ONE: Vanilla on My Hands

By tragician_child

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18+ only Frank is just an inquisitive young adult, with a penchant for politics, and a boyfriend in the loop... More

1: Defenseless and Needy like a Pup in Heat
2: When a Date is as Painful as Pulling Teeth
3: Shot Down By Oral Hygiene
4: A Little Less Vanilla, A Little More Aerated Cream
5: That Just Sounds Messy
6: Oh... Go Hug a Landmine
7: It All Started with Pink Pineapple Socks
8: Showing an Interest in Your Internal Organs
9: Just Wish He Liked My Tongue
10: I'm Blaming it on You and Your Tongue
11: Muscle Memory is a Wonderful Thing
13: Why Did You 'George' Me?
14: It's Not Always About Coming Early
15: The Sensitive Tissue of Its Organs and Its Sturdy Bones
16: Aunt Mabel's Sofa Wrapped Around His Legs
17: You Can Kiss My Ass Instead, George
18: Far Too Cutesy and So Sugary Sweet
19: I Can Safely Say That One of Us Grew Up
20: But it Really Does Look Like 'Anal'
21: I Don't Think That's in My Paygrade
22: I Am How You See Me, Nothing More, Nothing Less
23: I Have Far Better Things to Do with You Right Now
24: I'm Vastly Aware of the Situation, Thanks
25: Turning Up to Work Looking like You Buttered the Biscuit
26: Who Owns That Many Scarves, Anyway?
27: And All He Needed was Seven Inches
28: The Last Thing I Want is to Let You Go
29: Carpet Burns on a Wednesday Night Smell like Regret
30: A Dog Should Never Forget Who His Master Is
31: The Crystal Lake Killer isn't Going to Ease that Situation
32: That Sounds a Bone Disease
33: Accidentally Unearthed in the Depths of the Internet
34: Also Called 'WIITWD', an Acronym for 'What It Is We Do'
35: It's Not So Bad When You Get Used to It
36: A Crown was the One Thing I Didn't Get
37: I've Never Known That One's Blush Could Match Their Knees
38: Ah, the Prize Quality in a Dominant, Humor
39: You're So Mushy When You Wanna Be
40: Manners Become Fruitless When Not Used Properly
41: Don't Make it a Habit, Boy
42: So, You're Deciding on These Things Now, Are You?
43: You Also Seem to Do Somewhat of a One-Eighty
44: You Think You Could Get Away with Trying to Take Control?
45: The Only Problem was Sorting Out the Problem
46: Have Fun Thinking About Your Bladder, Frank
47: A Day for Him to Prove Himself to His Master
48: Your Sarcasm is Intensely Unappreciated, Sir
49: A Lot Less Business-like and a Lot More Douchebag
50: Frank Told Himself that He Wasn't Going to Cry Anymore
Book Two

12: When Special Occasions Call

1K 72 177
By tragician_child

"Well this is nice," Ryan smiled contently, sipping on his usual white wine spritzer, looking around the restaurant before he looked at Frank, "I mean, it's not Tuesday night 'nice'... But it's nice."

"See? We can have a nice time out without it having to be a certain day of the week." Frank told him, thankful that Ryan hadn't made too much of a fuss about dinner out on a different day of the week. It was only Friday. It wasn't like it was completely random and obscure for it to happen on a Friday night. Frank hadn't even told Ryan why they were out tonight and he just continued to smile smugly at Ryan. Ryan examined Frank closely and he knew that Ryan was trying to guess the surprise. Perhaps, Ryan thought it was something to do with the recent success of his latest article and if that were the case, Ryan was almost right.

"I still prefer date night," Ryan commented casually and Frank merely rolled his eyes. He had gone the extra mile to ensure that Ryan had a semblance of comfort while they were out on a not-so-Tuesday night. He had phoned ahead and made sure to reserve their usual table at their usual time at the usual restaurant. Frank had even ordered Ryan's usual drink for him along with his usual meal. Frank was all smiles as he ordered the first thing on the menu that had no meat in it, knowing it would ease Ryan's mood that Frank wasn't taking forever to decide. He had even worn the usual shirt he donned on Tuesday nights.

