Kwami Swap [Miraculous]

By chats_lady

83.3K 4.2K 8.6K

After an accident with an akuma, Plagg is forced to be Marinette's kwami, and Tikki is forced to be with Adri... More

one [⭐️] misterbug and lady noir
two [⭐️] adapting
three [⭐️] black magic
four [⭐️] explosion of color
five [⭐️] alya: the unltimate winggirl
six [⭐️] how the turn tables
seven [⭐️] just a kiss
eight [⭐️] mister bug vs. adrien
ten [⭐️] the cat does not like the ladybug
eleven [⭐️] lady blanc
twelve [⭐️] marinette, it's me
thirteen [⭐️] stop yelling and kiss
fourteen [⭐️] dark magic can heal
fifteen [⭐️] just shut up!
sixteen [⭐️] daddy issues
seventeen [⭐️] heartbreaker
eighteen [⭐️] the final battle

nine [⭐️] shit gets fucked

4.1K 255 195
By chats_lady

Oops that's a bad word

Also!! I'm so sorry I accidentally deleted the paragraph where y'all comment akuma ideas :c I'm so sorry if you had a good one!!

Lady Noir idea credit: @marichat_fandom on instagram

Marinette's POV

Where's Plagg?!

I sprint down my hallway as the walls shake and cracks start to form in the ceiling. I can only pray that Adrien gets out of my house safely. I slam into the wall as I turn the corner to run downstairs. Maybe Plagg went to the kitchen to get some cheese?

"Plagg!" I scream as the akuma makes dust starts to fall from the ceiling. "Plagg, where are you?!"

"I'm here! Stop acting like it's the end of the world," I hear him whine from behind me. "You're so over dramatic."

I whip my head around and stare at him dead in the eyes while throwing my hands up. "SERIOUSLY?! The ceiling is about to cave in and you have the audacity to call me dramatic?!"

Plagg stares at me and blinks twice. "Can we just get cheese while we're down here?"


"Sorry, sorry!" He snickers.

Chunks of the ceiling start to fall as the ground continues to shake.

I silently curse myself. "I would ask you where on earth you were, but since my house is about to collapse, that's going to have to wait."

"So no cheese?"

I roll my eyes. "Plagg, claws out!"

A bright light flashes and suddenly Lady Noir replaces where Marinette stood. I look in the mirror and gasp. The black root-like lines from the dark magic growing from my ring have changed into a glowing green. They've gotten longer too. It's gotten worse.

With my other hand, I touch the dark magic and immediately recoil my hand back. It hurts. Badly. My arm the ring is on screams from pain, almost like the dark magic is painful to the touch.

I've noticed that when I'm transformed, the magic is bright green, like the accents on my suit, but when I'm in my civilian form, the dark magic is black. Maybe it's triggered by the magic of the miraculous.

No! We don't have time for this, Marinette! Stop over thinking and get going to stop this dangerous akuma from attacking the city even more!

I sprint out of my collapsing house and use my baton to spring me into the air. I fly through the night sky and travel closer to the akuma. I land in the middle of the street, where the akumatized villain is, and stand in a fighting stance with my arms in front of me in tight fists.

"Well well well, look who finally arrived," The villain hisses at me.

I glare. "What do you want? Why are you attacking the city?"

"My name is Earthquake, and I plan on destroying this city!" She screams back.

In an instant, Earthquake hits her fist into her palm and blasts the ground. The ground cracks and splits in half as wide as a canyon. The crack travels at lightning speed towards me. I jump and land on the right, narrowly avoiding falling deep into the canyon. I push myself up and stand back up, spinning my baton.

The girl's long brown hair flows in the wind. She punches the ground and a boulder appears floating in the air. She elegantly moves her arms and slams the boulder through the air towards me. The rock hits me and I shoot backwards into someone's arms. I look up and smile.

"Look what the cat dragged in," I tease.

"No cat dragged me anywhere, Lady Noir," Mister Bug puts his hands on his hips. "You're acting more and more like Plagg everyday. Now come on! Let's beat this akuma!"

He begins to sprint towards the threat, but I grab his hand. He freezes and looks back at me, and I gasp.

