The Only One (Naruto Story)

By RokuKanno

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Highschool,gaanej Gaara lives with his brother & sister because his father. Now they all fear tha... More

Chapter 1: The Only One
Chapter 2: Did You Just Say
Chapter 3: Basement Blues
Chapter 4: On Top Of The Night
Chapter 5: Could Have Been Rescued
Chapter 7: A New Breed
Chapter 8: Fireworks? In October?
Chapter 9: A Traitor's Sin
Chapter 10: Risky Partners
Chapter 11: Where's My Hero?
Chapter 12: The Greatest Power
Squeal Information

Chapter 6: Granted With Caption

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By RokuKanno

Thanks for the reviews. I been thinking about adding more couples and people.

Couples: GaaraxNeji, SasukexNaruto, ItachixOrochimaru, ZabuzaxHaku, ShikamaruxTemari, and KibaxHinata.


Chapter 6

Granted With Caption

The next morning, Neji was the first one up. He looked at Gaara who was still sleeping. He watched his lover sleep and then got off the bed and walked to the far side of the room. He looked out the window and saw someone hiding in the tree, his eyes on the house.

'Who the hell is that?' Thought Neji. He went to Gaara's bed and woke him up.

"What is it, Neji?" Gaara asked still half asleep.

"There is someone outside your house. He's hiding in the tree." Said Neji. As soon as Gaara heard that he got up and went to the window with Neji. He looked out the window and saw the person. When he saw who it was he slowly moved away from the window.

Neji saw this and asked, "Gaara, what's wrong?" He saw that Gaara just stood there about to freak out or something. "Gaara, I said, what is wrong?" He asked again. He saw Gaara look up at him.

"It's him, Neji." Gaara said softly.

"Who? Who is he, Gaara?" Neji started to get worried. He walked over to Gaara and grabbed his hand, then pulled him and made them sit on the bed together. "Who is that guy?" He whispered into Gaara's ear.

"He's my father, Neji. He's the one that always hurt me. I knew he wasn't going to leave. He wants me to die." Gaara leaned his head on Neji's chest. Then he felt Neji's arms wrap around him.

"It's okay Gaara. He won't come near you. I'm your boyfriend and my job is to protect you. Just like it's Temari and Kankurou's job to protect you too." Neji felt the boy calm down some. He then pulled Gaara closer to him. Then they heard a knock on the door and Kankurou yelled that it was time for school. They got up and got dressed, both of them knew it was going to be a long day at school.

They both got to school ten minutes before the bell rang to go to homeroom. Neji saw a bunch of kids outside. Itachi and his group, then the fucking fan girls Sakura, Tenten and Ino. Then there were couples, Sasuke and Naruto, Kiba and Hinata and others too. Then there was Haku. Haku had been missing for a little while but now he was back. He had a boyfriend, Zabuza but he graduated some time ago. Haku used to hit on Gaara, but that all stopped after he got with Zabuza. Now Haku was one of his friends.

"Hi Gaara, how are you?" Asked Haku.

"Good...I guess." Was all Gaara said.

"Oh? Well I've got to go. See ya at lunch. Bye." Haku ran off letting Gaara and Neji being alone. The bell rang a minute after Haku left. Neji and Gaara kissed then went their separate ways. What they didn't know was that Itachi and his group were watching them the whole time.

"It's funny that those two ended up together. What am I supposed to do for fun now?" Whined Itachi.

"We can away keep Neji away from him. Then poor Gaara would be all by himself." Said Sasori.

"Yeah, Sasori. I know you want Gaara too." Said Kisame.

"Shut up or I'll kill you." Sasori said in a deadly voice.

"What are you doing to do Itachi? With Neji and Kankurou around it's going to be hard to get near him." Kimimaro commented.

"True, I'll just have to wait when until none of them are near him. Then I'll just grab him." Said Itachi.

"Me, Zaku, Dosu and Kabuto can hold back Neji and Kankurou." Said Tazuna.

"It's true. We could do that, but then you also have his friends too." Said Kabuto.

"Me, Zaku and Dosu can take care of his friends." Said Kin.

"Fine...Kin, Zaku and Dosu it's your job is to keep my brother and his friends from finding out what we have planned for Gaara. Kisame, I want you to go with them. Kabuto and Tazuna keep Neji and Kankurou away from Gaara. Orochimaru, Kimimaro and Sasori, you three are helping me with the brat. This time, after I'm done, you three can do whatever you want to him. Just don't kill him." Said Itachi. After the plan was set they all went their own ways.

(Roku: I'm lazy so I'm skipping to lunch time. Sorry school stuff bores me to death. Lol)

It was lunchtime and Gaara was walking to the café. He was almost there when someone stopped him.