Frank had insisted that they go out, he wasn't about to announce his huge news over some measly Friday night take-out. Luckily, Ryan hadn't ruined it. As much as he wanted to blurt it out and tell Ryan everything, he wanted the timing to be right, "Well, with what happened today, it couldn't wait until next Tuesday, dude."

"So, what happened at work today?" Ryan questioned as Frank messed around with his cutlery and straightened it around a couple of times. Frank kept trying to reel in the smile on his face and tone it down, but it was starting to be a little obvious and Ryan was probably already suspicious.

"I wouldn't even say that it happened 'at work' per se," Frank started, "It was on my lunch break."

"Are you going to preface this for ten minutes," Ryan asked Frank pointedly, "Or are you actually planning on telling me what happened?"

Frank wanted to so badly tell Ryan what had happened and why he was so excited but there was still one small part of him that was reminding him that he was dating Ryan. And not only that but he was also working for Ryan's family. He still loved the job he currently had but knew that he didn't want to just brush the opportunity aside because of loyalty like Way had offered. At the same time, he had no idea how anyone would take it. Frank didn't want his excitement and sheer curiosity about accepting the job to be squashed because he was in too deep with Ryan's family.

"Depends on how you'll react to it," Frank said quickly as he sipped on his own drink.

"Well, that depends on what happened to you and if it was good or bad," Ryan commented simply, running a finger over the rim of his drink slowly.

"Oh, it was good," Frank reassured him, "Really good. Why would I insist on dinner if it were bad?"

"Cushion the blow perhaps." Ryan shrugged, "Although taking me out of my comfort zone on a random day of the week is hardly cushioning."

"It's a good thing." Frank nodded and took another sip of his drink when Ryan let out a small sigh of impatience.

"Then just tell me," Ryan pleaded, his voice nearly whiny, "Please, I can't wait any longer."

Frank opened his mouth to tell Ryan what had happened when the waiter appeared at their table with food in hand. He set the plates down in front of them and Ryan smiled politely at the man who had handed him his usual steak. Frank thanked the waiter when he looked at his food with the hope that it was going to be good. Frank had considered getting his eggplant steaks again because he had enjoyed them, but they were rather oily so he went with the vegetable pizza instead. At least he was mixing it up, unlike Ryan who was having his steak and vegetables. Ryan was going through his ritual of pushing his food apart on the plate with his knife.

"So, come on." Ryan asked once the waiter had gone to help someone else, "What is it, sweetheart?"

"Well," Frank took a bite of his olive and pepper pizza, he chewed on it slowly, reveling in the taste. He swallowed the bite and looked at Ryan with a wide smile, "I got a phone call at work today. It was from Congressman Way."

"Oh yeah?" Ryan urged as he cut into his steak and took the bite from his fork, "What did he want? Did he say anything about the article?"

Frank nodded, "Yeah, he said it was fantastic, dude."

"That's brilliant!" Ryan beamed at Frank, cutting up his potato, "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks," Frank blushed, "And, he wanted to see me again. So, I met up with him on my lunch break... And..." Frank didn't understand why he was so nervous about telling Ryan what had transpired at lunch. He had been so excited all evening and now that it was actually happening, he was suddenly nervous.


"We had lunch," Frank started again and sucked in a breath before he decided to just go for it, "And he said that he wants me to come and work for him."

Ryan didn't say anything and sat silent and frozen with his hand halfway to his mouth, fork laden with another piece of steak. Clearly Frank's news was not what Ryan had expected at all, "He wants you to work for him?" Ryan repeated as he blinked, clearly taking in the news when he set his cutlery down on his plate.

"Yeah." Frank nodded, a grin bursting onto his lips when he noticed how there was a smile pulling on Ryan's face after the admittance. Frank took it as a good sign and Ryan would be taking the news well.

