His captive bride (Roman Godf...

By ALunarDream

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This is the sequel to His captive possession. If you have not done so, please go and read His captive posses... More

Author's note/disclaimer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 15

824 15 0
By ALunarDream

Miranda slowly turned to where she heard the question come from, only to find a young woman standing there. "I beg your pardon?"

"I asked, who are you," Alyse asked again.

"Oh, my name is Miranda. I'm only a temporary guest here, until my car is fixed. Then I will be on my merry little way out of your house, and out of your life" Miranda explained. "What's your name?"

"No need to worry about my name. That isn't important to know anyway. I'm simply just the help of the house, alongside the other maid. You don't need to rush out of Mr. Godfrey's house. I'm more than sure he enjoys your company," Alyse said.

"I don't know about that. He seems to keep to himself. He has two rooms that he won't allow me in. Do you know what he keeps hidden inside of them," Miranda asked,

"Unfortunately, I know as much as you do about those rooms. Mr. Godfrey only allows Anna in those rooms. Something about her being part of the family since he was born, or something like that. Believe me when I say this. If you don't have Mr. Godfrey's trust you won't ever find out about what he keeps hidden from the rest of the world. Gain Mr. Godfrey's trust and he will give you all the answers you seek about what is hidden inside. Don't let Anna know that I told you about that though. I don't need her lecturing me again. It's bad enough she lectures me about all the things that I'm doing wrong," Alyse said. "Look at me standing here chit chatting like I don't have anything better to do. I forgot it is my day to go to the shops to go pick up the much-needed groceries that Mr. Godfrey needs. Before I leave, my ai give you some advice on how to deal with Anna?"

"Sure," Miranda said.

"Don't listen to what Anna has to say. Anna is a miserable bitch who hasn't gotten laid since before Roman was born. She's jealous that you're young, beautiful and can get any man you want," Alyse said before walking out the front door of the house. Thank god Anna wasn't around. She would have stopped me from leaving the house. I don't need that old hag stopping me from leaving and getting a bit of fresh air. I probably shouldn't do this, but I'm gonna head over and pay Peter a visit. I don't care what Roman wants. Peter is someone who I can talk to; that and he understands everything that I'm going through with Roman. Peter knows exactly what Roman is like, Alyse thought to herself as she began making her way in the direction of the auto shop.

After walking a bit, Alyse had found Peter under the hood of a car. Alyse snuck up behind him very quietly before reaching out and tapping Peter on the shoulder, causing him to jump and hit his head on the hood of the car.

"God damn it, Mr. Ricky! Why do you always do that to get my attention every time you need to speak to me," Peter growled out.

"Glad to know that your boss gets pleasure out of scaring you when you're working under the hood of someone's car. But I'm not Mr. Ricky. He's standing in the doorway trying so hard not to laugh at you right now," Alyse said.

Peter turned while rubbing his head, glaring at Alyse. "I should have known that you would jump at the opportunity to scare me like that. You always used to scare me when I least expected it when we used ot live together before. Why in the world would that change now? Wait, does Roman know you're out of the house?"

"If he did, do you think he would allow e to get too far from it before sending me back," Alyse asked.

"You do have a point there. Roman would carry you back in the house and lock you in the room again. Speaking of, how on earth did you manage to get out of the room? The last I heard Roman had locked the door to keep his guest out of there," Peter said.

"Anna forgot to lock the door behind her. Then heard Anna snap at someone downstairs, so curiosity got the best of me. Did you know that Roman's guest was a young blonde woman," Alyse asked.

"Yeah. She gave me the directions to her car. And she was telling about Roman and how he told her to stay out of his room, and the other one you were telling me about before. He had told her that you needed your rest or something like that, though he never had gone into detail as to why you needed your rest," Peter explained.

"Interesting. Well she had introduced herself to me. I told her that she didn't need to worry about my name. I also fooled her into thinking that I was a young maid that worked alongside Anna. I hope Miranda doesn't go and ask Anna about a young maid working there. If she does then Roman will be pissed off," Alyse said.

"Alyse, Roman would be beyond pissed. If he were to find out that you were out of the house to speak to me, he would be freaking out trying to kill someone...mainly me because he thinks that I would seduce you to steal you away from him," Peter said before he got a playful smirk made its way to his face. "What do you say Alyse? Do you want to make wild passionate, animalistic love, so we can create a bun in your oven?"

"That's the thing I came to talk to you about Peter," Alyse said before gently placing a hand on her flat stomach. "Roman managed to get me pregnant again. He didn't want you finding out about it. That is why he was trying so hard to keep me locked in his room. He's convinced that you would try and take me away from him; and raise this baby as your own. Peter you should have seen the crazed look that he had in his eye when he said it. He didn't look like someone I want to raise my baby. But I know that I have no choice in the matter. Roman has me on such a tight leash. If I so much as try to make an attempt to run off with this baby, he will find me, drag me back to his room and chain me there until I give birth. Peter, you of all people should know that I don't like being caged up. But he won't let me leave the house where I'm under constant supervision. If it's not him always watching and checking up on me, it's Anna."

