The Only One (Naruto Story)

By RokuKanno

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Highschool,gaanej Gaara lives with his brother & sister because his father. Now they all fear tha... More

Chapter 1: The Only One
Chapter 2: Did You Just Say
Chapter 3: Basement Blues
Chapter 4: On Top Of The Night
Chapter 5: Could Have Been Rescued
Chapter 6: Granted With Caption
Chapter 7: A New Breed
Chapter 9: A Traitor's Sin
Chapter 10: Risky Partners
Chapter 11: Where's My Hero?
Chapter 12: The Greatest Power
Squeal Information

Chapter 8: Fireworks? In October?

8 0 0
By RokuKanno

Thanks for the reviews. I came up with a good idea for this chapter. But it's a surprise.


Chapter 8

When Gaara woke up the next morning. His head was really hurting and didn't remember anything that had happened the day before. He looked at the clock and saw it was two hours before school. He then lifted his head off Neji's chest and began to get off the bed. He was trying not to wake Neji up. He then reached under his pillow and grabbed his laptop, then walked over to the desk and opened it.

September 6th

It feels like forever since the last time I wrote in here. So many things have happened. My dad came back and started all this shit with me. Then Itachi and his friends did something, but I don't want to say anything. And now I can tell that my other side came out again because my head hurt so bad. I see that someone gave me the pills I had to take. I just hope Kankurou don't find out. He'll lock me away or something. I swear that he is like dad sometimes, but Kankurou will never hurt me. Or will he?

I'm done writing. My head is starting to hurt more so I'm lying down.

Gaara shut his computer and put it under his pillow again. He then crawled back into bed and fell asleep. What he didn't know was that Neji was awake. After he made sure Gaara was asleep. Neji got out of the bed and went downstairs where Temari was. When he got down there he also saw that Kankurou was up too.

"Hey where are you doing up?" Neji asked Kankurou.

"Well we found out the our father was killed a month ago. No one knows who did it. The cops told us that the person had to be really strong because he died after the first hit. Which means after he died the person kept hitting him." Said Kankurou.

"Yeah it's kinda weird, but at least we know Gaara won't be killed by him now." Said Temari with a smile.

"So what are they going to do about it?" Asked Neji.

"Nothing I supposed." Said Kankurou. "What is there that we can do? He's dead already and has been for awhile. Life is going to be okay for us for once." He exhaled.

"Oh well since it's time to go to school. Should I wake up Gaara?" Asked Neji.

"Yeah because we're leaving." With that Kankurou got up and left with Temari following him.

After they left, Neji went to Gaara's room to see if he was up. As soon as he got up to the room, Gaara was getting dressed. After he was done, him and Neji went downstairs to get something to eat. Then got in the car and left for school.

When they got to school, they found their friends and stood around in a group.

"I can't believe you beat the hell out of my brother. I can't even hurt him." Said Sasuke after he saw Gaara.

"..." Gaara's head was still hurting and didn't want to say anything.

"Please tell me you're not going back to a mute." Said Naruto

"No, he's just doesn't feel good and his head hurts, so we are going inside." Said Neji. He grabbed Gaara's hand and pulled him into the school. They went straight to the guy's bathroom where it was quiet.

"You know we didn't have to leave them." Said Gaara.

"I know, but they were bringing yesterday back up and you probably don't remember what happened." Said Neji.

"I do. I beat the shit out of Itachi and his friends." Gaara was smiling when he thought of that. "Neji, I didn't mean to freak you out yesterday did I? I should have told you about that side of me. It's just that because of you I'm fine now. Thank you, Neji." Said Gaara then kissed Neji.

"It's okay. I'm here for you Gaara and I'll always be. Just like Kankurou is. I'm sure he would be happy to know that you're more calm now. So I think I'll-" Neji was cut off by being slam into a wall with Gaara pinning him there.

"Don't tell my brother. He would lock me away and you'll never see me again. Kankurou even told me if this happens again that he'll just keep me locked up in the house and have me home schooled. I will never see you or the others again." Gaara left go of Neji and started to walk out of the bathroom.

