Someone To Protect {A Sesshom...

By HeavenOfNirvana

155K 3.1K 625

Inuyasha tries to kill Kagome in order for Kikyo's soul to be whole again. But she was rescued by the Lord De... More

Chapter 1: The New Protector
Chapter 2: Keeping You Safe
Chapter 3: A New Journey
Chapter 4: Have Been Taken
Chapter 5: Rescuing Rin
Chapter 6: Sesshomaru's Unknown Feelings
Chapter 7: Kiss Under The Moon
Chapter 8: The Dream and the Vision
Chapter 9: A Real Kiss
Chapter 10: The Curse and the Truth Revealed
Chapter 11: Kidnapped
Chapter 12: Sesshomaru To The Rescue and the End of Relationships
Chapter 13: Reunion
Chapter 14: Three Months Later, A Love Reunion
Chapter 15: Two Lost Souls
Chapter 16: Tragic Times of Betrayal
Chapter 17: Safe and Sound
Chapter 18: A New Fresh Start
Chapter 20: The Dream of Inutaisho, Sesshomaru's Father
Chapter 21: The Young Lady of the Western Land
Chapter 22: To Heal The Sickness
Chapter 23: Happiness and Taboo
Chapter 24: Marrying Through The Sakura Trees
Chapter 25: Lady Inuyumi of the Northern Land
Chapter 26: The Blood Moon Rises
Chapter 27: Inuyumi's Badly Advice
Chapter 28: Captured Kagome
Chapter 29: To The Rescue and Defeat The Enemies
Chapter 30: Dakota Higurashi, Kagome's Father
Chapter 31: Moments with Friends and Family
Chapter 32: The Happy Ending For All of Us
A/N: Announcement
A/N: SessKag Trailer
A/N: Audio SessKag Fanfic Story
A/N: New Sequel!

Chapter 19: the Western Land Castle

3.2K 59 2
By HeavenOfNirvana

Sesshomaru, Kagome, and the others were walking down the valley path in the morning when Kagome felt two jewel shards coming towards. She knew who was coming towards them. It was Koga. Kagome knew this is gonna happen when he'll find out she was with Sesshomaru. Although, she was happy to have Sesshomaru beside her. She took a glance at him as they walked through the valley. Sesshomaru glanced at her as well and smiled softly. Then they held each other's hands and interlocked their fingers together. They both had small blushes on their cheeks. Suddenly, they saw a whirlwind coming towards them. Sesshomaru quickly got in front of Kagome. The whirlwind died down and a familiar figure appeared from them. Kagome knew it was Koga.

"Hey, Kagome. Long time no see. How is my woman?" Koga asked with his cheeky grin while his arms are crossed.

Kagome sighed at this with a sweatdrop, rubbing her face. "For the last time, Koga. I'm not your woman!" she shouted at Koga as a irk mark appeared on Kagome's forehead.

Koga gleamed his eyes and caught the scent of the demon dog-like Sesshomaru. "Hey! Who on Earth marked you to be someone else's mate, Kagome!?" Koga exclaimed in shock.

"Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Land," Kagome said.

"W-what!? Why?"

"Because I love him, Koga. If you go through marrying me, you'll never hear the end of it from Ayame and bring disgrace upon your tribe because you broke a promise," Kagome said in a declaration. She wasn't afraid to tell anyone that she loves Sesshomaru. He was the only full-fledged demon dog who loved her with all his heart.

Sesshomaru stepped up beside Kagome and wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her close to him.

Koga growled at him. "Why, you! She's mine! I claimed her as mine a few months ago!"

"Koga, I belong to no one! Nor either Inuyasha! I chose Sesshomaru! That doesn't mean I belong to him. It just means that I love him."

"You love him!?" Koga asked in shock.

Kagome nodded with a frown. "Yes, very much."

"But what about us!? All this time you always protected me from Inuyasha and even helped me escape death?"

Kagome sighed again. "I was just being nice to you. It's called being friendly. Not relationships. It didn't mean I wanted to be with you."

