Heartaches (Terushima Yuji x...

By astra3a_

205K 7.8K 14.7K

The typical love story between the heartthrob volleyball boy and the heartbreaker basketball girl. More

[Fighting Spirits]
[Crashing The Party]
[Warm Welcome and Goodbyes]
[Chop And Punch]
Authors Note
Other Stories
[lol i have so many extra chapters so why not post]
[Deleted Chapter #3]

[Deleted Chap #2]

3.4K 146 18
By astra3a_

Before they got together:) all of these are gonna be short btw but im pretty sure they're all fluff scenes

  "Terushima!" Her voice was music to his ears. The female was chasing the male, hair and clothes wet.

  Though she sounded heavenly, she was mad. Terushima had loaded a water gun and shot it at her.

  Sure, she was doing a car wash to raise money for basketball, but she wasn't expecting the volleyball boys to crash it.

  She wore a pair of athletic shorts that reached mid thigh, black ones with white detailing. Her top was a loose tank top. Her hair was tied in (hairstyle). She looked like she was ready to hit the beach in some ways.

  The volleyball boys had rode in someone's mom's mini van. They had gotten out, three buckets filled with water balloons and water guns. They started squirting the water at the basketball girls before throwing the water balloons.

  (Y/N) hated to admit it but Terushima with his hair drenched was absolutely hot. It didn't help that he was already hot when he wasn't soaking in water. Pissed at the boys, she told the girls to handle the car wash until she got back. The girls all laughed and let their captain do her thing.

  The boys had ran off while (Y/N) chased them. Five minutes later, they ended up back at the car wash to all of the basketball girls with water guns and water balloons.

  "You all are idiots," (Y/N) huffed. She shivered at the breeze that blew. The car wash had ended only a few minutes ago. The girls had forced the boys to stay and help clean up.
  "But, we made the car wash fun." Bobata joked. "So, you should be thanking us!"
  "I will blast you into infinity." (Y/N) glared as she squeezed the excess water from her clothes.

  Terushima slung his arm over her shoulders, "I'll walk you home. We should go before you get sick."
  (Y/N) took her right hand, picking up Terushima's arm and taking it off her. "You're wet too. You don't want to be sick, do you? Shouldn't you be heading home as well?"
  "What kind of gentleman would I be if I let M'Lady walk home alone?"

  That's how he ended up at the (L/N) household wearing a pair of sweats and no shirt as his clothes were in the dryer.
  "Sorry, but my oversized shirts are in the laundry." (Y/N) came in a pair of shorts like the ones she wore earlier and a hoodie. "And I don't think my normal shirts or hoodies would fit you."
  "It's okay." Both Terushima and her had showered. They sat in her living room, watching television.

  "Uhm, thanks for coming to the car wash." (Y/N) plopped onto the couch next to her with a few snacks in her arms.
  "Of course!" Terushima grinned widely.

  (Y/N) smiled softly, then wiping the look off her face when she saw the look Terushima gave. "What?"
  "Do that again!" He put both hands on her shoulders, a bright smile on his face.
  "Do what?" Her eyes slanted slightly. "Smile?"
  Terushima nodded excitedly, "I've never seen you smile that way! Do it again!"
  "What do you mean, that way?" (Y/N) tilted her head slightly, "I always smile that way."
  "No! Your smiles are usually filled with pity or like false!" Terushima held a pointer finger to the air. "This one was more..genuine!"

  (Y/N) didn't expect that. She flinched slightly before fits of laughter escaped her mouth.
  Terushima had to stare. She was absolutely gorgeous to him when she was happy.

  "Let's watch a movie, yeah?" She flicked through the channels but nothing interesting was on. Minutes later, the two ended up watching a volleyball match that was being broadcasted.

- - -

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