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De BraedimusSupreme

18K 474 920

The year is 2065. Times have changed. The Planet of Remnant has evolved. Academies for training hunters and h... Mais

Chapter One: Prologue
Chapter Two: Bomb On The Fireflash
Chapter Three: Oil Rig Fire
Chapter Four: Mountain Rescue
Chapter Five: 30 Minutes Until Noon Pt1
Chapter Six: 30 Minutes Until Noon Pt2
Chapter Seven: Rescue in Space
Chapter Eight: Dark Forces At Play
Chapter Nine: Salvage at Sea
Chapter Ten: Ozpin, Kieron Ozpin
Chapter Eleven: Team RWBY Meets International Rescue
Chapter Twelve: Thunderbird Two Has Been Hit!
Chapter Thirteen: Repair and Recovery
Chapter Fourteen: Rock 'N Roll Inferno
Chapter Fifteen: RWBY With Thunderbirds
Chapter Sixteen: Thunderbirds Are Go
Chapter Seventeen: Space Mission Turns Deadly
Chapter Eighteen: Semblances and Weapons
Chapter Nineteen: Chain of Command
Chapter Twenty: Thunderbird Base Alpha
Chapter Twenty-One: Danger at Ocean Deep
Chapter Twenty-Two: Another Mountain Rescue
Chapter Twenty-Three: Kieron Is Gone?!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Finding Answers
Chapter Twenty-Five: An Airshow Gone Awry
Chapter Twenty-Six: Struck Without Warning
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Divide and Conquer
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Kieron is Alive?!
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Skyhook Fiasco
Chapter Thirty: Thunderbird X Is Go!
Chapter Thirty-One: Kieron's Rescue Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Two: Kieron's Rescue Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Three: Dealing with Parents
Chapter Thirty-Four: Leaving Remnant
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Survivor
Chapter Thirty-Six: Ambush!
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Got The Call
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Yamato Flies Again
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Project Zero-XL
Chapter Forty: Project Zero-XL Launch!
Chapter Forty-One: Fight For Survival
Chapter Forty-Two: Backup has Arrived
Chapter Forty-Three: Fight Or Flight
Chapter Forty-Four: Evil Red Rising Pt1
Chapter Forty-Five: Evil Red Rising Pt2
Chapter Forty-Six: Evil Red Rising Pt3
Chapter Forty-Seven: Evil Red Rising Pt4
Chapter Forty-Eight: Evil Red Rising Pt5
Chapter Forty-Nine: Evil Red Rising Pt6
Chapter Fifty: Atlas Thunderbirds
Chapter Fifty-One: Summer Rose?
Chapter Fifty-Two: Gators & Going Home
Chapter Fifty-Three: Families & Missing Rockets
Chapter Fifty-Four: Underwater Ambush!
Chapter Fifty-Five: Race Against Time
Chapter Fifty-Six: Mind Terrors
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Wedding Bells Ring
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Inferno and Bridges
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Bridges and Car Chases
Chapter Sixty: Interrogations
Chapter Sixty-One: Thunderbirds Go Fast & Furious Pt1
Chapter Sixty-Two: Thunderbirds Go Fast & Furious Pt2
Chapter Sixty-Three: The Imposters Pt1
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Imposters Pt2
Chapter Sixty-Six: An Unexpected Discovery Pt1
Chapter Sixty-Seven: An Unexpected Discovery Pt2
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Unstoppable
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Skyship One Flashback
Chapter Seventy: Volcano!

Chapter Sixty-Five: Solar Station Disaster

131 5 17
De BraedimusSupreme

Out by the far reaches of the sun, there is a scientific space station codenamed Fire Star. It's mission is to monitor and collect data from the sun itself back to Remnant. The vessel is 420 tonnes in weight, while its 229.4ft long, with a width of 357.5ft, and an orbital speed of up to 27,600km/h (17,100mph). It had a small crew mainly 6 people, and the station is  in high orbit of the sun, always staying clear as to keep it safe.

