chance connection |1| [zarry]...

By writing_yrraz

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zain accidentally texts the wrong number and somehow ends up with a boyfriend. a zarry au that starts out as... More



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By writing_yrraz

"Shush, let him sleep!"

"But I want breakfast," Freddie says loudly. Zain resolutely does not open his eyes.

Harry shushes him again. "I'll make breakfast, alright," he says softly. "Let Zain sleep a bit longer."

Zain turns away from them, burying his face in the pillow and falls back asleep to Freddie climbing noisily out of bed, demanding mango and raspberries, and Harry's futile attempts to shush him. Harry brushes a kiss to Zain's shoulder before he, too, leaves the bed, trying to shush Freddie again.


"Good morning, sleepy," Harry says, looking up from his phone when Zain steps into the living room, scratching his beard.

Freddie is playing with his Legos on the carpet in front of Harry and barely looks up to wave.

"Morning," Zain says, pressing a kiss to Freddie's head and kissing Harry hello. "Why didn't you wake me? Don't you have work?"

"It's fine," Harry shrugs. "I texted to say I'd be late. Breakfast is in the kitchen."

"Thanks, babe," Zain says, rubbing his thumb over the shadows under Harry's eyes. "You look tired. You could've made me get up, you don't have to babysit."

Harry leans his cheek into Zain's hand. "I need to get back on UK time," he shrugs. "And I like spending time with him."

"Well, I'm not gonna complain," Zain says, stroking his fingers through Harry's hair. "When are you leaving for work?"

Harry shrugs.

"Enthusiastic," Zain says, rising an eyebrow. He leans down to kiss him, mostly catching his upper lip. "You ok, babe? Want me to call you in sick?"

Harry tilts his head to kiss Zain properly.

"I'm good," Harry says when they part, licking his lower lip. "How do you even call someone in sick?"

"Dunno," Zain shrugs. "I could've pretended to be your secretary." He affects a high-pitched voice. "I'm sorry, Mr Styles won't be able to come into work today, he's too busy sleeping."

"You would be the worst secretary," Harry says with a grin. "You'd never answer the phone."

"Can Cross that off my list of possible careers," Zain says, cupping Harry's face and squishing his cheeks together. "You really are very squishy, I don't appreciate it enough." He kisses the top of Harry's cheeks and then his nose.

Harry leans back slightly. "Idiot," he says, voice muffled from the way his cheeks are pressed together. "You starting to remember your drunk escapades?"

"I do remember," Zain says, letting him go with a soft bite to his cheek. "And that phone call just came back to me. You sure you don't want to call in sick? We can make Gemma take Freddie to the zoo and fuck."

"Not sure you'll manage the zoo today," Harry answers. "I looked and it closes at 4 and Gemma is still asleep. She came back just after Freddie and I got up. And I can't call in sick."

"Alright," Zain shrugs. "Freddie and I can explore the area a bit, get some groceries. Text me a list if you want anything specific."

"Ok. I've got a second credit card lying around somewhere, remind me to get it before I go," Harry says, stretching, and looking down at his phone, grimacing at something.

"Why?" Zain asks, frowning.

"To pay for the groceries?" Harry says, looking up from his phone.

"Yea, I'm not taking your money for that."

"Yeah you are," Harry frowns back. "You're getting groceries for me."

"Babe, I'm getting groceries for me and Freddie and Gems mostly. You'll be out of the house most days with the way you're working."

"And you're my guests," Harry says stubbornly. "Plus I have more money. I'm paying."

"You're not," Zain says. "Don't argue."

"You don't argue," Harry says, crossing his arms.

"Babes, you can't make me use your card, you've already lost. Just text me your list."

"You are so stubborn."

"Pot, kettle, babe," Zain says, tugging on Harry's hair softly and turning away. He toes at the house Freddie has built. "You did all this this morning, monster?" he asks.

"Harry helped," Freddie answers distractedly. "Zain, can we play in the garden again? It's big!"

"We'll see. Maybe we'll go to the park instead, yea?"

Freddie shrugs, busy building something. "Kay."

