The Only One (Naruto Story)

By RokuKanno

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Highschool,gaanej Gaara lives with his brother & sister because his father. Now they all fear tha... More

Chapter 1: The Only One
Chapter 2: Did You Just Say
Chapter 3: Basement Blues
Chapter 4: On Top Of The Night
Chapter 6: Granted With Caption
Chapter 7: A New Breed
Chapter 8: Fireworks? In October?
Chapter 9: A Traitor's Sin
Chapter 10: Risky Partners
Chapter 11: Where's My Hero?
Chapter 12: The Greatest Power
Squeal Information

Chapter 5: Could Have Been Rescued

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By RokuKanno

Thank for the reviews. I think you all must know that the cliff hanger at the end of three might be Gaara's dad or Itachi back for more. Well you will find out who it was in this chapter.


Chapter 5

It was Monday morning and Neji stepped out of his house to see if Gaara left yet. He didn't see the lights on in the house so he got in his car and went to school hopping Gaara was there.

When Neji got to school, he looked for Gaara and didn't find him. Neji went to homeroom to talk to Kankurou but he was not there either. He thought about going somewhere else to look but he stopped thinking when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see Tenten staring at him.

"What is it Tenten?" Asked Neji.

"Are you going to answer my question about going out with me?" Tenten had been bugging Neji since the end of the last year and all summer.

"Sorry Tenten, but I'm taken. Even though my lover is not in school today. I'm already taken." Neji looked away.

"Who is it, Neji?" Asked Tenten almost in tears.

"I'm not telling you who it is. You'll try to break me and him up." Neji loved making girls cry. He felt bad, but it was funny to see girls freak out and cry.

"It's...not a...girl?" Tenten was ready to freak out. "Then who is it then? Neji I thought you loved me?" Tenten stared at him.

"Well, you got me wrong then. I like to play around with girl's minds. I say I like them, which I do but I rather have a guy then a girl. All you girls want is to spend guys money and I'm not that nice. Now leave, I've got more important things to do." Neji went back to his seat and waited for homeroom to end.

It was art class and Neji went to the teacher and asked if Gaara could move his seat and sit with him. She said okay and moved Orochimaru to sit with Itachi. Neji knew they had a thing for each other, so now maybe Gaara would be safe.

When the bell rang to start class Gaara still wasn't in school. Neji was beginning to worry that something had happened to him. He was about to draw when someone grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey Neji, where's your boyfriend?" Asked Itachi.

"Maybe he didn't want to see you. Why don't you just let him go and find yourself a new play toy? You better be glad that Kankurou isn't here today because I know he would have kicked your ass." Neji was trying to stay calm and not start yelling.

"Oh? Did I hurt him that bad? I can't help that he is so small and weak. Even you can have your way with him." Itachi laughed after he said that. Neji tried to be calm and act like Itachi wasn't there. Soon after this Itachi went back to his seat and Neji was left by himself again.

'I wonder where Gaara is? I guess have to ask my cousin and his friends at lunch.' He thought.

The rest of the art class was boring. He couldn't stop thinking about Gaara. He wanted to call Gaara's house and see where he was. It was just too bad he had to wait until lunch time first and then ask Gaara's friends. And if they didn't know call his house.

When lunchtime finally came around Neji saw Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata sitting at their lunch table. Neji started walking up to them until the fan girls stopped him.

"Neji, is it true that you are taken?!" One asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to know the same thing." said another one.

Girls were asking left and right if he was taken and who the person was. He finally got tired of it.

"You all need to let me GO!" Neji yelled. "I don't like any of you. I am taken. Now let me go. I need to talk to my boyfriend's friends." With that, Neji walked off leaving all the fan girls shock.

He walked over to the table and Hinata was the first on who saw him coming their way.

"Hi Neji. Why are you here?" Asked Hinata.

"I was wondering if any of you know if Gaara came to school?" He said calmly.

"No, we didn't see him. We're all in his homeroom and he never came to school. Even Kankurou isn't here." Said Sasuke.

"Okay, thanks." Neji walked out of the lunchroom and went to the bathroom to call Gaara's house. The phone rang three times then he heard Temari's voice.

"You reached Temari, Kankurou and Gaara. Sorry we can't come to the phone. Leave a message."

Neji did leave a message then shut his phone. He was really worried now and wanted to know what was going on. He tried to get out of school, but couldn't. So he just had to waited until school was over.

Meanwhile at Gaara's house he was just waking up. He saw that his brother and sister were in his room and his whole body was hurting.

