Kizuato, the Vigilante (disco...

By NaLuStarFire

211K 8.8K 2K

After being cast out by society, izuku Midoriya still strives to be a hero. After being a hero the only way h... More

Important info for the story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Welp im a dummy
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Ideas for story

Part 12

5.3K 243 51
By NaLuStarFire

-3rd person-

      Ever since Midoriya accepted Nezu's offer, they have been sharing emails back and forth to each other. Midoriya told him that he was going to stay home and not move into the dorms until he finished 'his training'. Nezu probably knew that it was for something else because the vigilante wasn't in that much of a need to practice for the exam, and Midoriya was glad he didn't say anything. Midoriya actually wanted to finish Shinso's training before the exam, they had only trained physically beforehand and not mentally so he figured he should squeeze it in if he can. Against real villains and other people, Shinso would need to get crafty if he was going to use his quirk. He would need to have them let their guard down and talk back to him if he was going to be able to use his quirk. He would also have to get stronger mentally, people would use any method just to tear you down and have you act to their own gain. In real life, people fight dirty, they take every chance they get, no matter the cost and Shinso had yet to see that in other people. So he figured that it was finally time to let shinso come with him on his patrol, not yet fighting of course, just watching. So he could see what a true fight was like, and assess how the fight was, picking up good and bad things to do in a fight. It would also help him work on him hiding his presence, Midoriya didn't want him to be like himself on his last meeting with snake lady. She knew he was there since he didn't do a good enough job hiding himself.

       "Alright, you ready?" Izuku asks before him and shinso head out into the night.

       "Yes!" Shinso said happily. He was finally getting to see Midoriya fight against another person up close. Midoriya had also given him some clothes that he could use on their patrol. He had given him a black hoodie, black mask, and black sweatpants, he also equipped him with his own set of escrima rods just in case if anything were to happen. He felt like he was finally able to conquer anything, he felt badass. 'This feels amazing, I wonder if Izu feels like this when he's in his vigilante costume!' Shinso thought excitedly. Midoriya seeing the others excitement sighed and gave him a more serious look.

       "Remember what it is that we are really doing, we are going to see the worst side of people tonight. We may see something smaller, such as a person getting robbed or we could see something more serious as a dead body. I can get why you are excited but remember to prepare yourself, what you are going to see isn't pretty. So don't let your guard down and be on alert at all times, you are only allowed to observe okay? Remember what we've worked on and put it into action, conceal your presence and try to soak up everything you see. You are not to engage in the fighting under any circumstance, understand?" Shinso then nodded guilty. Izuku was right, this wasn't a game, they were going to put themselves in danger and were doing it to save people. He could see how more mature Izuku was than him in that moment, he always treated it like he was in the worse situation and would never let his guard down. Always analyzing the situation in front of him and taking every advantage that was given to him, to increase his chances to beat whatever challenge was in front of him. Midoriya glad that shinso understood how serious this actually was, pulled his mask and hood over his face and headed out the door. Shinso then quickly followed suit and ran out the door trying to catch up to him.


       After hearing screaming far in the distance, Midoriya stopped on the building he was on and turned to Shinso. As Shinso was about to ask him what was wrong, Izuku lifted up a finger to his mouth, telling my to keep quiet. He then signed to him to follow him but to stay a distance away. There was someone in trouble and they were going to go to the scene, Midoriya wanted to make sure that Shinso wasn't seen and so that he was a safe distance away. Shinso then nodded, understanding that he needed to be quiet and unseen. Midoriya was glad that he had taught Shinso sign language, first it was good to know if there saw someone that was deaf or mute and second, it was good so it wouldn't alert anyone nearby. Midoriya then started making his way towards the scream with shinso following behind. Once they had gotten to the scene, Midoriya peered down from the building's edge and looked down into the dark alley. It looks like they had stumbled upon a woman getting robbed, backed up to the wall with a man standing several feet away. As he was assessing the scene he had noticed something weird, the man was just standing several feet away from her, not seeming to be harming her in anyway, and the woman screaming at thin air. It was almost like she was seeing a ghost, screaming and crying as if her worse dreams were right in front of her. He then saw her bring her arms in front of her face protectively and turned her face away in terror. Then large gashes had shown up on her arms, tearing through her clothes and deep into her skin, blood steadily flowing out like mini streams. She then collapsed to the ground and the man started to laugh, making her way towards her.