"That's..." Ryan trailed off, his mind seemed to be working overtime and it showed on his face, "Frank, that's amazing!"

"I know, right?" Frank beamed with genuine surprise as Ryan leaned across the table to kiss him and tell him how proud he was of his boyfriend. Frank blushed a rosy pink in his cheeks, surprised by the random display of public affection. Ryan wasn't usually the one who would be up for kissing in front of people, especially in a restaurant, but Ryan seemed elated. Frank set his pizza slice down, "I honestly didn't believe him at first, but he told me that I have a lot of things that he's looking for with the position."

"So, what would he want you doing for him?" Ryan asked as he continued to eat.

"He wants me to be his assistant, I guess. That's all he said." Frank explained briefly before noticing the frown that sprung up on Ryan's face, "What?"

"But I thought Brendon was his assistant?" Ryan queried, "He's the one who set up the interview in the first place. Did he get a promotion or something?"

"Nope, he got fired. Apparently he's not the ideal person for the role and all that. I didn't pry."

"Oh, wow," Ryan's eyes widened as he took in another bite of food, "So, you're the new assistant? That'd be amazing."

"I haven't told him that I want the job yet," Frank admitted and he saw Ryan's mental cogs working. The pros and cons of not only taking the job but if he turned it down, too.

"I see."

Frank honestly didn't know if he was going to take the job or not. He just wanted to tell Ryan and gauge the reaction over it. He wanted to test the water before they could discuss if it was worth him taking the job or not, "He's giving me until Monday to think about it all."

"But he wants you?"

"He wants me." Frank nodded. How could Frank say 'no' to a job opportunity like this? Quite easily actually; Frank already had a job. He had been working for Ryan's family for so long that the idea of going for another job felt wrong. As though he was cheating in a way, or being tempted by the promise of a better paying job in a field he enjoyed more than just writing articles about town. He had to think about this and act responsibly. He was working for family.

Ryan was beaming at him, eating his dinner as he continued to question, "So, did he tell you anything about the job? What you would be doing for him and stuff"

"No, not really," Frank answered, "I mean other than hours- Which would be similar to yours, dude. Y'know, office hours. He told me how much I would be getting paid, though."

"Oh, yeah?" Ryan raised an eyebrow at that. Frank knew that besides it being an interesting factor; Ryan was an accountant and this would be like a stimulant for that side of him. Frank knew that if he was going to be working for a politician then he had to be earning a good amount, even if he was just to be an assistant.

"Fifteen dollars an hour," Frank announced and noticed the way Ryan's eyes went wide.

"That's more than what you get at the paper," Ryan's voice pitched with excitement. He paused for a moment to count on his fingers, muttering to himself as he worked it out with rapid-fire like his logical brain would at work. He looked up at Frank with excitement in his eyes, "That's so much more than what you get at the paper."

"Oh I know," Frank nodded through a mouthful of food, "I would actually bring a decent amount home for once."

"Just think of what we could do if you took the job," Ryan gasped, giddy like a small child, "Oh, we could finally decorate the place. Or even- Oh Frank, we could finally move into a bigger place."

"What's wrong with the place we have now?" Frank frowned, "It looks fine the way it is, and I like where we live."

"So, you're telling me if we could afford a bigger place then you wouldn't want to move?" Ryan chuckled, "We could move into the city if we wanted to, and we'd be able to afford it."

Frank felt his stomach tighten up a little over the way Ryan was behaving. He didn't mind how Ryan was already spending his proposed salary in his head, it was just the fact that he was getting so excited about it so quickly. Frank didn't even know if he was going to take the job yet. He had a devil on his shoulder telling him not to care and just go for it, but the angel on the other side was telling him to stick with family and stick with the paper. He sighed softly and reached out for his drink, hoping that Ryan would just move on from the whole salary side of the job offer and properly consider it.

