hot garbage / my old writing

By spacenams

2.3K 109 743

these are all horrible stories that i wrote from my childhood. enjoy laughing and cringing. More

the element's desire
ted | prologue
ted | one
ted | two
ted | three
ted | four
ted | five
ted | six
ted | seven
scared of the dark
sotd | one
sotd | three pt. 1
sotd | three pt. 2

sotd | two

98 6 49
By spacenams

I stare at the envelope, my jaw hanging open. No. Not Cole. Anyone but Cole. I reach my numb fingers out and open it slowly. In the dim light I read, 

"Cole Dunstan,
Congratulations! This year you will be a Contestant on The Quest! We hope you shall enjoy this year's Quest, you will be joining Adrian Nazar and Amaro Blakely from Brinkan. You should travel lightly, bring boots and some clothes you are able to move freely in, and food, because who knows, you might not be able to find any momentarily while on The Quest. Good luck to you, and happy Questing!"

(well hello there, effie trinket.)

They didn't need to put that they would kill him if he didn't, because they do that to innocent people on the street sometimes- one moment they walk by, and the next they're lying on the ground, dead. (oops.)

I stare at the letter, unable to move. Oh, brother. (that's your reaction? "oh, brother."?) "Travel lightly!" and "some clothes to move freely in!" Really? As if we had the clothes to change. We're lucky if we have four or five pairs of clothes! (ok we get it y'all are poor.)

I slowly think of what to do. My brain seems frozen. It can't think. How do you tell your family that your sickly older brother was being forced to go on The Quest- dying if he goes and dying if he stays? (um, just like that? you said it, he's dying anyway.) Well, you don't. (oh, or that.) I hide the letter in my pocket and go inside. I see Mother putting a slice of bread on each plate and water in five cups. 

"Any letters?" Mother asks, looking suddenly worried, now realizing what I was going outside for.

"No." I lie, and see the relief flood to Mother's face. I've gotten to be a good liar, and I'm almost proud of it. I unconsciously touch the outside of my pocket. (if you unconsciously did it, how did you know you did it???) A plan is forming in my head, but I'll have to be sneaky about it. 

"Okay, then." Mother says. "Eat your dinner. You must be tired."

I grab a slice of bread and go to our bedroom (we have three rooms in our apartment: my sibling's and my bedroom, Mother's room, and the kitchen) and see Cole. (i hate how that sentence is laid out, wow.)

Cole practically lives in his bed- he can't go anywhere else. (okay yeah, we've established that he's lame.) All that's left of the strong, able-bodied older brother who would protect me from anything is flesh and bones- he's even worse than the other starving people in Brinkan. (we get it. brinkan is poor.)

"I need your help." I whisper, closing the door to the bedroom, acting like I was getting dressed. 

Cole looked on intently, waiting for my request. I almost didn't want to tell him. What if he told Mother or Drake? Or even worse, Shiva. She would tell the whole family- or even all of Brinkan- in a heartbeat.

"Promise you won't tell?" I ask, and when I see him nodding weakly, I continue. "Okay. Listen. We got a Letter from the Government Assembly saying you are going to be a Contestant."

Cole looks up in surprise, his grey eyes startled. I bite my lip, then say, "I'm taking your place though."

Cole fidgets around, and I hand him his writing tablet and chalk. He scrawls something quickly and hands it to me. I read, "NO. I WILL GO. THEY WILL FIND OUT YOU AREN'T ME, AND THEN..." Cole hesitated for a moment, and then wrote, "I AM ALREADY GOING TO DIE ANYWAY." (why does cole write in all caps? does he like yelling all the time?)

"No, you won't. Not if my plan goes the way I want it to." I tell him, trying to sound calm. "I'm going to wear Pap's old cloak and borrow your boots, and I'll wear the cloak until the Government Assembly leaves us for The Quest, and then they can't take me back. You're going to lie here, and stay under covers. Adrian is going, and he'll protect me. I will be able to tell him and he will help me. At least you won't have to go anymore because you'll be presumed dead." 

