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By soulcrs

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"๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘ฃ๐‘’ ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘โ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ, ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘ค ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘ก ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘๐‘’" a ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ fanfiction... More

what are we.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8


1.4K 28 7
By soulcrs

avani's pov.

"griffin you answer it" charli pushes him forward before latching herself onto my arm once again.

"why me" he whines, a scared expression displayed across his face.

"you're the oldest" dixie agrees with us, now putting griffin in front of her.

"avani can fight better" his counter argument causes a few looks to be passed my way as they think it over.

"alright, fine whatever. you're coming with though" i say, standing up and dragging charli behind me, i keep a tight hold of her hand as we slowly make our way to the door. 

when yet another knock comes from the door it is followed by one from my bedroom. both our heads snap to the opposite side of the room, before we look at each other in confusion.

i decide on just going for it and throw the door open before closing my eyes, all four of us scream instantly until a familiar voice breaks through.

 "hey?" he speaks, sounding insanely confused.

charli's pov.

once i feel avani dissapear from my grip i slowly open my eyes to reveal the scene in front of me. avani is wrapped in anthony's arms, her legs around his waist, he has nothing but confusion shown across his face.

i let out a laugh as i turn to see dixie and griffin clutching at each other with their eyes squeezed shut.

"you can open your eyes now" anthony chuckles before placing avani back on her feet.

griffin lets out an awkward laugh as he scratches the back of his head, so clearly embarrassed from being caught.

"what's got everybody so freaked out" anthony questions, his eyebrows furrowed.

before we have to explain ourselves there's another knock from the bedroom, it continues to repeat continuously and we all just stare, unsure how to react.

"ava i'm scared" amber calls out, looking up to avani.

"we're going to be fine baby. i promise" avani comforts, lifting the small brunette into her arms.

"maybe we should leave and call the cops" i suggest, looking at them individually, hoping to see their thoughts. 

"we can't just let our apartment get robbed in the meantime" avani replies, the door knob then starts to turn, we back up letting the boys go in front, all scared for who might emerge.

eventually the door swings open with a bang, i flinch from the noise and my heart is practically beating out of my chest. i watch as two dark figures move towards us, only the light from the tv and the cracks in the blinds illuminating the shadows. when light finally hits their face's my mouth falls open in shock, i hear a gasp from avani next to me.

we both brush past the boys, avani going in for a hug with her sister whilst i engulf chase. 

"when did you wake up" i whisper in his ear as no one had called us.

"just this morning, the doctor said i'd had enough rest and could leave. i wanted to surprise you" he smiles at me before placing a kiss on my forehead.

i pull him in for yet another hug, having came far too close to moving him before i pull away to allow avani in for a hug. i go to her sister, deciding i should most likely introduce myself.

"hi, i'm charli" i introduce myself, placing out a hand for her to shake, instead she pulls me into a hug.

"i'm shanti, avani's sister. i've heard a lot about you" she smiles at me, laughing slightly at the four still hiding.

"you both scared the fuck out of us" dixie speaks as she runs a hand through her hair, she walks over, ambers hand in hers.

"who is this cutie then" he questions, bending down to ambers height.

"that is amber, she's staying here with us" i speak softly, knowing that explaining the situation now would only upset her.

"i'm going to assume you're chase" amber smiles at him instantly, knowing exactly who he is.

"that's me" chase replies with a chuckle.

"i've waited forever to meet you" she complains before hugging him, he returns it before sending me a smirk, amber had clearly whispered something to him.

"hi" amber exclaims once they pull away from the hug, she jumps into shanti's arms, clearly so excited.

shanti laughs, spinning her around as amber goes on about ice cream. shanti looks to her sister and receives a nod before taking amber through to the kitchen in  order to retrieve her ice cream.

we all get our own bowl and make ourselves comfortable on the large couch, we decide on disney movies as they work for our large age range, going through classic's constantly. whilst watching 'beauty and the beast' we hear yet another knock on the door.

"this better be nick and amelie" avani huffs, standing up and making her way to the door.

"i'm not going by myself" she complains, grabbing both dixie and I'd hands to drag us along.

when we approach the door avani stands on her toes to look through the peephole, it's not long before she lefts out a relieved sigh.

"it's just nessa" she announces, reaching for the handle.

"nessa?" chase asks confused.

"we all reconciled, everything was forgotten" griffin fills him in as everyone had forgotten about his absence during that time.

i take over and open the door, i'm immediately met by a hug from the smiling brunette.

"hi children" nessa jokes as she walks in, a cake in her right hand.

she places the cake down on the table just in time to catch amber when she runs for a hug, she returns it before placing her bag down.

"what's the cake for" anthony asks, confused by the random cake.

all heads turn in his direction as dixie release's a gasp, looking at him with a glare.

"it's dixies birthday you idiot" griffin helps him out and gives him a pat on the shoulder, laughing a little at his girlfriends reaction.

when we all return to the couch, nessa joining, the tension is high, nessa and chase sharing glances as everyone sits in silence unable to tear they eyes away from the movie.

chases pov.

eventually everyone falls asleep, charli's head has landed on my chest, when the movie ends i turn to look down the couch, nessa is the only one i can tell is awake, her face illuminated by her phone screen as she types aggressively. i notice the many tears that fall down her cheek, her wiping them with the back of her hand as she sniffles.

"nessa what's wrong?" i break the silence, feeling uneasy seeing her so upset.

"nothing" her voice breaks as she squeezes her eyes, attempting to stop the tears.

"come on, i've known you for far too long to believe that" i speak in an almost whisper, this causes her to finally makes eye contact.

"you know how i've been dating josh, well he told me that if i don't ditch you guys and go back to how i was then he's going to leave me" nessa's voice shook as she answered, hurt radiating off of her.

when she breaks down into tears again i take charli out of my arms and carefully place her in dixies lap before standing up and making my way to nessa. she understands my intention and stands up hugging me instantly. her cries get louder as she now lets it all out.

"it'll be okay" i whisper as i rub the back of her head.

my shirt is now fully tear stained but i couldn't care less, i deserve to go through hell for what i did to this girl and her giving me this second chance is so unbelievable. suddenly the door bursts open, mads stands there out of breath and clearly sweating.

"thank god you're okay" she gushes out, running over to engulf her best friend in a hug.

"did they tell you what happened?" nessa asks her and mads looks up at me confused.

i explain everything that happened and by the end mads looks deflated, the girls hold each other as tears fall from both. they eventually both settle down and so i guide them to avani's guest room. i then go back to the couch and take charli back, now falling asleep myself.

10 am.

i let out a yawn before opening my eyes to reveal no charli, no dixie and no avani. i sit there confused until i feel arms wrap around my neck, i instantly recognise charli's hands and a smile spreads across my face.

"good morning sleepy head" she teases me, giggling as she does.

"morning gorgeous" i reply before standing up, she gives me yet another hug before she is called on from the kitchen.

"i'll be right back" charli's voice is soft as she winks at me whilst walking off. i can't help but bite my lip as she walks away, moments like this always replay in my head.

"you're so pussy whipped man" anthony laughs at me and i instantly send him a look.

"you cannot talk. avani has literally got you wrapped around her finger" i send him a look as he places his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt.

"i can't even deny it" anthony gives in, sighing as we all laugh.

"pancakes are ready!" dixie sticks her head into the room and yells at the three of us, an impatient look displayed on her face.

she doesn't wait for us, running over to the table and quickly plating up her own as we sit down. mads and nessa both come join us, their eyes puffy however, the pancakes seem to put a smile on their faces. we were all laughing at anthony spilling syrup everywhere until i received a message, confused as most of my friends are in the room i pick up my phone.

josh richards

hey there buddy, i heard about you and nessa's little chat yesterday. i think it's time you choose, nessa or charli.

i let out a sigh and glance up to see them both chatting away and laughing. unable to take this anymore i stand up and urgently start walking towards the door.

"i'm going for a walk" i muttered an excuse yet still received many confused glances.

"chase wait" i hear charli yell behind me but i don't look back, just needing some time to clear my head.

i make my way through many blocks before i end up outside my favourite local coffee shop, this is somewhere i go often, usually accompanied by avani or nick however, when stressed this is where i come to think, it's peaceful. when i reach my usual table and sit down my head falls to my hands, i'm not sure what i can do.

"chase, what's up man" the young nineteen year old waiter who often works here greets me, taking in my state and sending me a worried expression.

i don't waste time, checking first to ensure he wants to hear all of this before going into the details. i explain all of the past with nessa and include how i feel towards charli, hoping this non-biased opinion can help me figure it out. he brought me my favourite coffee and sat in the chair across from me, really listening to everything i say.

"so, what do you think i should do" i ask him, my eyes pleading that he know's the correct choice here as i am utterly clueless.

"i think someone else can help you with that" he speaks with a smile as his head signals toward nick and avani frantically searching until their eyes land on us.

both of them approach me and instantly wrap their arms around me, a stray tear escapes my eyes now feeling how much i truly needed the comfort of my best friends. matt, the waiter stands up and gives me a pat on the shoulder before returning to behind the counter, assisting his coworker.

"do you know everything?" i ask them, they both take the two empty seats at the table.

"most of it, yes" avani replies, pity written all over her face as she sends me a soft smile

"and i promise you the next time i see him, i'm going to fucking kill him" she adds on, earning a laugh from both boys even if they both know she's completely serious.

"what are you going to do" nick questions me.

"i have no fucking clue. you both know how i feel about charli however i can't bare to hurt nessa again. it's impossible" i complain to them, dragging my hands down my face.

"what if you just don't choose" avani speaks with a smirk, one of her many, sometimes stupid, ideas brewing in her head.

"oh god av, what are you thinking now" i laugh at her, knowing fully well no matter what she comes up with i'll go along with it, that's just what best friends do.

"she could be on to something. i mean think about it, you've beat up josh many a time, it's not anything new. why let this be any different" nick agrees with her, spewing out his thoughts as if he's just read avani's mind.

"that is true" i nod along, considering what they're saying.

"we just won't let josh get to them" avani finishes off, this gets a snap and point from nick as she says exactly what he was thinking.

"i mean this is the best option i've got, i'm in" i agree to all of their nonsense, knowing this is my only chance at being able to keep all parties involved happy.

i finish up my coffee and we all leave together, now in a much better mood as we head back to avani's apartment. as soon as i am through the door charli attacks me with a hug, jumping into my arms. i'm quick to return it also placing a soft kiss in her hair.

"i thought you'd ran away" she sighs, pulling back from me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"of course not sweetheart, just needed some time to think. i'm okay now, i promise" i comfort her, taking both her hands in mine and leading her to the couch.

"genuinely started to think you three got kidnapped" dixie hums, grabbing a freshly baked cookie off of the plate next to her.

"doesn't look like you were exactly worried" nick responds, stealing her cookie and taking a bite. she sticks her tongue out at him in return.

"can we please go shopping today" mads asks, dragging out the 'e' with a smile as she flutters her eyelids at us in an attempt to bribe.

"of course we can" avani replies, equally as excited.

"i'll call the uber" griffin huffs, clearly not looking forward to this but choosing to stay silent when he notices how happy this is making the girls.

twenty minutes later the uber arrives, we all pile into the mini bus looking vehicle and head straight to the mall.

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