"Night the Dragon"

By TobyDutchie99

129 14 7

In a world where fantasy creatures are dominant, evil still lingers. When a long forgotten dark entity slips... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

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By TobyDutchie99

Back at the castle, The Elders were talking amongst their self's. Elder Flame was near a window who saw Night and Elder Rocky coming in.
"Night's back! Along with Elder Rocky", he announced to the group.
They all headed outside to greet them.
"Elder Rocky, are you alright?", Elder Thunder asked.
"I am", he said proudly. "Thanks to Night here."
They all agreed that Night did a fantastic job with helping all them out. From the group appeared Rain-Bow, who swopped Night into his arms.
"Rain-Bow", she chuckled.
"Night, I was so worried about you, but, I guess I worried for nothing since you're ok."
She smiled to him.
"I told you I would be ok."
It became apparent that Night's father hadn't appeared yet.
"Does anyone know where my father is?"
The Elders looked at each other.
"We don't really know", Elder Flame said. "He wasn't here when any of us returned."

​ Light had been traveling for a long time now. He didn't dare to rest until he made it to where he needed to be. He made it to his destination. Light landed in 'The Dark World.' It was eerie and dark. The land itself was course and lifeless, appearing as if the land itself had circumed to death. Light looked up to the cloudy, dark sky as rain drizzled down. In the distance was a dark red castle on the tip of a mountain with snow. Light used his elemental energy to open the door and headed in. The inside somehow felt more eerie than the outside. The floor and walls were damp and cold, allowing Light to see his breath but just barely. He then came to an opening area where his greatest fear stood. In the middle of the room stood a throne with a darkly scaled dragon sitting in it.
"Hello.... brother", it said deeply.
Light stepped closer.
"How long has it been since I've seen you? Years? How is the mistress?"
Light didn't give into his taunts.
"I know you have her. Where is my daughter?" "Daughter? I didn't even knew you had one. I'd love to meet her. Especially if she's anything like you. Or better, me."
An unsettling smile lingered on his face.
"I will not stand for this. Tell me where she is!", Light snapped.
"Hm, playing hard to crack, I see", the dragon said.
A shadowy figure appeared in the corner of Light's eye. Another one came on his other side. Then another.
"It would seem we have some.... company", the dragon's voice was crisp yet unsettling.
More figures came. They were the same ones from before who had corrupted the other Elders. Light got in a battle stance. The figures then started to made their way into him. Light moaned in pain, unable to get them out. He fell to the ground in defeat. The dragon left his throne, making his way towards Light.
"Let's makeup for lost time, shall we, brother?"


"It's understandable that you want to find your father, but he could be anywhere", Rain-Bow claimed. "I mean, where would we even start?"
Even though she didn't want to agree, Night had to admit that Rain-Bow was right. How would they find him with a cast of different locations? Then, Night thought about how her father used to tell her about not going to a 'certain place.'
"Night, we don't go there for any reason. You know better."
She had been caught trying to go out at night past her bedtime. Night looked up to Light as he picked her up.
"Why not, Daddy?"
"Because..... because..... it's not safe. And certainly not a place for you, Nighty!"
He blew onto her stomach.
"HAHAHA! Daddy, stop!", she giggled.
Light drew back.
"Let's get you back to bed."
Night laid on her father's shoulder, looking behind him into the outside world through the door's window pane.
Night came to the present.
"I think I know where to look", she claimed. Rain-Bow looked over to her.

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