The space station was under the command of Jessica White. She is the daughter of a rich man on Remnant, who helped to finance the construction of the station. She has purple long hair, red eyes, while she is 26 years of age. She is 5ft 5" tall, and has a slim body with a pronounced chest. She also has on a white short skirt Atlas uniform.

Jessica walked into the command centre of the station. "Progress report." She asked.

A man turned to her. "All good so far. We're getting a lot of data. Ready to transmit it back to Atlas." He reported in.

Jessica smiled and turned to a fox Faunus woman. "Send the data link to Atlas. Then, we'll start getting more data after the link done." She said.

"Yes, ma'am." The woman acknowledged, then started the link, as the data they collected over the past 5 months is being sent out. "Done. Data should reach Remnant by tomorrow morning."

"Good." Jessica nodded, as she goes around asking for more reports.

Meanwhile, in another section of the space station, where the thrust functions and one of the labs are location, a man could be seen as he was planting something all over the walls and floors.

This man is a  tall middle-aged man with a slim build and slightly tanned skin. He has short black and grey hair as well as a thick mustache and eyebrows, and green eyes. He has on a gray overcoat with yellow linings, a yellow dress shirt and a black necktie. His pants are the same colour as his overcoat. His yellow button undercoat and fingerless gloves match his cordovan shoes, under which he wears yellow socks. Additionally, he has four rings on each of his hands.

This person is Arthur Watts, an associate of The Hood and Cinder Fall, and a disgraced former scientist from Atlas, who faked his own death in a Paladin Incident.

Arthur smiled. "I will make my lady proud when i get rid of Ozpin's kids." He said as he smirked. He left the room in a spacesuit, heading to the vents. He made his way to a safe place, before sliding out the vent and into a cupboard. "Let's put the plan to work." He said, and pressed a button.

The whole station suddenly shook violently, as part of the station blew apart. The lights began to flicker and blink, with screens flickering in the process as well. The station groaned and there was the sound of buckling metal.

Inside the commander centre, Jessica held onto her chair for life. "What happened?" She asked.

"Unknown. We just had a huge explosion on the starboard sure.... we've also had a decompression since sector Delta, and- oh, no." An Officer muttered.

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

"We've lost our orbit. The explosion was located in Lab 3 mix with the thrust control sector." The Officer states. "Without them, we cant regain our orbit. We're now stating to lose orbit. We're heading for the sun. ETA to burn up: 1 hour."

"We're doomed." A woman said in worry.

"No, we're not." Jessica says and floated over to a radio. "Calling International Rescue... come in, International Rescue. We need your help." She called.


Meanwhile, back on Remnant, everything was all calm and relaxing. Kieron, Summer, Jonson, Apps, and Sarah were all in the lounge relaxing and taking time off.

"Ah, a nice day." Summer sighed, smiling to herself.

"True, and Ruby will be home tonight." Kieron added. "Owen is bringing her home with Braedey onboard Thunderbird Two. They'll be here later tonight."

"Yeah. It be great to see her again." Summer agreed with a smile.

At that moment, Lily's hologram appeared in the middle of the room, getting everyone's attention. "Guys, we've got a call." She informed.

"What's up?" Jonson asked, finishing his drink of water.

"Out by the far reaches of the sun is a science space station named Fire Star. It's mission is to monitor and collect data from the sun." Lily explained the situation. "It has a small crew of 6. But they just had an unknown explosion and decompression. All hands are okay, but the station just lost its orbit and heading for the sun."

"Oh, no." Jonson looked to Lily. "What can we do?" He asked.

"Not much. Last time we took Thunderbird Three close to the sun, we almost ended up being burnt alive and crashing, just like what will happen to the Sun Probe." Sarah clarified.

"Yes, but that was the old Thunderbird Three. Have you forgotten it has been upgraded and now, it can go close to the sun?" Kieron reminded, then looked over to Lily. "Tell the space station that we're on our way."

"F.A.B." Lily replied, her hologram turning off.

"So, what's the plan, boss-man?" App asked.

"Thunderbird Three now has a new engine, the ion engine, meaning we can use it to get there." Sarah spoke up. "Though it's slower than the T-Drive, and it'll take a few hours."

