The Only One (Naruto Story)

By RokuKanno

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Highschool,gaanej Gaara lives with his brother & sister because his father. Now they all fear tha... More

Chapter 1: The Only One
Chapter 2: Did You Just Say
Chapter 3: Basement Blues
Chapter 4: On Top Of The Night
Chapter 5: Could Have Been Rescued
Chapter 6: Granted With Caption
Chapter 8: Fireworks? In October?
Chapter 9: A Traitor's Sin
Chapter 10: Risky Partners
Chapter 11: Where's My Hero?
Chapter 12: The Greatest Power
Squeal Information

Chapter 7: A New Breed

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By RokuKanno

Thanks for the reviews. I'm going to skip to Monday the month after the Itachi thing of school. The days that Gaara and Neji stayed home from school. Something bad happen. And Gaara is a new person. The question is, what's going to happen?


Chapter 7
A New Breed

It was Monday morning. Neji was driving to school. He looked over at Gaara and saw that the boy didn't seem himself. It had been a month now and Gaara had been acting weird ever since, he'd had that last run in with Itachi at school. Neji knew Gaara never wanted to do something horribly bad but he understood that Gaara was only being protective-

"Gaara...are you alright?" Neji was little concerned about him by now. So many bad things had happened in the passed month that he only had the right to be worried.

"I-I didn't mean to do it. He was hurting me and couldn't take it anymore. So I fought back and now he's-" Gaara couldn't say anything else.

"Forget about it. We have school and remember you're. You and I both need to worry about Itachi." Neji saw Gaara smile, but it wasn't a real smile, it was forced. They were both going to have fun today.

"You're right. I'll teach those assholes never to fuck with me again." Gaara said, and he was quite serious.

They got to school and saw all the kids outside waiting for the bell to ring. Like always, certain groups always stayed together and friends. They got out of the car and went over to their own group of friends. Neji saw that Itachi watching them walk but he didn't care.

"Hey guys!" Yelled Naruto.

"So what kind of news do you guys have for us today." Said Gaara.

"Well my brother and Orochimaru are together now." Said Sasuke, with and 'ick' sound in his voice.

"How do you know that?" Asked Gaara.

"I saw them kissing and touching each other outside my house. Me and Naruto were in my room when we heard them do we went to look and well, you know the rest." Said Sasuke.

"Yeah, but we hid after they saw us looking at them. God, Orochimaru is one fucking scary guy. I don't understand why Itachi would go out with something like that." Naruto shivered.

"I don't like the guy anyway. He's a freak and no one, but Itachi and that weird pack of friends he has likes the guy." Said Kiba.

"Well we're going to homeroom." Said Sasuke, not trying to be around for the rest of the conversation. He walked away and took Naruto with him. The others left too, heading to their homerooms. Neji and Gaara were left alone again. They started walking into the school, but two people stood in front of them quickly.

"What do you two want?" Neji scowled.

"We just feel like talking to you." Said Itachi.

"Why can't you-" Gaara was cut off.

"No Gaara, they want you to fight back. Let me take care of it. Get to homeroom now." Said Neji.

"Okay, see ya later, Neji." Gaara walked off into the building, not bothering to look back behind him to see exactly how Neji was going to 'takecare' of things.

Neji waited until he was sure Gaara was gone. "Now, what do you assholes want to talk about?" Neji looked up and smiled, evilly.

"You know, don't play dumb with us, Neji. You know we can take you on." Said Orochimaru.

"True, but I don't feel like fighting. Me and Gaara were up all night." He paused. We're both tired and I don't have time for either of you." Neji said.

"Whatever." Itachi growled and walked off and Orochimaru followed him. Itachi would get back at them later.

(Art class)

Neji and Gaara were talking about plans they could do together. They came up with really good ones. Plans to piss the fan girls off.

"I think we should stand in front Tenten and kiss. She'll be freaking out, Neji." Said Gaara.

"She will freak on you and probably tell you to break up with me." said Neji was laughing.

"And I'll tell her to go fuck suckura and Ino-pig." Said Gaara. They both started laughing hard. Then they went back to work. They were talking about so many things that they didn't know that Itachi and Orochimaru were standing behind them.

"What are you two laughing about?" Asked Orochimaru.

"Shut up and leave us alone." Said Gaara not even turning around.

"Yeah, you two remind me of little middle school kids. Don't you think it's time to grow up." Said Neji.

"Don't you tell us what to do, Gaara. You should know by now that I'm stronger than you. And we had a lot of fun that last time, didn't we? Sorry you have to go through all that pain." Itachi said with a laugh.

"Fuck you, Itachi!" Yelled Gaara turning around. "Why can't you just go fuck your boyfriend! I'm taken and will never give you a chance. So fuck off!" He yelled again.

Itachi and Orochimaru were shocked after Gaara said that. They didn't know that the kid could freak out like that. It was the first time Gaara ever yelled at them. It took a minute but they eventually just laughed it off and started talking again.

