The Empire

By ruthlizylove

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This is about the great empire ruled by various kings with their emperor. And one small not i myself will be... More

The Introduction- CHARACTERS
chapter 1. Crowning The New Emperor and the Kings
chapter1 part 2
Outfits at the Royal Party
Chapter 2. Corination Party
Chapter 3 Plan for an Afterparty
Chapter 4 After party
Chapter 5 - Confessions
chapter 6 - Other confessions
Chapter 7 Other confessions pt 2
chapter 8.. confessions
Chp 10 .Vernon's queen on board
Chap11. Journey To the Eden Island
Ch.12 Sea of Spirits and Monsters
ch.13 The eden Island
ch 14. Rescue Mission 1
ch 15 Rescue Mission 2
chapter 16 On the Way to Home
ch 17... Finally Home sweet Home

Chapter 9.... Attack on Empire

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By ruthlizylove

Hey guys its been a while i wrote this . but i had few issues so thats why i couldn't do it. Now I'm gonna start to write again . hope u all vote and enjoy the ff.

Vernon's pov...
I was thinking about my angel who was still in the empire. I want her to myself ... Yeah i may sound selfish and also rude but i want her. My beloved cousin is not worthy to hold her. Those amazing lips that made to kiss her and also those facial features cute and innocent looks. Ohhh i just wanted to ruine her...... I was in my thoughts then an idea plopped in my head to capture my angel from that useless emperor.

Vernon... Scoup i called my right hand man.
Scoup.. Yes boss. Wat can i do for you?
Vernon... I want to attack the empire and bring wats rightfully mine.
Scoup.. But they have dubbled the guards .. Boss.
Vernon.. I know the castle in and out and also few secret paths. I will sneek in and get my angel. You guys create a diversion. Okey?
Scoup... Sure.. And wat abt the other pretty prince can we bring them. They can be a perfect slave for us.
Vernon... Do watever u need ? But first stick to the plan. Dont you ruine it!
Scoup... Yes boss.


At Empire.....

Mino pov..
I was cuddling with my baby girl . But suddenly she woke up and ran fast to the bathroom and started throwing up. I ran behind her and tried to calm her down and finally she stopped and washed herself.

Hey baby wats wrong. You have been sick for like 3 weeks.[after that incident timeship to 3weeks]
Lin... I dont know minoyahh.. Its hurting so badly. My head and my tummy.
Mino.. Wait here baby i will call our royal doctor to check u.
Lin.. Pls stay with me. I need u now . please... [Weeping]
Mino.. Ohh baby dont cry.. I'm here. Let me call him atleast ok.
Lin.. Nodded.

Mino then called the doctor to check lin. He was so worried and then the doctor gave few vitamins to lin to stay healthy and also the food diet.
Mino.. Wat happened doctor?
Doc... She is fine its just the pregnancy sickness?
Mino... Ohh i see? [Realisation hit him hard]. Wtf. Pre.....gna....nt.........[Pregnant]
Doc... [Smiled]. Yes she is 3 weeks pregnant and also she didnt eat well . so i have changed her diet . take care of your emperous.

Mino.... Bowed and came to see me.

Lin.. I was lying down and thought how would mino react of this pregnancy. But suddenly the door opened and mino came to me slowly and help me sit on the bed properly.

Mino... Are you really carrying m... my baby inside u ..pup 😏
Lin.. I blushed .. Because the way he smirked at me made me feel so 😳
I just nodded
Mino... In words pup. With your words.
Lin.. Yes daddy ... Its our baby inside me.. [Blushed so hard]

Mino...😏 daddy uhnn. I love the way you say it pup.
Lin[became a red cherry] 😳 🍒🍒🍒 yahh.Dont tease me like this mino
Mino.. I love seeing u like this and I'm happy that u got our future inside this cute tummy. Mino said these and planted a kiss on my tummy. I giggled because it was so ticklish.
Lin.. Stop it tickles . hehe🙈😆
Mino.. I cant your so addicting.


While this beautiful couples having good time . Lay came in and told the emperor that they were being attacked by the pirate group. Which is absolutely Vernon the worst cousin of mino.

Mino.. Close the gates.. Safe guard all the prince and inform all the kings at once and dont u fucking dare  loose your guard down.

Lay.. Ye..yes your majesty... Likewise lay informed all of them all were ready to face the enemy.

But vernon had a different plan which confused the emperor and the kings. Which was a great advantage from him to kidnap the emperous and the other prince.

Lin pov..
I was in my chamber with other prince then suddenly the book shelf in my room slidopen to reveal non other than my nightmare. I was scared to see him . I wanted to run but my body frozed on the spot.
Junmyeon.. Run from here lin. We will take him down altogether.

Vernon.. Aww you that i came alone. I brought some company kitten. Now my angel come to daddy.
Lin.. You are not my daddy. Mino is the only one i love and he is my daddy.

Vernon... Ouch that hurts. But u need to learn a lesson cupcake . So dont make me say twice come here.

Lin... Never. I tried to run but the door was blocked from the outside.
Shit i muttered..

Vernon... Ohh so its the hard way you want then. By saying he grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulders i tried to wiggle of but her spanked me hard and that made me whimper and i lost my energy trying to get away from
His grip.

Junmyeon... Leave her alone. He tried his best to fight but they were out numbered and they were all kidnapped with me.

Tae.... Please let us go... Haaaaa help me  kookie....
Jimin... Take your filthy hands of me. Yoongi will kill u all.

Do and luhan.... You are nothing but a rotten egg. They spat at Vernon.

Vernon.. Just ignored all the cussing and carried us to his ship.

We all started yelling louder and louder. But it was draining our energy and it was useless. We were exhausted and fainted...

At the castle...

Mino pov...
I heard some one yelling i went to check on my baby. But when in entred the room. It was empty and the secret door was also unlocked and then i knew it was vernon. He knew this castle very well. I just forgot that he knew this place in and out.

I lost her im useless emperor. Mino cried and cried his heart out and all the kings rushed in once the pirates retreating. And they all felt useless by loosing their precious life partners. They were all pouring their hearts out and they coudnt think straight.

Now wat will happen will mino be able to safe his emperous and also the kings will they get back with their loved onces. Lets find out in the next ep..

Just give me your opinion on the comments below. Love u all. Boraghae💜💜💜💜

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