"YOU ARE GIVING YOUR LIFE FOR MINE, WHICH WILL BE LOST ANYWAY." Cole writes, looking worried. (good point. mara, why are you doing this?) He tries to sit up, but can't get past propping up his elbows. 

"Well, at least you won't die by trying to sit up." I push him down softly back to his back. "I would feel better." I tried not to look worried. I would feel better that Cole wasn't going, but then I would die. And he was probably right, he's so sick he'll probably die anyway. But my mind's set. I am going.

Cole wrote on his paper, "MARA, YOU ARE NOT GOING." (paper? i thought he was writing on a chalkboard.)

I look at him with full eyes, even if he couldn't see them, and I say, "Cole, you listen, you can't even stand upright. Let me go, and you may tell Mother after I leave." I try to sound certain and orderly.

"FINE. I CAN'T REALLY STOP YOU, EVEN IF I WANT TO. I WOULD HAVE TO GO ALONG WITH IT ANYWAY. OKAY. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" Cole writes, sighing. (wow, that took a lot of convincing -_-)

"Great. If Mother, Drake, or Shiva wakes up in time to go to the Leaving, stop them. I don't care how you do it, just stop them. I can't let them go. They would recognize Father's cloak. I will be putting lavender, chamomile and valerian in dinner tomorrow tonight, and you and I will eat before then so we don't get sleepy. That should make them sleep in for long enough to where they would miss the Leaving. They'll only need a small shove to sleep in, and the oil and herbs should be just enough." I sigh. (we love drugging our family to sleep.) "At the Leaving, I won't talk much, and when I do, I will talk like this." I say in my deepest voice possible, "Yes, my name is Cole Dunstan." I switch back to my normal voice. "Is that convincing enough?"


"Okay, fine." I say in my low voice. I laugh. "Okay, I'm glad you decided to help. (why did you emphasize "decided"...?) I'll see you on the other side, Cole." (this isn't related to the writing, but that made me think of hamilton.) 

< < < < > > > > (wow young mckenna, cool transition.)

We went through the next day as normal, except I mowed more than fifty-five lawns today. My old record was forty-three. I work extra hard today, knowing it is my last day able to do all those things. (love that we don't get to see any aspect of mara's life except at home, when it's the most boring. great writing, me.)

When I get home, I get some lentil beans out of the icebox and put them in a pot with some water. When the lentils are warm, I take out two bowls and fill them with the soup. One for Cole, one for me. I make sure nobody is there, then I pour a fifth of our bottle of lavender oil into it, along with a bit of chopped up valerian, a few petals of chamomile, and finally, to hide all those spices, bay leaves, pepper, salt, garlic, some carrots and onion, and finally some cumin. I taste the soup, and it tastes like the best lentil soup I've ever tasted. (that sounds disgusting.) Then I look at the mess I've made. Oh, well.

I clean up the spices and put them away, then make some bread dough and stick it in the oven. 

As I bring the bread out, Mother comes in and sits down in a chair, dark circles under her eyes and her expression resting dull and tired on her face. I suddenly feel like I hadn't accomplished anything today, hadn't worked whatsoever, seeing her so tired like that. 

"Mara!" Shiva came running in, hugging me tight. "I worked Mother extra hard today! We cleaned the entire apartment, walked outside a few laps, and had a full conversation with the baker around the corner!"

I can tell, I think. But I say instead, "Shiva, you can't work Mother that hard. Go bit by bit." I suddenly feel nervous about leaving tomorrow, to go on The Quest. Leaving Drake and Shiva alone to take care of Cole and Mother, and half the time, Drake won't even be there. But it's better than Mother losing Cole and plunging into that coma of mental death once again. Besides, if I make it- and I probably won't- I will have enough money to keep them all alive and do something for all Brinkani. (and not once, during that inner monologue, did you think that this plan is a bad idea. cool cool)

"I'm fine, really." Mother says, almost sounding normal.

Mother looks normal, but her normal isn't good. It means she's slipping slowly into her old self again, by overworking herself too suddenly. "No, you aren't." I say. "Shiva, don't overwork her."