"Gaara... wait. I'm sorry. I won't tell Kankurou. I promise I will never tell him." Said Neji but he was afraid of it slipping out of mouth.

"Fine...well I'm going to homeroom. See you at lunch." Gaara walked out of the bathroom. After he did Neji couldn't believe the grip Gaara had on him. After a while he walked out of the bathroom and went to homeroom, confused.

In homeroom, Kankurou was already there and Neji sat next to him. Then they started talking.

"So did Gaara give you a hard time getting up this morning?" Asked Kankurou.

"No, he was already up and was dressed when I got up there. He had a headache and couldn't stay asleep." Said Neji.

"Oh, why did he have a headache? He got enough sleep right?" Asked Kankurou. Without thinking Neji told Kankurou everything. Or maybe he was thinking, maybe he had Gaara's best interest at heart.

"Well, a month ago your father hit him in the back of the head with a crowbar. Gaara hurt him pretty bad, as you heard. Then yesterday he beat the hell out of Itachi and his friends and then-" Neji stopped after knowing what he'd just said and hoped Kankurou wasn't really listening like always, but he was.

"WHAT?! Neji why the hell didn't you tell me this before. Gaara could have killed you at anytime. Did he take the pills or not?" Said Kankurou now freaking out.

"Yes, last night he took them. He's fine now, he's acting like the Gaara I know. But please Kankurou don't say anything to him. I don't want to lose him." Said Neji.

"Fine...but don't get yourself hurt." That was all that Kankurou said.

It was art class. The kids had independent studies today because their teacher was out sick. Gaara and Neji were talking about things.

"Sorry I did that to you Neji. I didn't mean to hurt you by pushing you into the wall this morning." Said Gaara with a smile.

"It's okay. Anyways, did you heard about Haku?" Asked Neji.

"Now what happen?" Asked Gaara really not caring right now.

"He ran away again. No one knows where he is and he took all his clothes this time. I wonder if he's living with Zabuza." Said Neji.

"Maybe. Haku really loves him and with him being in school. He never gets to see him. So he is probably there and is going to stay there this time." Said Gaara. They kept talking about Haku and his boyfriend, but stopped when the saw shadows hanging over them.

"What do you two want now? Didn't I kick your ass yesterday?" Asked Gaara smiling up at Itachi and Orochimaru.

"Watch yourself brat. I'm not in a good mood today." Said Itachi.

"Why because you hurt you yesterday. Poor baby." Said Gaara.

"I mean it Neji, you better shut him up now because I'll hit the brat here and now." Said Itachi.

"Gaara just leave him alone." Said Neji.

"Fine...can we leave Neji? I don't want to be in this room anymore today." Said Gaara.

"Yeah." Said Neji They got up and left the room. They walked around the school to see what their friends were doing. After they got bored, they left the school and sat in Neji's car.

(Roku: I'm skipping again lol.)

It was lunchtime and Gaara was walking by himself to lunch. He knew that something bad was going to happen today, but didn't know what. He was almost at the café when Kankurou stopped him from going in.

"Gaara I need to talk to you." Said Kankurou.

"Can't you wait until after lunch? I want to get something to eat and I want to talk to Neji so please Kankurou?" Gaara begged.

"No I need to talk to you now, not later. Now!" Yelled Kankurou. This was scaring Gaara. He didn't even know what he did to piss Kankurou off. He just listened and follow Kankurou to the boy's bathroom that no guys used ever. Everyone said it was haunted when it was really Itachi and his friends.

When they got there Kankurou looked around to make sure there were no people in the room while he yelled at his little brother. After known it was safe Kankurou turned to Gaara and pushed his little brother into the wall behind him and pinned him there.

"What the hell is this for?!" Yelled Gaara.

"I found out this morning that you had one of your psychopathic mood swings again. What did I tell you Gaara?" Said Kankurou.

"How do you know? I know what you told me, but I'm fine. I didn't hurt anyone, but Itachi and his friends and Neji was with me the whole day and gave me my pills." Said Gaara trying to get out of his brother's hands.

