The Unseen Beauty of the Ungr...

By SKblind

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First came the heavens, the glistening white abyss of clouds that overlooked the barren land. Then came the s... More

Chapter 1: Ascension Day
Chapter 2: Back to the Ground
Chapter 3: Afternoon Tea
Chapter 4: Fire and Arrows
Chapter 5: Purple
Special 1: A Different Perspective
Chapter 6: Records
Chapter 7: Secrets and Daggers
Chapter 8: Arguments and Potatoes
Chapter 9: The Waiting Game
Chapter 10: The Beauty of Chaos
Chapter 11: Unconscious Thoughts
Chapter 12: Crime and Punishment
Chapter 13: Wine and Spilled Secrets
Chapter 14: Stubborn Care
Chapter 15: Broken Walls
Chapter 16: Needy vs Nervous
Chapter 17: Mumbo.exe Has Malfunctioned
Chapter 18: I Promise
Chapter 19: The Price of Peace
Chapter 20: Sentencing
Chapter 21: The Chaos of Free Will
Chapter 22: Do We Have A Deal?
Chapter 23: Into the Unknown
Chapter 24: Confessions and Realizations
So Here's What's Going On

Chapter 25: Alone Together

808 57 68
By SKblind

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was in the middle of final exams, but now I'm done so I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Mumbo stared down at his companion whose head lay in his lap. He brushed his fingers gently through the blond curls and smiled at the contented sigh that escaped Grian's lips.

Beautiful. Utterly perfect.

He couldn't remove his eyes. Every moment he looked away made him worry that the whole thing had been a dream. That Grian was not really with him, had not confessed his love, had not kissed him.

But no. Grian did love him, had kissed, was still with him.

The blond whimpered in his sleep, and Mumbo was quick to take his hand, knowing the small God liked to squeeze his fists when he had nightmares.

"I love you." He whispered before brushing his lips across Grian's temple.

It was impossible to know how long they'd been in there. If you told Mumbo a day, or a month, even a year, he wouldn't have been able to tell the difference since the black abyss of the realm of death didn't show time passing. He wasn't even sure if time passed normally there anyway.

Grian groaned, and the tall God glanced down as he opened his eyes.

"Hello." He murmured, helping the blond sit up properly. "Did you have a good rest?"

Grian yawned and stretched like a kitten, and Mumbo had to hold back a squeak.

He's too precious.

"Yeah, thanks." Grian muttered, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. "I haven't slept since I got in here, so I think I really needed it."

Mumbo nodded, his heart aching for his companion as he wrapped his arms around him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry." Mumbo whispered, squeezing him a bit tighter. "I missed you."

Grian chuckled and gave him a peck on the cheek before nudging him off.

"You're such a sap."

Mumbo whined as he was pushed away. After a century without him, every nerve in his body ached to hold Grian in his arms and never let go.

Don't push. He reminded himself, clenching and unclenching his fingers to avoid pulling the blond back towards him. He's still not used to touch. Let him initiate.

"Mumbo are you okay?"

Mumbo schooled his frustrated expression and nodded, doing his best to portray a patient smile.

"Y-Yeah sorry. I was just thinking."

"Thinking? I wasn't aware that you did that." Grian chided, flashing a familiar smirk that made Mumbo's stomach do flip flops.

"I-I... y-you..."

"There we go." He hummed, reaching out to cup Mumbo's cheek. "That's the Mumbo Jumbo I know."

Mumbo blushed and leaned into the contact, his head spinning with the desire to pull the other in for a kiss.

But as quickly as it started, it stopped.

Grian stood on shaky legs and looked around the inky blackness as though something might be there that wasn't before.

"How long do you think we've been in here?" He asked, looking down at the redstone God who remained sitting.

"I have no idea." Mumbo admitted wearily. "Does time even pass normally in here?"

"Mmm hard to tell." Grian muttered, pacing back and forth. "I tried to count while I was chained up, but by my estimate and what you told me, I was off by about a decade. I don't know if that's because I messed up or if this realm has dilated time, but either way," he sighed. "We've been in here long enough."

"H-Have we?" Mumbo stuttered, heat blossoming in his cheeks as he glanced at his hands. "I-I mean it's not so bad... right?"

Grian arched his eyebrows and crossed his arms. "Maybe not for you, but I was here alone for a century, and at this point, I'd prefer to get the hell out."

Mumbo shrunk in on himself in shame.

Of course he wants to leave! He's been chained down for decades! Just because I want to spend time with him doesn't mean I can be so selfish.

He stood, forcing his eyes to meet Grian's narrowed gaze as his heart thumped quickly.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I do want to leave, I just... got caught up in this, in... b-being alone with you." He stammered.

Grian's expression softened, and he took a step forward, pulling a gasp from the taller God's mouth as he wrapped his arms around his neck.

"No, Mumbo, it's ok, I understand. I like being alone with you too-"

Mumbo gulped, willing himself not to look too much like a tomato as Grian's words plucked the strings of his heart like a harp.

"-but wouldn't you rather be alone together in the real world? Where we could eat, and drink, and spar, and..." he ran a hand down Mumbo's chest. " other things?"


Images of having his arms pinned over his head as the two practiced combat swam through his mind making goosebumps break out across his body.

"Y-yes!" Mumbo squeaked, his knees trembling as Grian pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.

The God of chaos grinned at his reaction and stood on his tiptoes, beginning to pepper kisses all over his face, forcing the anxious God to lean his weight forward to avoid falling over, only succeeding in making himself more available for Grian's ministrations.

"G-Grian... I... please...?"

"Please what?" He hummed, pressing a kiss to each of Mumbo's palms.

"I-I... I want..."

A bright glare of white flooded their vision, making both Gods cover their eyes and turn away. After so long with very little light, the surge of UV waves burned their retinas and made them both stumble back.

Mumbo reached out blindly, grabbing for Grian's hand, but before he could, he felt someone else seize his arms, pulling him towards the blaze.

"No! Stop!" He yelled, fighting to get away and squinting as he struggled to locate his companion.




I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, please consider leaving a like and a comment to let me know what you think! Now that I'm out of school for the summer I promise I'll update more!

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