       Midoriya seeing his chance as the man had let his guard down, jumped down from his spot and slammed his feet down, right into the man's back. Hearing a loud crack, Midoriya then jumped off, doing a backflip, using the man as a springboard and landed back on his feet. The man that had now fallen to the ground, had looked up angrily at the vigilante. He growled and held his back, cursing in pain. Then going in to finish his job, Midoriya then went to attack the man again. As he was going to strike the man again, the man had caught his fist and smirked. Seeing as the man probably a quirk that comes from his hands, Midoriya quickly shook off the mans grip and backed up, creating space in between the both of them. Seeing that the man's quirk was probably focused in his hands, he made sure to keep an eye on them. He then felt a chill down his spine, turning behind him to see what had snuck up on him but it was too late. It had struck him in the face sending him across the alleyway, right into the hard wall, knocking the air out of him while also cracking some of his ribs. He hadn't even seen the thing yet and he already had scratch marks on his face, blood trickling down. He then looked up, recovering from his slip up, and looked at the thing in front of him. Even though his guard was up it had still gotten him, almost like it had appeared out of nowhere. In front of him was what looked to be a werewolf, eyes glowing in the night, teeth gleaming, and long sharp claws that came from its hands. Then the villain started talking, getting confident now that this had shown up.

       "Do you like him, he's a werewolf, my favorite of all the monster stories I've heard as a kid. As you can see he's quite powerful and is indestructible thanks to my quirk. The only thing I need to activate it is to touch my opponent and viola, he appears. I always love watching my victims faces as they cower in fear, can you do that for me little vigilante? I'd be very happy if you would, maybe if you beg to me and cry, I'll spare your life?" As the criminal went on with his monologue, he blocked him out and tried to focus on the problem in front of him. One thing that had been annoying him since he first seen him was his quirk, there was something more to it. He had seen how when it was first used on the lady, he hadn't seen it, like there was nothing even there. Then with the criminals explanation it didn't add up, he said that when he touched his opponent then it appeared. However when he was obviously using it on the girl it didn't appear, plus why did he have to touch his opponent. Why didn't he just have to summon it or something like that, it didn't make sense. He secretly glanced to where shinso was and he saw him looking confused as well. 'He must not be able to see it' he thought as he turned his attention back to the monster back in front of him. How was he able to summon something that wasn't real? It wasn't real ... it wasn't real? All the pieces finally clicked together, the quirk must affect the other's mind and let him attack him with it. He must need to touch the other in order to affect their mind, it all makes sense. Now just one more thing he needed to know, how to defeat it.

       When the criminal had seen that the vigilante wasn't paying attention to him, he growled and sent in the werewolf to attack him again. This time instead of making contact, the beast only blew into smoke at the contact of the other. Both were surprised, one wondering how he'd found out his weakness, and the other confused with what had just happened to the once powerful creature. The criminal started to ramble to himself and then snapped his attention back at the still confused vigilante. He somehow had defeated the unbeatable monster without even knowing how. "How, how did you know the only weakness to my quirk? How did you know that it was only fake, my quirk can only hurt you if you believe it's true! Tell me how!" The criminal yelled at him, almost in a childish tantrum.

       "I actually didn't before you told me, thank you for that, it really helped!" He said laughing inside at how stupid the man in front of him was, 'who just says their weakness to their opponent, dumb ass'. He then saw the man cover his mouth , probably mad at himself for spilling his own beans. Midoriya then just put the man out of his misery and knocked him out. For such a good quirk, it had such a dumb person controlling it. He then tied the man up and then went over to check on the unconscious woman. It just seemed that she passed out from the shock of it and how much blood she was loosing. He then called Shinso down to help him clean up the rest of it and then sent him over to watch the man in case if he happened to wake up again. Midoriya then did some quick first aid and then checked through the woman's purse, checking to see if she had a phone. After going through the black hole of her bag, he finally found her phone which had somehow had found its way to the very bottom. After fishing it out, he called 911 and told them about what had happened to the woman and about the caught man that attacked her. After they asked where they were at, they asked who they were talking to, so he shut the phone off. They knew about the lady and the man, they didn't need to know about him, so with that, him and Shinso hopped back up to the building's roof. While they were waiting to see when they would arrive and making sure that the two unconscious people stayed where they were, he then asked shinso about what he had gotten from the fight. Shinso then got mad at him, "That can wait! Do you even see the shape you are in right now?!" He said getting the medical supplies out again. After the entire fight the vigilante was covered in wounds, his face covered in his own blood which had also dripped down onto his vigilante costume as well. He was also starting to feel the pain in his chest increasing as his adrenaline high was fading away.

       "I'm fine, it's worse that it looks, this isn't as bad as some of the other injuries I've had to fight with."

       "You and I both know that you are not okay after you suddenly flew into that wall, you at least have a few broken ribs from that. Remember that the exam is in a week, broken ribs take longer than that to heal! Right now we should go and get that checked out, maybe we can take you to the person that healed you before?"

       "No, I have no way to contact them, plus I don't want to be a burden to them, it'll heal eventually." Knowing how Izuku couldn't go to the hospital with his situation and how stubborn he was he just sighed.

       "Fine, but you're not going on anymore patrols this week, you're gonna need your body to be the best it can be for the exam. Even though you already have a spot, they want you to still do your best on the exam, seeing how you rank with the other recommended students. You've finally been given the chance to be a real, professional hero, so you want to do your best right?" Izuku nodded his head, knowing that shinso was right and agreed to just go home after the police and ambulance had came. After hearing the sirens and seeing the flashing lights come close enough to where the were at, they both left, not wanting to let them to know they were still there.