"But still Gaara you know if it happens again to come see me and let me know. I worry about you Gaara and I don't want to see you get taken away from me and Temari. Neji had the right to tell me." Said Kankurou. Gaara stopped moving, but started shaking in anger.

"Neji told you?" Gaara frowned.

"Yeah he did. He told me to not say anything but I couldn't help myself. You know it scares me to see you like that. But since Neji got you calm I don't have to do anything." Said Kankurou.

"Then let me go. I need to talk to Neji." Said Gaara, now pissed off again. He was about to walk out when Kankurou grabbed his wrist again.

"You're not going anywhere Gaara. Did you take your pills today?" Asked Kankurou.

"Just let me go Kankurou! I will take them later! I need to talk to Neji right now!" Yelled Gaara.

"Gaara you nee-" Kankurou got cut off by Gaara yelling again.

"I don't get a fuck! I want to be out there! NOW LET ME GO!" Shouted Gaara, but was soon shut up after getting hit across the mouth for yelling. He never knew his brother would do that to him. He just stared at Kankurou, shocked. Well both brothers were shocked but Kankurou had Gaara listen to him.

"Listen Gaara. He only told me because he was worried about you, just like I am now. I love you Gaara and you're my baby brother, but you know I won't do anything if I don't have to. You know me Gaara I'm not like father even if it seems to you like I am." Said Kankurou.

Gaara just looked away far Kankurou. "Can I go now?" Asked Gaara.

"Yeah, but remember Neji only told me because he loves you." Kankurou let go of Gaara and watched as the boy walked out the door to lunch.

When Gaara got to lunch, he saw that Neji was already at the table. He went and sat down. He was quiet the whole lunch period and left the café before Neji did. Neji was started to wonder what happen before lunch. He knew that it wasn't Itachi and his friends. They were at lunch, but then again Kankurou wasn't. He hoped that Kankurou didn't tell Gaara. He knew that Gaara would be pissed at him.

Neji was in the hallway by himself. He was going to his locker since the bell had yet to ring for next class. That's when Itachi stopped him.

"Hey Neji. Where's your little Gaara?" Asked Itachi.

"I don't know and get away from me. I don't have time for you."Aaid Neji.

"Why isn't Gaara with you? Did you two have a fight?" Asked Itachi.

"No! We didn't! He just walked out of the café and I don't know where he is. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" Yelled Neji.

"Okay, fine." Itachi left Neji in the hallway and went to find his friends. He couldn't put up with those two now.

It was after school and Gaara was waiting at Neji's car. When Neji got there, Gaara was still quiet and he had the look on his face that indicated he wanted to say something, but didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Neji knew that Gaara wanted to get something off his chest. Neji looked at Gaara and asked.

"What do you want to say? I know you by now Gaara." Said Neji.

"Why? Why did you tell him?" Asked Gaara looking down at the ground. He was holding back the tears.

"I didn't mean to. It slipped out Gaara. We were talking about the things he found out this morning and it just slipped out of my mouth. I feel like an ass. I should have never said anything. I'm sorry Gaara." Neji tried to turn away and unlock the doors.

"But you promised me Neji. You told me that you weren't going to tell him and you LIED!" Yelled Gaara.

"I didn't mean to Gaara! It slipped out and I can't help that!" Neji yelled back.

"Well fuck you! I don't even know why I am putting up with you right now! I trusted you and you turned your back on me!" Yelled Gaara.

"Well I didn't mean to. If you can't listen to me then whatever. Just get in the car so I can take you home!" Yelled Neji.

"NO! I don't want to! I loved you and you were the only one that made me happy. You were the only one who I could trust. YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE THAT WAS THERE FOR ME!" Gaara was almost about to cry.

"You know I love you and now you are yelling at me for caring! Why are you acting like that? Gaara you know I love you and I don't want to lose you." Said Neji calming down a little.

"I love you too but still, you never should have told Kankurou about that. He is the reason I'm acting like this. I can't I trust my own BOYFRIEND!" Yelled Gaara

"Gaara just calm down. I sorry okay. I didn't mean to. I'll make it up to you somehow I promise. Just get in the car and we'll go to your house and lock ourselves in your room so Kankurou and Temari can't bother us. Please just calm down Gaara." Said Neji.