"You gonna be fine on your own for a bit, baby? Harry and I are going to the kitchen."

"I know where it is," Freddie nods.

"Alright," Zain says, taking Harry's hand and tugging him up. Harry comes easily, attaching himself to Zain's back. "Come find me if you need anything."

"Ok," Freddie says, making exploding noises at his house.

"What did you make for breakfast, babe?" Zain asks, trying to walk normally with Harry attached to his back.

"Porridge," Harry shrugs, his mouth on Zain's neck, sucking kisses into his skin. "With fruit. Mangoes no kiwis."

"You remembered," Zain says, turning around to pull Harry tightly against him.

"I do listen, you know," Harry smirks, leaning in to kiss him.

Zain hums into the kiss, cupping the back of Harry's head, sliding his tongue against Harry's.

"Missed you," Harry says, mouthing wetly at Zain's jaw.

"You'll get stubble burn, sweetheart," Zain says. "But I missed you, too."

"I'm going to work," Harry says rather abruptly, stepping back.

"Okay?" Zain says. "You ok?"

"Perfect," Harry says, sounding distracted while staring at Zain. "I'll be back tonight at the latest. I'll text. Nick might come over as well."

"Okay?" Zain says again. "You're acting weird, babes."

"Love you," Harry says instead of answering, pressing a kiss to Zain's lips. "See you later."

"Babe," Zain says, following Harry into the hallway. "You're freaking me out a bit. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Harry answers, smiling at Zain. He looks slightly manic around the eyes, but his dimples are deep. "I promise. Really," he adds, pulling on his coat and slipping into his boots. "I'm perfect. I love you."

"I love you, too," Zain answers, watching Harry pull on a beanie and grab his keys. "Call if you need anything."

"Of course," Harry says, smiling at him widely again and blowing him a kiss before pulling the door shut.

"Weirdo," Zain mutters to himself, fond, going back to the kitchen to finally get breakfast.


"Monster, leave it, we're not getting gum," Zain says again, pulling his wallet from his pocket and trying to keep up with the cashier's speed. "Or crisps," he adds when Freddie makes a move for them. "We have snacks at home, Gemma spoiled you."

"Not spoiled," Freddie huffs, stomping towards Zain like it's a hardship. Zain ruffles his hair in passing and tries not to throw anything heavy atop the tomatoes. "Don't run off," he reprimands when Freddie starts moving towards the exit. "Come on, baby, we're almost done."

"It's boring," Freddie sighs, attaching himself to Zain's leg.

"I know," Zain says, distracted by the total, handing her his card to pay and keeping his gaze on Freddie.

"Thanks," he tells the cashier, taking the card and the receipt and pushing the cart forward. Freddie jumps onto the side and starts looking through their purchases like he hasn't examined them intently whenever Zain added something.

Zain's phone rings when he's almost done putting the groceries into the car.

"Yea?" He answers without checking the caller ID, putting the phone between his ear and shoulder and keeping Freddie from running into the lane.

"Hey, I'm leaving work now," Harry says. "Are you home? Do you need me to pick something up?"

"We just left the supermarket," Zain answers, closing the boot. "Gemma was still asleep when we left."

"Still?" Harry asks. "Is she ok?"

"Yea, I checked on her, she's snoring happily. Monster, wanna take back the cart?"

"Yes!" Freddie says enthusiastically.

"Look both ways before crossing!" Zain reminds him, keeping an eye on him. There are no cars driving anywhere close by but there is still that moment of anxiety, watching Freddie cross the lane in the car park by himself.

"That's good," Harry says. "Did you have tea already?"

"Nah. Just a light lunch and a snack before we left. You can make dinner."

"Alright. I'll be home in a bit," Harry says, sounding distracted.

"Love you," Zain answers and hangs up, smiling at Freddie. "Well done, monster." He holds out his hand for a high-five. Freddie slaps it enthusiastically and climbs into his car seat without complaining.


"Sorry, traffic," Harry says, rushing into the kitchen. His hair is sticking up widely. Zain catches him around the waist, kissing him and running a hand through Harry's hair, trying to smooth it down.