"But he's the mutt's older brother, isn't he!?" Koga asked, pointing at Sesshomaru as he gazed at Kagome.

"Yes, what of it?" Kagome asked him, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Don't you know he hates humans that much!?" Koga argued.

"Not anymore, Koga. Sesshomaru has changed into who he is. You shouldn't talk about Sesshomaru like that," Kagome said, narrowing her icy blue eyes at Koga.

"He'll betray you once you let your guard down, Kagome. So why don't you come and join my pack so you'll be my woman," Koga said, pointing to himself with his thumb.

Sesshomaru had enough to listen to Koga's lecture. "Kagome has nothing to do with you, wolf. Now leave!"

Koga glared at him. "You can't make me. She's my woman!"

Kagome sighed at this. She began to smile at him. "Koga... if you kept saying 'my woman' again, I will purify you with my own bare hands. Got it?"

Koga gulped in shock. He slowly backed away from Kagome when he saw her bare hands glowing and felt her aura rising in anger. "Y-yes, ma'am..."

Kagome then smiled lightly. Koga knew she was that creepy when she does that.

"So... what are you all doing here?" Koga asked, changing the subject.

"We're just passing through, wolf," Sesshomaru said coldly.

"I see," Koga said, sounding so jealous as he gazed at Kagome. He turned around and tell Kagome, "If he hurts you, come and find me. I'll kill him." He then disappeared in the whirlwind.

After he was gone, Rin came out of nowhere and saw Koga was gone. She was still scared of the wolves.

"Is he gone?" Rin asked them nervously, trembling in fear.

Kagome turned around and smiled at Rin. "Yes, Rin. He's gone. You can come out now."

Rin ran towards her and hugged her tightly. "He's so scary, Kagome!"

"I'm not surprised," Sesshomaru said as he patted her forehead.

"Come on, guys! Let's continue our journey!" Shippo exclaimed excitedly. They nodded in agreement. They began to walk through the path. 


A small green demon came to inform the Lady of the Western Land, Inukimi, that her son, Sesshomaru, was returning home with a human girl like Kagome and the two children, Shippo and Rin. Inukimi couldn't believe her son was returning to the castle. She wondered what kind of demon this mate of his is.

Inukimi got out onto the balcony one day and saw Sesshomaru was coming. He was traveling with two human girls and a small demon fox. She knew he was with his human mate.

She sighed at this. Oh, Sesshomaru... you are so like your father, she thought. She then went back to her bedroom and change her clothes before going down to the garden.


Sesshomaru saw his mother standing on her balcony. He felt a bit nervous when his mother will despise Kagome and their two pups of theirs. He always knew his mother blamed the humans for his father leaving. He always remembered that his father ran off with Inuyasha's mother, Izayoi, leaving his mother and Sesshomaru. They walked towards the entrance of the castle. His mother, Inukimi, is in the garden waiting first for them.

"Sesshomaru, my son, so I've heard of your return and I saw you coming. So, who are they?" Inukimi said.

"This is Kagome, my mate, and our pups, Shippo and Rin."

Kagome walked towards her and bowed down to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, My Lady."

"Hmm." That's all that Inukimi says, before walking towards her and looking at Kagome. She can smell the scent of her, but she noticed Sesshomaru had marked her to be his human mate. Inukimi turned around and say, "So much like your father. So, you chose a human girl as your mate instead of our kind."

"Not just any human, Mother. She is a priestess," Sesshomaru said.

"I see. You would say something like that, Sesshomaru. So a priestess like her captured my son's heart," Inukimi said, gazing at Kagome. "Would you ever kill all the demons, priestess?"

Kagome shook her head. "Nope. Not all the time. We were hunting the jewel shards to restore them."

"Oh, really, priestess? How many demons have you killed when you went hunting the shards with my son?" Inukimi asked her, narrowing her eyes.

Sesshomaru decided to help Kagome with his mother's lecture. He stood beside his mate and tell his mother, "She has only killed those that have attacked her first."

"I see, Sesshomaru," Inukimi nodded in approval. "So self-defense is all you use against demons?"