"Alyse, when is Anna supposed to check up on you," Peter asked getting serious.

"Not for a while. She already did her morning check. I have until about one thirty before she goes in again, while bringing food so I can eat as well as feed the little one growing inside of me," Alyse explained. "Why?"

"Did you tell Miranda not to say anything to Anna," Peter asked.

"No. That would have made it suspicious, don't you think," Alyse asked.

"Alyse you said it before. If Miranda goes to say something to Anna about Roman having a younger maid in the house, how do you think she will react to that? She's going to go running back to Roman and tell him that you are gone," Peter said.

"You have to hide me Peter. I'm not ready to lose my freedom, because Roman is a possessive prick. I want to be able to enjoy a little freedom while I can move around, before I become as big as a freaking house," Alyse begged.

"Maybe Destiny will let you stay with her for a bit," Peter said. "Mr. Ricky is it alright if I take my lunch break early? I need to go stop by my cousin's house and speak to her about something."

"Say no more Peter. Tell your cousin Destiny I said hi," Mr. Ricky said before Peter and Alyse made their way out of the auto shop towards Destiny's apartment.

Miranda spent a majority of the morning hanging out in her temporary room, watching a little television to help pass the time. It was around noon time when Miranda's stomach had started growling. Getting up from the bed, Miranda made her way down the steps going into the kitchen only to be greeted by a scowling Anna standing by the stove cooking.

Miranda rolled her eyes at the older woman before speaking up. "Do you have a problem with me or something old woman? Geez, why can't you be more chill and laid back like the young maid that works alongside you or something?"

"What younger maid? Mr. Godfrey never hired a younger maid. He only has George and myself," Anna said a bit confused.

"That's funny, because earlier I had run into a younger maid who works for him. She said something about going to get groceries for the house. She had left earlier this morning," Miranda said in confusion.

Anna stopped what she was doing, before rushing up to Roman's room. Anna went to unlock the door, only to discover that it was already unlocked. Anna opened the door walking inside, noticing that the bedroom was empty. Anna walked over to the bathroom, only to discover that there was no sign of Alyse in there either. Oh dear god in heaven. Please have mercy on that poor girl, because when Mr. Godfrey finds her, he is going to make sure that she never sets foot outside of this house without him. I might as well go and call him and let him know that the young woman of the house has left. I can only hope that he managed to find her, before she gets a chance to go running off with that gypsy boy again. If she is with that gypsy boy, Mr. Godfrey will murder him this time round, Anna thought as she made her way down the stairs to the living room. Anna rushed to the phone dialing Roman's number, waiting as it rang.

Roman got annoyed with hearing his phone going off as he was busy trying to get through the days work that needed his attention immediately. Roman answered the phone, getting ready to curse out whoever was bothering him at work. "This better be good, or so help me when I get my hands on you, I'll make your death terribly slow."

"Greetings you you too Mr. Godfrey," Anna said unfazed by Roman's threat.

Roman quickly changed his tone when he heard Anna's voice on the line. "Anna, is everything alright? Is there something wrong with Alyse and the baby?"

"That is actually why I was calling you Mr. Godfrey," Anna said.

"Anna, what is wrong with my fiancé and child? Are they sick? Did something happen? Oh my god, did Alyse get stressed out? Don't tell me she lost the baby, Roman ranted.

"Nothing is wrong with the young Ms, or the baby...well as far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with them.," Anna began saying only to be cut off by Roman.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, ANNA" Roman began freaking out.

"Mr. Godfrey, it seems that Ms. Stormnight managed to get out of the house, while I was busy. George was out running errands already when it happened. The only one who seemed to have seen Ms. Stormnight before she slipped out, was the little blonde hussy named Miranda. It seems that Ms. Stormnight managed to fool Miranda into thinking that she was a maid in the house," Anna explained.

"Clever little woman my wife to be is. Taking advantage of the fact that our little house guest hasn't formally met her yet. When I get my hands on that beautiful soon to be wife of mine, I'm going to have such a long talk with her," Roman growled out.

"Mr. Godfrey, you don't think Ms. Stormnight has already started making her way out of Hemlock Grove, do you," Anna asked,

Roman let out a bitter laugh at that thought. "Oh knowing my precious little woman, she wouldn't dare go and leave Hemlock Grove without her precious gypsy knowing where to meet up with her. I think its time I go and pay Peter a visit at his dump of a trailer. Because it seems to me, that he needs to be reminded of the talk we already had once before. And if my precious little woman is there as well, I'm going to have a talk with her too."

"Remember Mr. Godfrey, be easy with the young woman. She is pregnant with your baby," Anna reminded.

"Oh don't worry about that Anna. It's only going to be a simple talk. I would never do anything to harm my unborn child, or the mother of my child. I'll be sure to call and let you know when the little lady and I will be making our way home," Roman said before hanging up. Oh baby I hope you enjoy your freedom, and last moments with Peter. Because once I get you back, I'm going to chain you to the bed; and kill peter in front of you, Roman thought to himself storming out of the tower to his car, getting ready to shed blood all over Peter's trailer. 

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