The Competition Mission Re-Wr...

By onlyloveisloyal

23.2K 751 55

A simple mission: Stop the attack on the competition. A simple twist: Robin can't tell the team his identity... More

The Mission
Play Spy
Bombs Away
Live Rounds
I fell in love
Roll of the dice
Hidden Love
Inside out
First Base
Just In Case
Naughty Times
Time Flies
New life
The Boss

The 'Date'

732 19 5
By onlyloveisloyal

I was the first one at the cave and took my time to head to my room and read through the news article concerning me, taking care in analysing the photo. But I could see no flaws, if I didn't know better I'd think I was taken over or possessed and did it, but Bruce was with me all night, planning out the new manor layout. I heard the Zetas announce the arrival of the team and walked out to greet them.
"Well done," I said and gave them all a hug, "How's it feel to get through to the semi finals?"
"Baywatch was so excited he planned for a date with Grayson," Artemis bit, venom in her voice.
"What?!" I exclaimed, a smirk playing at my lips.
"It's not a date," Wally tried to cut in but Conner spoke over him.
"And he's claimed that it's a triple date, Kaldur and I must also attend," Conner said, "Tomorrow night."
"Geez Louise, what were you thinking Wally?" I laughed.
"I thought he'd just be like sure, come to my place and save the embarrassment but nooo," He said as he collapsed onto the sofa.
"But that tells us he's hiding something," Artemis said, "So whilst you guys enjoy your evening meal at whatever fancy restaurant you can get booked into this late, Nightwing and I will search the flat."
"I can't," I said quickly and they turned to look at me, "I'm training the recruit tomorrow and B-Mans already annoyed that she's falling behind," From our lack of training not her skill.
"I guess that makes it easier to sneak in," Artemis mused.
"What about me?" M'ggan asked.
"I thought you'd be going with Conner," She said, "Seems you are actually dating and all."
Both SB and M'ggan turned red at that.
"Who'll you be taking Kal?" I asked.
"I shall invite Lilly," He replied, "She is a rather nice girl and I feel this gesture will help expand our relationship."
None of us had a clue who he was talking about but nodded along anyway, we thought he hadn't dated anyone since Tula. Turns out that assumption was wrong.
"Well then, have fun," I said and bounded back to my hotel.

"You're going to be late for your date," Bruce called as I fixed up my hair.
"It's not a date," I called back, "I'm going as his friend."
I could practically hear Bruce roll his eyes the other side of the door.
I made a final few tweaks to my jacket, still unsure if I wanted it partially done up or not, grabbed my crutches and opened the door. Bruce gave me a once over and a thumbs up before dropping me off at the restaurant, Lady Lillian's, one of the best of the best here. How they got a table, I have no idea.
I climbed out of the car to see Wally was already waiting with the team minus Artemis.
M'ggan had just taken her usual human form, Lilly turned out to be a platinum blonde with piercing brown eyes and Wally had dressed as smart as he could. White top, jeans and a pull on blue hoodie. Similar to my outfit apart from my jacket was black denim.
"Richard, thank you for coming," Kaldur smiled at me and then we headed inside and got seated.
I ended up next to Wally on the end of the semi-circular booth opposite Kaldur and Lilly.
"How has your evening been?" Kaldur asked me and I looked up from where I was trying to hide behind my menu.
"It's been good thank you," I replied, "What about you? Anything exciting happen?"
"Unless him swimming straight past my house counts," Lilly huffed playfully.
"Swimming?" I asked.
"Oh, um.. I meant driving. Don't know why I said that," She laughed nervously and we fell into quiet chatter with our own dates.
"Sorry if this is awkward," Wally whispered from behind his menu.
"It's fine. At least you're not awkwardly by yourself now," I commented and he gave me a small smirk.
"So, how's your hotel? I bet it's a big change from the manor," Wally asked after the waiter took our orders.
"It's much more homely, but without Alfred, everything's falling apart. He wasn't just a butler, he helped us all with everything," I replied, "But on the plus side, Bruce has found a place and we're going to look at it tomorrow."
"Coolio," Wally said, "Anywhere close?"
"He refuses to share details until I see it," I replied and felt a questioning look from Kaldur.
At that point my phone decided it was a good time to ring, "Be back in a second."
I slipped out the booth and round to a quiet corner, answering the call, "Hello?"
"Dick, I need you to come back to the flat and gear up. It's urgent," Bruce said quickly.
"What's happened?" I asked.
"Riddler's taken our trainee. She decided to go out by herself. He's created a riddle for two people. And if we don't solve it within the next two hours, he's going to start torturing her to the point of death," He replied.
"I'm on my way," I said and hung up, heading back over to the table.
"Who was it?" Wally asked.
"Bruce. We've got news on Alfred. I have to dash. I'm so sorry," I lied easily.
"Oh, do you want me to come?" Wally asked.
"No, only close family are allowed in, sorry," I said, "Next time. I promise," And I took out of the building before they could say anything else.
I found the nearest Zeta and took it to the flat before flat out running to it. Bruce was already in costume when I came in, mine lain out on the side.
"Where?" I asked as I started changing.
"South Side Docks," Bruce replied, "Warehouse seven."
I finished changing and we both Zetaed down as close as we could. Due to it being Riddler, we didn't bother with secrecy on our approach. His death traps wouldn't be set until we knew about them. Bruce opened the door and we headed in.
The area was dark, and something felt off.
"Stay behind me," Bruce ordered.
I did as instructed. He knew Riddler better than I did anyway. I felt a gust of wind and the door closed behind us, trapping us in darkness. I quickly changed to night vision as I heard a low hiss and searched for the sound.
'Gas mask, now'" Bruce shouted as his own came down from his cowl.
I reached for mine and found the space empty. I'd forgotten it in my rush to get ready.
"Dick, mask," Bruce ordered.
I nodded as I scanned the warehouse and began to smell the chloroform. There was no exit.
"Richard, your mask on now!"
"I don't have it," I replied, "I must have left it at the flat."
I could see the fear enter Bruce's eyes, he couldn't even give me his. He detached his cape and threw it at me and I quickly tied it around my face. But I feared it was too late, I'd already smelt it.
"I can't see a way out," I said.
"We'll make one," He replied as he moved back towards the main doors.
I moved up the stairs and into a control room. Bad idea. The gas was stronger and I could tell why. It was the source. I tried to open my mouth to call for Bruce but I could barley think. I was out before I hit the floor.

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