"So... it's happening to you too, huh?" I quietly reply.

Mister Bug gives me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

I gently touch the red lines growing across his face from the ladybug earrings. "The dark magic continues to grow."

He grabs my arm, and looks at the bright green lines crawling down my arm on top of my leather suit. "The same is happening to you, my lady."

I wince at his touch. He immediately realizes what he's done, and apologizes profusely.

"I swear, it's okay! The dark magic just hurts to the touch, that's all," I reply.

He shakes his head. "No, I caused you pain. I'm so sorry-"


Mister Bug gasps and looks at the scene. I smirk as ash falls over us from the incoming boulder.

Earthquake got impatient and threw a boulder towards Mister Bug. He didn't notice because he was facing me, but I did. I jumped out and threw my hand out and yelled my special phrase, activating my cataclysm and destroying the boulder before it hit the back of his head.

The odd thing is, it hurt to use my cataclysm. It felt like a bee sting. I don't show any reaction, in order for Mister Bug to not worry, but man, it hurt.

The wind blows the ash from my cataclysm through the air. The dark magic in my arm grows and stings, but I don't notice. All I notice is Mister Bug looking at me, with wide eyes.

"Don't mention it," I mutter. "Let's beat this akuma. Come on!"

"I don't think that's going to happen!" The green eyed akumatized villain cackles.

I glare. "We'll see about that!"

I yell as I run towards her with my baton spinning. I dash towards her, and she smirks. She hits the ground with her fist and repeats the same action as before: controlling the floating boulder with her hands and sending it flying towards me.

But this time, the boulder morphs into a hollow box and collapses on top of me, leaving me trapped in a dark rock cage. My miraculous beeps, reminding me I only have minutes until I de-transform.

"My lady!" I hear Mister Bug scream from outside my jail cell. "Use your cataclysm and escape!"

I nervously bite my lip. "I-I can't! I already used it!"

"Not that cataclysm, the other one!" I hear him call out as boulders are tossed towards him.

What other cataclysm? I only have one cataclysm, unless he's talking about... my civilian cataclysm. My newly acquired power.

This is dangerous. But it's worth it.

"Close your eyes!" I shout to Mister Bug through the rock jail cell.

I hear him swing his yo-yo at Earthquake and slam her towards the ground. "Ready when you are, my lady. I won't peak!"

I take a deep, shaky breath. "Plagg, claws in."

A bright light flashes the tiny, dark rock jail. Plagg lazily slips out of my ring and looks at me confused, but then his eyes grow wide.

"Mari, are you insane?!"

I bring my pointer finger up to my lips. "Just trust me okay? And keep quiet. I can't let any one see me."

He flies close to my face in the dark cell. "Wait, are you going to use your cata-"

"Plagg, please, I said to stay quiet," I remind him quietly.

"But Marientte, the dark magic will grow even farther. It's almost up to your elbow," Plagg points out, concerned and more serious than usual.

I sadly sigh. "Do I look like I have a choice?"

Plagg stays quiet. I take a deep breath, and hold my hand out in front of me.


Suddenly, my arm screams from pain, and my eyes turn from a warm blue to a powerful, glowing bright green. I fall to the ground form shock and hold my arm tightly, screaming and yelling from the pain. It feels like there's fire in my veins. It feels like a need is being stuck down my arm. It feels like I drank poison and now I can't breathe.

What's going on?

"Lady Noir?" Mister Bug calls out from the outside of the rock jail I'm trapped in. "What's happening?!"

I bite my tongue and double over, tears falling down my cheeks. I can hear him fighting Earthquake all on his own from the outside. I know that I'm only holding him back for making him worry about me, so I shut my mouth and deal with the excruciating pain on my own.

"I'm F-Fine!" I choke out, barely holding back the screams.

Why is this happening?

I slam my hand into the rocks keeping me trapped and they turn into ash. With the pain slowly going away, I blink back tears. My eyes slowly turn back to a calm blue too. I look at Plagg and nod.

"P-Plagg," I cough, "claws out."

A bright light flashes and the familiar leather suit slips on my body, but in an instant, the pain is back again. Shit. My eyes glow green once more as I scream and fall to the ground, holding my arm with bright green lines growing outward from the ring. Violent tears fall down my cheeks.

