
By writingragdoll

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"You have everything you've always wanted." "No." He said softly. "Not everything..." His golden eyes looked... More



4.6K 158 103
By writingragdoll

Time seemed to fly in Ba Sing Se.

At first Zuko had been counting the days that he was spending in this city he called a prison but now he had no idea just how much time had passed since their arrival. His hair was longer now falling in wisps covering his forehead in bangs and reaching pasts his ears. (His girlfriend was a fan). Iroh was happy, Tsai was happy, but him... Zuko starred out of the teashops window. He had everything, his uncle, a loving girlfriend, a steady living, it was a simple, but he couldn't understand why he couldn't be happy...

Iroh smiled faintly as he poured three nicely dressed gentlemen a cup of tea each then he wandered over to serve another customer while the three men enjoyed their tea. The three smiled at each other then stood up.

"So, you're the genius behind this incredible brew." One of them exclaimed as the trio approached Iroh, "The whole city is buzzing about you! I hope Pao pays you well."

Iroh smiled serenely at the man, "Good tea is its own reward."

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward." The man replied with a grin, "How would you like your own teashop."

"My own teashop?" Iroh asked in shock, unwittingly catching Pao's attention as he stopped conversing with another customer, "This is a dream come true!"

Pao rushed forward to stand between the three men and Iroh, "What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea-maker?"

Tsai who was attending a customer glanced over to see Iroh's excited expression and the men standing around him. She smiled politely at the customer she was serving tea and approached the counter to see what all the commotion was about.

"Sorry, Pao, but that's business for you." The man replied lightly with a smug smirk, "Am I right?"

"Mushi, if you stay, I'll make you assistant manager." Pao said then hurriedly came up with a better offer, "Wait, senior assistant manager!" He said fidgeting nervously.

Tsai looked at Pao then back at the finely dressed men before her curious gaze rested on Iroh, who was looking a little starstruck.

 'Iroh's own teashop? This was great news! It was literally his dream come true!' 

She flashed the retired general and excited grin before wandering over to tell Zuko the news and help him clear a table of cups.

She took out a rag and began wiping the table down. He glanced at her and smiled a little before going back to what he was doing. "Listen!" She whispered and turned her head back to the conversation. "I'll provide you with a new apartment in the Upper Ring." The man offered easily both now more interested in the conversation, "The teashop is yours to do whatever you want, complete creative freedom."

"I even get to name the shop?" Iroh asked eagerly, little stars practically appearing in his eyes.

"Of course!"

"Uh, senior executive assistant manager?" Pao tried one last time, only to hang his head in defeat when Iroh handed him the teapot he'd been holding.

Iroh bowed to the man, agreeing to his terms. Tsai practically ran to Iroh, a broad smile on her face. Zuko followed behind and they stood next to Iroh as Pao walked sadly in defeat towards the back of the shop.

"Did you hear, nephew? Tsai?" Iroh asked Zuko eagerly , "This man wants to give us our own teashop in the Upper Ring of the city!"

"That's right!" The nobleman said as he looked at the two teenagers before him, "Your lives are about to change for the better."

"That's great!" Tsai clapped her hands together. "Wow!" She said in awe.

Zuko sighed internally. He looked at Tsai's beaming expression and at the dreamy glint that shined in his uncle's eyes. Tsai was happy. Uncle Iroh was happy. Why couldn't he feel the same way?

"I'll try to contain my joy." Zuko deadpanned sarcastically as he placed the tray of cups on a table and stormed out of the shop, slamming the door behind him.

Tsai looked at his retreating figured and sighed in exasperation. "Thank you, sir, this is very kind of you. We are very grateful," she said politically before bowing politely.

Zuko scowled as he stomped outside and leaned against the wall of the teashop by the door, his arms folded over his chest. His eyes narrowed.
"There you are," she said as she exited the shop, she approached him and ran a hand through his hair. "Can you at least pretend to be happy for your Uncle?" She asked with a small frown on her face. "His dream is coming true."