"'s fine. You're already earlier than I was expecting."

"Yea," Harry says, smiling widely as he moves around Zain to wash his hand. "It was a really good day. I mean, half the band is new so the sound was a bit shit, but it was pretty productive. I thought we'd end early on a good note, you know?"

"Lull the new ones into thinking you're a nice boss, huh," Zain asks, leaning against the counter and watching Harry pull vegetables from the fridge.

Harry grins at him. "I am a very nice boss."

"With the hours you're working I doubt that, babes."

"Come with me and I'll show you how much they like me," Harry pouts, starting to peel carrots.

"If you want Freddie breaking expensive stuff, sure," Zain answers.

"Really?" Harry perks up, grinning at Zain. "You and Gemma could come pick me up tomorrow on your way home from the zoo. Where is Gemma by the way? Still in bed?"

"Shower," Zain says. "She should be down any moment. When's Nick coming?"

"Six-ish. He won't stay long, he's got early mornings but I didn't think I'd be home this early."

"It's almost six," Zain reminds him. "Or it will be by the time dinner is ready."

"It's ok if he joins us for dinner, right?" Harry asks, glancing up at Zain. "And make yourself useful, cut some onions or something."

"Yes, chef," Zain answers, taking another sip of his tea before grabbing the onion and garlic Harry has already set out. "I don't mind. It's your house anyways."

"Yes, but you're here. I thought maybe you'd want me to wait with meeting my friends until you've gone home."

"He's your friend," Zain shrugs, peeling the onion. "And you haven't seen him for ages, I'm not gonna keep you from seeing him. I'm not that much of an arsehole."

"Just checking," Harry says.

Zain kisses his shoulder. "What now?"

Harry throws him a look. "You know how to cook."

"But I've been warned that you're a bit of a control freak," Zain grins, mouthing at Harry's neck.

"Gemma lies," Harry says, titling his head to give Zain more access. "Do the courgettes."

"As you wish," Zain says, sneaking a hand under Harry's t-shirt and scratching the hair on his belly, dipping his fingertips under the waistband of Harry's pants.

"And wash you're hands again, I'm pretty sure that's not hygienic," Harry says, pushing his arse back against Zain.

"You are a bit of a control freak, huh," Zain says, washing his hands obediently and shaking them slightly in Harry's direction.

Harry scrunches his nose up. "Courgettes," he says.

Zain has to kiss him before he sets to work.


"So you're Zain," Nick says, sweeping into the kitchen like he has been here many times before, giving Zain a very obvious once-over. "Good to meet you. I have only ever been allowed one picture of you."

"One too many. I'm waiting for the moment you use it against me," Harry says, pushing past Nick to get to the oven.

"Was that the night you called me the first time?" Zain smirks and Harry flips him off without looking.
"Ooh, it was. I actually still have that voicemail, I think, babe."

"You don't," Harry gasps, straightening abruptly and banging his head against the counter somehow. "Ow."

"How did you even do that?" Zain asks slightly incredulous, running a hand over Harry's head to check for a bump and pulling him close.

Harry buries his face in Zain's neck. "Do you really still have that?" he asks, his voice muffled against Zain's skin.

"Pretty sure, yea. I don't really delete stuff."

"Hey Nick," Gemma says, coming into the kitchen with a wide yawn. "No cuddling in the common areas, you two," she says when she catches sight of them. "I don't want to throw up."

"Again, you mean," Zain smirks at her, licking Harry's cheek to annoy her.

She flips him off and Harry pulls back with a squeak, wiping his cheek.

"Dinner is ready," Harry says, pulling a face in Zain's direction. "Nick, do you want wine with that?"

"Sure," Nick says. "If it goes with whatever dinner is."

"Pseudo-ratatouille," Gemma answers. "A bunch of veggies in the oven that Harry likes to pretend are fancy."

Harry rolls his eyes. "What Gemma said, mostly. We're eating in the living room."

"We are?" Nick asks. "Fancy, fancy, Mr Styles."

