Snow || Myg ff ✔

By lunalisamtg

16.6K 771 215

Myg AU "Today is my last day..." "Are you moving?" "No..." "Then why is it your last day?" "Because I can't... More



1.4K 82 23
By lunalisamtg

"Y/n? Are you okay in there?" Jin knocked on the door several times. When he didn't hear anything, he decided to push the door opened. "Y/n...?"


No sound.

No movement. 


"Y/n!" the worst possible scenarios came to mind. Where is she? Is she okay? Is she... Oh lord no! 

He quickly grabbed his coat and went up to the roof. He looked around. No Y/n. He looked more and was beginning to lose hope until he saw a faint outline of a girl on the rooftop. Y/n!

He quickly ran to her and noticed how she stood on the edge, almost about to fall off the 13 story building. "Y/N!!" he yelled. 

She turned around and saw him, but what he saw broke his heart. Again. 

"Y/n..." Her hair was down, all messed up, and flowing with the wind. Her cheeks were red and looked almost burned from the cold, but her eyes; they showed the deepest sorrow imaginable. They were bloodshot red, dull, and wet. She had been crying for a long time. 

"Why are you here...?" she said, her voice sounded more like a faint cry, a whisper blown away with the wind.

"I figured you'd be here..." he said, not moving an inch. He'd gone through this with her before. When her brother died. When she'd been diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder. And when she tried to commit suicide. He was always there to help her.

She turned around, staring at the sunset as she sniffed. She was cold, she'd only gone out with a light jacket and pajama shorts. 

"I wonder if Duncan was sad when he left... did he suffer? Or was he relieved the real suffering was over?" she asked, not moving from the edge of the building. 

Jin moved forward to be next to her. He also looked and sighed at the beauty of it. Yes, it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

"Jin..." her voice sounded high pitch, almost if she was trying not to cry.

"Yes?" he said, now looking at her. He noticed how her usually dark brown eyes were now a golden color, and how her hair was having the same reaction to the light. 

She smiled softly, though her tears were beginning to fall again. 

"I want to go with him..." 

"Y/n-" he tried to say something but didn't know what to say when something hit him. "Did you take your meds?" he said, a bit worried. 

She looked at him and shook her head. 

"I don't need them..." she replied, though deep down, she knew she needed them to survive. But that's not what she wanted to do. She wanted to die.

"Y/n, you need to take your meds. If you don't something bad might happen and you can get hurt." Jin started again, worried about her well being. 

"Well, that's what I want. To get hurt."


"What? I don't want to live in this world if this world is only gonna cause me pain. What's the purpose of living then? Nothing! They say what matters is not getting to the destination but enjoying the ride but what if the ride is nothing but pain, suffering, and hard work mixed with thorns, blood, and tears! Who would ever enjoy that ride!" she was crying once again. She didn't want to do this, she knew she wanted to live. But she knew it was gonna hurt more to keep going, then to give up now. 

Jin didn't know what to say, But he knew he had to do something before he lost his best friend. 

So he hugged her. 

"I love him, Jin..." she cried as he hugged her tightly, her now hugging him back as she cried into his shoulder. "I do but why can't he see that? Why can't he ever see that!" 

She cried nonstop. She didn't even know what she was crying about at some point, but she cried. Pools of tears fell. And nothing was making her stop. She felt like getting all that out of her. She was about to burst and it had reached it's climax. The pot was overflowing, and it broke with that hug. 

Some time later though, he felt her stop and so he pulled back. She was asleep. He sighed and kissed her nose. 

He laid her head on his shoulder and carried her bridal style back to their shared apartment. 

But what he didn't notice was that someone heard all of this.

Someone that was there to say sorry.

Someone that never knew about her struggles.

Someone that now left, feeling confused and sad.

Someone that went by the name of Min Yoongi. 


A/n: So I haven't posted in a while but... um... new chapter yay! ^w^ 

Word count: 793

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