Bitter Boy | Katsuki Bakugou

Por seroschaos

12.1K 513 165

(UNDER HEAVY EDITING) In where Tadashi Ichigo goes to UA to become a pro hero! Oh yeah, he also has a crush o... Mรกs

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๐– ๐š ๐ซ ๐ง ๐ข ๐ง ๐  (edited)
We shall continue

๐ ๐ซ ๐จ ๐ฅ ๐จ ๐  ๐ฎ ๐ž (edited)

2.1K 78 37
Por seroschaos

Tadashi's parents were his heroes growing up. His mom and dad being the two he idealized the most. Forget about All Might, his mom and dad were number one in his heart! And besides, they were both heroes too! They just showed it differently. His dad was a pro hero, praised with greatness and responsibility to protect citizens from harm. His mom on the other hand, was a doctor. Helping those who were injured. Didn't matter if the injury was severe or not. She had a heart of gold and she showed it greatly. But, despite being heroes, their childhoods were gravely different.

Tadashi's fathers quirk had to do with the iron in his bloodstream. He used the said iron in his body to make things. Melee weapons of all kinds along with shields that he used to protect himself with and others. His quirk was perfect for being a hero. He was one of the greatest, being in the top ten pro heroes. He was praised greatly as a child for having such a strong quirk. It was obvious where his career path was heading.

His mother on the other hand didn't get the same treatment. She could control a person's body with ease, making her job as a healer very easy. She could use the blood flow of the body to heal bones, muscles, and skin. But unfortunately some people didn't see it as a blessing when she was a child. A villain she was called. Just because her quirk involved the human body. Public opinion about her was mixed. There were people who feared her and stayed far away from her, and then there were others who encouraged her that one day she could help people. So, she worked. She worked, and worked, and worked. She got admitted into health school. She got her degrees, her licenses and became apart of the greatest doctors in Japan.

Their career paths were perfect and their dynamic was wonderful. How they met was a funny story. Dad got severely injured and mom was his doctor. Despite it being unprofessional, they fancied one another. It would start with exchanging phone numbers, texting one another, then calling, going on actual dates when they had time before officially getting together. Despite the two having very busy work schedules, they made their relationship work. And parenthood wasn't far down the path. And they were stable for a very long time, until Tadashi turned nine.

His father was forced to retire. The iron in his body was just too low, too low for him to do hero work. Didn't matter how much he changed his diet, or how many iron pills and supplements he took, his quirk just couldn't work the same as it used to. He would pass out if he used too much iron in his body. His agency made a great sacrifice and forced him to retire. He didn't take it well. He fell into a deep state of depression for awhile. But Tadashi couldn't blame him. Heroism was his career, his goal, hell his whole life. And it had to be taken away from him for his own safety. But, thanks to his wife, it was slow, but managed to get back on his feet. He wanted to continue being a hero for his son to look up to. And the only other interest he had was law. So, he took it upon himself to go to law school.

And Tadashi, theoretically would be born with a powerful quirk. And they were correct. He would make a wonderful hero with his quirk, but society didn't think so. Tadashi got his quirk before his other friends Katsuki, and Izu. The two of them were ecstatic when they discovered their best friend got their quirk. They supported Tadashi greatly and knew that one day he would become a great hero. Others didn't think that way though. Blood manipulation and creation. Tadashi for some reason was given a high pain tolerance when his quirk appeared, and it didn't make sense at first, but as he grew older, it was clear.

Unfortunately though, Tadashi only knew one thing from his quirk. Even though his quirk was very complex. He knew, he could control someone's body. And obviously other kids didn't take it lightly. He was shunned by his classmates, even his teachers. Neighbors avoided him the plague and he was just a little boy. He didn't know what he did wrong. Getting your quirk was supposed to be a good thing. But if that were the case, why did everyone suddenly start hating him? And it wasn't long before the bullying came. They tripped him, pushed him, pulled his hair, emptied his bag, grabbed his things and hid them so he couldn't find them. And despite being treated so badly, Tadashi never once, fought back. Kids sucked. They were cruel and mean.





"This one is going to be a villain in the future! I can feel it!"

"Aw is he going to cry?"

"Why won't you just fight back already?!"

"Please, he's too scared to even try to control us!"





