ted | prologue

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Long ago, when all creatures were the same, a Man named Actinium ruled the known world. ("when all creatures were the same," what does that even mean?)

Actinium was a cruel and greedy man. He had given himself Magical powers from a special jewel he named after himself, Actinium. He told of how beautiful it was, yet never let anyone see it. The powers from the jewel were of fire, water, snow, wind, and nature. (aren't all of those under the category of "nature"?) With these he controlled the weather and seasons, and the creatures were at the mercies of how Actinium wanted the day to be like (which was usually gloomy and rainy). (oh wow, so evil.)

Let me describe these creatures I speak of. (please do, mckenna, i'm dying to know.) They all looked very different apart from one another, each coming of a different family, but at the time looks didn't matter at all. (i thought you said "all creatures were the same"?) Some creatures were tall and had pointy ears, some were short and dumpy; (oh, so this is a lord of the rings ripoff.) some were interested in what weather they had; some, interested in the simple but beautiful rainbow that almost never appeared across the sky (the only time it did was when Actinium accidentally caused light after a rain shower). (those aren't physical traits but okay.) Some creatures were dark and cruel, some were bouncy and friendly. They all had indifferences, but they all got along, somehow. That is, until Actinium pushed too far and named a holiday after himself. (oh sure, so he can control the literal weather, but a holiday is just too far.) On Actinium day, all were to gather at the castle of Actinium to worship him. But most of the creatures didn't want to.

"I say we take Actinium down by force!" Marsila said, pounding the table with such force it made her long braid swing around. 

"No, we need peace!" Iris said calm but firm. "Maybe we can try to talk to Actinium and..." (IRIS?)

"No, no, Actinium won't want peace, he never has!" Aponivus cut in. "I say we reverse his own power and overthrow him by weather forces!" 

"No, we'll just take his riches and run away and find new land and make a new place for us all to live happily!" Bricklestone, a small man with a long orange beard, said.

"No, young Bricklestone, that is not sensible or wise." An immortal woman with pointy ears, Cassidy, said. 

(i hate life right now.)

This went on for some time, each person would come forth with their own plan to take Actinium off the throne, with other people siding with the person they thought had the best idea, until they all stormed out of the underground cave they were meeting in with Groups. Here are the names of all the Groups, for you'll need to know them well: (oh yeah, lists are such a great way of writing things down for readers to remember. definitely.)

(also, i literally didn't know what paragraphs were in middle school, apparently. look:) 

The people who wanted war and weaponry were called Marsilans, after their fearless leader, Marsila. Those who wanted peace, happiness and more rainbows were named Irisnics- after their colorful leader, Iris. Aponivus, of course, named the people who agreed on using weather Aponivians, after himself. Those who used Magical forces called themselves Wizards and Magicians, with no leader, just a plan. The Dwarves, led by Bricklestone, went away planning to steal all of Actinium's riches and treasures. Cassidy was crowned Queen of the Elves, who were all wise and, by Cassidy's Magic, became immortal. The Fairies were the Group that thought it best to use their wings and fly over Actinium and use the element of surprise on him. All the foolish Humans wanted were power and fame, and they stormed away just wanting to rule. One last Group- they stayed in the underground cave (which was later known as the Dark Depths, where these people dwelled, for these people happily found that the cave was huge). They called themselves Blagdenites, meaning "of the dark." They had their own secret plan.

Now, it happened that one who believed Actinium should keep the throne heard all of this. He went to tell Actinium. Actinium called for war. (short and sweet, i guess.)

So each Group began their plans, each accidentally colliding with another. (idiots lol) But, eventually, Actinium fell, and was stabbed in the back by a Marsilan. The people who had followed Actinium fled to the mountains, leaving the other Groups (who hardly noticed the people took their leave) to fight amongst themselves. They named themselves after their beloved king, Actiniumites. 

(why didn't we get to see the battle? wouldn't that have been exciting? i guess young mckenna got bored of it.)

Note for later: All the other Groups hated the Actiniumites because any Actiniumite reminded them of the horrible past they had with Actinium as their king, so they joined together and pushed all the Actiniumites into a place called the Boundaries. They weren't allowed to pass through unless they needed a doctor, for the Groups heartlessly left no hospital in the Boundaries, or the Dark Depths for that matter. (if they didn't want the actiniumites to have doctors, why would they let them out of the boundaries to get one?) Now, back with your story. 

The Actiniumites mourned for several days, and then sent spies to see what the other Groups had done to Actinium's palace.

The spies, Grendalwart, Selspur, and Villant, went the Actinium's castle, where the battle had taken place. There was almost nothing. The Marsilans had obviously used their weaponry and explosives to destroy the castle, but only after the Dwarves had stolen everything. The one thing that was left the spies didn't notice until after they had dug through the rubble for some time.

"Look, I see something!" Villant cried, digging through some bricks. "It looks like an iron box of some sort." She called to the others. 

"Yes, I see." Selspur said, being the first to reach Villant.

"What is it?" Grendalwart asked, coming up to the others.

"I don't know," Selspur said, "But let's find out!"


Selspur and Grendalwart pulled and pulled at the heavy iron box but it didn't budge.

"Move aside." Villant said, stepping up to the iron box. 

"You won't be able to pick that up all by yourself!" Selspur said in disbelief.

It turned out that Villant was the only one who could lift the iron box all by herself. "See?" She said. "They didn't want to let a girl come, but it was the girl that was able to pick up what they found!" (okay go off, villant.)

"Oh, shut your mouth." Grendalwart said. "You don't have to brag about it."

When the spies tried to open the iron box, they found it needed a key. "One of the Groups must've taken it." Selspur thought aloud.

They never found that key. They looked very hard for it, but it never turned up. Selspur was right. One of the Groups did take it. They just had to figure out which one...

(ooh wow so mysterious and exciting -_- this was a roller coaster, but don't worry, there's so much more!)

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