"It's funny that you're the one to tell us to shut up. I thought that Neji was going to say something." Said Itachi.

"I don't have to say anything. Gaara can take care of himself. I know for a fact." Said Neji

"How do you know that? Did he have some spring of action and stop someone from hurting you?" Asked Itachi, laughing.

"Yeah, I did. And that person will never hurt me again." Said Gaara. They all stopped talking. Itachi and Orochimaru went up to their seat as the bell rang to move on to the next class.

(Roku: I'm skipping to lunchtime, where Itachi's hangs out.)

Itachi walked down to the place where they had taken Gaara and other students so many times. He was more pissed then anything. Gaara and Neji just were bothering him. Gaara kept getting more and more cocky and Neji didn't even say anything like always. It was pissing him off so much that he punched his fist through the wall. His hand started shaking after if happen.

"Hey Itachi, what's wrong?" Asked Sasori.

"Every since Gaara started going out with Neji, the little fuck has become stronger and has also started talking back more. How'd he get like that?" Asked Itachi.

"Maybe we pushed him to far that Monday. Remember all four of us had ten minutes with him and Gaara was in pain because of that. Then we kicked his ass for what Neji did to you." Said Sasori, like he was playing a movie in his head to remember.

"I think today after the last class. We're all going to Neji's car to wait for him and Gaara. Those two are really starting to piss me off, I wanna take care of them" Said Itachi.

"Okay, I'll tell all the others." Said Sasori.


Neji and Gaara were just walking into the lunchroom. They'd just come from Neji's car, since they'd skipped last period for some fun. Now they just wanted to get food. As they were walking, the fan girls stopped both of them. Tenten was like their leader so wherever she was, Sakura and Ino followed.

"Hey Neji. I want to talk to you." Said Tenten.

"What now because I don't have time for this." Said Neji.

"But I need to talk to you. I want to know why you won't go out with me. I know that you're bi, but still." Said Tenten.

"Because he has m –" Gaara was out off by Tenten.

"Shut up Gaara. This is between me and Neji. Who do you think you are butting in like that?" Asked Tenten.

"I'm his boyfriend bitch and I have a right to know what's going on." Said Gaara.

"Shut up Gaara...wait…you're his boyfriend! NO, that can't be!" Said Tenten.

"Yes, he is. We've been going out for a month." Said Neji.

" Neji you're mine. How can you do this to me? I love you, Neji and you'd go out with a thing like that?!" Yelled Tenten.

"One, I never loved you. Two, I have Gaara who needs me more then you do. And three, don't –" Neji was cut off by Gaara.

"You need to leave Neji alone. I don't like you fucking fan girls fucking up relationships. That's all you three do and I won't let you bitches get in the way of me and anyone who hangs with me NOW FUCK OFF! Yelled Gaara. Now everyone was watching what was going on. They looked and watched the rest of the time.

"I don't want you with him. You're –" she was cut off.

"Shut up! We don't give a fuck what you want! It's what we want. So shut your fucking mouth because I'm not afraid to hit you. Anyways you have Ino and Suckura (Sakura) they will fuck you if you want sex that bad. Just don't think you're getting Neji." Said Gaara.

"I should hit you." Tenten went to hit Gaara, but he stopped her.

"Hit me and find out how fast you'll die bitch. I don't mess around when I'm like this. So go and fuck those two." Gaara and Neji walked pass the girls and went to their table.

When they got there, everyone went back to their talking. When Gaara and Neji sat down they all started to laugh.

"That was so funny. Did you guys see her face when you walked away?" Asked Naruto.

"Naruto, you're a dobe." Said Sasuke.

"Shut up you fucking teme! I'm just saying in was funny!" Yelled Naruto.

"Whatever." Said Sasuke.

"So what made you fight? Everyone heard that you two started shit with Itachi. It is true?" Asked Kiba.

"No, they stared shit with me and I started fighting back. If he wants to keep coming after me, then I'll fight back and he's end up like the other person that pushed me too for." Said Gaara with a ver evil smile.

But what Gaara didn't know was that the way he was acting, was really starting to scare Neji. 'What's happening to him? Gaara's changed and it was scaring me. What if he turns on me or his brother or sister? I need to talk to Kankurou and hope Gaara doesn't find out that I told him.' Neji got lost in his thoughts. He didn't even know that Gaara was staring at him.

"Neji." Gaara called, but he looked into Neji's eyes and saw they were blank. He tried again. "Neji." This time the boy looked at him.

"Oh, sorry Gaara. I was just thinking is all." Neji could never tell Gaara what he was thinking about.

"You look a little worried Neji. What's wrong?" Asked Gaara.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about things to do today." Neji said faking a smile.

"Okay." Gaara said, but he knew something was up. Neji never acted like this around him. He knew something was bothering him but he would wait until later to find out.

The rest of the lunch period, they all talked about what Gaara did to Tenten the other the girls and about other things to do for the week. Then the bell rang and all the kids went to their next class.

