Teleported to Plastic Beach [...

By murdocisgodzilla

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Mirror mirror on the wall
i'm not a witch
useless traveller
Cyborg Noodle
Stolen Purse
Small talks
Missing Pot
Stolen Cruiser
rare breed
Missing piece
Trapped with Ideas
Agree to disagree
Tea and Biscuits
Confidential? Not Anymore
I'm sorry


396 16 1
By murdocisgodzilla

I honestly don't know what a cabin cruiser's interior design is so if I'm wrong at something don't come at me.

"Why aren't you starting it?" You asked, looking at the green man with a toothpick dangling on his mouth.

Suddenly, you felt the boat shook. Footsteps were heard behind you, you turn around and saw Cyborg Noodle.

"She's coming along?" You whispered to Murdoc, you look back at the Cyborg who sat there quietly.

Beside Stuart.

Stuart gasped, he scooted away from her and hugged his tall legs. You craned your head and look directly at the Cyborg. Her eyes were covered with her thick raven hair, you shook your head and gaze at Murdoc again.

"Of course she's coming, what the hell." He mumbled. "You should take a seat."

You sighed and took a seat beside Stuart. You look at Cyborg Noodle and grimaced. The boat begins to move.

"I bet you 50 bucks she's gonna kill one of us," you whispered to Stuart. He slowly looked at you, lips trembling.

"Thanks, now my anxiety is higher than Murdoc's ego." He responded. He scooted his way even more towards you, trying to get away from Cyborg Noodle.

"I'm just playing, Chill." You face the ocean and felt the cold breeze, gently stroking your hair. You sighed relief and felt the freedom on the tip of your tongue.

You remembered this part in the 'Désolé' video, only it was a smaller boat. Your smile widens in excitement. This could be filmed right now, you wondered.

You stood up and held onto the railings to keep yourself balanced. You opened the door to the bridge deck, Murdoc's cabin cruiser wasn't fast, so you guys can walk around.

You saw Murdoc steering the wheel. You walk towards him.

You tapped onto Murdoc's shoulder. He briefly glanced back at you. "What?" He answered.

"How many hours until we reach the nearest land?" You asked. He flicked his toothpick.

"approximately three hours. Why?" He responded. You shrugged.

"Nothing, I was just wondering." You smiled and look at beyond the both of you.

This feels really amazing, the fact that you're in a boat with half of the members in Gorillaz. "Hey, can I see the interior design?" You asked. Hoping to have his permission to do so.

"No, sit back down."

"But it's hot outside," you slowly complained. Yes, it is hot outside. The fact that your skin is already redding from the sun's rays.

"Am I involved in that problem?" He asked. Steering the wheel effortlessly.

"No...?" You lightly said.

"Then suffer on your own." He bluntly stated. You grimaced at the statement and turn your back on him. You look around at the little room, you saw pictures of Gorillaz. You frowned and turn back to Murdoc.

"Okay then. And Murdoc our lives are in your palms, so please drive safely. Love you~" you tapped his shoulders and walked out of the room. You look over at Stuart who's been flickering his eyes to the Cyborg.

You rolled your eyes and sat between them, you look at Cyborg Noodle then at Stuart. The little roof above the three of you didn't help of making the atmosphere a little bit cooler.

"Hi, I'm Y/n. I didn't get the chance to introduce myself until now, 'cause the last time we met was when you chased me with a shotgun, haha. It was fine I guess." You rumbled. Facing at Cyborg Noodle. She looked at you briefly and looked away, back to her usual expression.

Sheesh, that's a bit rude, isn't it?

"Hey, do you want me to comb your hair?" You reached for your pocket and grabbed a comb that you 'borrowed' from Murdoc when both of you were talking earlier. Letting your hands roam around.

You held it in front of the Cyborg's face. You point at it then at your head, indicating that it's for hair. "It's like this, see?" You slowly dragged the comb down your hair. She stared at you. Finally, some girl to talk to.

"Do. You. Want. Me. To. Comb. Your. Hair?" You slowly said, trying to speak as clear as possible in order to never let her misunderstood what you just said. She stared at you even further, her thick raven hair covered her eyes.

You slowly reach for her hair. Heartbeat racing, you were filled with fear. In a matter of seconds, you finally did one stroke of her plastic hair. She didn't protest or anything, she just...stared.

"It's nice isn't it?" You brushed away the strands that have been covering half of her face. You put it behind her ear and as if it was impossible, it stayed there.

Finally, you saw her full face. She really looked like Noodle but with screws and wires. She smiled lightly. "Ar-riiigato" she suddenly said with her robotic voice.

Your mouth agape, you look at her in awe and look behind to face Stuart. "She- she just spoke!" You exclaimed, pointing the cyborg.