"Oh, my God," Ryan gasped, his hand moving to his mouth, half hiding the smile, but even Frank could see it over the rim of his glass, "We could finally get engaged!"

Frank didn't mean to choke on his drink, but the liquid went down too fast when Ryan said the one word that Frank had not expected. He coughed, trying to remain composed as his eyes watered and Ryan asked if he was okay. He nodded, even though the idea of getting engaged and committing right now was something that made him sweat. Or at least the idea of committing to Ryan in that way. Frank loved Ryan, but the idea of having the same routine with the same person for the rest of his life... The same mediocre sex life with the same things that would have to be done every time or Ryan would not be comfortable. The same Tuesday night date night for the rest of his life. Frank just felt like he couldn't do that. He couldn't go through with that. He had done that for six years now and that kind of binding commitment with Ryan was something for which he wasn't ready.

"Slow down, Ry," Frank tried to calm him by reaching across the table to take his hand, "Let's not start planning our future just yet. I haven't accepted the job yet."

"Why didn't you say 'yes' to him?" Ryan asked instantly, almost looking insulted.

"Because..." Frank sighed, setting his cutlery down, "I have to think realistically here. I work for your parents. I don't think they'd be happy if they found out that someone was trying to poach one of their staff members, no matter how much of an opportunity it is for me."

"I'm sure if you talk to my mom she would understand," Ryan continued, "She knows how much you love all this stuff."

"'Stuff' doesn't pay the bills, dude."

"'Stuff' does when it pays fifteen dollars an hour." Ryan pointed out with an excited smile on his face, "You've got to at least consider this. This is such a fantastic opportunity for you."

"Alright," Frank nodded as he took a sip of his cider, "I'll consider it. Just don't say anything to your parents, okay? If I'm going to take the job, they can't know about it until I make my final decision."

"I won't say a word to them," Ryan promised as he began cutting up his baked potato with a wide grin on his face still, "I promise. I won't breathe a word."

"Thanks. I need to be sensible about this, whatever I do."

"I know you do, sweetheart." Ryan agreed with Frank, nodding at him.

A few moments passed between them as they ate and made small talk. Frank eventually asked Ryan about his day but the latter merely shrugged and said that his day was nothing in comparison to Frank. Eventually, the usual comfortable silence fell over the two of them. It was something that Frank had gotten used to because Ryan was so content with it. Frank found that silence drove him mad at the best of times but he let Ryan enjoy it.

Frank had been in and out of his own thoughts, thinking about all the possible outcomes of if he did take the job and if he didn't take the job. He continued to eat while he thought about it, unaware of his surroundings for a brief moment. Frank had been caught in his own reverie that he didn't realize what was going on when he felt something brush against his leg. He frowned, pulling his leg away because he assumed that he had just shifted and ended up knocking against the table leg. But no, it was there again and, for a moment, he didn't know what was going on. It was unusual to the point that when he figured out that Ryan was rubbing his shoe up against his leg, he was a little taken aback. Ryan showing affection in public... Again? What was going on? Frank was almost certain that Ryan had bumped his head.

"What're you doing, babe?" Frank asked, puzzled. He couldn't deny that he was silently enjoying it. Nobody could see what Ryan was doing but the action was definitely making a blush crawl up Frank's neck and cheeks.

"What?" Ryan shot his question back coyly as Frank's blush increased to include some flustering. Frank knew that Ryan knew exactly what he was doing, and he smiled. Little did Frank know that Ryan was being so affectionate because in his head he had filled himself up with ideas and fantasies of him and Frank forever. He was admiring his hopeful husband to be from across the table, he was feeling rather romantic and affectionate right now.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Frank asked, noticing how Ryan wasn't taking his eyes away. The word Frank decided on for Ryan was 'fixated'. Frank felt his stomach twist at the way Ryan was looking at him, all doe-eyed and smiley. Ryan just shrugged and looked down at his dinner to continue eating while the smile stayed glued to his lips.