"Freddie struggles with the bar chairs," Harry answers, distracted by the heat escaping the oven.

Zain catches him with a hand on his back.

"I'm fine," Harry says before Zain can open his mouth. "Gemma, did you set the table or did you lie on the sofa."

"Both," Gemma answers, unrepentant, her head in the fridge. "You really want wine, Nick? It's evil."

"Zain! I'm hungry!" Freddie yells, bursting into the kitchen.

Gemma winces. "Monster, quiet, I have a headache," she says, closing the fridge.

"Oops," Freddie says, clapping a hand in front of his mouth and attaching himself to Zain's jeans with the other. "Sorry! But I'm hungry, it's taking ages!"

"It's ready," Harry says, setting the baking tray onto the counter. "Wash your hands."

"Yay!" Freddie says, turning around to run to the bathroom. He freezes when he catches sight of Nick, turning around swiftly and hiding himself against Zain.

Zain snorts and runs a hand through his hair, making it stick up. "That's Nick, Harry's friend, monster," he explains. "He's having dinner with us."

Freddie frowns at Nick for a moment before grabbing Zain's hand and pulling. "Come with me," he demands.

Harry catches Zain's eye as he leaves, mouthing: "He ok?"

Zain nods with a shrug, patting Nick's shoulder as they pass him.

"You ok, baby?" He asks in the bathroom, watching Freddie splash water and trying to make foam with the soap. "A lot of new things this week, huh."

"Yes," Freddie nods. "And his hair looks funny."

Zain laughs and picks Freddie up, kissing his cheek. "I love you lots, monster."

"Love you, too," Freddie says, grabbing Zain's sweater. "Can we watch Aladdin after dinner?"

"Nope," Zain says, carrying Freddie towards the living room. "It's bed time after dinner. But I can read to you if you want."

"But I want Aladdin," Freddie says.

Zain blows a raspberry to his cheek. "And I want you to have dinner and go to sleep," he says. "What now?"

"A story, I guess," Freddie sighs, going limp in Zain's arm.

"I know, life is hard," Zain says, grinning at Gemma who is already sitting at the table, her head on her hand and blinking blearily at them.

"I'll come to bed with you, monster," she says, reaching out for him.

Freddie hesitates for a moment, tightening his grip around Zain's neck, before wiggling you be let down. "You already slept all day," he says accusingly, climbing into her lap.

She kisses his cheek. "I'm a bit poorly, baby," she says. "Zain can read us both a story and we'll have a sleepover."

"Cool!" Freddie nods eagerly. "What do you want to read?"

Gemma shoots Zain a look. Zain smirks at her.

"Yea, what do you want to read, Gems?"

"I don't know, Zain," she answers, narrowing her eyes at him. "There are so many good options."

"What about the Rainbow Fish, monster?" Zain says, taking pity on her. She sticks her tongue out at him. "He's got a glittery fin, like a gemstone. That'd be nice to read with Gems, wouldn't it?"

"Oh, yes. It's pretty!" Freddie says, nodding. "He's got a really really pretty fin! And you can make it glitter more when—" He closes his mouth abruptly when Harry comes in, Nick following him, and hides his face in Gemma's neck.

Harry raises an eyebrow. Zain shrugs at them.

"Monster, come sit in your own chair," he says, tapping Freddie's foot. Freddie eyes the free chairs and glares balefully are Zain. "I'll move over, how about it?"

"Tired," Zain mouths towards Harry, changing seats. Freddie makes a production out of changing seats as well and Nick chooses the chair as far away from Freddie as possible, shrugging back at Zain.

"How long are you staying in London, Zain? Gemma?" Nick asks, taking a sip of his wine.

"Harry's going up on Saturday to visits mum, we'll take him," Gemma says. "Probably," she adds, shooting a pointed glance at Freddie.

"So you're not up for a night out on Friday?"

"Nope," Gemma answers, "we're going to the zoo and looking at dinosaurs and stuff all week, aren't we?"

Freddie nods eagerly, spearing a piece of courgette with his fork.

"Are you going with them?" Nick asks, looking at Harry curiously.

