Nathan and Sophie Oneshots

By Drive_LikeIDo

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Nathan Sykes (The Wanted) fanfiction Part of the Scarred and Left Me Like a Sunburn series. PLEASE READ Scarr... More

Study Buddies (Sam & Jess)
Vodka (Nathan's POV)
Nightmare (Nathan's POV)
Zoo (Sophie/ Nathan's POV)
Asthma Attack (Nathan's POV)
Top Floor (Nathan's POV)
Beautiful to Me (Top Floor Part II)
The School Run
Lyrics (Nathan's POV)
Fade Into You
100% (Nathan's POV)
Jealous (Nathan's POV)
Cleaning Cupboard
52 Reasons (Nathan's POV)

Birth (Nathan's POV)

920 24 6
By Drive_LikeIDo

I'm sorry that this is so long overdue but I've been working on it for ages because I wanted it to be really good and I didn't want to rush it. Also, it's really long because I've had to put a lot in but I hope it's okay for you all.

Here are some of the prompts I've been given for it

when the baby is born - tennispunk138, TWFanFiction

maybe some moments during her pregnancy - tennispunk138, TWFanFiction

Please do a one shot about the baby being born !!! I think sophie in labour would be the best thing ever and highly amusing - lil_miss_tw_xx, TWFanFiction

a oneshot of Nathan and Sophie with their baby - bubbles1tw, Wattpad

I think there may have been more prompts than this to do with Sophie having a baby so sorry if I've missed yours

But anyway, hope you like it

"I love you" the girl mumbled through her tears as she hugged me tightly.

"Aw, I love you too" I smiled, hugging her back.

I'd just done the last show of my UK tour in London and was currently outside the arena talking to the fans that had stayed behind to try to meet me. I guess it was the least I could do for them after they'd bought tickets for my show. The tour has been so amazing though. It's incredible singing my songs live to my fans.

And tonight was extra special because my whole family had come to watch, including my mum and step-dad, my dad and step-mum, Jess, my grandparents...

And of course, Sophie had come to watch, even though she's already watched three of the dates and she's heavily pregnant. I was constantly worrying about her and the baby, and constantly preparing myself for the baby to come because it was due at any time now. I was really worried that she would go into labour whilst I was on stage, and I would have to cut the show short, or even that I would miss the birth altogether. Sophie just told me to stop stressing and 'take a fucking chill pill', to quote her exactly, but that didn't stop me worrying.

"Can I get a picture?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, of course" I smiled as she took her phone out of her pocket. She was shaking a little, so I took the phone from her hands and took a few pictures of us for her, before handing it back to her with a smile.

"Thank you!" She smiled shyly, just as my phone began to ring in my pocket. I pulled it out, as the other fans tried to grab my attention to get a picture and a hug too, seeing my manager, Rachel, was ringing me. As far as I knew, she was still in the arena, but I figured it must be important if she was ringing me. Or maybe she was just telling me to get a move on because everyone wanted to get home.

"Hold on a second, girls" I said to the fans before I answered the call, "hello?"

"Nathan" Rachel began.


"Don't start panicking or anything but we think Sophie's gone into labour"

"What?" I breathed in disbelief.

"Yeah, her water's just broke" she explained, "so we're going to need to get her to the hospital, you know, as soon as, so..."

"Right, I'll be there as soon as I can" I ended the call and looked up to see a hoard of disappointed looking fans who realised I was going to have to leave, "I'm really sorry, girls, I'm going to have to go, Sophie's just gone into labour"

A lot of squealing, cooing and 'oh my God's rang out after that, making me chuckle, though my brain was just filling with concern for Sophie and our baby that she was going to be giving birth to at some point soon.

"Thank you all for coming" I said quickly, "I really appreciate it and I'm sorry I didn't get to speak to all of you"

Luckily, they seemed to understand, given Sophie's situation. In fact, they all called 'good luck' as I scurried back inside the arena, which made me smile, before sprinting down the corridor, up a flight of stairs and then along another corridor to get to my dressing room. Inside was Rachel, my mum, my step-dad and Jess, along with my pregnant wife who was rolling her eyes at everyone as they made a fuss over her. I ran over, pushing past my sister gently to get to Sophie, who was clutching her swollen stomach.