Shiva looks truly sorry when she says, "I was just trying to help."

I try to take a deep breath. "I know you were, Shiva. But you've got to take this slower."

"It's not her job." Mother says. 

I was about to open my mouth to say something about how it really wasn't, but she was having to, when Drake came in. He was grinning from ear to ear. "Mother!" He says, spreading his arms wide and hugging all of us. "Mr. Black gave me a raise!"

Mr. Black is the owner of the coal mines near us, and he has been so kind to us, because Paps was a good friend of his. He was the one that gave us the lentil beans that will help me escape the apartment so I can go to the Leaving.

It is about time I told you what the Leaving is. (yay more info dumping.) The Leaving is the time people gather to see the three Players of their Field be swept to The Quest. (players? i thought they were called contestants.) Each Field meets tomorrow at their most important street or biggest gathering place, and all witness the Contestants leave. Never to return. The good thing is, Mother usually doesn't go, because it reminds her of Paps. So hopefully she won't come now. But my concoction of lavender, chamomile and valerian will make sure they sleep in. 

I make them all eat their soup, and give Cole his bowl of soup without the sleep mix. "Here you go, Cole." I hand him the bowl.

"THANKS." He writes, and digs into his bowl. (you'd think he'd know sign language or something.) I sit quietly at the end of my bed, which is next to Cole's. When he's done eating, he writes, "I'M GOING TO MISS YOU, MARA. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING." (and nobody else saw that?)

I only grunt in reply. If I talk about missing everyone, I'm going to hate myself for leaving and stay. But then Cole would have to go. I try to smile and say shakily, "I'm coming back. Don't worry." (wait, so is the rest of the family not in the room, i guess?) The problem is, I'm not coming back. And I'm worrying right now. I say to Cole, and to myself, "It'll be alright. I mean, it's just a trek around a..." Well, a horror-filled land with little to no food, filled with monsters and things beyond comprehension. "Around a place called Nowhere. How could a place called Nowhere be dangerous?"

Cole looks at me with a flare of sympathy in his sad eyes. I have to look away. No. I am going on The Quest. No one will stop me. I stare at him, though he can't see me, and say, "It won't be a long time. Just a few months, maybe..." Or years. Or decades. Or never. 

Cole writes, "MARA, DON'T GO. WE NEED YOU HERE." (that's what i'm saying! it's stupid for her to go in place of her brother who's dying anyway.)

"No you don't." I say. "You have Drake. And Shiva. And now that Mother is feeling better, you'll have her, too. She'll take my place while I'm gone." (yeah, but apparently you and drake do all the work.)

Cole looks like he's about to write something, but Drake comes in. He climbs into bed, stretches, and goes under the covers, out like a light. I smile. My work here is done. 

Shiva comes in and crawls in bed next to me. "Dinner was wonderful, Mara. Thanks." She puts her arms around my neck and puts her chin on my head. And yawns. I grin. 

Finally Mother comes in. I don't think she would have needed my sleep concoction for her to collapse on her bed, immediately snoring.

I tuck Shiva in, and she too is soon sleeping soundly. Soon Cole also drifts off. I turn off the light and slowly make my way to the hook near the bedroom door, where Pap's old cloak still rests, even after all these years. It has a lot of holes in it from moths and just plain overworking, but I soon fix that. I spend about four hours of the night patching up the old cloak, and when it's done, I set it on the dresser for later. (it takes four hOuRs to patch a cloak?) Then I lace on my old raggedy boots, and open my drawer of our four-drawer dresser. I take out two of my four pairs of clothes, keeping one in the drawer and one on my person.

All my clothes look the same- a black buckle shirt with black pants, all smudged and dirty, because we usually can't afford the extra water to wash our clothes, we just beat them and air them out. (wE gEt iT yOu'Re PoOR)

I dig around in the dark for my knapsack. Once I find it, I sneak out into the kitchen and get a loaf of bread and a small jar of honey. That's all I dare take. I go back into the bedroom and put the food into my knapsack. Then I put Pap's old black fedora- you never know, it might get cold in The Quest- and put it on. (oh yeah, a fedora will really help with the cold.)

