He can change~ Monty&Winston...

By XxUlquihime4LifeXx

11.2K 265 102

originally posted on Quotev- Monty was abused his whole life by his father, and being raised by a drunk homop... More

Chapter 1; Revelation
Chapter 2: Realization
Chapter 3; Judgement Call
Chapter 4: You're starting to realize
Chapter 6; Unravel the truth
Chapter 7: Warzone Part 1
Chapter 8- Warzone Part 2
Chapter 9- Bring on the justice
Chapter 10: Setting it up
Chapter 11: Despicable

Chapter 5; Nothing like stiring the pot

798 27 3
By XxUlquihime4LifeXx

Disclaimer-Hiya everyone!~ So I apoglize if this chapter is pretty bland and boring or sounds crappy, I am getting writers block which sucks! On top of a bad sleeping schedule but I'm still updating for you all! This chapter won't be as long as the other ones espically since there won't be a whole lot of Monty this chapter, mostly it's just going to be Winston, Deputy Standall, Sheriff Diaz and Ani but there is mentions of Monty. But with that being said let's get on with the chapter

Normal POV; Over the course of this past week things have begun to move slowly, Winston has been expelled after he seen Monty in jail and declared that moving to liberty wouldn't be such a terrible idea, before things would be settled, he believed that he had business to uncover about Monty

And Monty has been making good progress, he's starting to work on himself inside and out, and is even learning to accept that the cycle can be broken with his anger, all he needed was the right people to point him in the right direction.

However Deputy Standall was struggling with the truth and the lies. He happened to take Winston's words listing Monty as an Alibi but he knew he would be risking his own job for the sake of his son and truth be told it wasn't getting any easier.

It was another day in the department Shrieff Diaz spent nearly two hours doing absolutely nothing, their shift was going by rather slow until Deputy Standall knocked "doors open." He walked inside setting some papers down on his desk "I got the reports in that Winston Williams reviewed, he was indeed Monty's Alibi, I guess it's true he didn't kill Bryce Walker" The Shrieff simply nodded "I see, I'll make sure to look over these later, however that doesn't give us any evidence on who exactly killed him.. If Monty didn't kill him then who did..?"

"That is unknown at this point however I assure you we'll figure out who did this and why.." Diaz nodded, as Standall was about to say something else he was interrupted by his phone ringing in his back pocket "I apoglize I have to take this" quickly he exited his office.

As Diaz waited a moment until Deputy Standall closed the door, he then reached in his front pocket to dial an mysterious number "hello it's me again, I got some news regarding Bryce Walker, I think you'll be happy knowing who really killed him.."

Winston's POV: Marching as I was Pushing through the doors of the cafeteria I found myself being watched by Clay and Ani, I gave them a quick glance as their eyes widened by my shocking appearance I couldn't help but feel amused by them realizing how naive and how stupid they have been.

"What hell is he doing here?" Clay asked as I watched their movements from a few tables afar from where I was "I don't know, maybe he's here to get closure, because of what happened to Monty? But why Now? He has no reason it's over, and even if the case is reopened, it's not like he'll be able to find any proof"

"And that's probably why he's here, to get proof.." Clay responded as my eyes watched them never leaving contact. In the corner of my eye I noticed Ani rising up "where are you going?" Clay asked her anxiously as he gazed over confused "Don't worry I'm just going to go to talk to him" Clays eyes looked down at the ground and back to her "do you really think that's a great idea?" Now standing up she scoffed "I'll be fine, I'm a big girl I can look after myself, no need to worry, I'll come find you after."

She kissed him on the cheek leading my eyes to wander at my hands as she finally approached me "oh Ani, what do I owe the pleasure?" My words coming out Sarcastically. "Why are you here at Liberty? Why now?"
A smirk came spreaded against my lips "oh I just came here to visit my old friend you and Cl--" she immediately cut me off "Don't play games with me.. this is no time to play the victim.. I'm not fucking stupid.." "Victim? You know that's quite funny coming from you, if anyone is victim it's Monty for pinning him for no reason, so if anyone's stupid around here it's definitely you Ani.. but unlike you I tell the truth, in fact I want to know what happened to Bryce, and who did it, and trust me I know that you know who did, so we can make this quick and less painful just tell me what really happened?"

Leaning forward to my face with a low sigh she said the three words that pissed me off the most "I don't know" chuckling I rised up from the lunch table "You and I both know that's not true, you know something and you're making a big mistake by not telling me the truth but it's not like I would expect anything less from you, keep lying Ani, keep trying to protect them, but the real question you should wander for yourself is why lie to me? What good does that do? Because sooner later your lies won't stop the inevitable, the truth will come out and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.." Clutching at my bag I gave her own final smirk and left, leaving her dumbfounded.

Meanwhile on the same pier Bryce was killed, a fisherman found himself in a serious predicament when he found guns that were hidden beyond the surface, in curiosity he knew he had to make a descion that would effect the world forever

'Your secrets can't be hidden forever.. Sometimes people will have to suffer the consequences even if they never meant harm to anyone..
Lying and hiding your guilt solves nothing.. But will the truth set you free..? Or will it be your downfall to prison..?'

A/N; Another Cliffhanger!! I was actually surprised this chapter came out good I thought it was sucky lol but it ended up surprising me! I hoped y'all liked it, I should have the next chapter either sometime today or tomorrow. Hopefully!

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