"Hey" I said, crouching down next to her seat and grabbing her hand, "it's alright, I'm here"

"You" she scowled, "you did this to me!"

"I know" I chuckled. Bless. Her hormones had been all over the place, especially over the past couple of weeks. She started crying whilst watching the football with me the other day because one of the players got hurt.

"This baby better bring me this fucking joy you keep going on about because at this moment in time, she is pissing me right off"

"We need to get her outside and someone needs to drive her to the hospital" Rachel announced.

"I'll drive her" Phil said, "my car's on the car park"

"She can't walk that far whilst she's in labour" my mum argued.

"I'll carry her" I suggested.

"Don't be stupid, Nathan" my mum replied, making me frown, "you're not carrying a pregnant woman"

"Maybe we could get her a wheelchair" Rachel suggested, "the arena might have one-"

"I am not getting in a fucking wheelchair" Sophie scoffed, "I'm having a baby; I haven't lost a leg!"

"You're not walking that far, babe" I shook my head.

"Oh, and you're gonna construct me a fucking Batmobile to get me there, are you?" She snapped sarcastically at me. I know this was just the labour talking, but she really was amusing to witness when she was mad.

"No bats today, babe, just babies" I replied, as I helped her out the chair and placed my arm around her. I knew she was just going to have to walk there because she was already adamant on it and her mind was hard to change anyway, never mind when she's in labour.

I am not going to try and argue with a pregnant Sophie.

We managed to get her down the corridor and into the lift, then out of the exit of the arena. A few fans were still out and they started waving, and calling out 'good luck' to her and stuff, which was really nice of them.

"Thank you" she called back, giving them a wave.

"Oh yeah, be nice to them" I joked, rolling my eyes playfully, "you were shouting at me a minute ago"

"I'm being nice to them because they didn't impregnate me with their child that I'm going to have to push out of my vagina at some point in the near-future" she shot back, earning a few chuckles from a few fans that had heard, the security guards and my sister.

"Well, that's a lovely way of putting it" I smiled, shaking my head as we got her over to Phil's car. I opened the back door and immediately everyone started fussing over her again, trying to help her get in the car. Sophie let out a loud huff.

"Guys, can we all just calm the fuck down please?" Sophie said loudly, "it's only a baby"

And with that, she climbed into the car all by herself with no help from anyone.

"My wife, everybody" I grinned.

"Get in the car!" she snapped, making me chuckle as I shut the car door and jogged around the car, climbing in the other side. My mum and Phil climbed in too, whilst Jess got in Rachel's car to get to the hospital. Phil set off, whilst my mum rang up my grandparents to let everyone know what was happening.

"Has anyone rang my mum?" Sophie asked, and when no one replied, turned to me, barking "ring my mum"

I nodded and pulled my phone from my pocket, ringing Sophie's mum whilst taking hold of Sophie's hand and squeezing it. She squeezed my hand back so I smiled and pressed my lips against the back of her hand.


"Hi Julie"

"How's Sophie?"

"Erm, she's just gone into labour" I said, getting straight to the point.

"Jeremy, get my car keys!" I heard her call to her husband in the background, before talking to me again, "we're on our way and I'll let Sam know, you better look after her, Sykes"

I smiled, "of course I will"

"Good, we'll get there as soon as we can, okay? And we're sending our love"

"Thanks, we'll see you soon"


I hung up the phone and turned to Sophie.

"Your mum's on her way and she's going to let Sam know" I told her. She nodded, squeezing my hand tighter as she took a few deep breaths.

"The show was great by the way" she told me.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"I nearly weed myself when you fell over the mic stand" she smirked, making me roll my eyes, "I'm surprised I didn't considering I've got a baby kicking my bladder" before she added, "and I think I had a contraction during the last song"

"You didn't say anything when I came off stage" I exclaimed, frowning.