"Hey Gaara. Someone wants to talk to you. Now come with me or I'll make you." Said Sasori.

"I'll come. I don't want to be pushed around today. I know it's Itachi anyway." Said Gaara as they walked to see Itachi. While they were walking Gaara could tell that the closer he got to Itachi, the more people followed him and Sasori. By the time they got to Itachi, there were three people behind him. He looked to see who they were and knew that it was a bad idea to go by himself. Itachi, Orochimaru, Kimimaro and Sasori were the meanest kids that the school had. He was always safe, but when it came to Itachi and his group, no one would help. Well his brother and boyfriend would, but he didn't get to talk to them yet.

'What does Itachi want this time? I thought he got what he wanted at my house.' Gaara looked at the three boys and they smiled at him and pushed him into the room where there wasn't any class.

"Hi Gaara, it's nice to see you again. Where were you yesterday? I asked your boyfriend and he didn't even know. I thought you were afraid to come to school because of what I did to you in your own house while your boyfriend was upstairs." Itachi started laughing evilly.

"Shut up Itachi. What do you fucking want now? I've got things to do and no time for you. Now talk or I'm leaving." Gaara was about to leave, but saw that the other three blocked him from getting out.

"We're going to make you wish you were never born, Gaara. It's the four of us against you. Now be easy and will or we'll be forcing you." Said Itachi in the scariest voice ever heard. Gaara knew what was going to happen and there was no way that Neji or anyone could stop them from doing in. He felt someone put a blindfold over his eyes and another person tied his hand hands and feet so he couldn't run or defend himself. Then someone else put something in his mouth and tied it behind his head. He was freaking out a little, but it got worse when he heard Itachi.

"We promise it won't hurt Gaara. But you're not going free until all of us get a turn this time." Itachi and the others started laughing and before Gaara knew it. The pain was already starting, and it got worse.

(Roku: I'm evil again. Poor Gaara, I feel so bad for the things that are happening to him. I love Gaara to death. Everyone that knows me can tell you that but he just gets tortured in my stories. Well back to the story.)

Meanwhile Neji and the others were in the lunchroom, talking about things like who the fan girls were going after next and the new couples that had gotten together. They didn't realize that Gaara had never made it to lunch.

"Hey, where's Gaara?" Asked Neji.

"I haven't seen him since this morning." Said Haku.

"Well he was in last period." Said Hinata.

"Do you guys think it's Itachi? I know I haven't seen them at all today. Well this morning when me and Gaara got out of the car." Neji paused. "I hope they don't have him." Neji said walking away from the group of his friends. He knew where Itachi and the rest of them hung out when they didn't want to go to class. It was where all the bad kids and disturbed kids hung out. Neji was never down there, but he did hear things about the hide out.

When he was near the place. Kabuto and Tazuna jumped out and stopped him from going any further.

"What are you doing down here, Neji?" Asked Kabuto.

"I came to see Itachi. I need to talk to him about something. Where is he?" Asked Neji.

"Like we're gonna to tell you. If you wait here we'll go get him. I know that he's not doing anything right now." Said Tazuna.

"Fine...go get him then. I NEED to talk to him about something." Said Neji crossing his arms. Tazuna said okay and went to get Itachi. Neji waited for three minutes until Itachi finally came to where he was. Itachi then told Kabuto and Tazuna to leave them be. After they left Itachi looked at Neji with shocked eyes.

"It's funny that someone like you would come down here. What do you want now?" Itachi asked with a bored look on his face.

"I came to talk to you about Gaara. I want you to leave him alone and never bother him again. He's going through so much shit right now with his family that I don't need you and your friends to fuck his life up anymore. I don't want anything bad to happen to him. So leave him alone you fucker!" Neji was trying to stay calm, but it was hard because of what Itachi did to Gaara in his own house.

"I'll leave him alone but you've got to stop ruining my fun with everyone else. My crew and I need people to pick on. Yeah I have a brother but he lives with his boyfriend, so there's no bothering him anymore." Said Itachi.

"Fine...but leave Gaara alone. I'm getting tired of you doing this shit to him. Oh and here is something for what you did to him last time." Neji walked up to Itachi and punched him in the face. Once he fell down Neji kicked him in the side of the head and grabbed his hair to make Itachi look him in the eyes. "Touch Gaara again and let me fine out…you'll get ten times the beating you just got now asshole." With that Neji dropped Itachi and walked off.

Itachi knew that Neji meant what he said, so this was the last time he would ever have Gaara. But for the beating Neji gave him, he was going to hurt Gaara a bit more before giving him back to his boy.