"What happen last night? I can't remember anything." Gaara looked at his brother. Then he sat up, but almost screamed in pain. "Why does my body hurt so much? The last time my body hurt this much when we were living with dad." Gaara stopped talking and trying about the night before…then it hit him.


Gaara looked up to the person's face and saw his father standing in front of him.

"W-what are you d-doing here father?" Gaara started to back up, but his father grabbed his shirt and covered his mouth so he couldn't scream for help.

"I see your brother and sister raised you right. Too bad they can't save you now brat. I'll kill you this time." Gaara's father laughed and shut and locked the door still with his hand covering Gaara's mouth. Then he dragged the boy to the basement after he found it.

"I'm not going to kill you though. I want to beat the living hell out of you." His father threw him on the floor of the basement.

"Please just let me go father. I stayed out of your way and never bothered you." Gaara tried to get up, but his father kicked him in the ribs when he got on his knees and hands. (Roku: I put that because it hurts really bad. My younger sister kicked me in my ribs when we were younger.)

"I told them that I was going to find you. I just never thought it would be as easy as following them here. Poor brat, now you're getting the worst beating that you have ever had." His father picked up the baseball bat. He stood over Gaara and hitting him over and over again.

Temari and Kankurou heard Gaara's painful cries. They ran down to the basement and stopped when they saw their father beating Gaara. Kankurou pushed his father and made him fall over something. Kankurou stayed there to make sure Temari got Gaara out of the basement before saying-

"Why the hell are you here? I told you that we don't need you anymore! We can take care of Gaara ourselves dad! I told you that yesterday!" Kankurou yelled.

"The brat shouldn't even be alive! I told you that night that he should have never been born!" His father yelled back.

"I'm not going to let you do anything to Gaara. He was living perfectly fine dad. And the demon inside of him doesn't even bother him anymore but now thanks to you, it might come back. You always know how to ruin things. That's why mother had to die!" Yelled Kankurou.

"Calm down Kankurou. I'll leave after the brat is not breathing anymore. Just a couple more hits with this bat and the little brat won't be alive." His father said.

"No, I won't let you do anything to Gaara. Because of you, he made that demon. He even has to take these pills to keep himself calm. His heart and lungs are also bad because of you always hitting him in the chest. THE REASON WHY GAARA IS THE WAY HE IS BECAUSE OF YOU FATHER!" Yelled Kankurou.

"You are protecting him just like your mother. Why protect him? He'll turn his back on you too. I love you and your sister, but I can never love that brat. The kid should have never lived." His father said.

"We both hate you dad. Gaara is our brother and we're going to protect him. It took three years to get him to trust people. He's not in your life anymore, so let him go." Said Kankurou.

"I'm really starting to hate you kids." With that, their father hit Kankurou in the chest. Causing Kankurou to fall to the floor.

"What was that for!" Kankurou shouted.

"I'm getting tired of people protecting that brat. I'll kill you and Temari first if I have to. But that boy will be beat to death." Said his father.

Kankurou got up and started walking up the steps, but then stopped. "I don't care. Just get out of our house." Then he walked up to see if his brother was okay.

(End of flashback)

Gaara started shaking. "Is d-dad s-still here? He asked.

"I don't know. I haven't heard from him since I left him down in the basement." Said Kankurou, holding his brother to calm him down.

"I tried to shut the door, but he grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. I'm so scared Kankurou." Gaara laid closer to his brother. Gaara closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

"He is so weak again Temari. I hope dad left." Kankurou was upset that he couldn't do anything more for Gaara. He got up and laid Gaara on the bed. Then he left the room and told Temari to lock the door. After that he went down to get something to eat. He found his father still sitting on the sofa.

"What are you still doing here?" Kankurou was pissed.

"If Gaara is so good now. Why didn't he go to school today?" He looked up at his son.

"Because he woke up and then went back to sleep." Said Kankurou.

"You know that I hurt that kid. I'm not going to leave until I know that he is no longer breathing." His father walked to the door and stopped. "I'll leave this house, but not the area. I will make sure the boy falls down dead." He walked out of the door.

Kankurou waited a while and ran out to see his father walking down the street. Then he heard the phone rang and when he got to the phone there was a message. He played it and found out that it was Neji. He was going to call him back, but he needed to see if Gaara was awake and to tell them that their father left.

When he got to Gaara's room he knocked on the door and Temari opened it a little to see who it was.

"Is he gone Kankurou?" Temari let him in.

"Yeah, for now. How is Gaara?" Kankurou looked at Gaara and saw he was sleeping peaceful.

"I feel sorry for him. Dad really messed up the right side of his ribs. He really got hurt this time. I bet if we didn't come down when we did…Gaara would have died last night." Temari said.