"I didn't wanna make a fuss" she shrugged nonchalantly.

Bloody typical.

"Shit, I think I'm having another one" she groaned, clutching her stomach again and scrunching her face up in pain. She squeezed my hand so tightly that I'm pretty sure she was cutting the blood supply off.

"Babe" I began hesitantly, "I know you're in pain and stuff, but could you just let go a little..."

I trailed off as she turned her head to glare at me with the most scornful look I have ever received in my whole entire life.

"Oh, I do apologise" she seethed sarcastically, "it's just I have a living person trying to crawl out of my uterus"

"Nathan, don't piss her off" my Mum sighed, "she's giving birth to your child soon"

"Fucking hell" Sophie groaned in pain. My hand was turning white.

"Phil, drive faster!" My mum snapped.

"I'm already going over the speed limit!"

"Well, don't go too fast, we have my unborn grandchild in the back and I want her safe and sound"

I rolled my eyes. Make your mind up, mother.

"Karen, just calm down"

"What if she gives birth in the back of the car?"

"I'm sure she won't"

"And what do you know about childbirth?" She snapped back.

"Karen, it's not like you're the one giving birth, is it?"

"Can you two shut up?" I moaned, interrupting their little spat, "my wife's in pain and you're not helping"

"Neither are you" Sophie shot.

"I'm letting you break my hand" I breathed, "what else can I do?"

"Give birth for me" she groaned, leaning her forehead against my shoulder, "if you loved me, you do it for me"

"Soph, you know that if I could, I would" I smiled, pressing my lips against her head and gently stroking her hair. She let out a small whine, not moving until the contraction was over and she finally let my hand loose again.

"Just think" I whispered, placing my hand over her cheek, stroking the skin with my thumb, "soon, we're going to have our own little baby girl and she'll be totally and utterly worth it"

"I know" she whispered back, lifting her head up and pressing her lips softly to mine. I pulled away, letting out a small chuckle to myself.


"It's just, you've gone from mad to whiny to nice really quick" I smiled.

"I can go back to mad really quick too" she muttered, pushing away from me again.

"You don't need hormones and a baby inside you to do that though" I smirked.

We arrived at the hospital soon enough, with Sophie only having one other contraction on the way there, though my hand was still fully intact. We made our way into the hospital, me with a tight arm around Sophie's waist, and found the very helpful receptionist who directed us towards the maternity ward. It wasn't long before Sophie was in a blue hospital gown and in a bed, with my mum, Phil, Jess, Rachel and various other members of my family waiting outside. It was just a case of waiting until Sophie was dilated enough to deliver the baby.

"Where's my mum?" Sophie whined.

"She's on her way" I assured her.

"I don't want her to miss it" she pouted.

"She'll get here to see her granddaughter. stop worrying" I said, smoothing my thumb over the back of her hand.

Soon after, the nurse came in and proceeded to check on Sophie to see how far dilated she was. I just sat next to Sophie and looked around the room awkwardly at everything but the nurse; I mean, she was looking at my wife's cervix.

"Five centimetres" the nurse said, "you're halfway there"

Sophie groaned, letting her hand fall back against the pillow. The nurse just chuckled and left the room, leaving us alone again.

"Make it come" she mumbled, "make the baby arrive now"

"I know I'm pretty awesome" I joked, "but I'm not that good"

"I'm sick of being pregnant" she moaned, "I've been like this for nine months, I want my baby now"

"Soon, babe, soon" I smiled, leaning over and kissing the side of her head. Suddenly, the door opened and Jess poked her head around the door.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Course you can" Sophie smiled, before Jess walked in and shut the door behind her, taking a seat at the other side of Sophie's bed.

"Mum and Phil have gone to get food" she said, "I was bored"

"Are they getting me any food?" Sophie asked.

"How are you thinking about food?" I breathed, "you're in labour, you're about to give birth, you don't need food"

"I want food" she shot back, "my baby wants one last decent meal before she has to start living off milk"

I smiled and shook my head.

