sotd | three pt. 1

64 5 52

(okay, so this chapter was so long that i had to cut it in half to post it because it would've ended up being, like, 5000 words with my commentary lol.)

(enjoy this garbage lol)

It was astounding. It was outstanding. (awesome. wow.) It sounded like the fireworks we hear sometimes from the Zurites, but bigger and somehow- more sparkling and... well, magical. (i'm just,,, the besT writer) Everyone jumps back as shining shoots of Magic fly from the platform. I give Delora one last hug and head towards the platform with Adrian. 

Three people appear and take the Magical fireworks' place. I look closer. I've never seen members of the Government Assembly in real life, only on television. (wait but if everyone gathers for this sendoff then why haven't you seen them in real life...?)

The first man is a Cassemite, light brown hair and blue-green eyes, and is tall and large. He wears a big, black tuxedo, with a red bowtie. His shoes shine bright with wax, and he wears many rings with jewels I couldn't identify. His smile (which was more of a grimace) holds yellowing teeth and on his face he wears a long, brown beard and mustache. (are we seriously gonna have a rerun of me describing all the girls in the element's desire?)

(yes, yes we are.)

The second man is a Zurite. His sandy blonde hair seems to be windswept, and he has big, shining pure green eyes. He wears a white tuxedo with a black tie, and he also wears many rings with rare jewels. He is almost as tall as the Cassemite man, but much bonier. Still, his hands were firm-looking, ("were"? i thought this is in present tense?) and the expression on his face told everyone he was not to be messed with, which made me worry. He had blonde sideburns, which kind of took off the main fear. ("had"? still not present tense) He stood around, arms folded, feet apart, looking serious. (seriously i've totally abandoned the whole present tense thing.)

The last wasn't a man, but a Zurite woman. She suddenly appears with the rest of them, but she beheld a much better look about her. (i love that i switched tenses in the midDLE of that sentence.) Her dress is the most beautiful, elegant white dress I'd ever seen. It has a long train and sleeves that flow around in the wind. The top of the dress was decorated with many colorful jewels. Her hair was a silky yellow-blonde, and hung in loose curls almost down to her knees. Her radiant skin glowed in the light, and her bright, big, beautiful blue eyes sparkle and gleam. She wears brilliant jeweled necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. On her feet, instead of oxfords like the men, had silver sandals wrapped around them with a huge ruby on each. Her cheeks were rosy and her smile was gentle, shining with astonishingly white teeth like pearls.

She gracefully walks up to the other Government Assembly members and starts talking. I can't understand what they're saying, but I could tell the Cassemite man's voice was rough and deep, the Zurite man's was scratchy, and the Zurite woman's was mellifluous and manipulating to listen to. 

Once she was done talking, she swooped towards Adrian and I. "Hello." She purred, "You must be Adrian and Cole. Lovely to meet you. My name is Calliope." She gestures towards the Cassemite man. "This is Kenji." Then she points to the Zurite man. "And this is Alastair. You can call him Al." She grins.

"No, you may call me by my name." Alastair says. "I know Miss Calliope prefers her little nicknames, but I enjoy the name I was given." (why is this dialogue happening)

"You'll all be pleased to know that this year's Quest is filled with young, spry people!" Calliope smiles fondly at the audience. Great. Young people. All of us dying. Yahoo. (lol)

Kenji steps up and says with his deep, rumbling motor of a voice, "You two must have new names, as you probably know. You may never tell the rest of The Quest group your real names. Do you know each other?"

hot garbage / my old writingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang