Whatever It Takes - JacksGap

By youtuber

181K 3.9K 1.4K

Jack and Finn. Finn and Jack. These two boys are the reason I'm here, telling my story. I'm not your normal g... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

15.3K 378 136
By youtuber

xx Chapter One ~ Dare to Dream xx

The flight was over ten hours but fortunately, the airplane landed on time. I went straight for my hotel after I picked up my luggage. The hotel had sent a driver along with a limo, to pick me up at the London airport. The drive wasn't a long one, and I arrived to the hotel fairly quickly.

The hotel was unmistakably fancy with many business dealers striding along quickly with their black suitcases. I marched towards the front desk and got myself the room that my parents ordered on the very top floor.

As I opened the door with a golden sign that read "VIP", my jaw dropped open. It was a enormously spacious, three-storied penthouse with many modern furniture ready-to-go for living.

The first floor contained the kitchen with a large refrigelator already packed with food of all food groups. The living room included a flat-screen television, and the bathroom had a shower.

The second floor contained a bigger bathroom with a bath and a sauna, a bedroom with a king-sized bed, a working room with an iMac, and a walk-in closet.

The third floor led me into a glassed-walled area on the roof of the hotel and it contained a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi.

What was going on’?

My glaze fell on my hotel room card. The letters on the card read "Platinum VIP Penthouse" in gold letters. I immediately pulled out my phone and called my parents. It ringed two times before my mom picked it up.

"Hey honey, how's London?" My mom's cheerful voiced greeted me warmly. I skipped right to the point.

"Why did you guys order the three-floored Platinum VIP room?" I snapped. Most girls would be overjoyed about this, but not me.

Even though I have a fairly good family back round, it didn't mean we were billionaires and we shouldn't be wasting all our money on something as fancy and this. I would do more than fine with a simple hotel room. The trip itself already cost a lot of money.

"Oh, you saw that? Are you happy? Did you see your new credit card as well?" She asked.

New credit card? What credit card? I wondered as I pulled my wallet out of my jacket's pocket. Inside, a glimmering golden MasterCard greeted me instead of my regular plain one that I only used twice. I pulled it out of my wallet pocket with shaking hands.

"A Gold MasterCard? What? You know I don't need this, mom!" I snapped. What was I even getting angry for? My parents only wanted my life in London more convenient.

I sighed; the fact that my parents worried about me meant that they doubt me. I wasn't going to let myself disappoint them.

I heard a gasp at the end of the phone.

"I'm sorry mom, I don't know what got me. It's been a stressful day, and I really do appreciate everything you and dad have done for me," I apologized with my voice toned down. "But you and dad should really save the money for yourselves- I'll do fine without it. You believe in me, right mom?"

"Of course I do, honey!" She replied with love filled in her voice. "Please just accept this as a gift of ours, for me?"

I sighed. "I guess there's no going back anyway. Thank you,"

"No worries, honey. Call me when you need me. I love you, Alexandra,"

"I love you too, mom," I hung up. I went to my room and unpacked my belongings before I googled where the boys' company was located. When I was done, it was already five in the afternoon.

I decided to shower before I went out to eat an early dinner. I shimmied into a yellow tanktop tucked into my white skirt that descended to my mid-thighs in soothing waves and hugged onto my curves comfortably. The outfit accented my height of 5'9 nicely and showed off my long legs. I changed into a pair of flip-flops and applied little amount of eye makeup to exaggerate on my grey eyes. My thick light-brown hair reached to waist in soft waves. I brought a small purse with the hotel address, my cell phone, a map, a flashlight, my hotel room card, my resume, and my Gold MasterCard.

After I finished my dinner, it was seven o'clock in the afternoon, and I gotten myself a taxi to drive me to the company. The drive lasted for about fifteen minuets, and the building was painted slick black with tinted windows and was large with two stories.

I opened the door and a rush of cool, air-conditioned breeze kissed my cheeks. I entered and took in the white walls and the neat interior designing.

At the side of the room, there was a front desk with many navy-blue couches and black coffee tables adjacent to it. I approached the front desk with the biggest smile on my face.

"Excuse me? Is this Google's Youtube Film Agency?" I asked politely, the person looked up. It was a middle-aged women with spectacles. She had grey hair and pretty blue eyes. I could tell that this face had once been admired by many. She took me in and flashed me a welcoming smile.

"Well hello there, young lady. This building is, indeed, Google's Youtube Film Agency. I'm Mrs. Johnson. What's your name?" She greeted me in her heavy British accent.

"My name is Alexandra Williams," I answered.

"How may I help you?"

"I'm here to ask if I can apply for a job here," I replied.

"A job? Everyone here makes Youtube videos,"

"But they get paid, don't they?"

"Oh yes, they do. But they had to be signed to the company first. Do you make Youtube videos?" She questioned. I shook my head.

