Yandere RWBY oneshots (Male r...

By Divine_Quirk

458K 5.8K 5.3K

Oneshots of RWBY girls who want nothing more then to be with you. Can you handle the never ending love from t... More

Weiss x Male reader
Blake x Male reader
Yang x Male reader
Pyrrha x Male reader
Neo x Male reader
Nora x Male reader
Glynda x Male reader
Summer x Male reader
Penny x Male reader
Female Jaune x Male reader
Female Ren x Male reader
Emerald x Male reader
Cinder x Male reader
Winter x Male reader
Raven x Male reader
Female Qrow x Male reader
Ruby x Male reader Part 2
Weiss x Male reader Part 2
Kali x Male reader/Blake part 2
Yang x Male reader Part 2
Female Tai x Male reader
Salem x Male reader
Female Ozpin x Male reader
Coco and Velvet x Male reader
Female Roman x Male Ruby reader
Female Mercury x Male reader
Female Oscar x Male reader/F Ozpin Part 2
Female Oobleck x Male reader
Maria x Male reader
Willow x Male reader
Female Sun and Neptune x Male reader
Female Adam x Male reader
Harriet x Male reader
Happy Huntresses x Male reader
Jinn x Male reader
Grimm Ruby x Male reader
Chibi Yang x Male reader
Penny x Male reader Part 2
Sky (OC) x Male reader
Ying (OC) x Male reader
Team BRIR x Male reader
Ruby/Yang x Male reader

Ruby x Male reader

38.3K 304 715
By Divine_Quirk

(Before reading, if you know what a yandere is, you will know what is about to happen. This contains mature content. You have been warned.)

(Readers POV)

I was talking in a bullhead. I was riding to Beacon academy. I looked out the window and admiring the beautiful view. I got out my weapon, which is a scythe, and inspected it, making sure that it wasn't broken or dirty. I am kinda of a weapon lover. I can use many different weapons but my favorite is my scythe. Scythes are hard to master but that's what I love about them. They have such a high skill curve, I never thought that one of the deadliest weapons ever made would click with me so much. I heard a gasp and I looked up. I see a girl with black hair with red highlights. She has silver eyes which really interested me for some reason, I feel like I can get lost looking at them. She had a red hood on which really went with her design. She ran up to me and looked at my scythe with sparkles in her eyes.

Ruby: WOW! You also use a scythe? That's so cool!

I blushed a little. I guess she likes weapons as much as me.

(Y/N): Yeah, I use a scythe. What's your name? Mine is (Y/N) (L/N).

She started to blush and said sorry for not introducing herself.

Ruby: My name is Ruby Rose. Sorry about freaking out about your scythe. It's just that I use a scythe as well.

She pulled out her scythe, which matched her colors. I looked at her scythe in amazement.

(Y/N): Your scythe is really cool.

Ruby started to blush more. She looked away a bit to avoid looking at me, I found it quite cute.

Ruby: Do you really think so?

(Y/N): Of course!

She said thanks and smiled at me. I smiled back.

Yang: Hey Ruby. There you are.

I looked over to see a blonde hair girl. I guess she knows Ruby.

Ruby: Hey Yang. Sorry for running from you.

Yang giggled and ruffled her hair.

Yang: My little sister is so cute.

She looked over and noticed my presence.

Yang: Well hello cutie. What's your name?~

She leaned in and I started to blush a little.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N).

Yang: I'm Yang, but you can call me what ever you want.~

She started to flirt with me more and I started to blush way more. I probably look as red as Ruby's cape. I looked over to see Ruby starting to get really mad, I don't know why though.

(Time skip) (Ruby's POV)

I just landed in a forest for my initiation test so I can get into Beacon. I was running through the forest. I really wanted to team up with (Y/N). I don't know why, but every time I think of him, my heart skips a beat. I really don't like Yang flirting with him though. I continued running and I saw him, (Y/N).

Ruby: Hey (Y/N)!

He turned around and waved at me.

(Y/N): Hey Ruby. Seems like we are a team now.

I couldn't believe this! We are going to be together in a team for our whole time in Beacon. My heart started to rush at the thought.

(Y/N): Hello, Ruby?

I noticed (Y/N) waving his hand in front of my face. I started to blush, I can't believe I embarrassed myself in front of him.

Ruby: Oh my! I'm sorry!

He just laughed and he started to walk away.