"Tch.. stupid bastards just ran away.."

"Dashi, you okay?"


"Mhm! Thanks, Katsu."




But not all of them were. Katsu and Izuku being the exception out of all of them.




"Not all men are created equal."

A saying that a good friend of Tadashi had said. And at first, he never got it. But as time went by, he too, saw what it truly meant. And god did he wish he never came to the realization.




It was a normal day for Tadashi. Simply walking to the park to meet up with his friends. He hummed a small little song he heard on the radio the other day as he held his hands behind his back. There was a slight skip in his step as a small smile was on his face. He couldn't help but be excited. Another day to play and enjoy life before he went to school. Don't get him wrong, school is alright. It would just be more enjoyable if it weren't for the fact he'd get bullied. But, thanks to Katsu, the bullying had kind of stopped. To both him and Izu. Because Izu didn't have a quirk. Of course he was gonna be made fun of. As Tadashi was walking by the black ironed fence, he paused when he heard a familiar sound.

Popping noises. Katsu's quirk? The little five year old grew confused. Why was Katsu using his quirk? It was illegal to use it after all. But yet again, not really a lot of people listened to that rule anyway. He walked though the park entrance, looking around the property before seeing Katsu and Izu. But the situation that he saw right in front of him made him wish he never came to the park in the first place. On the floor was Izu and another little boy that it seemed that he was defending. The two boys covered in ash and soot due to Katsu's quirk. And right in front of them was Katsu himself, along with two other boys who Tadashi had thought were friends.

His eyebrows were furrowed in concern as he watched the scene before him. What was going on?? Why was Katsu using his quirk on Izu and that other little boy? He was too far away to hear their conversation, but one thing that Tadashi did know was that, Katsu wasn't who he thought he was. And he could feel his heart drumming in his ears when Katsu started making another explosion. Tadashi didn't want to look, but he also didn't want Izu to get an explosion directly in the face! It was a hard decision, he didn't know what to do. But just as he saw Katsu raise his hand and aim it towards Izu, Tadashi's body felt as if it moved on its own.

Tadashi reached his hand out, picturing the blood flow of Katsu's arm to make the muscles move as he curled his fingers, and as he did, Katsu's arm moved to the side, sending the explosion to next to Izu instead of directly on him. Izu had yelped in fear, covering his ears due to the loud noise, and Katsu was staring at his hand in confusion. That wasn't right. He was aiming at Izu! Why didn't it hit him?? And as Izu and Katsu's thoughts went own, Tadashi stood in place with regret, he still didn't let go of the control of Katsu's arm, leaving it to the side still.

He wanted to run, if Katsu saw him, he'd be dead for sure. Just as he was about to drop the control, Izu looked his way. No.. please no.. The greenette's eyes widened. He's never seen Tadashi use his quirk ever since he presented it in class one time when he got it. "Dashi-Kun.." the green bean mumbled, and it felt like Tadashi's blood ran cold. Katsu quickly looked at Izu when hearing Tadashi's name, seeing that Izu was looking the other way. The ash blond followed the others line of sight before his eyes also widened. There Tadashi stood with his arm raised and his fingers curled. They made eye contact, jade green meeting with crimson red.

Tadashi panicked and let go of the control, stepping back in slight fear of what he did. He told himself he would never use his quirk on his friends. Ever. The only time he would ever use his quirk was for when Katsu, Izu, and him would open up an agency together. Being pro heroes together and working with each side by side. But something inside him told him that their plans for the future were no more. And he was right. As soon as Katsu's arm dropped, it proved that Tadashi did use his quirk. And god did that make him angry. His eyes narrowed into a glare, Tadashi flinching slightly when seeing the anger in his best friend's eyes.

Katsu's friends had begun whispering behind the ash blond, but the boy didn't pay attention to that, all he was focused on was his "best friend" right in front of him. It was silent, Izu looking at Tadashi and Katsu over and over again before gasping when Katsu started walking towards Tadashi. A small whimper came from the brunette's mouth, holding his hands in front of him. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, Katsu!" He had pleaded, his voice cracking slightly. Katsu paid no mind to Tadashi's apology and instead grabbed on the collar of the brunettes shirt and pulled him close to his face. Tadashi let out a gasp, grabbing onto Katsu's wrist for leverage so he wouldn't trip. He made no moves to get out of Katsu's grip. Quite literally just letting it happen.

