I will never be loved! (BWWM)...

By Storylover2016

315K 14.7K 1.8K

Follow Danielle as she has to leave everything behind to start a whole new life. As she is reunited with a fa... More

Chapter One!
Chapter Two!
Chapter Three!
Chapter Four!
Chapter Five!
Chapter Six!
Chpater Seven!
Chapter Nine!
Chapter Ten!
Chapter Eleven!
Chapter Twelve!
Chapter Thirteen!
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen!
Chapter Sixteen!
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty!
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Authors note!
Important message! Please read this!:-)

Chapter Eight!

9.2K 526 104
By Storylover2016

Danielle's prov:

"Luke I have missed you like crazy! College sucks without having you there by my side." The girl who I am assuming is Tabby said to Luke as she kissed him on the cheek. I already felt like I was going to be sick.

Luke untangled himself from her and turned towards me. "Tabby this is Danielle. She's the girl I was telling you about." He said to her as he walked her over to me.

"Oh your the lost family member. It's really nice to meet you." She then grabbed me into a hug. I kind of just stood there. This was really uncomfortable for me. Just minutes ago I was kissing her boyfriend and she is hugging me. I feel like such a horrible person. She must have felt how uncomfortable I was, because she removed herself from me.

"We should probably get on the road so we can head home. I know everyone is excited to see you." Luke said to her as he ushered her to were her bags would be. Some part of me wanted to help her with her things, but the other part of me wanted to send her ass back to college. I sighed and walked out side to where to truck was. Being a third wheel really sucks.

I didn't stand there long before Luke and Tabby came out with her things. Luke unlocked the truck doors and I got into the back. I wish I would have brought my iPod so I wouldn't have to listen to anything they had to say for the rest of the way home. I won't even try to deny it. I was definitely beyond jealous.

"So Danielle, Luke told me your from New York, that's really cool. I have only ever been here, and to Colorado. What's it like?" Tabby asked me from the front of the truck.

I wanted to be a bitch and ignore her. But honestly it wasn't her fault that she was with Luke. It wasn't her fault that I kissed Luke. It was really all on me. I knew it would never go anywhere, yet I still kissed him. So instead of being a bitch I answered her. "Ummm it's a really busy place. Nothing like the way it is here. There's always something going on, and honestly it can be to much sometimes."

"So basically your saying it's over-rated?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." I mumbled to her.

"Well you'll never have to be in that over rated place again. You can be here with us in our underated little place." I wanted to hate her, but honestly I couldn't. It wasn't even like she was faking being nice to me. You could tell this is just how she is. Everyone knows that one girl who is beyond beautiful and great at everything. Everyone love's her, and she's friends with everyone. That annoying perfect girl next door type. I couldn't be mean , but I had to let her know that this isn't where I was planning on staying.

"Actually I am not going to stay here for long. Once I turn eighteen I am moving back to New York to go to school, and work on my writing. This is just temporary." I said to her as I looked out the window. Only a few more months and I would be out of here.

"WHAT?" Luke asked as he looked into the review mirror.

"I said I wasn't planning on staying here forever Luke. I did have a life before I came here, and I plan on going back to it." I said with irritation in my voice.

"What the fuck do you mean? How can you just show up and then leave? Are you really that cold hearted that you don't care about how it would effect the people around you?" I couldn't help but wince at his voice.

"Luke, what the hell is wrong with you. Lay off of her." Tabby said to him as she slapped his arm. I may not be ecstatic about having her around, but at that very moment I was beyond happy to have her here.

The rest of the ride home was silent. It reminded me of the first time I came her. Because just like last time Luke's eyes where glued to the mirror looking at me, and I was pretending to not notice. The rest of the ride home was silent, and uncomfortable. I thought having Luke and Tabby talk the whole ride home would be the worst thing ever, but this definitely was the worse case scenario.

When we finally reached home, I ran out of the truck. I was so happy to be out of that truck and all that tension. Tabby quickly followed behind me. "It must be my lucky day, I am going to have two beautiful girls around me all summer. I think I have died and gone to heaven." I looked to the side to see Dan walking over to us. He always knew what to say to make me smile. "Hey beautiful." He said to me as he hugged me close to him.

"Did you really miss me?" I asked as I let him go.

"Of course I did. I also missed this pretty lady over here." He said as h0ll turned to Tabby. "Tabby, welcome home!" He grabbed her into a tight hug.

"I missed you as well Dan!" Tabby said as she let go of him. That's when Luke appeared from the back of the truck.

"Hey Romeo, do you think you could help me with these bags?" Luke said to Dan as he passed us.

"Yeah I'm on it Grumpy pants." I watched as Dan walked off to get the rest of the bags from the truck. I walked into the house with Tabby following me.

"Is that our Tabby?" I heard my grandmother yell from the kitchen.

"Yes I have arrive!" Tabby yelled back to her. I watched as my grandmother ran from the kitchen and into the doorway to give her a big hug.

"My god you seemed to have grown so much! Your so beautiful." My grandmother said as she gawked at Tabby.

"Thanks Glenda!" Was the last thing I heard from the conversation. I really didn't want to stand there and listen to them talk. I don't know why my grandmother wanted me as a granddaughter when she had perfect Tabby at her side. I walked up to my room and shut the door.

This is where I wished I had a best friend to call so she could cheer me up. This is were I wished I had someone to come over and make fun of Tabby with me, then watch a bunch of romance movies and eat a bunch of junk food. Not that I needed to sit and eat a bunch of junk food, with my size in all, but it would be nice to have someone to do it with. Never having a friend really makes you wish you had one.

I could feel myself becoming sad again. I honestly didn't find any use in crying. It never has done me any good. So instead of crying at how horrible my life was, I was going to go and see the one person who seemed to understand me. When I say person I really mean horse.