"Dude, you're being weird..." Frank commented, taking a sip of his drink.

"Am I?"

"Yeah, you are..." Frank looked at Ryan, narrowing his eyes, "What's going on with you?"

"Nothing," Ryan answered quickly with his smile widening as he took a sip of his wine and eyed Frank almost smugly, "I love you."

Something was definitely up. Frank stopped mid-chew and watched him with a wide stare. The near-footsie under the table was out of the blue, and even the way Ryan had held his hand from across the table, but this was altogether new.

"I love you, too," Frank replied. Was Ryan being overly affectionate because of the news that he had told him? Or was Ryan just being different? Or was being different something that Ryan had to do on his own terms?


"I've had a really nice evening," Ryan smiled, sitting across from Frank in the passenger seat of his car. Maybe that content feeling had been brought on by the fact that Frank had added a couple more spritzers to their bill but he wasn't drunk. Ryan was just happy, "Even though it's not Tuesday."

"Good, I'm glad."

Frank had kept it just how Ryan liked it. So what if they had ended up going out on a Friday night? Ryan still got to sit at his favorite table, order his usual food and drink. Ryan just seemed so relaxed even now as he sat in the passenger. Frank tried to keep his eyes on the road when he felt Ryan's hand on his thigh. Frank still remembered the time that Ryan had told Frank off for touching his thigh while he was driving, saying that he could have caused a crash if he hadn't been careful. Now Frank knew why because he was trying not to crash while he felt a hand on his leg squeezing a little. If this was the way that Ryan was saying 'yes' to sex this week then Frank knew that he would be upstairs faster than The Flash on acid.

"I'm not saying that we should make this a regular thing," Ryan spoke while he paid attention to the scenery that was going past them in a blur, "Tuesday night is still our night."

"I know," Frank rolled his eyes and shook his head as he changed lanes on the main street, "This was different, though. Special occasion, dude."

"That's true," Ryan agreed with a nod, "Special occasions do call for routine habits to be dropped."

"Is that so?"

"Mm-hmm." Ryan nodded, giving Frank's leg another grip with his long fingers, thumb stroking over the dark denim. The same affection shot through Frank and made him grip the steering wheel tighter, wishing that he could speed home. Unfortunately, he knew that if he did, then Ryan would not be pleased. He tried to hold it together as best he could; easier said than done. Especially when the two of them looked at each other and Frank saw the look on Ryan's face. He knew that look far too well. Thank God, they were almost home. Just a street away.

Only a few minutes later and they were home. Ryan was the first one out of Frank's car and was already walking up the path to the front door when Frank looked at him. He could never deny the attractive appearance of his boyfriend. From his long and slender legs to his slim waist and graceful dancer arms. His angular jaw shrouded by his tightly curled brown hair. Even the woven band around his forehead that he loved to wear was somehow just a little bit more attractive in this light. Ryan turned and looked at Frank over his shoulder as the latter had only just gotten out of the car. Ryan's legs in their burgundy slacks and his maroon-and-teal paisley shirt under his burnt orange waistcoat. So opposite to Frank in every way from height to demeanor, to appearance and style.

Ryan turned back to the door and pulled his thin jacket tighter over him as Frank locked the car and walked up the path. The smile on Frank's face was undeniable and playful when a small idea popped into his head to catch Ryan unawares. Well, unaware until Frank wrapped his arms around Ryan from behind. Ryan stumbled a bit in fright and stopped himself from falling forward. Frank couldn't help the giggle as he pressed his face into the back of Ryan's neck, breathing him in.

"What are you doing?" Ryan questioned as he tried to turn his head to look at his boyfriend. Frank was far too preoccupied with nuzzling his face into the curls of hair on the back of Ryan's head.

"What does it look like?" Frank whispered, smiling as he tightened his grip around his boyfriend, "I'm hugging you, dude."

