Precious Possession (OC x Kol...

By MadisonGeronimo

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Kalliste; as a young orphan was taken by the hands of Shang Tsung to be experimented on and raised as his own... More

chapter 1 - dream girl evil
chapter 2 - undercover
chapter 3 - watching you without me
chapter 4 - static hum
chapter 5 - breathing
chapter 6 - the hunger
chapter 7 - becoming insane
chapter 8 - night of the swallow
chapter 9 - steam
chapter 10 - alone/with you
chapter 12 - different breeds
chapter 13 - blissing me
chapter 22 - evil
chapter 23 - pagan poetry
chapter 24 - king of the hill
chapter 25 - lust for life
chapter 26 - let me in
chapter 27 - you can't kill me I'm alive
chapter 28 - alone
chapter 29 - shadows
chapter 30 - why should I wait
chapter 31 - prisoner
chapter 32 - little heart
chapter 33 - swollen
chapter 34 - color of blood
chapter 35 - quarrel
chapter 36 - breakout
chapter 37 - dear
chapter 38 - rebelling
chapter 39 - no love is sorrow
chapter 40 - eternal
chapter 41 - outworld
chapter 42 - if you cant love this all goes away
chapter 43 - remarkable affair
chapter 44 - head over heels
chapter 45 - divinity
chapter 46 - death
Precious Possession Smut Comic

chapter 11 - FYB

72 1 1
By MadisonGeronimo

Kalliste thought long and hard about their situation but she decided to take this opportunity to ask more about him thus easing tension. Time has gone on and soon she felt a little bit better about her health. She stared at her left arm, the blackened tattoo that would cover her skin like a changing color fishtail. As if it was some kind of charm or protection for her.

She didn't know if things between her and Kollector were even at mitigation, it was a mystery between them but each of them had their own agenda. Kalliste was interested in how long this will play out between her and Kollector, but in the end, he seemed to be quite capable and resourceful enough to get what he wants. And yet she wanted to stay alive too, so maybe there was something to this Kollector guy after all?

It was stupid of her to get her emotions wrapped up in everything, feeling so weak, and yet that random hug she gave to him? That made her feel much better. Maybe she shouldn't have done that, but it's not like Kollector would've told anyone else anyway. It was just one of those moments where you do something without thinking. She was a trained assassin and yet sometimes she still acted like a girl. Lately, she had been frequent with Kollector as much as she would like to admit it. 

They had another collecting job that Kalliste had to attend to, and although it wasn't required she just went along with it because Kollector asked her to come.
The large corridors were large, gallant, and bronze, and as Kalliste walked through them alongside Kollector she began to notice a missing chain from her belt. She immediately turned to Kollector with his back faced her.

"Kollector. Did you take my chain?"

He slowly turned around to face her and replied, "What chain?"

"A silver chain that attached to my belt." She pointed toward her hips.
His eyebrows rose in surprise, "It must have ripped away from you during your battle with Kano." 

Kalliste sighed, "I know it was you, Kollector. I know you can't get your hands off of anything valuable." 

Kalliste furrowed her brows in annoyance and faced him eye to eye, face to face. Kollector tried to remain calm and composed despite the situation. He knew full well that Kalliste had been taking care of herself since the moment they met. She could handle herself with any opponent no matter their strength and skill level. Kollector's expression changed from blankness to a grin.

"What is yours is now mine." He said with an unrelenting smile.

"What?!" Kalliste huffed, "That was not yours to take!"

"Consider it as your payment to me for aiding you." He nodded with a shrug. Kalliste scoffed, "You little thief!" She grabbed his collar and pulled him close, her eyes had become bloodshot and her cheeks flushed red. 

Kollector continued to smile then he began to claw at her side which was where her wound was still healing. Kalliste winced and quickly relinquished her grip on him. She stumbled a bit while holding her side in pain, "...Bastard." She mumbled under her breath.
Kollector chuckled, "You're too weak, Kalliste." 

Kalliste growled in anger and looked at him with fury. She suddenly charged at him causing Kollector to fall with her hardening shove. She came down on top of him, her hand pressed into his face. She was about to kick him when he caught her leg and threw her off, then the fight between them had begun. Kollector approached her and threw a punch but Kalliste quickly dodged it, hitting him in the side instead. Kollector laughed at her dodging skills, he then took a stance and punched her once again. But before he could land a hit she was able to dodge again. They continued to throw punches and kicks until there was a distance between them.

 "Why do you possess so much anger, Kalliste?" Said Kollector in a tired, frustrated tone.

"You started this!" Kalliste yelled, "Come on, I'll show you who's really weak."
Kollector snarled, and they both charged at each other again, each trying to deliver a finishing blow.

There was so much quarrel between them, although, it was Kalliste who held so much anger for him and Kollector just went it with no regrets. This was the only way he knew how to go about things, after all his life was just one big battle for him.
It wasn't about stealing or larceny, and it was about power.

