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(L/N) gave a soft smile as she read another of the fifty love notes that were jammed in her locker. This one was much more sweeter than the ones she's previously read. With every letter she receives, she puts into a box. The box is a baby blue shade and sits in her locker.

  Every note is signed off, though one time she got one with no name which she felt bad about because she couldn't talk to whoever gave it to her.

  "What're you doing?" Takahashi had leaned against the locker next to hers. His red hair was messed up because of him leaning.
  (Y/N) laughed while fixing his hair. "Just my usual routine, reading letters."
  "Letters?" Takahashi was shown the whole box of letters. "You weren't kidding."

  She laughed and put the box away, shutting her locker. "Your hair is still a mess." (Y/N) fixed his hair again.
  Takahashi chuckled awkwardly as he felt the glares at the back of his head. "So, who's writing you that much letters?"
  The girl sighed, "Almost every boy at this school."

  "You're the Heartbreaker?! That girl everyone talks about?"
  (Y/N) whacked him on the arm, "That makes me sound mean!"
  "It's fine," Takahashi patted her head, "turning people down is totally normal."
  The two talked as her friend group watched from the distance.

  "Teru, go get your girl!" Makki had shoved the male towards her friend. Cho, Noel, and the other boys were laughing as they watched the male tumble into their female friend.

  Terushima had bumped into (Y/N), causing her to fall back. Terushima had quickly regained his composure and stood back. He had shoved her into the male behind her. Takahashi caught her and almost fell back. He stumbled a bit as he tried to stand straight and keep his friend from falling as well. She had done a full 180 turn and now face him as the two fell onto the ground.

  "I'm so sorry!" (Y/N) stood up and held her hand out. Takahashi gripped her hand and stood up. He smiled at her then looked past her, at Terushima.

  The blonde male stood there awkwardly. In a split second he lifted (Y/N) over his shoulder and booked it. The girl yelped as she was taken away.

  "I'm not going to get used to this school." Takahashi sighed.

(Y/N) was finally on the ground when Terushima made it to the friend group. They were on the floor laughing, literally rolling.

"You didn't have to kidnap me!" (Y/N) glared at the male. "And you three, I'll get Coach to bench you guys during the first game if you don't stop!"
The three stood up and shut up real quick. They knew she didn't throw empty threats around.

"Who's your new friend?" Izaka asked.
"Takahashi?" (Y/N) dusted her skirt off, "He's one of the American-Exchange students. You know he's half Japanese?"
The three girls raised a brow, "You seem to be spending a lot of time with him."
"He's a fun guy, now if you excuse me I need to apologize for all of your childish behavior because I know all of you are behind this."

The third year volleyball boys couldn't help see the similarities between her and their ex-manager, Hana.

- - -

"So, our first game is in two weeks?" Everyone was in their classes, supposedly doing their work.
(Y/N) nodded, "Did Mori tell you guys what colors your wearing?"
"The white jersey."
"Damn it!" She cursed the male captain, "Yellow is not a fitting color on my end."

The girls and boys teams never wore the same color jerseys on the first game of the season and the last.

Takahashi shrugged, "Our uniform is saying otherwise. Brings your eyes out." He said it so smoothly that it made her blush. "Aw! Someone's turning a shade of red!"
She slapped him, "I have a rep to keep up!"

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