Harry shakes his head, not looking up from his plate and frowning. "Going to the studio," he says. Zain pokes his leg to get him to look up. Harry smiles at him fleetingly. "Maybe next week," he adds to Nick.

"Holding you to that," Nick says, "Have you got anything exciting planned, other than studio time? Coming on my show for example?"

"Ask Laura," Harry says. "But I don't think so. And I'm not coming on your show. You're just gonna embarrass me by playing a stupid game. And I don't even have anything to promote."

"Boring," Nick says. "And your publicist will definitely laugh at me if I try."

"That's why I hired her," Harry shrugs. "I'll come on once the album's ready, I promise."

"Zain," Freddie says quietly, tugging on Zain's arm, clearly bored with watching Nick and Harry argue about work. "Are we really going to the zoo tomorrow?"

"Sure," Zain answers equally quietly, turning towards him as Nick and Harry continue to talk about work. "Unless Gemma is sick again."

Gemma runs a hand over Freddie's head. "Promise I won't be," she says. "We'll have a sleepover and I'll be right as rain tomorrow."

"Why were you ill today?" Freddie asks curiously.

"I must have eaten something wrong today," Gemma answers, flipping Zain off behind Freddie's back.

"What have you eaten?" Freddie asks. "Is it eggplants? I don't like eggplants."

"She wishes," Zain says, grinning.

"Zain!" Harry exclaims, sounding scandalised.

"You did not just say that, you pervert!" Gemma laughs, kissing Freddie's cheek to distract him. "No, it wasn't eggplants. It was too much sugar. Can you believe it?"

"Really?" Freddie asks, distracted by the scandalous news that sugar could be bad. He still does throws a curious glance at Zain and Harry and a cautious one at Nick, who is giggling as well. "Zain and Daddy always say that but they lie."

"Zain and Daddy never lie," Gemma lies with a straight face. "It really makes you sick. It's awful being sick, isn't it?"

"It's boring," Freddie nods with a thoughtful frown. "Why does he think eggplants are funny?" he asks, pointing at Nick.

Nick snorts. "They look kind of funny, don't you think?" he asks, biting his lip in an attempt to stifle his laughter. It does not work at a all.

"Stop it!" Harry hisses, hiding his face in his hand. "Freddie, they are just being silly. You know how Zain and your dad are sometimes."

"I guess," Freddie shrugs. "Can I have dessert now?"

"Did you finish?" Harry asks.

"I did, see?" Freddie says, tilting his plate towards Harry. The eggplants are neatly pushed to the side.

Harry eyes the leftover eggplants and throws Zain a look. Zain nods, tickling the back of Freddie's head.

"Alright," Harry says. "Come on. And bring your plate."

"Turning a hangover into an anti-sugar moment, very nice," Zain whispers when Freddie has followed Harry to the kitchen, carefully carrying his dirty plate in front of him.

"I'm just awesome like that," Gemma answers, high-fiveing Zain. "And you're a pervert."

"You know that already," Zain shrugs. "So what show do you do Nick?"

Gemma snorts. "Heathen," she says. "He's Grimmy from Radio 1."

Zain shrugs. "I don't listen to Radio 1. Or any of the others, to be honest."

"Hipster," Gemma says, pushing her plate away. "I swear I'm never drinking again," she adds, lying down on the table.

"Really, I can only recommend my breakfast show. Harry mentioned you are up quite early, you should definitely listen to me. I'm amazing," Nick grins.

"If you like listening to boyband," Gemma says, her voice muffled.

"Then thanks but no thanks. I'm already way past my boyband limit for the next ten years. Saf made me listen to every One Direction song when I was up there. I'm traumatised."

"That's a bit much," Nick says, nodding seriously in understanding and taking a sip of his wine. "I promise I make it much more palatable. It's all about variety and breaks." He winks.

Zain snorts. "If I promise to listen to it, will you stop trying to sell yourself?"

"Sure," Nick says. "I'll give you my number and you'll have to text me during and make a reference to something I just said. I also reserve the right to quiz you spontaneously about the show."