Kollector let out a groan, "Enough of this. I must collect tribute. Perhaps I shall tell Shang Tsung of your... relentlessness." He said as he looked down at Kalliste. Then her expression changed from frustration to worry. "You— You will not!" Kalliste replied.

"Then, apologize for your insolence." He said with a dirty grin.

"Fine." She looked up at him with a steely gaze,

"I apologize." She said with the most insincere tone she could muster.

"...It is not enough." Said Kollector. Then, he extended his claw towards her, the back of his hand. "Kiss it."

Kalliste clenched her brows in the most perplexing and stunned expression, "What?"

"Your words are worthless. But perhaps actions will prove adequate.

Kalliste pursed her lips in annoyance, "You enjoy it, don't you? Making a fool out of me..."
Kollector said nothing and grinned. She had no other choice but to succumb to his word.
Kalliste gave in to his ghastly set of knuckles. Her lips pressed subtly together as she made contact with his fingers. It lasted just for one good second until it was done. Kollector did enjoy fooling around with her, now getting the upper hand.

"Good girl." Said Kollector as he pulled his hand back. He looked down at her and grinned. "Now, instead of wasting away your time. We will continue our collecting." 

So, the both of them continued their venture through the outskirts of Outworld. Once again Kollector's presence shook the locals, and Kalliste was slowly earning her reputation around town as a fierce, yet elegant woman that would do anything for her cause.

She was tired as she walked through the market and could see the fear in the locals' eyes. She didn't care as she walked by them, she had her mission to do. She had to be strong.
"We are to collect tribute from a dealer. He has often evaded the guards and earned quite a reputation." Said Kollector. He stopped at a corner of the market as he made sure the way was clear.

Kalliste followed him through the alley where a hidden tall was kept in solitude—a door dwelled in the shadows, just an arm's reach away from the wall.
"Here it is," Kollector said as he kept his eye on the market.

Kalliste nodded and went towards the door with brisk steps. She raised her hand, and her fingers hovered above the lock as if she was thinking about it.
Suddenly a fiery flame sparked right on the lock. The door opened with a creak.

It was a small room, but it was filled with riches, the most valuable items, and all of them were black.
When the two of them entered the room, a man in dark red attire looked up in surprise. His black hair and dark skin gave him a mysterious look. His dark eyes seemed to be hiding something. He was holding a short sword and a small dagger.

"Who are you?!" He said.

Kollector approached him, "You owe a great amount of tribute." He said with a grinning smile.

"I don't have time for this. Let me go! I'll pay for everything!" He pleaded.

"You think you can just pay my price? You have lost your chances." Said Kollector. He then unsheathed his blade and pointed it at the man's throat.

"No! Please don't kill me!" He cried. Kollector chuckled, "You should have thought about this before you decided to flee."

The man panicked as he looked to the side, knocking a couple of heavy vases on Kollector's head, and fled.
"Coward!" Kollector yelled as he brushed off the dust on his head.
Kalliste ran after the man into the streets of the alleyway as he tried to throw after in her path. She didn't give up on catching the man. Kollector followed behind her and soon caught up with her.
She only focused on the man, evading every obstacle until she reached the end of the alleyway. There was a dead-end, and she saw trying to climb the wall but proved to be effortless.
Kalliste slowly approached the man, glaring at his fear. Her silent gaze was choking him. "Give what you owe, or else..." She threatened.

He trembled at the sight of Kalliste, who had a very intimidating aura. For a moment, she pitied his fear, tempted to free him, but a part of her wanted to punish him. So she raised her left hand upon his forehead, a blackened power surging through veins and in his blood vessels. "You have no choice." She whispered. "I can't let you go."

He looked at Kalliste, his face full of tears and sweat. "Please... I'll do whatever you want."

Kollector had caught up with her as he quickly observed the scene with interest. Watching her in work pleased him. He watched Kalliste's expression change from annoyance to pity. Kollector couldn't help but chuckle, "Make him suffer for his selfishness." 

Kalliste nodded and placed her hand upon his head once more. The man began to scream in agony, screaming so loud that he could be heard throughout the entire city. Kollector chuckled and watched her in action as he waited for her to finish.
Kalliste then let go of her hold and stood beside Kollector. 

"What has happened?" Kollector questioned as he noticed the man was pulsating on the ground. 

"He's a vegetable. I've melted his mind, yet he's still alive. It's a slow process." She sighed.
Kollector looked at the body and searched his person, where he found a minor, jeweled key. He took it and put it into one of the pouches hanging at his hip.

"You've done well." He spoke and glanced at Kalliste, who had been keeping watch. She didn't respond to his remark. Kollector and Kalliste then went back to the concealed location where the man had been staying. Kollector was intrigued by where the key would fit and what it would reveal. They searched the area for any hints on where to use the key, but their efforts were fruitless.

Kollector scratched his chin, "It would seem that this key doesn't open anything." He said as he threw it back into its pouch and left the room.
Kalliste wasn't convinced, but maybe it didn't open in a place like this. Someplace else might be more fitting to use this particular item.