"Can that not wait..." Ryan tried to talk and tried to move but Frank was intentionally making it difficult and not letting go. Ryan tried to take a step forward with Frank still attached to him. He instantly giggled at Frank, "...until we get inside?"

"Nope," Frank answered promptly. He stumbled while Ryan continued to try and get to the front door. Ryan fumbled with his keys in his pocket as Frank pressed a kiss to the back of Ryan's neck and inhaled. He took in the scent of Ryan and let out a content sigh against the soft skin.

"Frank," Ryan laughed, holding his keys in his fist as he tried to find the right key for the front door, "Frank, just let me open the front door, please?"

They were right by the door that Ryan was about to open to let them both in and continue this where there were no prying eyes. Frank still had his arms around Ryan, holding him with one hand resting on Ryan's chest as he planted kisses to Ryan's throat. The smell of coconut and vanilla filled his nostrils. Such a typical 'Ryan' smell that Frank had always liked about him. The scent that made Frank want to just not let go of him. Which is exactly what he was planning to do.

"Frank, come on," Ryan insisted as he squirmed out of his grip. Ryan knew exactly what Frank could be like when he got all huggy and kissy. It would only lead to one thing. Ryan twisted out of Frank's grip and spun around to face him, "Let me open the front door."

"Fine," Frank pouted as he gave in with a sigh. He stopped and watched Ryan finally get the key into the door and open it for them, "Spoilsport."

"I'm not a spoilsport." Ryan protested, feigning shock. Sometimes, Frank did see him as somewhat of a spoilsport, shooting him down on occasion. Blow jobs. Any kind of oral sex. Whipped cream. The list could go on and Frank knew that too well.

"Are too."

"Would a spoilsport put it out there that he wanted to have an early night?" Ryan added with a smile. Frank realized what he was suggesting. Ryan merely chuckled at how flustered Frank instantly became. Frank didn't know what to say or how to say it, he just nodded before he pointed upstairs.

"Join me, wouldja?"

"I'll join you in a minute, sweetheart," Ryan told Frank briefly and gave him a quick kiss, "I've got a couple of things to do before I come up."

"Don't be too long," Frank told him as he began to make his way, "There's something else coming up that can't wait long at all."

Frank smirked devilishly to himself as he walked up, hearing Ryan call him a pig in jest. Frank knew that Ryan wouldn't be calling him that for too long, especially when he came upstairs. Ryan would be wanting the same thing that Frank was also pining after so badly. Maybe not exactly what Frank wanted, because he was dying for a blow job. At least they would nearly be on the same page. Frank went about his business as he headed straight for the bathroom. Frank wondered what Ryan was doing while he brushed his teeth. He attempted to listen, straining to see if he could hear Ryan at all but he couldn't hear a thing. He shrugged back into the bathroom to spit and rinse, hoping that Ryan would be there soon.

He finished brushing his teeth, spitting the foam into the sink. He rinsed his mouth out as he was still listening and wondering why he couldn't hear a sound coming from downstairs. He couldn't hear Ryan making his way upstairs either. Frank decided to continue what he would usually do. He changed out of his clothes and discarded the items in the laundry hamper before going into his drawers to retrieve his pajamas.

Frank had considered going au naturel, lying on the bed propped up on the bed for Ryan to find him when he finally came up. He knew that Ryan would not entirely approve of it; he would probably end up saying he was disgusting. Ryan would be here in a minute or so. Or a few minutes maybe. Frank had thrown on his Korn tee and joggers before sitting on the bed.

More time passed and he frowned. What the hell was Ryan playing at? He hoped and prayed to God that he hadn't changed his mind. Five minutes passed and by that point, Frank was getting tired of waiting. He hadn't heard a sound coming from downstairs. Ryan hadn't appeared at all and Frank was now wondering what was going on downstairs. Ryan had obviously gotten side-tracked by something as usual.