Kagome nodded. "Yes, My Lady. I used the reiki to purify those who tried to harm me."

"What powers do you have, priestess?"

"I used bow and arrow and can vanquish a demon even if I missed my target," Kagome explained.

Inukimi softened her eyes. "Is that so, priestess?"

Kagome nodded again.

"Who are your pups?" Inukimi asked, pointing at them.

"This is Shippo, a small demon fox, and Rin, an orphan human girl," Kagome told her.

"We decided to adopt them as our own when we planned to get married," Sesshomaru told his mother.

Inukimi blinked. "Marry? Sesshomaru, is this why you wanted to be with the priestess and wanted to adopt those pups of yours?"

Sesshomaru nodded.

Inukimi sighed with a sweatdrop. "Oh, Sesshomaru... you are just like your father. You've changed a lot ever since you used to be hateful towards all the humans like I do."

"Mother, you told me that everything, right?"


"Do you remember when you told me I don't have to feel angry towards Father? You told me I'll find someone to protect me as my father does. Kagome and the pups are the reasons to protect," Sesshomaru said.

Inukimi sighed at this, glancing at it. "I guess I'll always remember that. You're still my son after all. This priestess here has something to do with him, I presume?"

"Yes, I do."

"Tell me more, priestess," Inukimi said.

"I came to this time from the Bone-Eater's Well. I was being attacked by what the villagers called mistress centipede. There was a boy like Inuyasha struck into a tree by an arrow. I pulled out the arrow and traveled with him," Kagome explained.

"Inuyasha, huh? So that's how you met this girl, Sesshomaru? You went to Inuyasha and found her," Inukimi said.

"Mother, Inuyasha attacked Kagome because he was being enchanted by Kikyo to kill Kagome and take half of her soul for Kikyo. So I have to protect her from Inuyasha and Kikyo. But turned out Inuyasha learned the truth about Kikyo, so he killed her to have Kagome's soul back," Sesshomaru explained to his mother.

Inukimi nodded in response, she turned her head at Kagome. Priestess, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"Yes. After traveling alone, the two of us come across Shippo. His father was killed by the Thunder Brothers, so we helped him to defeat them. We decide to let Shippo join our group. Shippo keeps calling me 'Mama' because I was his adoptive mother. When we traveled together, I ended up falling in love with Inuyasha, but a clay witch named Urasue brought his past lover Kikyo back from the dead. Inuyasha always kept running back to her, leaving me all alone."

"I'm sorry to hear that, priestess. That Inuyasha wasn't good for you. Did Sesshomaru save you from Inuyasha after he tried to kill you?" Inukimi questioned her.

Kagome nodded. "Yes, he did."

Inukimi looked at her son. "Well, Sesshomaru, even though she's a human, you did the right thing to protect her. I'm impressed by your choice."

Sesshomaru closed his eyes and bowed his head down. "Thank you, Mother."

"So, you decided to marry her? If you are, I will support you and your human mate. I will not stop you," Inukimi said with a soft smile.

Sesshomaru smiled back.

"By the way, priestess. I am Inukimi. You don't have to call me 'Lady Inukimi' or 'My Lady' whatever you decide," Inukimi told her with a kind smile.

"My name is Kagome, Inukimi," she said, smiling.

Inukimi chuckled. "Kagome, take care of my son. Take care of your two pups as well. I couldn't wait to see you two get married and have adoptive kids."

Kagome nodded. "I will."

Inukimi looked at her son. "Sesshomaru, will you be able to take care of Kagome?"

Sesshomaru nodded with a smile. "I will, Mother."

Inukimi began to leave them alone. "Now, I will see you both soon at the wedding. I will be there for you both. Oh, and by the way, Sesshomaru. Consider yourselves mated. Now it's up to you, my son. You will decide to mate with Kagome whatever you want, but I won't force you both. Just after the wedding, you two will be mated."

They nodded in response as they watched Inukimi walking away from them. Kagome looked at Sesshomaru and smiled at him. They then headed back to Kaede's village.

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