ONE: Vanilla on My Hands

By tragician_child

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18+ only Frank is just an inquisitive young adult, with a penchant for politics, and a boyfriend in the loop... More

1: Defenseless and Needy like a Pup in Heat
2: When a Date is as Painful as Pulling Teeth
3: Shot Down By Oral Hygiene
4: A Little Less Vanilla, A Little More Aerated Cream
5: That Just Sounds Messy
6: Oh... Go Hug a Landmine
7: It All Started with Pink Pineapple Socks
8: Showing an Interest in Your Internal Organs
9: Just Wish He Liked My Tongue
10: I'm Blaming it on You and Your Tongue
12: When Special Occasions Call
13: Why Did You 'George' Me?
14: It's Not Always About Coming Early
15: The Sensitive Tissue of Its Organs and Its Sturdy Bones
16: Aunt Mabel's Sofa Wrapped Around His Legs
17: You Can Kiss My Ass Instead, George
18: Far Too Cutesy and So Sugary Sweet
19: I Can Safely Say That One of Us Grew Up
20: But it Really Does Look Like 'Anal'
21: I Don't Think That's in My Paygrade
22: I Am How You See Me, Nothing More, Nothing Less
23: I Have Far Better Things to Do with You Right Now
24: I'm Vastly Aware of the Situation, Thanks
25: Turning Up to Work Looking like You Buttered the Biscuit
26: Who Owns That Many Scarves, Anyway?
27: And All He Needed was Seven Inches
28: The Last Thing I Want is to Let You Go
29: Carpet Burns on a Wednesday Night Smell like Regret
30: A Dog Should Never Forget Who His Master Is
31: The Crystal Lake Killer isn't Going to Ease that Situation
32: That Sounds a Bone Disease
33: Accidentally Unearthed in the Depths of the Internet
34: Also Called 'WIITWD', an Acronym for 'What It Is We Do'
35: It's Not So Bad When You Get Used to It
36: A Crown was the One Thing I Didn't Get
37: I've Never Known That One's Blush Could Match Their Knees
38: Ah, the Prize Quality in a Dominant, Humor
39: You're So Mushy When You Wanna Be
40: Manners Become Fruitless When Not Used Properly
41: Don't Make it a Habit, Boy
42: So, You're Deciding on These Things Now, Are You?
43: You Also Seem to Do Somewhat of a One-Eighty
44: You Think You Could Get Away with Trying to Take Control?
45: The Only Problem was Sorting Out the Problem
46: Have Fun Thinking About Your Bladder, Frank
47: A Day for Him to Prove Himself to His Master
48: Your Sarcasm is Intensely Unappreciated, Sir
49: A Lot Less Business-like and a Lot More Douchebag
50: Frank Told Himself that He Wasn't Going to Cry Anymore
Book Two

11: Muscle Memory is a Wonderful Thing

1K 85 274
By tragician_child

"Well, then I'm holding you to it... Some other time."

Frank sucked in a breath as he leaned forward in his desk chair, fingers steepled as he listened to Gerard's voice on the recorder, his earbuds in, Gerard's voice right in his head. He frowned, finding his cheeks warming up at the undertone in the Congressman's voice. He closed his eyes, ignoring his work surroundings as he thought back to that Monday- it was now Friday- and he felt his stomach clench.

"Oh, I have no doubt that America is going to end up seeing the same conditionary circumstances. It's almost inevitable which is rather unfortunate, to say the least. It does happen every few decades because the countries in question start to see a stagnancy or even a decline and it affects a lot more than people want to realize or admit. Especially if, in this instance, it will hit the medical profession harder than the rest and it will definitely affect not only the civilians but the Congress." Gerard's voice was slightly static over the recording but still as silky and smooth as dripping honey, Frank could picture Gerard's intensely watchful gaze over the rim of his black sunglasses. Frank was so engulfed by the sound that he barely noticed his phone vibrating in his pocket, thrumming lazily against his thigh. He felt a poke on his arm and he jumped, pulling the earphones out, turning to see Danielle Ross- Ryan's mom and editor standing there.