"He's okay now. Dad left and now we're safe...I hope." Said Kankurou.

"What does that mean Kankurou?" asked Temari.

"It means dad will be back, but he's not getting Gaara. I won't allow him to kill him. I'll kill him first if I have to." Kankurou stopped talking and sat on Gaara's bed.

What they didn't know was that their father was at Gaara's window and heard what Kankurou said.

'I'll make you and Temari watch as I kill that brat. I'll make sure he dies a slow and painful death so you two could hear him scream. First, I'll take him from the two of you.' He thought to himself.

After school Neji went straight to his car. He didn't have anytime to waste if he was going to find Gaara. However, someone stopped him.

"Neji, I'm sorry for the other girls coming up to you. I didn't know it bugged you that much." Tenten played innocent.

"I know, but you don't have to know who it is. You can all just wait, hell if I care." Neji got in his car and drove off.

He got home and got out the car, looking over at Gaara's house to see that the lights were on downstairs and in Gaara's room. Neji went up to his room and put hi book bag down. Then walked to the window that he could see into Gaara's room. He saw that Gaara was laying on the bed. He looked like he was asleep. He would have called over there, but there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Neji called.

"It's me Neji. I was wondering if you found out where Gaara was all day?" Asked Hinata.

"Yeah, he's at home, but I don't know why." Neji said kinda upset.

"May I come in Neji?" Hinata asked quietly.

"Yeah." Neji walked to the door and opened it then he went back to the window to see if Gaara had gotten up.

"Are you worried about him?" She asked.

"Yeah, I wonder what happened. He looks hurt. I'm thinking about going over there to see what's wrong with him." He kept string out the window.

"Then go and see. You're worried about him so go over and see what's wrong." Said Hinata.

"Fine...I'll go." Neji walked out of his room and walked to Gaara house. He rang the doorbell and Temari came to the door.

"Hey Temari, may I talk to Gaara?" Neji asked.

"Um...well you can if he is up. Just try not to lean or hang on him. He still be in some pain." Said Temari sadly.

"Why is that? Did something or should I say someone hurt him?" Asked Neji.

"Our father found us." She paused. "Well I need to make some food before Kankurou-" She pointed to Kankurou at the table. "-gets pissed."

After Neji shut the door he went up stairs to Gaara's room. He opened the door and went in. He saw that Gaara was laying on the bed and had looked to see who came in.

"Hey Gaara." Was all Neji said to him.

"Neji, what are you doing here?" Gaara sounded tired. "You look worried, what's wrong?" Gaara asked.

"I was worried about you all day. Then I came here to check up on you." Neji leaned down careful and kissed Gaara lips. He felt one of Gaara's weak hands going through his hair. Then Gaara took both arms and wrap them around Neji's waist and started to pull him closer.

"Stop Gaara." Neji frowned. "You're hurt and I don't want to hurt you anymore than you already are." Said Neji, still leaning over Gaara.

"I'm fine...don't worry anymore Neji. My father isn't coming back. That's what Kankurou said and if my body feels better. I'll be in school tomorrow." Gaara said with a smile. "I think I'll be there, I stopped coughing up blood about three hours ago." He said.

"You were coughing up blood?! What did your dad hit you with?" Asked Neji, noticing the bruises.

"A baseball bat. Kankurou stopped him before I stopped..." Gaara couldn't finish saying the rest.

"What?! I can't believe he tried to hurt you that bad!" Neji wanted to completely flip out until he felt a kiss and Gaara rubbing his manhood.

"Don't worry. I'm fine now, and here with you." Said Gaara with a smile.

"You're right." Neji smiled back and kissed him.

While Neji and Gaara were having their 'fun', Temari and Kankurou were downstairs talking.

"So what did dad say to you?" Asked Temari.

"He said he won't leave this town until Gaara stops breathing. Those were his words to me." Kankurou looked at Temari who was ready to freak out.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"What I mean is that dad isn't going away until Gaara breathes for the very last time. He's planning to kill him." He paused. "I'm going to stop him before that happens though." Kankurou looked angry

"I just hope we stop him before that. Maybe Neji can help." Said Temari.

"I agree with you. Now let's get some rest and tell Neji he can stay over." Said Kankurou.

They all went to bed and Neji stayed the night to keep Gaara happy and safe. And the pair they fell asleep early that night.


I hope you guys enjoy this. I worked two days on this chapter. Please REVIEW or I'm sending Gaara after you lol. JK please review. Oh the only reason why I get chapters done so fast is because I have way too much free time on my hands. And I get bored easy. Don't know when the next chapter will be. Coming soon I hope lol.

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