"How can I? You told my brother. I got pinned against the wall and hit across the mouth because of you telling him. This is the first time Kankurou ever hit me. I was never hit by my brother or sister." Said Gaara.

"Please calm down Gaara. I'll make it up to you I promise." Said Neji.

"FUCK YOUR PROMISES! YOU BROKE THE FIRST ONE! AND YOU'LL BREAK THE OTHERS TOO!" Yelled Gaara. Now Gaara really pissed Neji off. Neji looked at Gaara and walked over to him. He stood next to Gaara and looked him in the eyes. He could tell Gaara was hurt and upset but he couldn't take in anymore with Gaara yelling at him. He looked Gaara in the eyes and slapped him across the face.

"How can you said that Gaara? You know I love you more then anything and now you are saying this. I protected from Itachi and his friends. I stayed with you all the times you were hurt or raped and this is what I get? Which Gaara is this talking? The psycho or mine? Well, I'm wanting for answer Gaara." said Neji.

"Neji I'm s-sorry I just lose my temper. Forgive me, please?" Asked Gaara in a soft tone.

"Too late Gaara. Maybe you should have thought about it first before yelling at me." Said Neji.

"W-what a-are you s-saying N-Neji?" Gaara asked about to cry.

"You know what I'm saying. It's over between us, Gaara." Neji got in the car and drove off. Gaara was left by himself at school. He began to walk home and it started poring down rain. He had to walk ten miles to his house because all the buses and kids were gone. He knew he should have never did that and now he is paying for it.

What Gaara didn't know that Itachi and his whole group watched the whole thing between the two.

"It looks like I going to have some fun now. Neji should have never broken up with him because he is all free for us now. No boyfriend to protect him. Starting tomorrow, the kid is going to wish he was died." Said Itachi. He looked at all his friends and they all nodded their heads. Gaara was going to have the worst days ever starting tomorrow.

Meanwhile at Neji's house, he walked in the door and went to his room. Hinata heard that he was home and walked to his room to talk.

"Neji, why are you not over at Gaara's house?" She asked.

"Because we're not together anymore. He yelled at me for slipping something to Kankurou about what happened to him. Then I promised to make it up to him and he said that I wouldn't keep the promise." Said Neji.

"But now Itachi will be after him again. You should know that. Who knows maybe he might end up killing himself Neji and it's because he has no one to stick up for him." Said Hinata walking out of the room and going to hers.

'She right. Gaara's going to get hurt by them and he won't listen to me now. I probably got him more upset and I can't take back those words if I don't see him. I'll just sleep if off and then talk to him tomorrow.' Neji thought. He then got into his bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile Gaara just got home. He was wet and cold form the rain. He knew he would probably end up getting sick. Temari saw her baby brother and ran to him. She pulled him up to his bedroom and got new clothes out for him.

"Gaara what were you thinking walking in the rain?" Asked Temari.

"Me and Neji get in a fight and he broke up with me because of a fight we had and left me at school so I walked home by myself." Said Gaara changing his cloth.

"Well get in bed and I'll see how you feel tomorrow. Okay?" Asked Temari.

"Yeah, goodnight." Said Gaara.

"Goodnight." Said Temari. She left the room and went downstairs. After she left Gaara got lost in his thoughts.

'Now what do I do? Neji was the one who kept them away form me. Now I have no one. I want to cry, but know it will show my weakness. He's sleeping on his bed.' He could see Neji through the window.'Well at least it looks like that. I want to talk to him. But for now I'll just talking. I'm the only one who can protect myself. Not even my brother or sister can protect me. I'M THE ONLY ONE!' Gaara yelled in his mind and then he walked back to his bed and went to sleep.


I hope you guys like this and don't worry maybe Gaara and Neji will be together again. But I want them to be ex boyfriends next chapter and maybe a little bit of the chapter after that. Please review and tell me want to think. But I promise-unlike Neji-they will be together again. I love Gaara and Neji together. They make a hot and sexy couple lol. I want to lock them in my room lol and my friend can help too lol.

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