(Y/N): Come on, those relics aren't going to be getting themselves.

I rushed over to him and started to walk with him. My heart started to race again. Having him be this close to me is really nice.

(Time skip)

Me and (Y/N) finally found the temple that the relics were at.

(Y/N): Finally, that took longer then I thought.

We walked over and we saw a bunch a different chess pieces.

(Y/N): Never thought they would be chess pieces. Which one do you think we should pick?

He's letting me choose?! I looked at each one of them, make sure to pick the right one for him. I picked up a white knight piece.

Ruby: This one!

I held it out and he agreed with me.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's a good one, all though I guess it doesn't really matter which one we choose.

I'm happy that he is happy with the piece I picked. I looked over to see Yang with a girl called Blake that I talk to earlier.

Yang: Hey Ruby! Hey cutie!

I looked over to see (Y/N) was blushing. I wish Yang would stop. But if I told her to stop, she would find out my feelings and I know she wouldn't stop teasing me. I looked over to see a bunch of other people walk by. I saw Weiss, Jaune, and a bunch of different people that I didn't know.

(Y/N): Seems like everyone is here.

I was about to talk with (Y/N) but I heard a screech coming from the sky. Everyone looked up to see a Nevermore flying in the sky. We all got our weapons ready. (Y/N) just started to walk away from the temple.

Ruby: (Y/N), what are you doing?

He just stayed silent. He pulled out his scythe and got into a battle position. The Nevermore swooped down to attack (Y/N). I was about to run up and get him out of the way. (Y/N) but his arms into the air and his scythe started to float above him. A bunch of energy surrounded his scythe, making it bigger. He grabbed his scythe and slashed it at the Nevermore, cutting it in half in one slash. I started to blush, he was so cool doing that. The energy disappeared from his scythe and returned back to normal. He went on one knee and I ran up to see if he was ok.

Ruby: (Y/N)! Are you ok? What was that?

(Y/N): That's my semblance. I can infuse my aura with objects, making them stronger.

I looked back to see all the other girls blushing. I got a little mad at them.

(Y/N): Well come on. We should be heading back now.

I agreed and helped him back on his feet. I don't want him to be around the other girls giving him the cutesy eye.

(Time skip)

We were in a stage, getting assigned our teams by professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Ruby Rose, (Y/N) (L/N), Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. You four gathered the white knight pieces and will be forming team RWBY. Lead by Ruby Rose.

I was shocked. I was leader. This means that (Y/N) will have to listen to me. I hide my smirk as I started blush a little.

(Y/N): Congrats Rubes. I know you will be a great leader.

He gave me a nickname! And he's saying I will be great leader! I started to get really excited. We all left the stage and started to head to our dorm room that we were given. While walking there, Yang started to talk to my (Y/N).

Yang: What you did back their at the forest was really good.

(Y/N): Oh, you think so?

Yang: Yeah. You got to show me what you can sometime.

I knew what Yang was getting at and I didn't approve. I don't want (Y/N)'s mind getting polluted by my sisters shenanigans. I was about to stop her, but we made it to our dorm. I opened the door to see a room with four beds right next to each other. I was hoping that there was going to be three beds so me and (Y/N) would have to share one.

(Y/N): This place seems a little cramped. Don't you guys think?

Yang: Yeah, but I don't see a problem with being closer to you.~

Yang kept flirting with what's mine. I was about to snapped at Yang for constantly flirting at him.

(Y/N): I'm getting kinda hungry. What about you guys?

Ruby: That's a good idea! My and you can get us food while Yang and Blake unpack.

Before anyone could say anything, I already was dragging (Y/N) out of the room and closed the door on Blake and Yang.

(Y/N): Oh man, you must be really hungry.

Ruby: Yeah, hungry.

(Time skip)

It's been awhile since my team has been formed and there was a school dance coming up soon, so I'm hoping to ask (Y/N) out but Yang keeps flirting with him and distracting him from me. I was walking around school to find (Y/N). After about fifteen minutes, I found him looking at his scroll. I walked up to him and poked him on the shoulder. He looked over to see me and he putted away his scroll.

(Y/N): Hey Rubes. Did you need something?

I took in a deep breath, gathering him the courage to ask him out to the dance.

Ruby: I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me?

My heart started to race, but I have nothing to worry about. I know he will say yes.

(Y/N): I'm sorry Rubes, but I'm going with Yang to the dance.