Zain laughs. "No way in hell."

"Too bad," Nick smirks. "Was worth a try."

"Zain, your phone is ringing!" Harry calls. "It's Louis!"

"What does he want?" Zain calls back. "Just give him to Freddie!"

"Don't yell," Gemma groans. "You lazy arse."

"Sorry, babes," Zain says, stroking her hair. "But if that's Louis that means the monster is ready to go to bed and you can lie down as well."

"It's nice when my bedtime is the same as a five year old."

"I think your bedtime is before the five year old," Zain grins. "He's not lying here about to fall asleep."

"True. I'm gonna go up, get ready. Nick," she says, standing and leaning down to kiss Zain cheek. "It was good seeing you. I'll try to come down sometime so we can go out."

"Sure. Feel better. And listen to my show," Nick says, throwing finger guns at Gemma.

Gemma flips him off.  "Have fun with the two losers."

Zain has never been the best conversationalist and he doesn't really know what to say to Nick now. Nick, on the other hand, clearly doesn't have the same problem.

"So I know you don't know anything about pop culture, that you've got a kid kinda with your best friend, that you're a bit of a pervert and that Harry's very gone for you," he says, leaning forward and watching Zain. "But what do you do? And what kind of music do you listen to if you're not listening to Radio 1."

"That really hurt your professional pride, huh," Zain grins. "I listen to R&B, mostly. And Disney songs are a big hit at home at the moment. Aladdin, Moana, Mulan, all the good stuff."

"Sounds great," Nick says sarcastically. "And who's the one making you listen to 1D?"

"My little sister. One of them. The other is too cool for stuff like that. But Safaa's always been into it."

"And you've managed to avoid it? Well done."

"She knew not to bore me with stuff like that," Zain shrugs. "Now she thinks she's helping me "get to know my boyfriend"," he says, making air quotes and pitching his voice higher. "She used to be my favourite but I have already threatened her that I'd reconsider."

"And how's she dealt with that," Nick grins.

Zain rolls his eyes. "Hasn't phased her. What about you? Any annoying siblings?"

"Yep. A sister and a brother, very annoying, very grown up. Married and all that jazz."

"No kids yourself?"

"I've got a dog, does that count?" Nick grins.

Zain shrugs. "Depends on who you're asking. If you're asking me, nope."

"Zain!" Freddie runs into the room, Zain's phone in his hand. "Daddy wants to talk to you!"

"Thanks, monster. Did you have your dessert already?"

"Yes," Freddie sighs. "Daddy and Harry wouldn't let me have a second."

"Second dessert. Who's ever heard of such a thing," Zain gasps. "Come on, upstairs, you can start getting ready while I talk to your dad."

"Where's Gemma?"

"Already getting ready for bed," Zain says, pushing Freddie gently towards the door. "You'll be fine on your own for a mo, right?" he asks Nick, tucking the phone against his shoulder.

"Sure. Goodnight, Freddie," Nick says.

"Night," Freddie frowns at him, running towards the door and up the stairs.

"Alright, Louis. What's up?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to hear your version of how things are," Louis says, yawning.

"We're fine, a bit shy and clingy, but good. If it gets worse we're coming home."

"I know," Louis says. "Just wanted to hear. You doing the zoo tomorrow?"

"Yea, Gems was hangover today. Slept all day. Monster, water in the sink not on the floor," he adds.

"Ah, the joy of being child-free for a week," Louis says with a sigh. "I'm going out tomorrow by the way. If you could call before dinner that's be smashing. Because I wanna try and do some smashing after."

"Try and don't behave like a prick this time," Zain advises. "But I think we can manage that."

"Cool," Louis says. "Have fun tucking the monster in."

"Thank you, I will," Zain says. "Monster, say good night to your dad."

"Bye, daddy," Freddie calls, spraying toothpaste everywhere. Zain hangs up and drops the phone into his pocket, wiping down the mirror with a hand towel.

"Oops," Freddie says, spraying more toothpaste.

"Oops," Zain echoes, kissing the side of his head.