I walked down into the kitchen and I grabbed some sugar cubes, then walked outside without even looking at anyone. They must think I was bipolor or something, with the way I have been acting for the past few days. But honestly at the moment I really didn't care. I just wanted to do something that would make me feel better. As I walked into the barn I could feel myself feeling better already.

I walked over to Princess's stable and she immediately started to get excited and came over to me. I quickly unlocked the stable door and let her out. I grabbed a brush and lead her outside. Being around her made me feel a lot better. I lead her to an area where I knew no one would be going, we must have walked for a while before we finally stopped. I just wanted to be alone with her.

I quickly found a spot and sat down. She followed my lead and laid down as well. I started to brush her coat and talk. "I don't know what I am going to do Princess. I kissed a man who has a girlfriend. When did I become the kind of girl who did that? When did I become a girl who even kissed a guy? You want to know what the worst part of this whole thing is?" I waited for her to respond like a crazy person before continuing.

"The worst part is I actually kind of thought that he would like me. Me, the fat/ugly girl. The girl who has no friends. The girl who was picked on her whole life. A girl who has never talked to any guy in her life, thought that a guy like Luke would like me. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm not that kind of person." I said to her as I switched sides and started to brush her coat again.

I felt like I was done ranting, but I just couldn't stop. "You know when he kissed me at the airport I even thought that maybe he would dump his girlfriend for me. Can you believe I would think that? That he would drop the perfect girl next door type of girl, and pick me, the extremely ugly and fat girl who no one will ever love."

I could feel myself starting to cry. I hated crying because I knew I could never make things better for myself. But lately all I did was cry, ever since my aunt showed and brought me here, all I did was cry. Princess must have sensed my shift of emotions because she started to push her head in towards me. I gave her the some of the sugar cubes I had and put my head on her back.

I cried into her fur, and before I knew it I fell asleep. I was having a crazy dream about Princess and I sharing a condo in New York. It was really weird because she could talk to me and we were fighting over Luke. I guess we both really wanted him, we were about to get into a bigger fight when I was woken up. "Oh my god Danielle are you okay?" I heard someone say to me. I was still just waking up and I really had no idea where the hell I was.

"Danielle please say something to me. Tell me your okay. Tell me anything, move a little so I know your at least awake." I now recognized who was talking to me, it was Luke. I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me. "Oh thank god your okay, what the hell where you thinking."

"Why are you yelling at me god!" I said as I got up and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm yelling at you because no one has been able to find you for the last six hours. We have been worried sick about you." He said to me as he lifted me up off the ground and onto my feet. Damn he must be extremely strong since he is able to help me get up. It's like trying to lift a damn elephant I can imagine.

"Oh yeah I guess I kind of fell asleep with Princess." I said as I looked to see her standing there. She hadn't even tried to run away or leave me, she stayed there with me and never left. I walked up to her and rubbed her head.

"You guess you kind of fell asleep? Oh yeah that's totally okay considering we weren't freaking our or anything for the last six hours . No instead we just sat around thinking I hope Danielle stays out all night without letting us know where she is." Luke said as he started to pace back and forth.

"Luke I don't understand why your freaking out or anything. I was gone for a few hours, big deal." I said as I started to walk away with Princess.

I felt Luke grab my arm and jerk me back. "It is a big deal Danielle because we thought you ran away, I thought you ran away." He said as he looked at me with concern in his voice.

"Why would I run away. It's not like I have anywhere to go to." I said as I looked away from him and tried to pull my hand away.

"You would try to run away because of what happened between us. I thought maybe I had scared you away or something. You didn't exactly take me kissing you in a good way." He said as he pulled me in close to him.

"I'm not that immature Luke. I just wanted to get away from everything okay. Can I get back to the house and end the madness?" I asked him as I pulled my arm away and started to walk away.

"Fine Love you can go an end the madness, but I want you to know this is not over. We have a lot to talk about and we will eventually talk about it. Whether you want me to or not." He said to me as he walked up to were Princess and I were.

I could feel myself getting more upset. I felt like I was losing my damn mind. Why the fuck would he want to talk about what happened. Why couldn't we just move on. Why did he keep bringing up something so bad and embarrassing . He probably thought I was going to say something to Tabby. "Luke let it go. Just fucking let it go! I won't tell your perfect little girl friend that I kissed you. I won't go and ruin you amazing relationship, okay? So just let it the fuck go, I don't need to be embarrassed anymore." I yelled into his face.

He looked at me like I was loosing my mind. "What are you talking about, I don't have a damn girlfriend Danielle." He said with confusion laced in his voice.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Do you think I am stupid? I know you and Tabby are dating okay. There is no need to act like your not. I just wish you would leave me alone and let the topic of us kissing go already." I said to him as I started to walk faster to the house.

I was walking fast until I heard a loud laugh from behind me. I stopped walking to look back at him. It looked like he was going to pass out from laughing so hard. I just stood there with my hands on my hips and watching him laugh. When he finally stopped laughing I could feel myself getting more mad. "Are you done laughing Luke? Because I don't find this situation funny at all." I said to him as I crossed my arms.

"God Danielle I knew you were different, and I knew you were something else, but damn this is something I would never expect. Tabby is not my girlfriend Danielle, she's my damn sister." My face must have been a sight to see because he started to laugh again.

Sister? She was his sister? Now I kind of wish they were dating because it would save me from feeling like a complete idiot at the moment. I would much rather them have been together so I could have had a reason to be jealous, and bitchy today. But no instead they are brother and sister. Last time I checked brothers and sister don't hock up. Well at least not brothers and sisters who are in their right minds. Could I feel any more embarrassed? Could this day get any worse?


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