My heart shattered when he said that. Yang already asked him out to the dance. I started to shed tears as (Y/N) tried to comfort me.

(Y/N): It's ok Rubes. You shouldn't take it too hard. Maybe someone else would be happy to take you to the dance.

He put his hand on my shoulder and I shoved him away. He was able to keep his footing as I ran away. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, it was like a waterfall in my eyes. I ran into my dorm room and jumped onto my bed. I shoved my face into my pillow and I cried more. I heard the door open. I thought it was (Y/N). Maybe he is just testing me and lied about him going out with Yang. He just wants to see how loyal I am. I looked up to see that Yang walked in and she closed the door.

Yang: Hey Ruby, what's wrong? (Y/N) said that you started to cry and ran off.

I really didn't want to see Yang. Even if she isn't really going out with (Y/N). I looked down to hide my eyes from my sister.

Ruby: Are you going to the dance with (Y/N)?

I said in a dull voice. I hope she says no.

Yang: Is this what this is about? Yes I am.

I couldn't take it anymore I got out my scythe and attacked Yang. She was sent flying into the wall and she fell onto the wall. I rushed over and went on top of her.

Ruby: Good thing that this room is sound proof.

I started to smile insanely. I raised my scythe up and slashed Yang. She started to scream but I shushed her and put my hand over her mouth.

Ruby: It's ok. It won't last long. You won't fell a thing soon.

I started to laugh as I made on last, final slash at Yang, killing her. Her blood got all over me and I just smiled more. I heard the door open and I quickly looked over to see (Y/N) walk in.

(Y/N): Hey Rub- Oh my god!

He saw me covered in blood and on top of Yang's lifeless body. He got scared and tried to run away. I rushed over to the door and locked it.

Ruby: You aren't going anywhere sweetie.

He started to back up away from me.

(Y/N): Why are you doing this?

I started to laugh as I slowly walked up to him.

Ruby: Can't you see? She got in the way of our love. She took you away from me. It made me sad, but it's ok. She manipulated you by flaunting her body to you.

He got out his scythe and got ready for a fight.

(Y/N): If you don't stop now, I will not hold back!

I took one last final step. He rushed over to me and slashed at me. I blocked it with me scythe and I fired a shoot at him. He went into a nearby wall and fell to the floor. He tired to get up, but I walked up to him.

Ruby: Sweet dreams, my sweetie.

I slammed my foot into his face and knocked him out. I picked him up and putted him on my shoulder.

(Time skip)(Readers POV)

I woke up to see I was in a bed. I looked around the room to see I wasn't anywhere familiar. I heard the door open and saw Ruby. I suddenly remembered what happened at Beacon and tried to attack. I reached for my scythe but it wasn't with me.

Ruby: You wouldn't want to hurt me, would you? I came up to get you for dinner. My mom made it.

I tried to run for the window but she got in front of me and shot me with her scythe. I got onto one knee from the pain.

Ruby: You should follow rules so I won't have to hurt you.

I was about to get up, when a someone walked in. The person just looked like an older version of Ruby.

Summer: Come on, dinners ready.

Ruby: Ok mom, come on sweetie.

She grabbed my hand and walked me down to a dining room table. I saw a blonde male that looked like an old, male version of Yang. I sat down to the table.

Ruby: That's my dad.

Tai: Hey kid.

Ruby sat down next to me and tried to feed me the food.

(Y/N): I can feed myself.

She got mad at me and slapped me in the face.

Ruby: I am your leader, so I get to do what I want.

Summer: Ruby, could you help me with something outside?

Ruby: Coming mom. Don't worry, I will be back.

She kissed my cheek and went outside. I tried to eat some food so I could get my strength back.

Tai: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

I looked up at him confused.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Tai: If you do anything that they tell you to do. You will face consequences.

(Y/N): Don't you want to try to leave them? If we team up, we could leave.

Tai: Stop it kid. Ruby is the same as her mother. We live in the middle of the woods. If you want to keep your sanity, I recommend listening to her and doing what ever she says.

Ruby and her mom came back in and sat down at the table. Ruby started to feed me again and all I did was eat.

Ruby: Good boy. See how easy it is if you do what your told?

I just nodded and she kissed my cheek. I took Ruby's dads advice and followed what ever Ruby said. I guess this is my life for now on. It is true what they say. Every rose has its thrones.

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