I sit on my bed and close my eyes for what seems like a few minutes, but when I open my eyes again it's about four in the morning. I need to hurry. I grab my knapsack and grab Pap's cloak.

I notice Cole is lying awake in bed. His grey eyes shine in the purple-pink early morning light, emotionless. 

"Good morning." I whisper. "I'm... I guess I'm leaving now." I stutter at the words. I don't really want to leave, and I think Cole can tell. (well duh)

He writes something on his paper. I go out to the kitchen to read, "GOODBYE, MAURA. (that's not her name lol) I WILL MISS YOU. I PROMISE I WILL KEEP MOTHER AWAY FROM THE LEAVING AND INSIDE UNTIL I AM SURE IT'S OVER."

I go back into the room and whisper, "Thanks for everything, Cole. I'll miss you. Tell Mother and Shiva I love them, and tell Drake he's a big goof-off and he'd better start real work or he'll never amount to anything." (oh wow that's rough) I grin. Cole chuckles softly. I grab his hand. "Goodbye, Cole." I try to sound brave. 

I hear Cole snapping for my attention quietly. I turn to see him reaching for something on the other side of his bed. He brings out his small trunk of his sentimental belongings. He opens it and brings out a little pouch. He beckons me to come to him, and I walk slowly to his bedside. He opens the pouch and puts something in my hands. I open them to see a small pocket knife. I have no idea where he got it, it's so nice. It has a bejeweled head, encrusted with opals, my birthstone. (how convenient) The rainbow of colors sparkle in the morning light. 

"Where did you get this?" I ask. 

Cole just shakes his head and writes, "FOR YOU."

I just stare at it, and when I ask more, he just shakes his head again. So I stick it in my pocket. 

I tie the cloak around my neck and look in our old, cracked, dusty mirror. I wipe the dust off with my fingers. My eyes and nose were completely hidden by the cloak, and I look pretty convincing, if I do say so myself. 

I look around the room for anything I might have missed. My eyes have adjusted to the dark by now, and it's getting brighter. I have to leave now to be in time for the Leaving. 

"Goodbye, Cole." I say quietly. I hear Cole grunt behind me as his goodbye. A tear slips down my cheek although I try to keep it in. It's a good thing Cole couldn't have seen it. 

I slip out of the bedroom and ever so quietly open the front door. I freeze as it creeks a little bit, but I only hear snoring from the bedroom, so I keep creeping out the door until I'm outside. Then I silently close the door. I'm outside, going to meet my death while my family is sleeping. Hmm. Well, I guess I might have done worse things in my life. 

I make my way to Brinkani Square and I'm soon surrounded by more Brinkan people. The temporary platform we built two days ago was now covered in many types of beautiful flowers: roses and cherry blossoms, daffodils, tulips, and lilies. Some more flowers I didn't even recognize were in vines around poles. The platform's floor had red rose petals scattered around it. It looked so much fancier now than it did back two days ago. The only thing it missed was the Government Assembly. 

Making my way to the front of the crowd, I see Delora and her family. I rush over to them, and then remember that I was supposed to be Cole and slowly walk up to them. (but cole can't even walk, so...?)

"Good day, Delora." I say in my deep voice.

"Hello, Mara." Delora smiles gravely without hesitation. "Where's Cole?"

"You recognized me?" I say, defeated. (criNGING INTO OBLIVION)

"I recognized your father's cloak, your knapsack, and your shoes." Delora says, her sad smile now turning slightly into her normal, happy one.

"Do you think anyone else will?" I ask, worried. I now see how horrible this plan really was. (took you long enough) If the Government Assembly catches me, not only would they kill me, but Shiva, Mother, Drake, and Cole, too. 

"Nobody will care enough." Delora says honestly. "Why?" She suddenly looks suspicious. 

"I'm taking Cole's place on The Quest." I whisper.

"You're what?" Delora almost yells. (how do you almost yell?)

I quickly clamp my hand over her mouth and say, "Shh. Not so loud. Someone could hear you."

Delora looks around and whispers, "Why?"