"No. We'll load Thunderbird Three and only Thunderbird Three onto the Yamato, but we'll all go, Summer as well." Kieron announced.

"Right." The team nodded.

"I just hope the Yamato can hold up to the sun's solar radiation. Alright, Thunderbirds Are Go!" Kieron announced.

Thunderbird 3 was soon placed into its hangar on the port side of the Yamato, ready to be used on the mission.

Right now, Kieron, Summer, Jonson, Apps, and Sarah were all up in the gigantic vessel's Bridge, ready to go on their mission. Kieron was up in the Captain's chair, with Jonson over at the Weapons Console, Sarah set up at the Helm, and Apps on the Radar/Radio Station, all of them in their I.R uniforms ready to go.

Kieron looked over to everyone. "Okay. Let's go over to the checklist. Navigation/Helm." He looked to Sarah.

"Check." Sarah acknowledged, flipping some switches.

Kieron looked at Jonson. "Weapons."

Jonson nodded. "Ready." He looked to the console. "We'll be ready for whatever happens out there."

Kieron nodded. "Radar and Comms." He asked.

Apps smiled. "Check."

Kieron looked to Apps. "Airframe."

Apps checked over the main screens of the crafts loaded up into the Yamato. "Thunderbird Three is locked in and ready."

Kieron looked over at the main systems, then to Jonson. "Okay, engines are coming online. When you're ready Jonson."

Jonson nodded. "F.A.B. Flooding the Chamber now." He said.

A moment later, the whole chamber containing the Yamato started to flood with sea water. The water level started to rise up, until the chamber was full.

Kieron nodded once seeing the vessel floating. "Okay. I'm starting the countdown." He said as he pressed a button and a computer voice echoed in the hanger as the countdown started.


The Clamps and 4 docking tubs detached from the outside of the Yamato, and the 2 sub-engines fired up at once. The giant gate ahead opened, and the Yamato makes it's way out of the cavern, heading out to sea, slowly picking up speed.

"On my mark, put power to the main engines." Kieron said, as he worked at his consoles.

Jonson nodded. "F.A.B." He acknowledged, as the Yamato heads out to sea. Slowly. The craft starts to come up, the tip of the bow pointing out the water.

Jonson pulled on a lever. "Power to the main engines online." He said, as the large main engines fired up underwater.

"Yamato... To the sky." Kieron announced.

The Yamato takes off out the water, flying off in to the sky. As it rises up out of the sea, the water cascading across the decks and body, the huge ship heading off towards the blue skies above, and off into deep space.

Soon enough, the Yamato heads off into low orbit, passing by Thunderbird Five. "Good luck, guys." Lily called on Comms.

"Thanks. We're going to need it." Apps replied back.

"Cutting sub-engines." Sarah spoke up, the small engines cutting out, as the giant vessel left orbit.

"Powering up the T-Drive engine, and going into Blue Alert." Kieron spoke up, the lights in the Bridge going blue.

"T-Drive online." Summer called out.

"All systems are green." Jonson spoke up next.

Kieron nodded. "Sarah, when you're ready." He said.

Sarah nodded, her hand on the main throttle controls. "Counting down in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." She then pushed the throttles to full.

The Yamato's main engine bursts into life, releasing a stream of spiraling blue energy, thrusting the ship to its targeted 36 space-knots. "3..... 2..... 1..... warping." Sarah said.

Suddenly, the Yamato seems to hit a wall, punching through the dimensional barrier. Then, a burst of light and the ship is gone. In a different dimension, the Yamato is surrounded by streams of multi-colored light, its very body phasing in and out of existence, while the crew seems frozen – suspended in a single moment in time. The ship approaches a mirror-like surface, impacting its own reflection in a wave of yellow energy...


The ice-covered Yamato resurfaces into normal space. As the ice cover breaks off, it is now in normal space as They're now about a few metres from the sun.

"Everything seems okay. The Yamato held up the warp to the sun all good." Apps commented, looking out to the black starry sky around them and the sun.