"Oh God" Sophie suddenly moaned, holding her stomach, "these contractions are getting worse"

And here comes the hand crushing again...

"That's good" I said, reassuring her, "it means the baby's getting ready to be born"

"Well, can she fucking hurry up?" Sophie groaned, before turning to Jess, "my God, Jess, don't have kids, it's painful and you'll look like a big whale"

Jess just chuckled.

"I know I'm not giving birth to our baby" I began, "but you're really hurting my hand so I hope that's like an equivalent"

"Think about the pain in your hand, multiply it by a thousand and imagine it irradiating throughout your whole stomach" she snapped, "then imagine knowing that it's because soon, you'll be pushing a watermelon out of your arsehole, THAT is the equivalent"

She groaned again as the contraction ended and let her head fall back on the pillow.

"I'm so over this pregnancy thing"

"It's so exciting though" Jess replied, "I can't wait to get a little niece"

"You'll be a good auntie, won't you, Jess?" Sophie said.

"I will look after her and take her shopping and completely spoil her and stuff" Jess grinned. Sophie smiled and turned to me.

"I bet you can't wait for the day that a guy gets your sister pregnant" she smirked, reaching out and poking my cheek.

"Jess will never get pregnant" I half-joked, "not until she's like, thirty five anyway"

"I'm not waiting that long" Jess scoffed, rolling her eyes at me.

"Well, you can get married and have a house and financial security first" I told her with a warning glare.

"Boring!" Sophie sang, turning her attention to my sister, "Jess, just shag some random bloke that you're never going to see again and have his baby, that way you get a cute little kid but you're not stuck with a man for the rest of your life" then she sighed over-dramatically, "I wish I'd done that..."

"Shut up" I tutted, narrowing my eyes playfully and poking her nose. She just gave me a sweet smile in return.

The door to the room opened suddenly to reveal Sophie's mum and Jeremy both looking rather flustered. Sophie's mum hurried over and gave Sophie a tight hug, kissing her forehead, before Jeremy came to give her a hug too.

"How are you feeling, love?" Sophie's mum asked, squeezing Sophie's hand.

"Like there's a baby trying to push it's way out of my body"

Sophie's mum stared at her blankly, "I hope my granddaughter doesn't get your humour"

"I wasn't joking" Sophie replied.

"She's doing fine, she's five centimetres dilated" I explained to them, seeing as Sophie wouldn't.

"Not too long then" Sophie's mum smiled.

"Where's Sam?" Sophie asked.

"He's on his way, he's stuck in traffic" her mum informed her. Sophie nodded, just moments before the hand squeezing began once more.

"Jesus" I mumbled under my breath.

"Stop. Moaning." Sophie hissed, squeezing my hand even tighter purpose.

"It's not too late, Nathan" her mum joked, "if you ran away now, we wouldn't blame you"

I chuckled, along with my sister and Jeremy, "nah, I think she'd hunt me down and kill me before I could get very far, even with a baby inside her"

We spent a good while longer talking to Sophie's mum and Jeremy, and my mum and Phil kept drifting in to see how Sophie was doing. In the mean time, my dad had arrived, along with my auntie and uncle, and Sophie's auntie and uncle had come too, along with Ciaran and a very excited Lacey.

"Sophie, you're ten centimetres dilated now" the nurse explained with a smile, "it's time to have your baby"

"Are you ready, babe?"

"Am I fuck" she replied, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, me too"

And how right I was; I mean, I know childbirth isn't supposed to be glamorous or anything but Jesus...

My poor Sophie. I don't think I have ever seen her in that much pain and it was made worse by the fact I couldn't really do anything to help her apart from hold her hand and whisper words of encouragement in her ear, neither of which were fully appreciated. Four times I was told to 'fuck off' because it was 'all my fault', and my hand...

Oh, my poor hand.