       Once they had arrived at Midoriya house and walked inside, they had changed out of their gear and sprawled our tiredly on Midoriya's bed. They had agreed that Shinso would stay over at his house again after the exhausting night they had. Midoriya then turned on the tv that he had fixed up and put the remote back on his dresser. After several seconds they realized what was on, it was a gay movie and they had just turned it on right where the two guys had been kissing. Both turned beet red and Midoriya quickly grabbed the remote and turned it off.

       "Um sorry, I guess I should have seen what was on" izuku mumbled. He was so embarrassed that one of the movies he had liked had been on. 'He probably hates stuff like that' he thought, thinking back to the two guys kissing. He looked up to shinso sadly, trying to see his reaction to the movie that had just been playing moments before.

       "No, it's fine" he said, the kiss still playing in his head. He had now known how he truly felt about the other teen that was sitting beside him for several weeks now. After cuddling with him that one night he understood that he was feeling more towards him than just friends would. With the scene that had just played in front the both of them it didn't help him with his situation. He had feelings for his friend, and now he can even picture it being them instead, sharing a kiss. His face flushed again when he thought of it and he tried to at least talk to him and not be up in the clouds. The only thing that came out of his mouth had no filter, the second he thought of it, it came out. "What do you think about gay relationships?" As he said it, he mentally slapped himself, Izu would probably be weirded out by the question.

       "I think they are like any other relationships, love is love." When Shinso heard that he started to smile 'He doesn't hate people like me! He thinks the same way I do'

       "Can I ask you another question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Shinso finally getting the courage to ask, 'since izu shares the same thoughts as me, so he shouldn't be offended, right?' When Izuku said he could, he asked his question, "can I ask what your sexuality is? I hope it doesn't offend you, I was just wondering, like I said you don't have to answer." He asked scratching the back of his neck, something he did when he was nervous. He wanted to know if he at least had a chance, plus if he said he was straight, he knew he would have to try to get rid of his feelings.

       Izuku thought for a moment before answering, " hmm, sure, if you tell me what yours is, fair right?" Shinso smiled, glad he didn't seem to offend the other.

       "Yeah sure, should I go first since I asked?" He said nervously.

       "I don't mind either way but, sure." Izuku smiled, he too was wanting to know.

       "Well, uh, I'm bi?" He said almost as if it was a question. He looked at the broccoli beside him for his reaction and was surprised to see he was crying. "Ah, Im sorry, do you hate me now, Im sorry, i should've known, Im sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-" Izuku then hugged then other teen who was almost slipping into a panic attack.

       "No sorry, I was just happy! I've been wanting to tell you for awhile that I'm gay but I was scared at how you would react!" He then started rambling, not even knowing that he was talking. "I've just known you so long, and you mean so much to me, I was just so scared of losing you. Your one of the only people that has accepted me and care about me, I don't know what I'd do without you. I've loved you for so long and I didn't want to see your disappointed or disgusted face at who I truly am."

       "I could never!" Shinso said as he hugged his friend. He was so happy right now, he had a chance with him and he said that he loved him. Though he's not sure if it was as a friend or something more. Once Midoriya realized that his thoughts weren't thoughts anymore and he had spoken them, his face turned bright red. Shinso seeing this, his friend blushing because of him and how close they were and seeing the two guys on the tv kissing, it set a spark inside him. All of his thoughts melting together and his emotions taking over he leaned in towards Izuku. He placed a soft kiss on the cheek of the already blushing mess that sat next to him. Shinso then started blushing and looked away, embarrassed from the emotions that had taken over him which led to him kissing the tomato who was now frozen. Worried that he did something that upset him, shinso said 'sorry' and started to walk away. He was then stopped by a small and quivering hand that had grabbed the back of his shirt, stopping him from leaving.

       "It's fine, I don't mind, I was just very flustered, please just ask next time ok?" Izuku said with his head held down, hair covering his eyes but the bright blush could still be seen. Shinso just sat back on the bed, his head still spinning. Izuku was okay with him kissing him, he wanted him to stay, his mind racing as he just sat there staring at the floor. He then felt izuku loosen his grip on his shirt and laid back down on the bed. Shinso then followed suit, laying down next to him and then they met each other's eyes. Both blush again and turned away from each other, the kiss still running through each other's minds. After laying there for awhile Shinso then heard Izuku shifting around, he then heard a tiny whisper, he almost didn't hear it.

       "Can I cuddle with you again?" Shinso then looked back at the boy, his face red and hot. Not knowing what to say, Shinso just decided to answer with his actions instead and wrapped his arms around him. Izuku then smiled and melted into his arms happily. Hopefully they could talk about their relationship later, but neither wanted to talk, just wanting to enjoy each other's warmth and to fall asleep together, which is what they did.

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