"What about my dream?" He challenged with his arms still closed across his chest. "What about yours?" He glared. She gave a step back letting her guard up. She hated it when he got like this. When he was mean. Her mouth felt dry as she went silent.

Her eyes widen slightly. She had never told him about it. 

"You're being mean," she stood her ground looking at him with a hurt expression.

"What happened to creating the perfect nation? Your socialist wet-dream where Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom are equal?" He pushed his words were cold and felt like knives against her skin. "Are you really going to settle for living the life of a tea server your whole life?"

She scowled at him, now fuming. How could he be so ungrateful? After everything that they had been through? She opened her mouth about to retort a petty comeback when a paper hit her in the face. Dreams changed and grew and that was OK! Why couldn't he accept that?

She ripped it off her face angrily and held it in her hand. "Listen!" She began, now even more aggravated. However, she noticed that Zuko's eyes were wide and appeared to be glued to that paper. Confused she brought it up to her line of vision and her went wide too. Who was dropping these flyers? 

She instantly saw that determined look flash before his eyes. He looked up clenching his jaw and not seeing anyone or anything climbed to the top of the nearest building. His eyes narrowing when he saw several fliers falling to the ground.

"Zuko, please don't," Tsai pleaded with him as she climbed after him. She already knew what he was looking for. She knew what this meant to him. How it would change him and what they had. This stupid flyer it had uprooted his obsession and ignited his obsession once again. He was looking for the Avatar. She looked down at the flyer of the missing flying bison in her hand and cursed.

"The Avatar is here in Ba Sing Se and he's lost his bison," he said to her. She could see the burning determination in his gold eyes.

"Please, don't." She pleaded with him. She knew that whatever was going through his mind... It did not have a happy ending. "I've let this go. You have to let it go." 

"You've never understood..." He said darkly. 

"For some time I did." She said standing with him alone in the rooftop. "And for some time I wanted all those same things you did, but not anymore. I've changed and so has my dream and that's OK. This vile obsession... it's going to do nothing but poison your soul! We've been given a second chance at a normal life and what are you going to do throw it all away to chase this fantasy?"

He turned and glared at her with a warning look. She knew that look. That dangerous glint in his eyes. He wasn't going to change his mind. Now now, not ever. 

"You know what. Do whatever you want," she shook her head and made her way off the rooftop. "I'm done."


Zuko slammed the door of the apartment angrily as he entered. Iroh glanced up from where he was packing things away in preparation for the move, surprised at his sudden outburst. For some time now his nephew had been well.. more tamed in regards of his outbursts for less of a better word.

"So, I was thinking about names for my new teashop." Iroh continued speaking as he paused in his packing, "How about the Jasmine Dragon? It's dramatic, poetic, and has a nice ring to it."

Zuko ignored what his uncle was saying his mind was fumbled in an angry knot. He walked towards him, taking the flyer from his shirt and showing

"We have a chance for a new life here." Iroh said slowly as he looked at Zuko, who had moved to stand by the window after his uncle had taken the flyer and looked it over. Of course he would agree with Tsai. Sometimes he felt like those two were always ganging up on him. 

"If you go stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us."

"Good things that are happening to you!" Zuko snapped angrily as he whirled around to scowl at his uncle, "Have you ever thought that I want more from life than a nice apartment and a job serving tea?"

"Do you not see your growth Prince Zuko? The lovely relationship you've developed with Tsai?" Iroh asked calmly then he continued, "There is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity. I suggest you think about what it is that you want from your life and why."

Zuko pursed his lips and turned away from his uncle fuming to stare out the window again. It wasn't enough. This wasn't the life he was meant to live or the one he envisioned himself with her.

"I want my destiny."

"What that means is up to you." Iroh replied wisely. It was then that Iroh realized that something was wrong. 

"Where's Tsai?" He suddenly asked with concern. 

"I don't know!" Zuko shouted. "And I don't care!" He roared.

Iroh watched sadly Zuko walked further into the apartment isolating himself in his room.


Tsai didn't return home that night. Instead she went up to the tree where Zuko had taken her that one afternoon when they went out on their first date. a lazy hand lingered on her neck as she traced the naked skin where she had once worn her sunstone necklace. 