"Freddie gonna come to sleep here again tonight?" Harry asks, straddling Zain's lap and kissing him.

"Might," Zain says, pulling Harry closer by his arse. "Don't think so, though, Gemma is with him."

"Okay," Harry nods, already slightly breathless, grinding down. "What's the game plan in case though?"

"What do you want it to be?" Zain laughs, pulling Harry's pants down to get at his naked arse, squeezing it appreciatively, running his hand over Harry's thighs.

"You inside me," Harry says, rocking down against Zain. "But not if the kid could come knocking at any moment." He halts for a moment, looking down at Zain. "I feel very married when I say stuff like that."

Zain snorts. "Now you know why everyone thinks Lou and I are married."

Harry pulls a grimace. "Don't talk about Louis when I'm half naked."

"You could be all naked," Zain smirks, snapping the waistband of Harry's pants against his hip.

"Not if you keep mentioning Louis," Harry says, moving off Zain to pull off his pants, kicking them towards the bathroom.

Zain rolls over and kisses Harry's belly, mouthing his way up Harry's torso, licking his nipple, which makes Harry arch up enticingly, and sucking on his neck. "What about," he asks, tugging at Harry's lower lip with his teeth. "I finger you. And we'll see how long you last."

"I guess that'd be fine," Harry says breathlessly, letting his legs fall open.

"You guess?" Zain grins, kissing Harry's cheek.

"You're awful," Harry says softly, touching his fingertips to Zain's nose, his cheekbone. "And I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Zain answers, kissing him, and brushing the hair from his forehead. "Why were you being weird today?"

"You're asking now?" Harry huffs, rocking his hips up. "Aren't we having sex?"

"Just remembered," Zain shrugs. "Come on. You can't deny you were being weird. And you were weird with Nick as well."

"I don't know," Harry says. "Just. With Nick. He was talking about work, and I realised I didn't want to talk about it. I mean. I loved being in the studio today and coming home to you, but then he started talking about the business side of thing and I just. I didn't want to." He bites his lips, looking at Zain with a slight frown. "I guess I'm just confused. I love performing. I love the music. I just. When Nick mentioned the publicity side, I thought: I don't want to do that."

"So don't do it," Zain shrugs.

Harry smiles. "Yea, maybe. You always make it sound so simple."

"Because I'm clueless," Zain smirks.

"A bit. Nick said you didn't know who he was," Harry grins back.

"How am I supposed to have recognised him even if I did listen to the radio?" Zain says, rolling his eyes. "You never even mentioned his last name."

"True," Harry says. "Can we have sex now?"

"I don't know. Can we? How does that work again?"

"Oh get off me, idiot," Harry huffs, pulling Zain closer despite his words and kissing him.

Zain indulges him for a moment, letting himself get lost in the sensation.

"You didn't answer the second half of my question," he says when they part, both panting slightly.

Harry groans in annoyance. "I just. I had a thought and scared myself."

"That doesn't sound ominous at all," Zain frowns, pulling back slightly.

"Don't worry. It wasn't bad," Harry smiles, cupping Zain's cheek and tapping his nose. "And now. Sex, please."

"No sex please we're British," Zain says automatically and Harry snorts.

"Dork. And yes sex."

"You've got a one track mind, babes," Zain sighs.

"Says you!" Harry protests indignantly, breaking off in a groan when Zain rocks his hips downwards. "Lube is in the drawer. If you decide on having another conversation before I've come, you're spending the night with Gemma and Freddie."

"Demanding," Zain laughs, leaning towards the bedside table. "My favourite spoiled brat." It takes a moment of rooting around to grab the bottle and it isn't helped by Harry whining impatiently and rocking up against me.

"I hate that I like it when you call me brat," Harry pants, wrapping his hand around Zain's cock. "And I changed my mind, I want your cock not just your fingers."

"I think we can manage that," Zain smirks and catches Harry's mouth in a kiss.


I have given up basically. Smut is too much work. Sorry this is a bit choppy but it's already 5000 words and I'm now owning the choppy snapshot writing style or something 🙈

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