"I don't know. I guess I just can't see Cole dying. (he's going to anyway thoooo) He was always so good to me, I don't know. I guess I owe him." I say, trying to explain my complex feelings I still have not sorted out about my plan.

"Mara." Delora looks through my cloak and into my eyes. Her brown eyes are dull but serious. "Have you ever thought about how your family wouldn't like to watch you die?"

No, I haven't. (you're stupid, then.) "They don't need me. I'm about as useful as a bag of rocks." (uh, you only make half their income to live. it's fine.) No one needs someone who doesn't do anything but mow lawns for a living. (unless you're poor as dirt. which you are.) 

"Yes, they do need you!" Delora says, her voice rising a little. Then she lowers it again and says, "Mara, look. I hate to say this, but Cole isn't half as useful as you. (delora's got a point) I'm not saying your family doesn't love him as much, but he's just sick in bed, while you actually earn money for them. You give them food. I wouldn't like to see Cole die just as much as you don't, but without you, they'll die." 

"No, they have Drake. He just got a raise in the mines, so they will be fine." (okay, so you'll make him work twice as hard, then?) I say, defending my crumbling plan. The more Delora talks, the less appealing my plan is. (good.) "I have to go, anyway. They're all in bed still. And you wouldn't call me out, would you? Then I'd be dead."

"Of course I won't call you out. That would be nonsensical." There's the Delora I know, with all those big words of hers. (seriously? nonsensical?)"If they found out you weren't Cole you'd die, and so would your family. I won't tell, but I won't like it, either." She folds her arms.

Suddenly a hand reaches up from behind and pulls of the hood of my cloak. I freeze. I hear someone say, "Hey, Mara." (lol.)

"Adrian!" I pull the hood of my cloak back up quickly, looking around to see if anyone saw me. It seems like everyone's surrounding another fellow, too caught up in him. Maybe that's Amoro Blakely. 

"Mara!" Adrian mimics me in a high-pitched tone. (okay i like adrian lol)

"How'd you know it was me?" I say, worried because it was Adrian who recognized me, not Delora, someone who notices everything.

"Your cloak. Your knapsack. Your shoes." Adrian says. He touches his knapsack and shoes while he talks. I notice his bow and arrows. The same ones that kept my family and his alive- he would hunt for us. (oh so this is katniss and gale. got it.)

"Really?" I say. That's the same things Delora recognized.

"No." Adrian laughs. "I was listening to you two talk."

I look at the light in Adrian's eyes. How could he be so happy before going on The Quest? "Good." I say. "So you already know the plan?"

Now Adrian looks serious. "Yes. It'll never work. What about when you have to talk?"

"Not to worry." I say in my deep voice. I frown when Adrian shrieks with laughter.

"How about just skip the talking?" Adrian says, recovering himself. "Now, when they call you, you know what to do, right?"

"Right." I say. After seeing people on television, I could do it in my sleep. "Walk up, wait for them to give you your fake name, and stand there until they teleport you to the next Field." (what is it with my old writing and casual teleportation?)

"Good." Adrian says, brightening up when his mother walks up. "Mother, dearest." He says coolly. "Cole's ready to go, too."

Mrs. Nazar looks me up and down, and I quickly remember I'm supposed to be sick, so I act like my legs are giving out and I fall on Adrian. (oh wow great acting, 10/10) He quickly catches on and grabs me, says "Woah!" and tries to steady me. "Careful there!" He says.

I nod to thank him and grab hold of his arm, as if I can't stand on my own. Mrs. Nazar puts her hand over her mouth, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, Cole." She says. "I'm so sorry." (this chick's an idiot) She hugs me in her warm, sturdy arms. Since Delora's father died on The Quest, she's been working for food for Delora, Adrian, and their three little siblings. So even though her arms are strong now, she still has that warm, motherly feeling. When she lets go, she gasps and points to the platform. The Government Assembly.

(well that was an abrupt ending to the chapter.)

(i guess we'll see what happens next... it's definitely not literally like the hunger games still. don't worry, it's definitely not that.) 

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