I also mentioned that too, which didn't receive a welcomed response either, complete with a graphic description of what was occurring in her lower body and how it was a million times worse than my hand being a bit squashed. Clearly she did not understand that she had a bloody vice grip and that I was losing bloody supply, but you know, she was giving birth to my child so I'll let her off.

"You're doing so well, Soph" I told her, kissing the clammy skin on her temple.

"I hate you" she breathed, glaring at me. Even though she looked pale and her face was all sweaty and her hair was greasy and she looked like she'd love nothing better than to kill me, she was still so beautiful. She was giving birth to my child and that made me love her all the more.

"I know" I couldn't help but smile, brushing her hair from her face, "but you really are doing so well"

"Don't patronise me" she seethed, her face contorting in pain again, "jesus" she groaned.

"You're nearly there, Sophie" the nurse said, "just one more push"

Sophie did as she was told, gritting her teeth and squeezing her eyes shut, whilst I sponged kisses against her temple and stroked her damp hair and let her crush my hand.

And then it came. The sound of a baby crying.

It's such a natural sound, nothing unusual about it. But in that moment, it was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard.

Sophie let out an exhausted sigh and let her head fall back against the pillows.

"I'm so proud of you" I murmured, placing a kiss on the corner of her mouth as I brushed her hair away from her face.

"Where's our baby?" She asked, her voice a little croaky.

"Your baby's right here, Sophie" the nurse smiled, before she walked over to us with a small bundle of blankets in her arms that was still crying softly, "you've got a baby girl"

The nurse handed the bundle over to Sophie, who carefully took it into her arms. Almost instantly the crying stopped.

And inside the bundle was a little baby, with chubby cheeks and the tiniest nose, eyelids closed and the pinkest little mouth which moments ago was releasing upset cries, but now that she was in her mother's arms, the crying had quieted to small coos.

"She's so beautiful" I smiled, leaning my temple against Sophie's, "like her mum"

"She looks like you" Sophie added, looking at me with a satisfied smile on her face, "she's got your nose"

She had spent the past nine months telling me how much she wanted our baby to have my nose and not hers. According to Sophie, it was one of my best features.

Sophie and I just gazed upon our child for a few moments in pure amazement. Just a minute ago, Sophie was in pain and shouting at me and crushing my hand and now all that was forgotten because we had a beautiful baby girl in front of us who was all ours.

"Here" Sophie said, handing our baby over to me. I took her gently in my arms, making sure to support her head and keep a secure hold of her.

She was so small and delicate and fragile in my arms, and in that moment I vowed to myself to protect this tiny life in whatever way I could. At that moment, I held the most beautiful, most precious thing in the entire world.

And she was mine. And Sophie's. She was half me and half Sophie. It was because of us that this tiny life was here in the world, and we'd get to look after her together and raise her together and love her together.

I stroked my index finger over her cheek, her skin so soft and delicate. Her little arm lifted a little, her hand so small with tiny fingers reaching out, before they curled around my thumb.

I cannot express in words the overwhelming emotions as I felt my newborn baby girl grasping my thumb, her hand so minuscule in comparison that her fingers couldn't even reach all the way around.

Sophie leaned over and gently wiped away the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"I love you" I said, looking up at Sophie, "I love you so much, and I'm going to love this baby so much, maybe even more than I love you"

Sophie just smiled and cupped my face in her hands, kissing my cheek.


"She's so cute" Lacey smiled as she rocked the baby in her arms, Jess at her shoulder cooing over her too.

"She's got Nathan's nose" Jess added.

"I know" Sophie grinned. She was still so delighted about that. Lacey handed the baby over to Jess so she could hold her for a while.

"I've got you a present" Lacey announced, before pulling a pink gift bag out that was hidden underneath her chair. She handed it to Sophie, who opened the bag and pulled out a tiny pink Babygro. Sophie laughed and turned it around to show me.

The words Daddy's princess were spelled across the front in a pretty font.

"Because she's your new princess" Lacey smiled at me.

"You're still my princess, Lace" I told her quietly, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah, like, eight years ago" she tutted, "I'm not seven anymore"

"You're still a princess to me" I replied, kissing the top of her head.