"Your phone, Frank." She smiled and Frank realized she was right, the generic ringtone chiming from within its denim confines. He leaned over, pulling the device from his pocket, noting a number he didn't recognize.

"Frank speaking, hello?" He replied and looked up at Ryan's mom standing there expectantly, most likely wanting to discuss his article.

"Frank." Gerard's voice replied and Frank felt his heart skip in his chest and he bit his lip, "How are you?"

"I'm- I'm great, thanks. How's the campaign?"

"I'm in the lead so far." Gerard stated and Frank couldn't help but smile, "Listen, dear boy, I know it's short notice but do you think you can squeeze me in today? I need to see you."

Frank sucked in a breath at the way Gerard had spoken, making something light up in his lower stomach that was anew that he didn't recognize. He glanced up at the clock on the wall, "Yeah I have a lunch break now."

"Perfect, where do you work?"

Definitely not.

"Oh uh- We can meet at the coffee shop down the street from me if that's okay with you."

"Nice of you for asking." Frank could almost hear the smirk in Gerard's voice, almost like a curling infliction in the end of his sentence, "Which coffee shop will that be?"

"Cafe Rossini." Frank smiled, "On Smith street."

"Oh, that's a lovely place. Great cake." Gerard replied, "I'll see you there."

"Okay, sir." Frank found himself replying before he cringed at himself. He heard Gerard hum low on the end of the phone before hanging up and he sighed, setting his phone down, exhaling a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"And that?" Danielle asked, "You know how we feel about personal calls."

"It was Congressman Way; he wants to see me. Probably saw my article in yesterday's paper."

"It was a fantastic article, Frank." Danielle smiled, "Hubby and I are very impressed with it, I love your questions. Very relevant, very now, and very important for the community. I'm so glad Ryan got you that interview."

"So am I." Frank whispered as he turned in his desk chair, excitement bubbling in his stomach, "So am I."


Frank walked into the cafe five minutes later absolutely shitting himself when he realized how casually he had dressed for work, his stonewash jeans ripped at the knees, his old converse and a simple black button up- definitely not the clothes to wear in front of a Congressman. A Congressman who was currently sitting at a table already. Fuck. He was sat inside, in his black suit again, a peach-colored shirt and an interesting red and peach-striped tie. He smiled at Frank when they locked eyes and Frank managed to stumble forward, sliding through tables until he reached Gerard.

"Frank. Have a seat." Gerard gestured to the chair across from him and Frank nodded, pulling the chair out before he sat down, pushing it in slightly.

"Hi." Frank cleared his throat.

"So, I read your article," Gerard smirked and Frank froze, feeling the color drain from his face and butterflies explode through his stomach and lower intestine.

"Y- Yeah?" Frank asked and Gerard nodded.

"I liked it. You write very well, boy." Gerard smiled as a waiter appeared, notepad and pen in hand.

"Hi, my name is Chad. I'll be your waiter. What can I get you two?"

"I will have a hazelnut latte." Gerard handed him the menu and looked at Frank expectantly.

"Oh no, I-"

"Frank..." Gerard's voice stern with warning, "I insist."

"But I-"

"You said it's your lunch break. You need to have something." He all but commanded and Frank felt himself submit yet again, trying not to whimper like a dog.

"I-" He frowned, "I'll have... Thame, I gueth." Frank cringed and looked down. Oh no. Not now, please.

"Tell me, Chad." Gerard steepled his fingers, obviously not noticing Frank's change in speech, "What cake have you got?"

"Oh?" Chad looked at the cake display, "We have double chocolate, red velvet, carrot cake, plain and strawberry cheesecake, lemon meringue, and coffee cake."

"I will have a slice of red velvet." Gerard looked at Frank, who knew he was defeated before he even opened his mouth.

"Oh, God." He sighed, craning his neck to look at the display, "I'll have... That chocolate cake lookth good."

"Two hazelnut lattes, a red velvet, and chocolate cake?" Chad asked and Gerard nodding, ushering him away as the latter took the menus and walked off.

Gerard smiled politely, "Where was I?"

