Save Me From Myself

By gxxdreads

1.9K 95 1

Valentina Winthrop has been battling depression, anxiety and a list of other things since before she can reme... More

Chapter One - New Faces
Chapter Two - Making Friends
Chapter Three - Why?
Chapter Four - Hold On
Chapter Five - Date?
Chapter Six - October-Fest
Chapter Seven - Pie Baking
Chapter Eight - Halloween
Chapter Nine - Homecoming
Chapter Ten - I Told You So
Chapter Eleven - Guess Who Came To Dinner
Chapter Twelve - Therapy Session
Chapter Thirteen - Winter Showcase
Chapter Fourteen - Christmas Vacation
Chapter Sixteen - Car Trouble
Chapter Seventeen - Investigation
Chapter Eighteen - What Are We Going To Do Now?
Chapter Nineteen - Goodbye Highschool
Chapter Twenty - Hello Life

Chapter Fifteen - Not Your Traditional Gift

69 3 0
By gxxdreads

"It's Christmas!"

I shoot up out of bed groggy. I run a hand through my hair pushing it out of my face. My vision focuses and Jack is running in and out of rooms screaming that it was Christmas. That's normal, what's not normal is his seventeen year old sister following right behind him. I am about to complain but the look of sheer joy on her face kills that.

I slip out of bed and lean up against the door frame. I see Jack jumping on his mom's bed trying to get her up. "Alright, I'm up. I'm up."

He isn't satisfied until she sits up and is sitting on the edge of the bed. Nadine leaves my mom and sister's room most likely successful in getting them up as well. Finally, Nadine sees that I'm up. I'm not prepared when she comes running towards me and lifts me off the ground into a hug. I'm swung around three times before she puts me down.

"Good morning, beautiful. It's Christmas."

"Yeah, I heard."

"It's my favorite holiday."

"I can tell.

"Are you ready to open presents?"

"Can I brush my teeth first?"

"Is that necessary?"

I raise an eyebrow and she groans. "Fine but I'm only giving you three minutes."

True to her word, Nadine is pulling me towards the living room three minutes later. Everybody else is waiting and shockingly enough, Nadine's dad is here. He and his wife are cuddled together on the couch.

"I might not have been able to join all the festivities but I never miss Christmas," he says.

I sit in between Carmen and mom. Nadine joins Jack on the floor. As soon as his mom gives him the go ahead he's ripping open presents. Wrapping paper is thrown carelessly around the floor. Jack is surrounded by toys, books and clothes. He gives us all a hug.

"I'll do mine now," I say.

I give everyone there gifts except for Nadine. I wanted our gifts to be private. Mom open her's first. It's a customized apron that says, 'Unless your cooking, get out of the kitchen.' She gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, I love it."

Next Carmen opens hers. It's a picture frame with a photograph of us when we were younger. I'm kissing her cheek and she's smiling wide. On the frame itself it says, 'My sister's keeper.'

Her eyes well up with tears. "I'll take it everywhere."

I nod. Finally I wrote Nadine's parents a thank you note. Partly for having and raising a child as amazing as her and for allowing me to be apart of her life. They read it silently and each give me a hug. Everyone else's gives out there gifts. My mom volunteers to cook breakfast. Margret is helping. Carmen is cleaning up the wrapping paper and Nadine's dad is playing with Jack.

Nadine and I decided to put on clothes and go outside. Behind the house is a lake. There's a bench in front of it and we take a seat there. "Can I go first," I ask.

"Of course."

I pull out a small black box. It's not wrapped so Nadine just opens it. She looks down at what's inside and then looks back up at me. "I know it doesn't seem like much of a gift but I want it to represent the trust I have for you and how far I've gotten in my journey. I couldn't have done this without you. I honestly don't think I would be here without you. You were a light in the darkness I found myself constantly surrounded in. I love you so much it scares me. If you want I'll buy you a better one but this is me giving you the final piece of my soul."

I don't realize I'm crying until Nadine reaches up and wipes away a tear. "I don't need a better one. This is real and that's all I'll ever ask from you."

I nod. "Okay."

Nadine pulls out a similar black box. It had a bow tied on top so I pull it loose. I open the box to find a ring inside. There's a small jewel on it and in inscription on the inside. 'Remember your worth.'

I shake my head. "Nadine I know I said I might marry you but I meant when we were both adults. And I was mentally stable and we both could financially take care of ourselves and -"


Nadine is smirking at me. "What?"

"I'm not proposing."

"You're not?"

"No. It's a promise ring."

"What are you promising?"

"That no matter what, I'll always be here for you. Whether we're together or not. Even if we end up in different places in life. Even if I do something to make you never want to talk to me again. Even if you find someone better than me. If you need me, I'll always be there for you. Nothing and no one can change that."

I have no way to respond to that so I take the ring out of the box and put it on my middle finger. I hold my hand up to examine it. "Here, let me see."

Nadine slides the ring off my ringer and puts it on a necklace. I turn and allow her to put the necklace on. It rest just below my collarbone. I grab it in my hand and smile. Nadine places her head on my shoulder, "Merry Christmas."

We make it back home late that evening. I decide to stay over at Nadine's. I toy with the ring as Nadine put on a movie for us to watch. She finds something corny that I will ultimately stop paying attention to. She climbs into bed with me. Nadine's attention the the movie doesn't last long before she has rolled on top of me.

"Hey," she says.

"Hey yourself."

"I want to kiss you."

"What's stopping you?"

That's all the okay she needs before leaning down and capturing me in a sweet kiss. It's slow and gentle. My hands move on their own accord exploring the skin underneath her shirt. When they come high enough to meet her boobs I freeze. Nadine pulls back. "If you want to you can."

I think for a second but then move my hands higher to cups her boobs. She has on a sports bra which makes it easier to feel. They fit right into the palm of my hand. I squeeze and Nadine squeaks. I immediately stop, "Sorry."

"No, no it's okay. I liked it."

She pulls her shirt off. She guides my hands and allows me to cup her again. I squeeze again and she lets out a soft noise. Nadine leans down to kiss me again. I explore further. My hands run down her thighs and up her ass.

We eventually both end up in are panties and bra. Nadine is still on top of me. I have no idea where to go from here. I want to go further with Nadine. But was I ready?

"Do you trust me," she ask.

I don't even hesitate to answer. "Yes."

Nadine then moves down. She places gentle kisses on all my scars. The last kiss is placed on my forehead. Somehow I knew that would be more intimate than any sex we ever have.

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