"Didn't mean to, huh??" Katsu had mocked, Tadashi whimpering as he closed his eyes as he felt his eyes begin to sting. Don't cry, don't cry. "I know that's not how your quirk works!" Katsu had suddenly yelled, Tadashi's eyes immediately opening as he kept eye contact with the ash blond. "You have to actually think in order to use it! So what you did was no accident!" Tadashi quickly shook his head "No! It was an accident! I didn't mean to I swear!" He pleaded, making Katsu only bring him closer. "Liar!" Tadashi flinched again when Katsu raised his voice, wishing that he just stayed home to avoid all of this. "You really do have a villain's quirk." Katsu then mumbled, Tadashi freezing completely as his heart squeezed in pain.

..what? "It's not nice being controlled!" And with that, he let go of Tadashi's collar before pushing him to ground. Tadashi grunted softly when he hit the ground, quickly gathering his composure as he sat up, reaching out for Katsu "Wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" He had yelled, his voice holding pain but Katsu didn't seem to care. "Like I'm gonna listen to a villain like you!" Katsu had yelled back before turning around and begun to walk away to his friends. Tadashi watched in disbelief, his eyes stinging again as tears formed in his eyes. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to beg and plead, sob for Katsu to forgive him. But his voice wouldn't come out. He hung his head, staring at the ground as his vision got blurry with tears.

But he refused to cry. He continued to sit there for a couple more minutes before flinching when a hand gently rested on his shoulder. "Dashi-Kun..?" A small voice had said, Tadashi immediately recognizing it. He blinked his tears away before looking up at Izu. "Hm?" He hummed in response, Izu's eyes watering slightly. "I'm sorry I didn't stop Kacchan.." he whimpered, sniffling softly as he looked down at Tadashi. The brunette quickly shook his head, standing up and grabbing Izu's shoulders before pulling him into a hug. "No, no-! It's okay! It's not your fault." Tadashi had said reassuringly, the greenette shaking his head as he buried his face into Tadashi's shoulder. "But it made you sad.." the shorter male had whimpered, his voice slightly muffled.

The brunette sighed. Of course it made him sad. Bakugou was his best friend. But it looked like he just threw both him and Izu to the dirt like trash. "I promise it's fine.." Tadashi had whispered, Izu sniffled before slowly backing out of the hug. He looked at Tadashi, tears still in his eyes. A small smile came on the brunettes face as he used his hand to wipe off the dry tears on Izu's face. "C'mon, everything's gonna be fine I promise.." Tadashi had whispered, Izu nodding and taking a deep breath. It took a second but soon he smiled back. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Tadashi then asked, starting to walk out of the park. "Uhm- I think it's just bruises." Izu had respond, walking next to Tadashi and taking his hand into his own. "Then let's stop at my house. My mom can heal you." "Okay!"

And since that day, it was only Tadashi and Izu left now. But as time went on, Bakugou had only turned worse. He was basically a bully full time now. His targets mostly being Izu and Tadashi. But, it never affected Tadashi like it used to. While Bakugou became a brute, cold, mean and small tempered, Tadashi turned closed off. He never let anyone in, Izu having to fight his way into Tadashi's heart many times unfortunately. He became sarcastic, witty, and most of all, didn't take bullshit anymore. But just because Bakugou and Tadashi weren't friends anymore didn't mean Tadashi wished they could be. The kid inside of him wants to reach out, reconnect with Bakugou in anyway possible.

But Tadashi refused. So all he could do was watch Bakugou push others to the side so he could rise to the top. Tadashi having no choice but to watch him from down below. Bakugou was only within arms reach, but Tadashi refused to take that extra step. He didn't want to get hurt again. And knowing Bakugou's personality now, it's not like the two of them could get along anyways. Izu on the other hand looked up to Bakugou, no matter what. There were times that Tadashi wanted to scream at Izu for it but he never let himself do it. They all became different in their own ways, Bakugou going down his own path in life while Tadashi and Izu took the same one.

So yeah, kids fucking suck.

Okay- edited this whole entire chapter and rewrote everything because fuck first person. Idk what past me was thinking when he wrote that. But anyways, here ya go, time to edit the other chapters.

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