"So what's she called?" My mum asked as I zoned back into the conversation. Sophie looked over at me, before she answered.


"Isabella Lacey Sykes" I continued. Lacey looked up at us in surprise.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah" Sophie nodded. Lacey stood up and skipped over to Sophie, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you" Lacey smiled. Sophie just shrugged and kissed her cheek, before Lacey came over to hug me too. I just smiled and kissed her cheek as Sophie had done, before she sat down next to Jess. Jess handed Isabella safely back to Sophie, just as the door burst open.

"Everyone can stop worrying, Uncle Sam has arrived" A voice announced from the doorway and everyone looked up to see Sam walking quickly into the room. I shook my head and smiled, whilst Sophie rolled her eyes. He rushed over and squeezed past Sophie's mum, before crouching down beside Sophie's bed.

"Please tell me it's a boy" he pleaded.

"You know it's not a boy" Sophie replied flatly, before Sam groaned and let his head drop against the bed. Ever since we'd told him that Sophie and I were going to have a baby, he was dying for it to be a boy.

"She can still wear a football kit though, right?" He asked, lifting his head up again in hope.

"As long as it's a Man United one" I smiled at him. He glared back at me.

"She's not supporting Man United" he deadpanned.

"We'll see" I smirked, making him roll his eyes in a playful way. However he looked away when Sophie spoke.

"Do you want to hold her?"

He smiled and nodded, before she handed Isabella over to him carefully.

"What's she called?"

"Isabella Lacey"

He chuckled and shook his head, "how come she gets a mention and I don't?" He said, nodding at Lacey who stuck her tongue out at him.

"Because we actually like her"

"If you have a boy next, can you name him after me?"

"No" Sophie said bluntly but Sam just ignored her.

"Hello Bella" Sam cooed in that voice you put on when you talk to babies, "I'm your cool uncle Sam, we're gonna gets in lots of trouble together, aren't we?"

"You better not corrupt my child, Sam" Sophie told him sternly.

"The only way to corrupt you would be to make you like Man United, wouldn't it, Bella?" Sam grinned to Isabella, who made a gurgling noise in response, "see, she agrees"

I rolled my eyes playfully whilst everyone else chuckled. He gave me a satisfied smile in return.

"Can you give her back now please?" Sophie asked, holding her arms out.

"Nah, she's cute" Sam replied, "I mean, she looks a bit like an alien but she's still cute"

"She's not a dog, Sam"

"I'm surprised she doesn't look like one, considering she's got you as a mum"

"I may be in hospital, Sam, but I could still kill you" Sophie deadpanned.

"How much are you betting that her first word is Sam?" He grinned.

"Nothing, she will hate you, I'll make sure of it" Sophie replied, "give me my baby"

Sam handed Isabella back over to Sophie before she actually did kill him.

"God help your children if you ever have any" Sophie sighed.

"Jess'll have one with me, won't you, Jess?" Sam grinned, nudging Jess with his elbow.

"You are really pushing your luck with me today, Sam" I told him, giving him a jokey-warning glare. He smirked.

"And no, I will not" Jess replied, shaking her head playfully at him.

"Why wouldn't you want a kid with me?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

"Jess, we all know you still fantasise over me, don't deny it"

Sam and Jess dated for about ten months before they decided they'd be better off apart. I don't really know the whole story and it was a little awkward for them at first, but they've both since moved on and they're good friends still.

"Sam, do you seriously think I'd have you father my children?" Jess sighed, "you once tried on one of my bras"

"Yeah, but I looked good in it though, didn't I?" Sam grinned, "I think I really suit florals"

Family members continued to drift in and out over the next couple of hours, each one cooing over and admiring baby Isabella, who fell into a cycle of crying and then sleeping, crying and sleeping. Sophie was shattered too and when she fell asleep with Isabella cradled against her chest, most of the family members left the room to let her rest. Only Sam, Jess and Lacey stayed in the room, and I gently took Isabella from a sleepy Sophie to hold. Sophie clearly wasn't the only tired one, I thought, as I watched my baby girl open her tiny mouth into a lioness yawn. I smiled at the adorable sight, whilst Lacey cooed next to me and tickled Isabella's chin.