"I don't make youtube videos, but I have expriences of acting," I informed her.

"I not quite sure, young lady. I'll have to check with Ryan, he's the one who manages with this,"

"May I talk to him?" I pleaded. Mrs Johnson hesitated but nodded and gestured me to follow her into the passage way that led us to a rectangular place with couches and televisions.

"Do Jack and Finn belong to this company?" I asked, unable to hold the excitement in me any longer. A knowing smile played on Mrs. Johnson's face as she knocked the door in the corner.

"Yes they do, but don't tell me that's the reason why you're here,"

I simply just smiled as the smile on her face faded away.

"Come in," A male voice announced as the other voices inside died out, and Mrs. Johnson and I entered the room.

It was a fairly big room, similar to a classroom expect the desks formed a rectangle. There was a Smartboard at the front, and everyone had a mac laptop on their desk with a camera beside. These things weren't the first things that I noticed though.

When I entred, a group of eyes landed on me but only two pairs stood out to me. There were the exact same two pairs of eyes that melted my heart. They belonged to Jack and Finn Harries. My heart skipped a beat.

I examined rest of the room. The other pairs of eyes belonged to Sam Pepper, Marcus Butler, Caspar Lee, and Alfie Deyes. I starred at them in awe as they starred puzzling back at me. You could almost say I was starstruck.

Mrs. Johnson explained my situation to Ryan as he nodded and occasionally glanced at me. The room was quiet, listening attentively; even Sam stayed silent.

"Please take a seat," Ryan indicated the chair next to Alfie as Mrs. Johnson left the room. I obeyed and sat down giving Alfie a smile. He smiled back naturally. "Tell us a little bit about yourself," I nodded.

"My full name is Alexandra Crystal Williams, but everyone calls me Alex," I started. "I am eighteen years old this years, and I'm from Toronto, Canada,"

Everything was so silent that I could almost hear my heart pounding nervously. Is this a job interview? My heart wasn't even pounding this fast when I had my university interview.

"So, what makes you want to do this as a living?" He questioned. "Did you get into a university?" I nodded.

"Did you not like the university you got into?" I shrugged, I guess he can say that. "What university was it?"

I hesitated, but finally answered, "I have scholarships to Harvard, Yale, Standford, and Oxford,"

I was certain that everyone gasped at me as if I was crazy, even Ryan.

"All of them?" Ryan asked disbelievingly, and I nodded. I noticed at the corner of my eye that Alfie's jaw dropped, and the boys were sending each other looks.

"What major?" Marcus interrupted curiously.

"Law and business," I said simply.

"Why did you give up on them?"

I informed Ryan about my deal with my parents, and my love for drama, and how much experience I had; he nodded along. I left out the part about Jack and Finn.

"Well do you have any experiences with other jobs?" I nodded.

"I was a part time model at Abercrombie Kids when I was in school," I informed him. Just then, Sam whistled, causing me to grin.

"Do you have a resume with you?"

I pulled out my carefully written resume and handled it to Ryan. He took a few minutes glancing through it.

"Well, I can defiantly see how you got into all of those school. Your writing is exceptional!" He complimented, and I blushed slightly and thanked him. "Well, I don't see why you can't try it out,"

My eyes widened with disbelief and my heart raced.  Did I just get the job?

My thoughts were confirmed when Alfie turned my chair around to face him and hugged me tightly.

"Congrats, Alex!" He exclaimed with a big smile. "Welcome to the Youtube crew!"

The other boys also joined in with the congragulations as Ryan annouced that we should get to know each other, that the class was over, and departed.

"Let's start with introductions," Alfie suggested. "I'm--" I cut him off with a grin on my face.

"Alfie, A.K.A PointlessBlog, i know who you are," I giggled as I pull him into another hug. "I love you so much!"

The room was filled with 'aw's and kissing sounds, but I just rolled my eyes.

When I pulled away, I found Alfie's face flaming with colour as he smiled at me. I turned to the rest of the boys.

"I knew all of you a long time ago," I started as I scanned the room until my eyes found Jack and Finn. "In fact, the reason that I'm here is because of all of you,"

"I knew it! Nobody can handle this," Caspar exclaimed while indicating his body, and I laughed along with the boys.

"But mainly," I continued as my glance turned back to the twins, "I'm here for Jack and Finn,"

According to Marcus, that deserved a whistle. The twins smiled angelically at me. Who said that perfect smiles didn't exist?

I sighed with relief. I knew that today, I took a step closer to my dreams.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:

Hey guys :) Thanks so much for reading!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you did, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE vote, comment and fan!!! It'll help my a lot, and it lets me know you guys are enjoying what I write :D Thanks so much for all the support. Sorry if there was any mistakes ~Amelia xx

~ ~ ~

Pic of Jack Harries on the sidebars :)

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