School was finally over. Everyone was leaving and Neji and Gaara were walking to the car. When they got there, Itachi and his group were waiting for them.

"What do you guys want?" Asked Neji.

"Oh, nothing. We just want to talk." Said Itachi.

"Well, I don't want to. Come on Neji. Let's get in the car." Said Gaara. He walked to the other side of the car and went to open the door, but was being pulled away from it.

"I don't think so, Gaara. We all came to talk to you. Neji can leave, but you've got to stay here." Said Sasori.

"Yeah Neji. We need to talk to your boyfriend alone. You can wait for him, but don't stop us." Said Itachi.

"I won't have to stop you." Neji said and got in his car. He started up the car and waited.

"Now, Gaara. What's with you being so cocky? I hate to admit it, but it makes me want you more." Itachi pulled Gaara closer to his body but Gaara pulled his fist back and hit Itachi in the face. Itachi left go of Gaara and the redhead went to walk back to Neji's car, but was stopped again

"Where are you going brat. I'm not going to let you walk away from me like that." Said Itachi. He went to hit Gaara, but was stopped. Gaara once again punched him and Itachi fell to the ground. Gaara then kicked him but one of Itachi's friends hit Gaara in the back of the head. This only pissed Gaara off more. He got up and turned around real slowly. (Roku: Like a horror movie lol.)

Neji saw the look in Gaara's eyes and it wasn't Gaara. Now Neji was even more scared. He loved Gaara, but Gaara was acting weird.

After ten minutes later. Gaara got in Neji's car and sat there looking out the window.

When they were almost home and Neji wanted to know why Gaara was acting weird.

"You know you didn't have to hurt him that bad Gaara." Said Neji.

"Like I care. They started with me and I gave them what they didn't want. They deserved everything they got." Said Gaara.

"Why are you acting like this? What happen that night when you ran into your father? I know that you weren't home. Gaara?" asked Neji.

"Okay fine I'll tell you what happen." Said Gaara.


Gaara went for a walk after leaving Neji in the house by himself. He was walking down the road when his father came out of nowhere.

"D-dad w-what are you d-doing here." Gaara asked as he started to back up.

"I said that I wasn't leaving until you were dead, Gaara. Or didn't your brother tell you that. So be a good boy and come here. I promise to make it fast." His father said. Gaara ran the other way, putting himself inside an alley and didn't know it was a dead end, until it was too late. His father blocked him from getting away

"Why are you running Gaara? Are you afraid to die?" Asked his father.

"Please dad. I just want to go home. Please let me go?" Gaara tried to run pass his dad but the man caught him. His dad took a crowbar and hit Gaara over the head with it. Gaara fell to the ground and curl up into a little ball. The pain was so bad.

Gaara struggled to get back up. The look in his eyes had now changed. The man saw the look in Gaara's eyes and knew he probably shouldn't have done that. Then he heard Gaara speak.

"I'm going to kill you for that." Gaara Said in a deadly and evil voice. Gaara's father shuddered at the look but he wasn't going to back down either.

"You knew better. You know I'm a psychopath and one hit to the head could set me off and I'll kill could you. Like Kankurou said, they stopped giving me my pills to keep me calm. Now it's you who will die." Said Gaara.

He started to walk towards his dad and picked up a blunt piece of wood. He then trapped his dad in the corner on started hitting him in the head until he stopped moving. After he was done, he ran all way back home and lied to Neji about where he'd been and why he was so bloody.

(End of flashback)

"Now do you get it? I'm psychopathic, I needed pills to keep me from this side of myself. And now you know the real me. I want help, but no one will help me Neji. The only nice thing that has ever happened to me was you. I need to get my pills form Kankurou. If I go to him...he'll just get freak and lock me in the basement. Please do this for me?" Asked Gaara.

"I'll try, but we should get home before Temari or Kankurou get home." Said Neji.

When they got back to the house Gaara had fallen asleep. Neji picked him up and carried him to his room, and laid Gaara on his bed. He then went to Kankurou's room and found the pills. He brought them back to Gaara's room to see him sitting up in his bed.

"Here Gaara take this." Neji gave him a pill and a glass of water. Gaara laid on the bed. Neji went over to the bed and laid down with Gaara. When he sat on the bed, Gaara laid his head on Neji's chest. Gaara then fell asleep and Neji played with Gaara's hair, and started to think.

'I hope he doesn't hurt me too. If it comes to that I will have to leave Gaara… and I don't want to. I love him so much that I brought him back here and went to Kankurou's room and took his pills out of the room. I just hope it helps him. I don't want to lose Gaara. Please let him be okay and go back to the Gaara I know." With that Neji fell asleep.


I hope you guys like this. I have a hard time writing this one more then the other chapters. Please, I'm begging you. Review. Tell me if you want Gaara to be evil or good and if Neji should break up with Gaara or stay with him. I don't know lol. Please review let me know how you like this chapter and what I should do with the love birds.

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