Kollector walked out of the hideout to see a few of the guards surrounding a merchant that was being held hostage by two of their members. Outworld was clearly damaged, conflicted, and tormented for a long time, and Kalliste knew it from experience.
Nothing fulfilling was happening; they still couldn't find where the key went, nor could they find the source of any good tribute. 

She didn't care about getting tribute or gold, but she knew Kollector needed it. He needed it to be rewarded by Shao Kahn, that greedy bastard. Just like how he couldn't keep his hands off of her belongings

As Kollector took his time for a breather outside, Kalliste finally found a clue where the key could be used. A strange toy had a hole in its stomach, fitting for a key. So she rushed outside to ask for the key from Kollector, but he refused to give it to her.

"I know where it goes. Hand it over to me." She demanded.

"I am not giving you the key." He said sternly.

"Why?" She asked with a frown.

"Because you're not worthy." He said.

She furrowed her brows at him and grabbed the key from his belt, rushing inside the place where she quickly used the key on the toy. It unlocked a door in the back of the room. Kalliste opened the door and found herself in a dimly lit hallway.

"This is it." She said as she turned the light on. Kollector was sorely offended by her taking yet impressed by her intelligence.

He followed her into the dimly lit hallway, which led to a room that was filled with weapons and armor. There were also many other things that she had never seen before. She was intrigued as she walked through the room. Kollector followed her closely.

"Ah, this is what he has been keeping from the emperor!" He said.
Kalliste confusedly looked at him, "Did you know that man?"

"Shao Kahn did. He had been a long-time benefactor until he downed himself in Outworld. Disloyal fool." Kollector scoffed.

Kalliste continued looking through the room as Kollector examined every piece of equipment. She noticed a small box that had a small lock on it.

"What is that?"
Kollector looked at it and immediately grabbed it, shaking its contents and keeping it. "It may prove of great value." He said.

"There may be tampered and dangerous, Kollector." She warned him.

Kollector shrugged, "That's why I am here." He said as he opened the box and looked at the contents.

"What are you doing?" Kalliste questioned.

"I'm going to see if there is anything of worth. If so, I shall sell it and get the best price possible." He said. Kalliste didn't understand why he would do such a thing when he was supposed to collect tribute.

He held a glowing moonstone that was pearl white, iridescent in his hands until it shifted into a sharp claw, cutting his fingers until it drew large amounts of blood.
Kollector gasped, dropping the box as he held his palm. 

"Just as I said," Kalliste said with an annoyed tone.
Kollector rubbed his hand, "I must have gotten careless." He said as he picked up the box and inspected it.

"Careful? You nearly cut your hand off!"

His greedy hands were overpowering him as he could not keep his grasp on that box until it kept bleeding. She noticed that he had grown hazier by the second until he unexpectedly fainted.
In a surprise, she cursed in irritation until the place began to shake.

"The hell?" The ceiling was going to cave in on them.

Kalliste quickly ran towards Kollector, dragging him by the arms and up the pathway to freedom. "Shit." Kalliste cursed in struggle as she couldn't comprehend his heavyweight.
Kalliste was exhausted, but she dragged Kollector away from the collapsing house. It was unexpected, all of it. She took a couple of breaths and hauled Kollector against a wall and underneath some shade. The very first thing he needed was water, so she rushed to a nearby market stall that was providing fresh water for the locals.

A woman looked at her with curiosity, "Are you alright?" She asked.
"Oh, yes, thank you. I need some water." Kalliste replied.
The woman handed her a small cup of water. "Thank you." And rushed back to Kollector, who was drifting back to reality.

She put her arm behind his head until he awoke, handing a cup of water for him to drink out of.
"Drink." She said.

He sipped the water, feeling better than he had ever felt in his life. Kollector looked up to see that Kalliste was by his side, helping him, offering him unexpected nourishment.
Before he spoke, Kalliste explained to him what had happened. "You fainted unexpectedly... That stone you grasped took a chunk of your blood. Now the rest of the place we were in has caved in. There goes your tribute." She said.

The actor was disheartened and irritated by the situation, yet he couldn't deny how crucial she was to him. Nonetheless, his thoughts were somewhat cloudy. He admired her lengthy, pale blonde hair and the sun-kissed complexion that accentuated her chest. Her supple and perspiring skin exuded a healthy and vibrant glow, and he knew she was always there for him.

Kalliste wore a tight-fitting leather suit that showed her toned, firm chest. It was not too revealing but was made to accentuate her curves. Kollector would soon find tribute and value in something other than money and jewels.

"Right, why didn't I patch this up?" Said Kalliste as she held his hand in hers. His bleeding wound was still exposed, so she ripped a part of her sleeve where she softly wrapped the binding around his palm, holding it shut. Kollector tried to pull away, but she held him close.

"Don't worry. It will heal." She said in a soft voice.

Kollector looked away from her, disappointed and slightly contrite, "Let us leave." He slowly stood on his two feet as he looked at the collapsed destruction of the home that he found. He hated to admit it, but he didn't want to stay there because it was destroyed. Kollector glanced at the sky and saw that it was already late afternoon.

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