"Yea, she can speak. Don't know what's so surprising about tha'" Stuart raised a brow. You turned back to her and smiled widely.

The hours of watching animes have finally paid off. "Kon'nichiwa," you said in Japanese.

She looked at you, smiled lightly and didn't utter a word. "Uh, I can't speak Japanese that good. Stuart, can you speak Japanese?" You look back at Stuart.

"..No." he incredulously stated.

"Fuck, okay. Let me just try this." You cleared your throat. "Eigo...uh wakarimasu ka?" You slowly said. Hoping that she can understand what the hell you just said.

'Can you understand English?'

"Yes." The robot bluntly stated. You clapped excitedly.

"Yey!" You said, clasping your palms.

"My name is Y/n." You point to yourself. "Hello,"

She smiled and nodded. Excitement rushes over you quickly as you just became acquaintances with Cyborg Noodle.

"Can you believe it? I just talked to Cyborg Noodle!" You exclaimed, gripping onto Stuart's boney arm.

He chuckled awkwardly, "Good for yew." He smiled.

"I'm gonna tell Murdoc about this, " you stood up and walked towards the bridge deck. You opened the door and saw the green man's figure, steering peacefully.

"Hey! I have to tell you something," you quickly said, sprinting to his side.

"Hm, what?" He said, promptly looking at you.

"Cyborg Noodle spoke to me," you excitedly said. He looked at you, uninterested in what you just stated.

"...and?" He said as if there's something more to the situation.

"And I comb her hair!"

"Okay?" He said again, uninterested.

You frown as his red and black eyes stared at you, aggravated of your presence. He's just mean, and you don't blame him. You smiled awkwardly and point towards the door, "I should- yeah...uh." you twist the knob and let yourself out.

"Why did I even said that? He made her, why the hell would he be surprised if she talks?" You mumbled as you walk your way to the seat.

You look up and saw Stuart, who's been biting his nails hysterically. "Whoa, Stuart. Are you okay?" You asked, sprinting towards him. You held his hand to prevent him from eating his nails even further.

"Stop." You slowly said, he looked at you. His eyes drooped in disappointment because of the way he acted. "Close your eyes, take a deep breath." He didn't say a word, he did what he was told.

"Exhale," you lightly said, gripping onto his hands. He let out a shaky breath. "Inhale," you did it with him, "Exhale," the both of you did at the same time.

He slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "Do you feel better?" You asked.

"A little, thanks." He said. You look back at Cyborg Noodle who's been looking at you both, her green eye peeking at you while the other was covered with her bangs.

"Uh...Daijobudesuka ?" You asked. (Are you okay?) She tilted her head and nodded, her rusty neck craned.

"Good, we're all gonna be fine." You breathe.


"Ahoy!" You heard seagulls and captains hollering. You flickered your eyes, opening them slowly. You wiped your face and sat up from Stuart's shoulder.

"Are we here yet?" You groaned. You look over at Stuart who has been falling asleep as well. "Hey, hey, wake up." You lightly shook his shoulder.

"Wake up lads!" Murdoc's suddenly excruciatingly deafening voice approached the two of you. Cyborg Noodle was now beside Murdoc.

"Ah!" Stuart exclaimed, finally waking up.

"Finally, the land." You stretched up and inhaled the fresh air. The air here is much different on Plastic Beach.

"Okay, where to?" You asked Murdoc. He looked at you and pulled a paper from his pocket.

"This is what you're going to get and include your underwear there. Just underwear, nothing more and nothing less. Got it?" He said. You nodded and opened the paper. Murdoc started to walk away with Cyborg Noodle.

"Beers," you confusedly look at him. "Why is it only beers?" You tailed behind him.

"Psst, Stuart get up." You hissed at Stuart. He got the signal and stood up, following the green man.

"Why not?" Murdoc said, turning around to face the both of you. "It's one of the things why we came here." He descends from the ladder.

"What's the other one?" You stepped onto the ladder and descended your way. You jumped and quickly tailed behind Murdoc. You look back at Stuart who just jumped, lucky to have long legs.

"None of your concern, Darling." He smiled. You arched an eyebrow and look at Cyborg Noodle, who's faced was serious as ever.

"You seem to be in a very good mood today," you said.

He smiled even more, "Trust me, I am." He cackled a laugh. "The shopping mall's that way."

"Wait, you're not coming? Who's gonna pay?" You worriedly said. "I lost my credit card, remember?"

"Huh, right." He pulled out a card from his back pocket and gave it to you. "Use this, but only buy what's on the list." He said before turning around to get in a different direction.

"William Hans," you checked the name. "This man just stole someone's card." You told Stuart.

"He's Murdoc, what did you expect?" He said. You look back at Murdoc. Yeah, he's Murdoc.

"Come on let's go." You said, linking again with Stuart's arm.




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