"Someone's tired"

I looked up to see Sophie's eyes are half-open as she smiled at me sleepily, her head still rested against the pillow.

"Yeah, she's almost as tired as her mother" I chuckled.

"Nath, you did a two hour arena show before coming here" Sophie croaked, "you don't look very spritely yourself at the minute"

That was probably true. I guess it had been a long day for both of us.

"Yeah, I guess I could use a coffee" I said, before turning to Lacey as I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket, "Lace, could you go and buy me a one please?" I handed her a ten pound note, "and get yourself a hot chocolate and some food if you want"

"Okay, thanks" she nodded, before getting up and leaving the room.

"While, erm, while Lacey's gone" I began, turning my attention to Jess and Sam now that they were the only two visitors left in the room, "me and Soph wanted to talk to you about something"

"What? Both of us?" Jess asked.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Look, I'm not really going to get Jess pregnant" Sam started, "I mean, I don't think she'd let me anyway-"

"Me and Soph have decided" I continued, ignoring Sam, "that we want both of you to be Isabella's godparents"

"Really?" Jess smiled.


"You really want me to be the godfather to your child?" Sam questioned in disbelief.

"Well, no, I just wanted Jess but Nath thought you might feel left out" Sophie said in a serious tone but Sam just scowled and gave a sarcastic laugh, knowing she was only joking.

"Thank you so much" Jess grinned, standing up to hug me, but carefully, given that I was still holding Isabella. Then she bounced over to Sophie and gave her a massive hug too.

"Thanks man" Sam said sincerely, coming over to give me one of our bro hugs. He seemed really chuffed with himself that we'd asked him to be the godfather.

"Yeah, no worries"

He made his way over to Sophie and gave her a hug too.

"I'm gonna try to be, like, a really good godfather" I heard Sam say to Sophie, "honestly, I will"

"Yeah, I know" she smiled as she hugged him back, "that's why we picked you"

"And just so you know" Sam began as he pulled away from Sophie, "if me and Jess have a kid, you two can definitely be the godparents"

Sophie just chuckled to herself whilst I gave Sam a sarcastic smile.

"Hilarious, Sam"

"I know" he grinned.

Honestly, you can tell him and Sophie are related.

It was just at that moment when quiet cries began to leave Isabella's mouth, her little body starting to wriggle around in my arms.

"I think she wants some attention, don't you, babe?" I smiled as I watched her wrap her tiny hand around my finger.

"Well, erm, I'll go see  where Lacey's got to" Jess announced, before standing up, "you wanna come with me, Sam?"

She gave Sam a wide-eyed look that said 'I said it as a question but you don't have a choice'.

"Why?" Sam asked obliviously.

"Because I said so"

He stood up and followed her to the door as he quietly and (hopefully) jokingly asked, "are we going to go make that baby now?"

"No, we're going to go leave so they have some time with their new baby"

Jess pushed Sam out of the door and I just shook my head at the two of them before turning to Sophie. She looked absolutely exhausted, bless her little heart, and it didn't help that we were now in the very early hours of the morning. She shuffled over in the bed and patted the empty side, so I got up and settled myself down on the bed next to her with Isabella held tightly to my chest. Sophie rested her head against my shoulder and I kissed the top of her head, before leaning my temple against hers.

"We made one hell of a cute kid, didn't we?" Sophie said to me.

"Yeah" I smiled as Isabella's cries start to quieten again. The two of us just watched her for a few moments as she continued to cling tightly onto my finger.

"I'm so fucking tired"

I chuckled.

"Yep, me too"

"And I'm pretty sure I'm never gonna be able to walk again" Sophie added jokingly, causing me to laugh harder, "next time, you can give birth"

"Yeah, okay" I grinned in amusement, cupping the side of her face as I leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips.

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