"Lady Noir!" Mister Bug screams, ignoring Earthquake and running towards me.

I look at the scene around me and gasp. So much has changed since Earthquake build a cell around me. Buildings are torn down. The earth has several large cracks in it, some even large enough to be canyons. Chunks of dirt and cement litter the now destroyed streets. Lampposts are limping, and trees have fallen.

"Lady Noir, are you okay?!" Mister Bug asks, holding me in his arms.

"My arm," I whimper, shaking from the pain. "I-It's getting worse..."

"What's going on?!" He shouts, his bright green eyes flashing from concern.

I squeeze him tightly, trying to ignore the pain. "I don't know!"

"It's getting worse, you say? Wouldn't it be a shame if I added onto that pain?" Earthquake shouts, hitting the ground with her fists and sending boulders our way.

Mister Bug jumps up and starts spinning his yo-yo at rapid speed, shielding me from the boulders. I stay still, holding my hurting arm with not enough energy to move.

"Your end is near, Lady Noir and Mister Bug!" Earthquake taunts, smiling with her evil eyes flashing.

Mister Bug smirks. "Not if I use my-"

"-Mister Bug, don't!" I cry out, reaching for my partner, but it's too late.

"-Lucky Charm!"

A bright pink light flashes and a pair of boxing gloves fall into his hands. But not even the bright light can hide Mister Bug's traumatizing face of pain. He shouts and falls to the ground, holding his head, presumably from the unbearable pain coming from the Ladybug Miraculous. I bet whatever's happening to him is what just happened to me.

"Mister Bug!" I cry out, struggling to stand up.

He's doubled over on the ground, with his arms pressed tightly against his ears.

"I-It's because we used our miraculouses!" He shouts, trying to hide the pain in his voice. "I heard you in there. You were in so much pain. First was when you used your cataclysm, and the second was when you transformed. The pain, coming from the dark magic in our bodies, is from us using Miraculous magic!"

Of course. The dark magic was growing every day. It was only a matter of time until it started to hurt us.

I jump off the ground, trying my best to ignore the pain shooting up my arm. I grab the boxing gloves that Mister bug got from his lucky charm and scramble towards Earthquake.

"I warn you, don't get any closer!" Earthquake threatens, with evil in her eyes.

I glare at her. I need to time this perfectly. I take another step, and wait.

"Fine! But remember, you did this!" She screams, punching the ground with her hands.

The ground beneath me shakes and shoots upwards. I take a deep breath and jump off the ground with the momentum from the shaking ground. I wind my baton above me as I soar through the air, and as I come shooting down, I slam the baton square in the chest. She coughs and stumbles backwards, collapsing on the ground.

Without waisting any time, I sprint over and slide the gloves over her hands. I start to tie them on her, but she shoves me down and I collide with the pavement.

"You idiot, you think some cheep polka-dotted gloves will stop me from beating you? You're pathetic if you think that's going to work!" She shouts, standing back up.

I weakly smile, laying limp on the ground. "Go ahead. Hurt me. Do your best."

Earthquake growls and slams her fists into the ground, but gasps when she realizes that the earth isn't moving. She slams her fists into the ground, again and again, but it's no use.

"What... why isn't it working?" Earthquake shouts, glaring at me.

I struggle to stand up, but when I do, I have the biggest smile on my face.

"I discovered you can only use your power when your fists connect with the ground you're controlling. So, when the boxing gloves slipped over your hands, your hands couldn't touch the ground."

She glares at me. "No, you haven't won yet! Just you wait, I'll-"


I watch as Mister Bug's yo-yo collides with Earthquakes pendant resting on her neck. The pendant falls to the ground and shatters, freeing the akuma. Mister Bug swings his yo-yo and catches the butterfly, then freeing it.

"No more evil doing for you, little akuma," Mister Bug weakly whispers. "Miraculous Mister Bug!"

The world returns to how it once was. The streets are neat and paved again, buildings are rebuilt, trees are planted and the sidewalks are smooth.

But best of all, our wounds are healed.

After comforting the victim, Mister Bug walks over to me and frowns.