Frank picked himself up and went to the door to inspect. Once he was out of the bedroom and in the upstairs hallway, he could hear something. It sounded like Ryan was talking, or at least someone was talking. Maybe Ryan had put the TV on for some unknown reason. Maybe he had misunderstood and was now waiting for Frank to come and get him. When Frank got downstairs he saw Ryan sitting on the sofa and talking, he noted the phone that was pressed to Ryan's ear.

"...yeah I know. I'm so proud." Ryan chuckled. Frank listened to him talking before he cleared his throat. Ryan jumped on the sofa, looking round to see Frank leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. Ryan paused for a moment, listening to the person on the other end of the phone but Frank had caught him. Clearly he had been longer than expected.

"I'll... I'll have to call you back," Ryan stumbled, looking away from Frank for a second before he ended the call. He set his phone down on the edge of the sofa and avoided Frank's gaze until he looked up at him with a smile, "Hey, I was about to come up."

"Were you?" Frank asked dubiously, "Who called you?"

"Oh, um," Ryan started and paused for a moment as he chewed on his cheek, "It was nothing. Just a quick call."

"Who called you, dude?"

"It was just Mom," Ryan admitted, unable to keep eye contact, "She just called to check up on me."

"Uh-huh. You sure, babe?" Frank nodded and he noticed that Ryan had gone quiet. He knew that Ryan wasn't completely telling him the truth. Telltale signs that Ryan had lied to him. He didn't lie often, but when he did, he was so easy to read. Ryan merely sat on the sofa with his hands in his lap, chewing on his bottom lip.


"Did you say anything to your mom?" Frank asked. He knew that Ryan had promised not to say anything to his parents about his news, but still, Ryan was something of a blabber-mouth when it came to things about which he had to keep quiet.

"No..." Ryan hesitated, "Of course not."

"You sure?" Frank questioned as he stepped closer to Ryan, eyeing him. Frank had to admit that Ryan looked nervous; he was definitely holding something back, "You didn't mention anything to Danielle about my news?" Ryan didn't say anything in return, his face cast down in an almost nervous manner. Frank's chest clenched as he pursed his lips, "Ryan... Tell me you didn't say anything." Frank half-begged, "Tell me the truth, Ry. Please."

"I just," Ryan blurted out as he blanched, "I couldn't help it. I was so happy for you. So proud of you. I had to say something to them."

"You promised not to say anything," Frank sighed, "You said at the restaurant... You said that you wouldn't breathe a word to them. Ryan... How could you do this, dude?"

"I didn't do anything wrong. I just said-"

"What did you say?" Frank cut him off because he didn't want to hear any of the weak excuses that Ryan would attempt, "Dude, what exactly did you say?"

"I just said that the guy you interviewed... He was really impressed with you and that, well, he said that he wants you to work for him."

Frank froze when he heard Ryan admit to what he had done. It was like his stomach dropped to his feet and his thoughts came screeching to a standstill. It was one thing for Ryan to tell his mother that the Congressman was impressed with Frank, that was perfectly fine. But this was far from okay. Frank paced around the living room, his heart racing with the anxiety in his veins. He had no idea what to do or say. He couldn't even look at Ryan who was sitting quietly on the sofa. Ryan immediately looked away.

"Frank..." Ryan spoke, "Please, just sit down. I can explain."

"I don't want you to explain, dude," Frank snapped, "I'm pretty sure that you did all of that when you were on the phone."

"All I said was that he offered you the job. I didn't say that you were taking it or anything."

"And that's enough, Ryan," Frank snarked, shaking his head before he ran his hands through his hair and tugged on the strands in frustration, "The fact that you told your parents that this guy wants me to work for him, even if they think for a second that I won't take the job, it's still there in their minds. Dude, they'll know that I've considered this job offer."

"It's not a bad thing-"

"It really is," Frank laughed dryly and wondered how Ryan was being so naive and short-sighted, "Ry, how would you like it if I told your boss that you had some guy ask you to work for him?"

"This is different."

"How's this different?"

"Because they're my parents and they love you," Ryan insisted, his eyes brimming with tears as he looked at Frank.