Kieron showed a image of the sun on the screen above them. "Right. That's our target; the station near there." He sighed. "Right. Everyone, put your spacesuits on, just be safe." Kieron says and look at Jonson. "Where's the station?" He asked.

"Not good. It's close to the sun's orbit, where solar flares are going off around it." Jonson informed, and turned to Kieron. "It's lucky to still be in one piece." He added.

"Right. Spacesuits on, we're going in." Kieron announced, as he stood up.

The crew soon got their spacesuits on, while the Yamato headed close to the sun, just above the solar flares. It was almost like something out of the devil's own nightmare.

"This'll be hard if one of the solar flares hit us, it'll cause damage to the ship." Sarah said in worry to Kieron.

"I know." Kieron acknowledged. "But we have to take that chance. You, Jonson, and Apps, load you into Thunderbird Three."

"What about you and Summer?" Jonson asked.

"We'll stay put on the Yamato to be safe." Kieron informed to them, getting into the pilot's seat. "Right. Let's do this."

The team soon headed off to Thunderbird Three. The starboard side of the Yamato opened up to show the hangar, as 2 robotic arms swing out holding the red rocket. Once the arms were fully extended, they release from Thunderbird Three.

"Firing main engines in 3... 2... 1..." She announced, as Thunderbird Three's main engines came to life, heading across the sun, following close behind by the Yamato.

"Man, this heat is incredible." Jonson said, looking out the side and at the scans.

"Yeah. Just be careful." Kieron said, flying the Yamato nearby. "Damn, the heat is insane." He added, as he piloted the spaceship through the solar flares.

"Space station ahead." Jonson called out, seeing the station coming into view.

Apps looked ahead. "Looks like we've got only one airlock to dock Thunderbird Three at." He informed, looking at the airlock ahead.

"Right. You guys dock up, and we'll keep back to be safe." Kieron said, bringing the Yamato to a full stop.

"Right. I've gotten off Comms with the station." Jonson spoke up to Apps. "I'm patching it through to you, Kieron."

"We're losing all power here!" Jessica's voice cried out on the Comms, the sounds of alarms going off and sparks in the background. "Repeat: we're losing all power!"

"Hold on, miss." Apps responds.

"Thunderbird Three is coming in hot." Sarah reported, as the red rocket approaches the damaged space station, using its retro rockets and main engines to manoeuvre around, and aligned itself with the station. "Jonson, prepare for immediate docking now." Sarah ordered.

"You got it, Sis." Jonson replied. "Reverse main thrusters on my mark. Three... two... one..." He said, as Apps does just that, the sound of the engines rumbling.

"Easy, watch the roll." Sarah warned them.

"Roll index angle minus two degrees." Apps added in.

"Acknowledged." Jonson nodded.

"Initiating docking sequence." The ship's A.I speaks out, as the docking port on Station flashes its red beacon lights. With Thunderbird Three, a section on the front of the rocket opened up into a docking port, and it connects with the space station with a loud clank of magnets.

"We're now locked on." Jonson announced, as the others get their harnesses off, and get ready to go.

"Great job, Jonson." Sarah spoke next.

"Docking sequence complete." The ship's A.I spoke again.

"Tunnel hatch secure." Apps spoke out, as they leave the cockpit, and headed off to the front of the ship and docking port.

"We're good to go." Jonson added in.

"Emergency and oxygen packs, everyone, let's move!" Sarah called out, just as they picked up black bags with oxygen masks, putting them on, and securing them on, as they reach the airlock.

"Airlock pressure equalised." The A.I spoke out, as Jonson put the access codes as the airlock open on to the space station.

"Right. Let's move." Jonson says as he lead the team inside the space station.

"We're over here!" Jessica's voice rang out from behind a door.

Apps made his way over. "You all okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Nobody's been hurt, but we're all trapped in here. It's getting really hot." A man called out.

"Right. Hold tight." Jonson turned to Apps. "Apps, help me cut through this, and Sarah, return to Thunderbird Three and keep it secure." He planned.