"So, what was that?"

I sigh. "I don't know. Our best guess is what you said earlier. Any time we use our miraculous's magic, the dark magic in our bodies hurts us. The pain is almost unbearable because of it."

"It's probably Hawkmoth's doing. He wants us to not use our miraculouses because of the pain. He wants us to give up."

I smile. "But we won't."

"Will it hurt when we de-transform?" The blond asks me.

"I don't know. There's only one way to find out."

Mister Bug nods sadly. "I wish you the best of luck, my lady."

I smile, tilting my head. "You too, chatton."

And with that, he runs off into the night.

"You still didn't tell me what you were doing, and why you weren't with me when I needed you most!" I shout at Plagg in my bedroom.

I de-transformed once I reached my bedroom. The pain was almost unnoticeable. I don't think the dark magic hurts us if we de-transform, further confirming my theory that Hawkmoth is using the pain to discourage us from fighting back.

The tiny black kwami shrugs. "Big deal. Everything turned out fine, didn't it? Now let's eat, I'm starving!"

"Plagg!" I argue. "What if it wasn't fine?!"

"I will not answer that question until I get my camembert. Come on, how many times do I have to say it?" He wines in his raspy voice.

I'm about to shoot an argument back until suddenly my phone buzzes. I pick it up and read it out loud.

" 'Hey Mari, I'm at home safe and sound. Don't worry about me, okay?  Text me when you get this so I know you are safe too.' From Adrien!" I squeak. "Oh my god Plagg, Adrien texted me! Adrien! He called me Mari!"

Plagg flips in the air and rests on my head. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Are you two dating or what?"

"D-Dating!? Well, I don't know! I mean, maybe...!" I ramble with a red face, blushing and pressing my hands on my cheeks with a cheeky smile.

Plagg groans. "What about Mister Bug?"

"I've decided that I don't like him."

"WHAT?!" Plagg shouts. "You literally were just talking about how you wanted to be with him. You can't just move on! This isn't how it works, Marinette!"

I sigh and flop on my couch. "I don't know anymore. I like Adrien, I always have. My heart belongs to him. It wouldn't be fair to him if I fell in love with some blond other than him."

Plagg flies right in front of my face. "No, kid. You can't just act like the feelings aren't there."

I frown. "Yes, I can. I can't tell Mister Bug I'm in love with him if I like Adrien too!"

Plagg frowns too. "So, you're really just giving up on him? Just like that? All because of Adrien?"

I bite my lip. Can I really just move on from Mister Bug? Just a few days ago I was dreaming about kissing him, and now I'm acting as if my feelings aren't there.

"You're in denial. You're denying your feelings. You can't lie to yourself, Marinette. You have feelings for Mister Bug whether you like it or not," Plagg replies solemnly.

"You... you never act like this, Plagg," I point out, with wide eyes. Plagg really cares.

Plagg scoffs. "Sometimes it's just too painful to watch you two suffer. I have to step in every now and then, you know."

"I don't have feelings for him!" I shout, trying to convince myself more then him.

"Fine, kid. Fine. Just know that if you keep lying to yourself, it's only going to end up hurting you in the end. Those feelings are there. You can't act like they're not. You're going to have to tell Mister Bug one day, as well as Adrien."

I nod. "Yeah. I know."

"Good. Now are we done with this mushy stuff? I wanna get my cheese, and I wanna get my cheese now!" Plagg whines.

I laugh, getting up from the couch and standing up on my wooden floor. "Yeah, let's go get you some food. All of this love stuff is freaking me out."

"This is why I like cheese," Plagg snickers. "It can be stinky, grilled, salty, or even green. No matter what it looks like on the outside, it's still cheese on the inside."

"How is that related to this situation?"

He smirks. "You'll find out later."

Howdy partners!! How y'all doing today?? Y'all up for some Adrienette angst next chapter??

Thanks for being patient with my infrequent posting! I love y'all a lot! As always, send screen shots of typos to Chats_Lady on insta!

And please, please upvote. This chapter was stressful (3000 words in 2 hours). Even if you don't usually vote, it does no harm to do so! So please, click the star!!

(L00k, I fixed my banner. Are you proud?)

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