When Itachi got back to the room, the other three had their turn. Gaara laid on the floor not even bothering to move. He was in enough pain and didn't want anymore. When he thought they wouldn't do anything else, Itachi started kicking him and the others joined in. After they were done they picked Gaara up and put him outside of the school and then went to their classes.

When Itachi and three others walked into class with a late passes, Neji saw that Itachi was laughing about something, but didn't know what. Neji approached the teacher and asked if he could go to the office. She gave him an okay and gave him a pass. After he got out of the room. He ran down the halls looking for Gaara. When he couldn't find him, he texted Kankurou and told him to meet him in front of the school.

When they met up, they both went outside to look for Gaara. They didn't care if they got in trouble. The only thing on their minds was to find Gaara and make sure he was alive.

After about half an hour, they finally found him. They both went running to Gaara's side and slowly picked him up.

"Neji we need to get him home fast. I know Temari can help him." Said Kankurou.

"How? She is not even a-" he was cut off.

"Yes, she is. That is why she goes to school when we are in school and gets home before we do and I'm not taking Gaara anywhere that will freak him out. Now let's get him back to the house. Temari is home right now anyway." Kankurou picked up Gaara and put him in the car. Then he got in and drove home with Neji right behind him. When they got there Neji opened the door and Temari was sitting with her boyfriend Shikamaru. When they saw Gaara, they both got up and followed Kankurou and Neji to Gaara's room.

"What happen to him?!" Temari yelled.

"We don't know. He disappeared around lunch and we didn't see him until we went looking for him. Then we found him like this." Said Kankurou.

"I think I know who did it too. I went to talk to Itachi and after I was done. I punched him for what he did to Gaara last weekend. I think he must have had him down in the one room and after I hurt him he went after Gaara." Said Neji.

"It's not your fault Neji. You didn't know he was there. Don't worry Gaara is strong and will be okay by the morning. Let me and Shikamaru take care of him. You two make something to eat okay?" Said Temari. When the two boys left the room Temari looked at Gaara. She couldn't believe how bad he looked and that he wasn't even moving. They waited a little bit and Gaara wake up.

"Gaara are you okay?" Temari asked.

"Temari...I hurt...all...over." Gaara said weakly.

"Who did this to you Gaara?" Asked Temari super worried now.

"I-it...w-was-" Gaara blacked out before he could say anything else. After he passed out Temari knew what was wrong. She turned to Shikamaru and looked at him.

"Hun, we need to check his whole body. I think I know what is wrong and I know who did it too. Four people that shouldn't even be near my little brother. I will let Kankurou and Neji knew about this." Said Temari.

After about two hours Temari came down to see the boys eating and watching TV. She walked in front of the TV and looked at her brother and Neji.

"He's going to be okay, but I think it would be good to let him stay home for the rest of the week. Neji I want you to stay with him too." Said Temari.

"What happen to him? Is it what I think? Didn't Itachi rape him again?" Asked Neji.

"Yeah, but not just him. Three others helped him. I know who they are too." Said Temari.

"I'll kill them all. I'm getting tired of them hurting Gaara like this. Itachi's been after him since we moved here and now his fucking friends are helping!" yelled Kankurou.

"Neji can you go up there with Gaara and tell me when he wakes up? Shikamaru went home." Said Temari.

"Yeah, I'll do it and let you two take a break." said Neji. He walked up the stairs and went to Gaara's room where he laid on the bed with Gaara.

"I'm worried Kankurou. We have enough problems with dad and now Itachi and his friends are starting to get become a problem." Said Temari.

"Don't worry, we'll do something. I think we should leave those two alone for tonight. I think Gaara really wants Neji here more then anything." Kankurou said.

"You're right. He would want Neji here." Said Temari. They went to their rooms and went to bed. They were out when their heads hit the pillows.

Neji was about to fall asleep when Gaara laid his head on Neji's chest. He looked down and saw Gaara's eyes staring up at him. Neji then put his arms around Gaara and held him. Then he looked down and said-

"Are you okay? I mean I know what happen and you probably-" Neji was cut off with a kissed. Gaara didn't even let him finish what he was saying.

"Like I told you before Neji. As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy. I might be weak now and yes I was raped by Itachi and the other three. Yes, I'm in pain and yes I told my sister to send you up here and stay with me until next week. But all I want now is to lay here and fall asleep with you Neji." Said Gaara in a weak voice.

"Okay, I'll stay with you and like I said before. My job is to protect you. Now go to sleep." Neji kissed Gaara and they both closed their eyes and went to bed.


I hope you guys like this chapter. I worked hard on it and was having a lot of trouble with the beginning of the chapter. Please review people please I'm begging lol. I'll try to update soon.

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