"Right." Sarah nodded, heading off to the red rocket, as Apps got out a blowtorch, and began to cut into the door to try and open it with Jonson.

Meanwhile, Arthur was watching out a window, while putting on a spacesuit. "While they're busy, I might go pay the Yamato a visit." He opened an airlock, now jetpacking away towards the Yamato. He looked to the space station with a dark smirk. "Let's see if this'll help." He pressed a remote button.

All of a sudden, the solar panels were blown apart, shaking the whole of the space station. Arthur smirked to himself, heading off to the Yamato above him.

Back onboard, the vibrations shock right through the whole station, nearly knocking everyone over, as Jonson and Apps continue to work on the door.

"Whoa. What's going on?" Apps asked.

"The solar panels just blew apart. Must've been from the heat. Just hurry up." Sarah reported in, while she's using Thunderbird Three's thrusters to try and keep the station stable. "We're running out of time."

"F.A.B." Jonson continues on to cut through the wall. He sighed in frustration. "Ah, Dammit. This is taking too long." He then stopped. "Apps, get back and hold on." He looked through the window. "Get back and hold on. We're going to blow the door open. It's the only way." He called to Jessica on the other side of the door.

"Right." Jessica called back, moving her team away.

Apps and Jonson put their cutting gear by the door, and move back holding onto the wall. The two pull out their guns, and fired at the tanks, blowing the door up, then they head in tothe command centre.

"You all okay?" Jonson asked.

"We are now."" Jessica replied with a smile.

"Right. Come on. We've got to go now." Apps stated, leading the team to the airlock and inside Thunderbird Three.

"Apps, take them to the cargo hold." Jonson ordered, while he's heading into the cockpit.

"F.A.B." Apps lead Jessica and the others into the cargo hold and seating place.

Jonson soon got into the cockpit. "Ready when you are." He called, getting strapped in.

"Right. Let's go." Sarah nodded.

Thunderbird Three detached from the station, the main engines firing up, as the red rocket pulled away just in time, as the space station broke apart and burnt up, as Thunderbird Three heads off away from the sun.

"Heading to low orbit now to meet with the Yamato." Sarah reported in, moving Thunderbird Three away from the sun.

"Well, there goes the station." Jonson commented, watching it break apart.

"Yeah." Sarah sighed. "Alright, heading off for the Yamato."

Apps then walked in. "Jessica and her group are all okay and resting." He said, taking a seat and strapping in. "A few cuts and bruises, but overall, they're okay."

"Good." Jonson replied, turning the radio on. "Thunderbird Three to Yamato, we're coming in to dock." He reported in, only to be met by silence. "Kieron? Summer? Guys?" He called.

"There must be something wrong with the radio. I'll do a full blast on all radio frequencies." Apps suggested, now turning on the speakers to full. "Kieron, Summer? Do you read us? We need to dock." He called, but he got nothing.

"Sarah, see if you can mad-rush the docking sequence." Jonson suggested, looking to Sarah.

"F.A.B." Sarah replied. She flew towards the docking bay on the Yamato, just before a warning light came up. "Whoa!" She pulled away quickly. "We're being shut out." She reported, looking at the Yamato.

"What's going on?" Jonson asked, wondering what's going on as they looked at the Yamato.

"Hold on." Apps called, looking at some scans, his eyes widening. "The T-Drive... it's coming online!" He yelled.

"What?!" Sarah and Jonson yelled in shock.

Onboard the Yamato, Kieron was getting up off the floor, blood on the left side of his face, while he had a slight limp in his step. Arthur was in front of him, also looking bloody and battered.

"Do NOT do it, Arthur." Kieron grunted. "The Yamato cannot risk it. The heat has already passed its limit. If you power up the T-Drive, you risk killing us all!" He yelled.

"So be it." Arthur then hits a button, the whole ship suddenly shaking. "What the-"

Summer looked over at her console, while she had been knocked about. "T-Drive system malfunction. Not just that; all systems are malfunctioning from the heat." She said in worry. "We're going to warp but it will damge the ship. We're also warping to unknown area."

