk in them. Practice makes perfect he said. I was gonna need a lot of that. Once we finished the total was more than a house, or so it seemed. Just the earrings themselves were a little over five hundred dollars. The total was closer to three thousand. Once everything was bagged there were about ten bags to carry, Victor had a few of the workers bring the bags to the car.
"That was fun, we'll definitely be doing that again soon." Victor said starting the car engine. I put back on the sit belt and still wondered why I was here. "Now to hell."
"What!" I turned quickly to him.
"I mean don't you wanna see hell? Also like I said you have a lot to learn, and once you do you can do things for yourself and for me. Which would make me happy. Happy devil, happy demon." He smiled pointing at himself than me.
"Ok..." I replied. I have to remember I'm apparently not human anymore. He started the car and pulled off.
"There's an entrance near here that I use." He said driving down a long road. I could feel that this was really going to be a long day.

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