[Crashing The Party]

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Terushima rubbed his hands together. (L/N)-Chan is going to watch! They were warming up to play a match against a team they've never heard of before.

- - -

  (Y/N) sat to the left of the student section. Most of them wore similar clothing while she wore her casual outfit. A pair of black sweats, sneakers, and a crop top. Because she was supporting a school club, she wore a Johzenji shirt she had cropped. Her hair was thrown in her normal hairstyle. The only make up she used was mascara.

  She was alone watching the team she had watched practiced multiple times. Much like their practices, they were wild. She saw their manager and coach sighing at their plans but she could see the pride in their eyes.

  (Y/N) had to say, the Johzenji jersey made Terushima look ripped. Him playing volleyball made him look more attractive. His dyed blonde hair wild, flowing behind him when he jumped. The way he stuck his tongue out when he actually tried to focus. She couldn't deny that he looked good.

"(L/N)-San." Someone spoke up. "What are you doing here? You never watch the volleyball matches."
She turned, facing the speaker. "I just decided to come."
"And not stand with the student section?" Another asked. "Come over. I'm sure they'll be hyped to see you."
(Y/N) shook her head, "Thanks, but no thanks."

The game went by quickly, considering Johzenji is one of the top four schools for volleyball. The team bowed and thanked the crowd for coming.

Terushima made eye contact with (Y/N). He smiled widely and waved at her. She nodded his way and raised her hand slightly.

After he had his talk with his team, he went up to the stands and found her still sitting where she was last time. She was sitting, using her phone. She noticed he was coming when she opened snap and saw him walk behind her.

He sat next to her, the rest of the team following him. Not like she cared, they were pretty chill.

"So, explain how volleyball works." The boys's eyes lit up as they explained the rules and positions to her. She was genuinely interested in the sport. Their conversation went on until their manager dragged the away to get ready for their game.

- - -

  The second day started with Johzenji having a match against Karasuno. (Y/N) sat in the stands, once against far away from the student section. She looked at the Karasuno team, recognizing a player. The player seemed to notice her too. He waved. She smiled and waved back.

  "Do you know her Kageyama?" A short male with orange hair asked rather loudly.
  "Who?" Another male with a blonde streak in his hair asked.
  The orange haired male pointed at the girl sitting in the stands. Karasuno's whole team looked at her. That caused Johzenji to look over. They waved at her, she waved back.

  "Yeah," Kageyama grabbed a volleyball, "She went to the same junior high as me. She's Oikawa's cousin."
  "The Grand King's cousin?!"

  (Y/N) snickered at the nickname.

  The game started off strong. Karasuno took Johzenji by surprise with a quick by their number ten. But Terushima surprised them with an hit far from the back line, while he was turning.

  Kageyama had jumped, trying to block a dump. He managed to get the point but he was hit in the face. His nose was bleeding. He was swapped out until it stopped.

  Johzenji tried to mimic Karasuno's synchronized attack but failed, causing them to lose the first set. (Y/N) stifled a laugh as she watched them get a talking to by their coach and manager.

  Kageyama came back during the second set and Johzenji was in a tight spot with their quicks. They had actually stopped screwing around; they were finally being serious about the game.

  Suddenly, Karasuno was at game point. (Y/N) watched as her school's team messed up a pipe, losing the match.

  After they exchanged handshakes with Karasuno, Johzenji came and bowed to thank the crowd for watching.

  "You guys did great." Her voice was clear to Terushima. He looked up to see her now against the railing and waving at them. His eyes stared into hers as he waved back.

- - -

  "You did great out there." (Y/N) told the male. She had met up with the team out in the halls. She gave a quick smile and wave to Hana, the team manager, who did the same back.
  "But we lost." Terushima grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder.
  (Y/N) grabbed his hand, "But you tried."
  "And failed."

  He walked away with the rest of his team. (Y/N) sighed and gave Hana a paper with her number on it, telling the manager to give it to the captain. She thanked her before going to her own house.

  It was the middle of the night when (Y/N) felt her phone vibrate. She answered it, recognizing the area code. "Hello?"


  She sat up at the voice of Terushima Yuji. It was soft, and it had cracked when he said her name. He had been crying.

  "It's me."

  "Why wasn't I good enough on the court to win." She could basically hear the tears falling down his face. "Johzenji has beaten Shiratorizawa before, and they're a powerhouse team! Kar-Karasuno is a fallen team that hasn't been good in years!" He broke down over the phone.

  "There was nothing you could have done about how well the team you played was. What you can do now is move on and get better. You did amazing. You're an amazing player, you're the captain after all."
  "I couldn't even be a good captain." He cried.

  "Terushima, you're the glue of the team. You hold everything together. You're an amazing captain. You may have lost today, but there's so much more to your volleyball career left. We're second years, you have one more year of high school. You'll lead Johzenji to the top, won't you?"

  The male stopped to breathe, then he started laughing. "Yeah! I will! I'll lead us to the top!"

- - -

  The next day at school, the volleyball team was in the dumps. (Y/N) had to drag Terushima to every class. At lunch he just laid on her shoulder. She kept giving him emotional support, which is was thankful for.

  He didn't get much support at home.

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