"My arthicle." Frank lisped again before squeezing his eyes shut, a small smattering of color coating over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

"Why are you... " Gerard frowned and Frank let out a groan, "You didn't lisp before." Frank sighed before he stuck out his tongue, showing off his new addition to his face jewelry. Gerard raised an eyebrow, "I didn't notice that before."

"It'th new." Frank groaned, "Dude, I'm thorry."

"Don't apologize, dear boy. The lisp is quite adorable. And your newest addition looks good on you."

"No..." Frank groaned, putting his hands over his face, "It happenth and then it dithappears, I can't control it."

"Isn't it annoying?" Gerard asked and Frank nodded.

"Yeah, it's really difficult to thwallow sometimes," Frank muttered and Gerard raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips.

"Oh, is it?"

"And to eat." Frank nodded, unaware of how his previous statement had come across with secondary meaning to the older man across from him, "I'm not allowed solid food so I'm stuck with liquids for now. My tongue hurts so much.." Frank looked at Gerard, who was staring at him with amusement and intrigue.

"You poor boy." He muttered, "I see what you mean about that pesky lisp; it disappeared there."

"See?" Frank sighed, "Stupid tongue."

"I doubt that." Gerard smirked, "It just needs to be taught what to do, it'll learn how to handle what's in it soon enough. Muscle memory is a wonderful thing."

"Yeah, you're right." He smiled back at the politician, "It's a lot better than it was on Monday."

"Here you go." Chad reappeared with their lattes then, interrupting Gerard as he opened his mouth to talk. Chad set the clear glass mugs down in front of them along with a plate of cutlery and napkins and disappeared again.

Frank took two sugar packets, tearing them open and pouring them in, stirring gently as Gerard took a sip of his latte with a smile, "There was another reason I asked to see you besides your fantastic article."

Frank felt his cheeks flood with pink at the praise from Gerard and he couldn't help but smile and look down sheepishly, setting his spoon down. Frank tentatively brought the mug up to his lips and took a sip, cringing in agony at the extensive heat that invaded his new pierced hole. Gerard eyed him with slight amusement as though he enjoyed seeing the younger boy in pain but Frank pushed it aside. "What reason would that be, sir?" Frank asked with a subtle head tilt as he lifted the mug up again.

"I want you to come and work for me," Gerard stated simply and Frank jerked in surprise, spitting latte back into his cup as his eyes widened in surprise. He had to have misheard.

"I-" Frank set the mug down, "Wait, what?"

"I said," Gerard leaned in, his eyes locked on Frank, "I want you... To come and work for me, boy."

"Y-You want me... T-To..." Frank swallowed hard, "Are you theriouth?"

Gerard tilted his head to the side, "Why would I lie to you?"

"Well, I dunno- I mean." Frank felt even more butterflies break out inside his stomach and he shuddered, taking in a breath, "Why would you wanth me?"

"Why would I not want you, Frank?" He smiled politely, "You have a lot of things for which I find myself looking, dear boy."

"What would I do- I mean..." Frank frowned, "What position would I be in?"

Gerard thought silently for a moment, fingers drumming the tabletop as he took a long sip of coffee, his eyes alight, "Well," Another agonizing pause, "I think you'd do well being my assistant."

Frank sat up straighter in his chair, "Really?"

"I could definitely use you around my office." Gerard nodded, smiling still, "Or wherever I need you to be, essentially."

"That's-" Frank grinned, "Your assistant. Really?"

"Unless you're not interested." Gerard raised a poignant eyebrow and Frank shook his head vehemently.

"I'm just- I'm athtounded really. Me of all people."

"You know what you're on about, boy. I like that." Gerard took another sip, swallowing chastely, "I think you'll find that the pay isn't exactly up to a high standard but I do tend to be a nice boss apparently. I reward well to those who do as I say."

"How so?" Frank frowned, "Like- How so?"

"Depends on what you've done and to what capacity." Gerard smiled, "But in saying that, as nice as I am. I'm not a lenient man either, Frank. You do wrong too many a time and there will be consequences. Understand that?"

"Oh," Frank nodded, "Of courth yeah."

"Good boy." Gerard smiled.

"But..." Frank frowned, his excitement ebbing away, "I already have a job. A job I love, with my boyfriend's family. I mean..." He sighed, "Dude, it wouldn't be right."