"They may be your parents," Frank snorted when he realized that Ryan didn't see it the same way. Ryan saw his parents and nothing else but Frank saw Ryan's parents as his in-laws, and as his employers. They took him in and gave him a job when he left school, they got him into a career he actually enjoyed and gave him so many opportunities. Frank could easily have thrown it all back in their face, not caring that they had helped him out and got him going with his career. It was like a massive middle finger to the two of them and Frank felt like there were going to be repercussions thanks to their son.

"But they hired me. They're my employers and you just told them that Gerard Way wants me to work for him!"

"But it doesn't mean that you're going to take the job."

"Ryan..." Frank sighed, "You really don't get it, do you? You're so narrow-minded that you can't even see what you've done wrong, dude."

"But.." Ryan started and then trailed off and it looked as though it was sinking in, "I only told them because-"

"Just stop." Frank cut Ryan off again and shook his head. He turned away, not even wanting to look at Ryan. Frank knew that he was going to have to do some fucking amazing explaining on Monday morning to appease Danielle and Gregory. He was furious, "Look, I get it. I know you meant well, but I don't think you realize just how damaging it is for me. I could lose my job over this."

"My parents won't fire you over this." Ryan insisted.

"They easily could," Frank shot back, "They could think that I don't enjoy my job. They could think that I'm disloyal or that I'm doing this to get more money from them."

"That's not the case, though."

"No, of course not," Frank scoffed, "I'm not an asshole. But this- What you've done... Fuck, Ry. I hadn't even decided if I wanted to take the job or not "

"Well, if you say no to Way then you can tell my parents that," Ryan smiled weakly, clearly attempting to find the silver lining on the storm cloud that was hovering over Frank's head, "You didn't want the job, turned him down, end of story."

"But that won't be the end of the story," Frank groaned, "Your parents won't trust me because they will think that I considered leaving the paper to work for Way. They won't see me as a team player."

"But I thought you wanted to work in politics-"

"I haven't decided yet!" Frank shouted, "And now you've taken away the time I had over the weekend to decide! God, I'm gonna lose my fucking job over this, I can tell-"

"My parents won't fire you."

"And what if they do?" Frank retorted, "You're alright. You aren't possibly about to lose your job. You don't have to worry about making ends meet. You don't have to worry about bills and missing payments because you have a job. And even if you didn't have a job, you still wouldn't need to worry either! Your parents would support you no matter what. You will always have whatever you want because you will always have your parents' money."

"They won't," Ryan repeated, his voice small and timid, wavering despite the attempt to keep it in check. The venom in Frank's voice had shocked him to the point that he could feel the tears stinging his eyes, "Frank, they won't fire you."

"Yes, yes, you keep saying," Frank groaned, "It's all you keep saying, and I just... I can't even look at you right now. You've not only broken your fucking promise- A promise that's not even two hours old, I might fucking add- But you may have singlehandedly gone and fucked up my career."

"But you got the job offer-"

"That's not the fucking point!" Frank shouted, making Ryan yelp a bit at his retaliation. Frank glared at Ryan and cursed under his breath before he skulked out of the room.

"Frank?" Ryan called out as Frank headed upstairs. He knew he would freak out if Ryan followed him. He walked into the bedroom and grabbed the blanket off of the bed and a pillow. He cursed heatedly under his breath and walked out of the room and trudged back down the stairs.

"Are you sleeping downstairs because of this?" Ryan questioned, confused, "Look, I'm sorry. I meant no harm with what I did."

"I'm not sleeping down here," Frank told Ryan bluntly, throwing the pillow and blanket at him, "You are."

"Are you serious?" Ryan stuttered out once he pulled the blanket away from his face, "Frank, we can talk about this."

"Nope, I'm done. I don't wanna see you." Frank said before he turned and headed back to the stairs. He wasn't going to be the one sleeping on the sofa tonight. Ryan was the one in the wrong, so he could deal with it.

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