Baby Brother • BaekYeol

By daydreamer_beauty

68.8K 3.7K 2.3K

"I love you, Hyung" Start: 6/3/18 End: 6/25/20 Language: ENGLISH WARNING: TOP! BAEK BOTTOM! CHAN Poster by @... More

Baby Brother
Hi everyone! Please read


1.3K 80 18
By daydreamer_beauty

This is the epilogue :)

First of, I would just like to point out that I have published another chapter before this chapter but watty sort of...uhh glitched(?) and didn't send notification's sooooo please read that first.

My end note would be at the end of this chapter lololol

Thank you for making it this far! ♡


Everything is perfect. Chanyeol couldn't actually wish for anything more. For the past six--turning seven--years, everyone had been kind to him.

He is thankful that he is surrounded by nice people. People who would actually try their best to reach out to him.

Though it has been hard, he made it.

He could say that he's really happy now. No pretendings. No fake smiles and certainly, no more random breakdowns. He smiled as he remembered how his Baek-hyung would always reassure him that he would always be the only one that he would love and no one else. That alone, made Chanyeol the happiest.

He works now. And he loves it. He loves making toys, giving toys--donating toys to children who were not as fortunate as others. He believes that everyone has the right to be happy. And he is glad to help even if he is just doing a small thing.

"I'm home."

He turned his head to the man who captured his heart years ago. To the man who accepted him with his every flaw. To that man who tried his best to understand him--to help him, even in times that he, himself had also given up.

The first few years of seeing his Baek-hyung has been painful for him. He keeps seeing his memories and believe it or not, the pain was just too much for him to handle.

Even if he knows that those memories didn't really happened to him, he knows that those memories had happened to the other him.

The other him that even in the wrong state of mind helped him.

He can't help but wonder, what would happen to him if he were to lose his lover? Right after their engagement? Chanyeol didn't want to know. That would break him. No questions needed.

He really hopes he is doing fine now. God knows how much he wishes to help him right now.

"Papa?" A little girl climbed unto his lap. Slowly poking his cheeks. He smiled and lifted her so that she could hug him properly, "Yes, Baekkie?"

The little girl just giggled as he showered her with little kisses and pointed at the bags that Baekhyun is holding right now.

"I could've just cooked, you know?" He said softly, wondering why his husband even bothered to bring food home.

Baekhyun just chuckled softly, "I know. But we did promise our little princess here a movie night so I didn't want you to miss a scene." After setting everything down, Baekhyun carried their daughter and placed a kiss on her forehead.


Byun Baekkie. A four year old girl whom they adopted two years ago. Chanyeol was the one who saw her in one of the orphanages he sponsors, she was just this little baby who did not cry nor did not demand. If anything, she just accepts what was given and would only stare at the other babies playing around.

She lost her parents at a car crash and she was the only one who survived. But she suffered from third degree burns that would be really really hard to cure.

Everyone just saw some random child when they looked at her. However, Chanyeol saw a wonderful soul when he looked at her.

He was determined to shower her with love. He didn't know why--he just wants to. But then again, love has no reasons. When you love, you love. You don't question love for it is beyond logic. As simple as that.

Baekhyun, being his ever supportive husband, agreed to adpot their child and even let her use his last name. He treats her as if she was his own and Chanyeol couldn't be more thankful for that.

Looking at his husband who was now sitting on the floor with their four--turning five--year old daughter, who were both busy deciding on which disney movie they're going to watch, Chanyeol couldn't help but smile.

In the past, he never really saw himself having a family in the future--given that he grew up without a father and was convinced that he would spend his lifetime taking care of his sick mother.

But here he is now.

Happy. Contented. Loved.

His life might've been one hell of a ride but if he learnt something from his mother, it was that forgiveness is the first step to happiness. He did exactly just that. He forgave his real mother, who was still in prison up to now, and he forgave everyone in the past who looked at him as if he was some sort of a disease or something.

He forgave them because they really don't matter enough for him to hate them. He simply didn't care what everyone else thought of him.

He only cares for his family.

"Papa!!! Lwion Kwing is stwarting!!!!!!"

He placed the food that he arranged in front of them and sat next to her daughter. He smiled lovingly at her and saw how his husband did the same gesture to her then turned his head to him to kiss him on the lips.

He smiled.

Who would've thought that he went from a baby brother to a husband?





To be honest, I really didn't see myself finishing this story given that I started this when I was like...13. It was just a random thought but I actually enjoyed writing for you guys. Even if the plot is pretty shitty and clichè and all, y'all still read this fic and I am really really greatful for that.

And if anyone's curious (not that I think there's anyone though) the other Park Chanyeol is actually the one from the SPECIAL CHAPTER [HAPPY L-1485] of this book. I know I haven't finished that two-shot yet, but at least y'all know what you are up to if you did read it in the future. There's gonna be lots of angst. Sex. Violence. Drugs. And pretty much everything that fucks up one's life.

I really hope that what my friend said (that my writing style improved over the years) is true, though. Lol.

Anyway, it has been a very long ride. Thank you for actually spending your time reading this book.

If anything, I will start on writing 'PSYCHO' now and I promise that that book has actually a better plot than this one lmao.

Votes and comments are very much appreciated!!


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