Kieron sucker-punched Arthur across the face, making the latter fall back to the ground, as Kieron grabbed him by the shirt. "You fat-headed idiot!"

Arthur smirked. "Well, if this doesn't kill you... I hope this will." He pressed a button, and the Yamato's main and sub engines explode in fireballs, as well as within Thunderbird One's hangar.

"What have you done!" Summer yelled out angrily.

"I have don't my job." Arthur said, before getting knocked out by Kieron.

The radio then comes to life. "Kieron, Summer! What's going on over there?" Jonson's voice called out.

Kieron grabbed the radio to call back. "Arthur was here. He planned this whole thing. He planned a bomb on the Yamato which just blew up, and the T-Drive has malfunctioned. With the damage sustained, there's no way of telling if the Yamato will make it or not, and we don't even know of where we'll end up." He reported in.

"What? Then get out of there!" Apps yelled out.

"I can't. I have to try and stop it." Kieron turned to look at Summer. "Go, love. Go be with Ruby on Remnant."

Summer grabbed Kieron's hand. "No. As you jump, then I jump.... you go, I go... if you die, then I die." She said to him. "We said we stay together, and I'm not losing you again, my husband."

Kieron pulled her close, and he kissed her head. "I love you so damn much." He grabbed the radio. "Jonson, when you get back to Remnant, tell Ruby... tell her Summer and I love her, and will always be in her heart."

"Kieron, no! Please! There's got to be another way!" Sarah cried out.

"We'll be alright, guys. We've got each other." Summer said calmly, closing her eyes.

"Kieron. Please, brother. We need you still." Jonson called out.

"Sorry, brother. But it looks like fate has other plans." Kieron sighed, tears in his eyes, as he held Summer close. "Till we meet again...."

"Not again! Please, not again!" Apps cried out.

"I'll always be with you, and maybe one day, we'll see you again-" Kieron's voice spoke out before the radio went silent.

Outside, the Yamato glowed in a vibrant blue, then in a flash of light, the vessel was gone from sight.

Sarah looked on in shock. "No, no, no! Not again!" She cried out.

"He's gone..." Apps cried sadly.

Jonson held his head in hands. "Sarah... take us home." He ordered bluntly.

Sarah wipes away her tears. "F... F.A.B. Powering up the ion engine." She reported in, the ion engines coming to life. "ETA: 6 hours."

"It means we'll get there a few minutes before ruby gets home." Jonson sighed to himself. "How do we tell her this?"

The others remained silent, as Thunderbird Three fired up its ion engines, and it began to fly off back towards Remnant.


After dropping off all the survivors, Thunderbird 3 had landed back on the island, but the mood was sad. Lily was also with them after finding out what happened, and even Ozpin and Akira had been told. Soon enough, Thunderbird 2 came in for a landing on the runway. Once done so, out of the craft stepped Ruby, Owen, and Braedey.

Ruby smiled. "Ah, good to be home. I cannot wait to spend time with Mum and dad." She said.

"I bet." Braedey agreed with a smile. "It'll also be good for us to catch up with the others." He added.

"Too right, bro." Owen added, as he lead the team up the stairs into the house.

"Mum, Dad. I'm home." Ruby called out, only for her to see Jonson, Apps, Lily and Sarah all sitting down looking sad. "Guys, what's wrong?" She looked around, noticing two people missing. "Where's Mom and Dad?" She asked innocently.

"Yeah. Where are Kieron and Summer?" Owen asked.

"They're... they're..." Lily sighed and looked away.

"They're what? On a mission?" Braedey asked.

"They're gone, okay?! They're gone!" Jonson yelled, now standing up.

"Gone? Gone where?" Ruby asked in confusion.

Jonson then punched a wall, making a dent in it. "They're gone..." He cried.

"What happened?" Braedey asked, now seeing where it was going.

Jonson turned to Braedey, tears in his eyes  as he explained to the 3 what had happen, only for Ruby to run to Sarah and Lily crying and hugged them, as Jonson cried. "There's no way in telling if they're.... they're..." He cried as he felt Owen hugged him.

Today was a sad day for the whole team.

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