"You do have a fair point." Gerard noted, "Why don't you discuss it with your boyfriend and see what he says. Frank," Gerard leaned in, "This is an enormous opportunity for you and you shouldn't bypass that just for a fair amount of loyalty. If Ryan is as golden as you make him, he would understand that. I can teach you so many things you don't know yet, in so many ways."

"So- So, like..." Frank exhaled heavily and looked down before looking back up, "Thith would further my career in politics."

"If you do right by me, then yes. Further your career and you as a person. Far few have walked into my office doors and I have barely seen the potential in them that I have in you, boy. It's gravitational to see such passion in things."

"Oh," Frank looked down, his cheeks flushed beet red as he fiddled with a loose thread on a hole in his jeans, "That's- I mean."

"Rule one should be on how to take a compliment." Gerard snarked, making Frank grin sheepishly.

"Thanks." Frank smiled slightly wider when he saw the fond smile that had been reciprocated from the older man across from him. Frank jumped in fright when a sudden slice of cake was set down in front of him, a flash of chocolate catching him off guard, his gaze had been so intent on Gerard's eyes that he had forgotten where the fuck they were. He muttered a soft 'thanks' at the waiter as Gerard did the same, taking his fork in his hand with a small flourish.

"Eat up." Gerard gestured to the massive slice that sat in front of Frank, "It's good."

"Right." Frank nodded but didn't make a move yet, his brain still hard at work, "Hang on. Don't you have an assistant?"

"I do, yes. Brendon Urie." Gerard stuck a piece of red velvet in his mouth, smiling happily at the taste, "But, unfortunately, we've had to let him go."

"Why?" Frank frowned, taking a sip of coffee.

"Well, he's rather forgetful and doesn't know much about politics, and I don't think he's right for the job. He's a wonderful boy, around your age I think, if not a year or two older but... His passions lie elsewhere and working as my assistant won't get him there."

"That's an eloquent way of thaying he's fired." Frank snickered and Gerard smiled coyly.

"I have a way with my words. Always have."

"I can tell." Frank finally stabbed at his cake, "It's a wonder Lindsey isn't fighting any competition to get to you. You probably have woman melting most days."

Gerard raised an eyebrow at that, fork lazily in his hand, wrist bent, "You think so?"

"Totally. Ladies love soppy shit even when they thcream blue, bloody murder that they don't." Frank snorted and Gerard couldn't help the chuckle he let out, nodding.

"I suppose that's true."

"To be honest, so do I." Frank found himself frowning, "Ryan used to write poetry for me in high thchool. Doesn't anymore."

"That's unfortunate. Was he any good?"

"He's phenomenal." Frank nodded, "The most amazing stuff." Frank froze, suddenly, his heart let out a wheeze as he realized, "Why did I just say that to a Congressman? Oh, my God."

"People tend to overshare with me. It happens. I guess they feel comfortable around me. It's okay." Gerard shrugged, "I'm enjoying your lisp, by the by."

"Yeah I-" Frank's brows knitted further as he ignored the lisp part, "I guess I do. But I mean, I made mythelf seem such a soppy bollocks, didn't I? Poetry." Frank snorted.

"Nothing wrong with admiring something a loved one has done for you." Gerard stated, "Especially written word."

"I suppose." Frank blushed, "I mean- I just..." He exhaled again, exasperated with himself, "You wouldn't think I'd be like that."

"I think you are. You're more sensitive than you let on." Gerard eyed Frank, making him freeze up, "But as much as you are, you can still take a hit or two, am I right?"

"Well, yeah." Frank grinned and pointedly stuck out his tongue, making Gerard chuckle brightly.

"There you go, soppy bollocks."

"Oh, you just eat your cake, Mr. Politithian." Frank huffed, trying not to laugh when Gerard raised an eyebrow.

"Telling me what to do now? A big boy because you got your tongue pierced?" Gerard asked, his voice chiding and condescending, making Frank instantly go red and look away, his stomach churning.

"N- No." He whispered, his entire body wishing it would combust as his blush spread to his ears and his neck, "I-I didn't mean..."