The Blue Spirit was now a distant memory. She guessed he had just been a petty thief who wanted to take the priceless heirloom for his own keeping. Her tired eyes gazed out at the city of Ba Sing Se. Several lights flickered off as the city decided to sleep.

She was alone and at peace and feeling more home sick than ever. She had promised herself she wouldn't cry anymore that she wouldn't think about all those pessimistic realities that were haunting her. 

The Avatar.

Her Family.


She guessed eventually she would have to add Zuko to that list...

The Avatar was in Ba Sing Se. But what would she do if she captured him? Somehow smuggle him out of the Earth Kingdom and ship him in a gift box to Fire Lord Ozai then beg for him to forgive her and her family's name? No. It was too complicated and also...

The Fire Nation was vile.

Everything she had ever known growing up had been a lie. Maybe they had the best intentions in mind when wanting to spread the greatness of their nation to other lands and kingdoms but their approach. That was not the way to go about it. Fire Lord Sozin could've been more parliamentarian about the affair and one hundred years of war could've been avoided. This war it wasn't born out of generosity. It was born out of greed.

The thought was painful to her. This meant that her parents, her brother, her and even her dear grandfather were all the problem. They reenforced this evil and thrived on their privilege reaping what the Fire Nation had sowed. She ripped out a a cluster of grass from the ground and threw it at the space before her angrily. Maybe she could still pursue her dream, but from the other side. Her eyes focused on the glimmering jewel at the top of the Ba Sing Se landscape. The Earth King's palace. Maybe he'd hear out her political suggestions... Then again, who was she kidding? Why would he listen? She was a nobody. She was a traitor to her nation, a refugee without a single cent to her name, a runaway... She hugged her knees close to her body and rested her head on top of them. And even if he heard her out, her family would lose everything. They would no longer be Vice Royal Governors. She didn't have to think too hard about how they would feel about that...

She still didn't know what her family thought of her. If they would ever even welcome her back with open arms. Her brother- he was still lost to her. Dead or alive. She figured she would probably never know.

And then there was Zuko... She ripped out another angry patch of grass and clenched it in her hands tightly with frustration. If he wasn't willing to change there was nothing she could do for him.

"You can't save people from themselves..." she whispered to the wind and slowly let go of the strands of grass.

Maybe... Just maybe the Avatar could help. After all it was his duty to bring balance to the world.


Tsai didn't sleep that night. She spent all night and morning searching for the lost bison. She figured if she found it perhaps it would lead her to the Avatar. 

You'd think finding a giant flying bison in Ba Sing Se would be easier right? Wrong. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. 

Presently she had been wondering through the dark dimly lit corridors of the Dao Lin's base underneath a lake. She was determined to find Appa and even more so to do it before Zuko did. Who knows what he would do if he got there first. 

It took some interrogating and a lot of sneaking around but she soon found the lost bison. Her foul mood and exhaustion didn't help those who dared cross her path.

Appa's eyes snapped open as he stood and growled when the heavy metal door was open. However, he let out what sounded like a deep whine when he saw a familiar figured. Tsai's heart broke at the sight. The bison was thin and malnourished, he was chained up on all legs and kept with his body pressed against the filthy ground.

"Appa!" She cried out as she ran to the bison. "Oh," she said sadly as she moved towards him. She embraced his head and held part of him in an embrace. "Let's get you out of here," she whispered as she stroked his thick fur. The Bison made what sounded like a weak cry.

The door once again opened and Tsai found herself in a very familiar scene. She had beat the Blue Spirit to the punch once again.

Their first encounter had been peaceful. However this time she had a feeling something was about to go down. The Blue Spirit flashed his blades and Appa began to roar uncontrollably.

"Shhh!!! " She attempted to sooth the beast which was roaring and stomping in fear. She guessed he could also feel the tension in the air.