"What?" Gerard asked simply and Frank winced, looking down.

"Nothing. Sorry." He replied, somehow feeling shameful at whatever had come over him in the past two seconds. Gerard got under his skin way too easily and he couldn't let it happen.

He looked up, clearing his throat, seeing Gerard's hardened gaze still on him, lips in a firm line, "Sorry what?"

"Sorry, sir." Frank breathed out.

"Eat." Gerard ordered simply and Frank looked at the cake for a moment or two and pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, blocking out the wince that would crack open his face. He didn't want to upset Gerard any further but also didn't want his tongue to fall off so he sucked in a breath and took a small bit, carefully sliding it into his mouth as he avoided his tongue and all but swallowed it whole.

He took in a sip of coffee to wash it down, "Gerard?"

"Hmm?" Gerard looked up with a small smile. Obviously, the moment of disrepute was over now that Frank had done as told.

"This job..." Frank began, "Is it a weekday thing or what?"

"It's like office hours, eight to four. No weekends unless it's overtime, which you get paid for." Gerard nodded, "As I said, the pay isn't much."

"How much is it?" Frank asked curiously.

"Fifteen dollars an hour." Gerard nodded and watched Frank frown, trying to do the mental math, "Fifteen multiplied by eight hours is a hundred and twenty a day. So, times that by seven days a week."

"Uh..." Frank stammered and Gerard merely smiled.

"Eight hundred and forty a week." Gerard nodded, eating another bite of cake, "Eight-forty multiplied by the three-point four weeks you'd work in a month and your monthly salary is two-thousand, eight hundred and fifty-six dollars."

Frank choked out, alarmed at the figure Gerard had so casually given him, his eyes wide and mouth open, full of cake, "Wh-?"

"Sorry if it's not as much as what you're earning now. As I said, I-" Gerard began but Frank was astounded.

"Are you kidding? I make fucking peanuts compared to thath." Frank stammered, "Fuck."

"Well, think about it." Gerard smiled as he waved over the waiter, holding out the half-eaten piece of cake and requesting a takeaway box and the bill before looking at Frank with a smile, "Lindsey loves red velvet."

Frank smiled back, "That's sweet."

"I have rare moments, yes." Gerard smiled, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"I can't really think about eating right now." Frank admitted, "I'll probably get hungry later at the office and sneak pieces from my desk drawer."

"Naughty boy." Gerard chided and Frank couldn't help but grin as Gerard pulled out his wallet, Chad reappearing with the cake in a container and the bill.

"Can- Can I?" Frank gestured to his own barely eaten slice and the leftover container in front of him and Chad nodded with a friendly smile, taking the plate and disappearing again.


Gerard set cash down and Frank eyed him, "Still not going to let me pay?"

"Never." Gerard smiled back politely, "I do, however, need to go back to the office. I don't like leaving my employees unsupervised for too long. Somehow they're all both adults and children at the same time." Frank chuckled at that as Gerard got up, straightening himself up briskly as Frank scrambled to his seat, "You will think about it, won't you?" Gerard asked as he shook Frank's hand again, eliciting those pesky butterflies once more that found their way into Frank's lungs, their hands entwined in a professional greeting for way too long.

"Of courth."

"Try and let me know by Monday; ponder and mull over the weekend." Gerard smiled, "But I really have to go."

"Yeah no, I understand," Frank muttered and Gerard looked down with a small smile, his finger on Frank's chest, making him glance down. Gerard's index finger placed on the button badge Frank had received from him earlier in the week, the pin stuck into Frank's shirt on his chest. Gerard looked up at Frank with an appreciative smile at which Frank couldn't help but blush.

"I await your call, Frank." Gerard's voice a lot softer, "I can't wait to hear from you."

"Yeah, I..." Frank muttered as Gerard put his hand on Frank's shoulder before walking passed him, his steps flawless and graceful, confident as ever as he slid through the tables and out the door, hands in his pants pockets. Frank was utterly bewildered, his eyes still unwavering as he lowered himself back into the chair, "Fuck." Frank was riveting with sudden bubbling excitement and he knew exactly who he wanted to tell first; his heart racing. Ryan.

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