"Listen," she growled out as she stepped menacingly in direction of the Blue Spirit. Sharp blades glimmering with the dim rays of sunlight that entered the room. Whatever it was her and the Blue Spirit had shared was shoved to the back of her mind. There was no time for that kind of thinking right now.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend, so I'm really not in the mood to deal with you right now," she growled out. Her eyes blazing with rage.

"What?" She was taken back when the Blue Spirit actually spoke. "We did not break up!" A voice that was much too familiar to her spoke.

Tsai felt as if her world had been flipped upside down. "Huh?"
She felt all of her rage melt away. 'Wait- a minute.' 

It was then that the door opened once again. Both of their eyes snapped to the door to see Iroh calmly walking in.

"Uncle?" The Blue Spirit questioned in confusion when he saw Iroh standing in the doorway.

"So, the Blue Spirit." Iroh mused with false thoughtfulness as the door slid shut behind him. "I wonder who could behind that mask..."

Zuko barely had time to react before he felt a hand on his face. He stood still as Tsai slowly removed the mask off his face.

"You're the Blue Spirit?!" She exclaimed in geniune shock. She didn't hear what he said after as she turned away suddenly feeling her face burning with a deep embarrassment.

 'Oh my goodness, that meant-' She thought about that time that she kissed the Blue Spirit that time he made those horrible men go away. "Ugh..." She said face palming at how thoughtless she had been. It made sense now. Really, how he managed to be everywhere they happened to be.

"What are you doing here?" Zuko asked his uncle.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Iroh stated and his voice began firm, "What do you plan to do now that you've found the Avatar's bison? Keep him locked in our new apartment? Should I go put on a pot of tea for him?" He retorted his voice heavy with sarcasm.

"First I have to get it out of here." Zuko replied flippantly as he turned back to look at the still growling sky bison.

"Have you lost your mind?" Tsai suddenly regained her composure and raised her voice.

"Wait- if you're not here to help me. What are you doing here?" He asked tossing the attention back to Tsai. She stood her stance a blade gleaming as she prepared to free the bison.

"And then what?! You never think these things through!" Iroh demanded furiously and he pointed at his nephew, "This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole! You had him, and then you had nowhere to go!"

"I would have figured something out!" Zuko shouted as he whirled around to face his uncle again.

"No!" Iroh yelled right back, "If his friends hadn't found you, you have frozen to death!" Iroh's words hurt, but Tsai knew he only said them because he cared. She guessed he was referencing what had happened in the North Pole.

"I know my own destiny, Uncle!"

"Is it you own destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?"

"Stop it, Uncle!" Zuko shouted desperately and he turned back to the bison with his swords slightly raised, "I have to do this!"

"I'm begging you, Prince Zuko! It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions." Iroh said, his voice lowering to a normal volume, though it was still just as firm as before, "Who are you, and what do youwant."

Zuko's shoulders trembled slightly then he suddenly gave a wordless scream and threw down his dao blades and the Blue Spirit mask he had been holding.

"You're nuts if you think I'm letting you hurt a single fiber of this creature," Tsai glared menacingly. "I won't let you!"


Zuko climbed out of the main entrance to the Dai Li's secret headquarters, turning around and helping Tsai out a moment later and then they both pulled Iroh out. The sun was strong and bright and the lake breeze felt refreshing.

"You did the right thing, nephew." Iroh said gently and he watched as Zuko took the Blue Spirit mask from his belt and looked at it, "Leave it behind."

'Not like I gave him much of a choice,' Tsai thought bitterly shaking his head. She let out of a huff and blew a lose strand of hair out of her face.

Zuko sighed quietly and looked at his girl before dropping the mask into the water.

"Tsai," he began apologetically.
"I don't want to hear it," she glared coldly before walking away from the two of them.

At this point he wasn't sure what he had done wrong. Did she feel cheated because he had been the Blue Spirit all along and didn't tell her? Was it because of their fight yesterday? Was it because of this entire flying bison accident?

Zuko didn't feel well.

Iroh placed a hand on his nephew's shoulder and smiled at him gently.

'You'll work it out,' his eyes seemed to say.

Zuko nodded and dropped the Blue Spirit mask slowly watching it sink to the bottom of the lake...

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